» M fc’v y ^ * ^**1F **T2gS HOME AND F.AB3I MAGAZINE SECTION 11 Marvels of Everyday Science Competent Scientists Apply Their Skill to Problems of Agriculture, Huuskeeping, Schools, business and Governmental Activities. tion com paratively clean, simple, and in o verturn and keeps th e head above w ater under any circum stances. The many wavs efficient. “ A UTOM ATIC fla g m a n ’ ’ for ! electric propulsion, is g re a te r flex ib ility grade crossings— Dr. J o n e s ’ rem arks are well w orth ♦ while. <> <£> • .................................... .... : .................. an unconscious person Las recently been placed on th e marked. The advantage claim ed for th e new life saving device is th a t it. d o ts not p erm it th e body to m any weeks each y e a r ow ing to the im passable conditions of th e roads. T hat h ealth is prom oted as well as com fort and w ealth b y good roads should give the argum ent fo r th e ir construction i r ­ resistib le force so th a t th e ir building shall n o t cease u n til th e whole country is lined w ith them . • • • /l-i A R U LE, it is well to dry clean “ th e scalp as much as possible; and it is su rp risin g how d e a n tlie hair and scalp can be kept ju s t by thorough and regular b rushing and currying alone. The most im p o rtan t d etail about the w ashing of th e h air is th a t it should be rubbed or brushed un til thoroughly dry. I f th is is done, in th e short h air of men there is no o bjection to w elting it daily or even tw o or th ree tim es a day if desired. The risk of le a \in g it not p erfectly dry is th a t the n atu ral oil o f th e hair, when mixed w ith w ater, rap id ly decompopses or fe r m e n ts , w ith th e production of the all too fam iliar and none too-pleasai.t «onr or h alf rancid smell of badly k ep t hair. T his condition both irrita te s th e scalp and fu rn ishes a fine culture medium fo r germ s which thereupon p ro m p tly sweep in and give rise to the comm onest form o f d an d ru ff or scaliness o f th e head. tity , o ften causes the p a tie n t to disliko it. The secret of success in giving milk and eggs to those who would ra th e r not ta k e them is to prepare them h i d iffe r ent w ays. F o r a delicate stonftirh the w hite of an egg, well b eate n , added to hot or cold m ilk, sw eetened to ta s te , will often prove tem pting, when even th* sight o f the yolk w ith milk is unpleas­ ant. A t a tim e a little of the yolk may he tin 1. the w hite of th e egg being added la s t, and not stirre d into tho milk, but le ft on the top of the glass fo r ornam ent. • • • ■THE m orning cold b a tk is not a elean- ■ sing b a th , b u t a stim u la tin g b ath. Follow ing th e plunge into the cold w at r should come a lively rub. I f tin- a f t e r ­ glow is not good, the cold b ath does no good. p u ts th e fe a tu re in th e foreground and w an ts modern im proved roads in th a t s ta te because th ey p revent disease. They do th is because th ey affo rd d rainage. A good road can never re m ain a good road unless it is well drained. The ‘roadbed m ust not have any stan d in g w ater eith er on its su r­ face or below th e surface. I t m ust have d rainage, and the g u tte rs beside the BY" DR M. A. JONES. roads must Lave slope and be k ep t free H E first process o f digestion is per from o bstruction, so th a t all surplus form ed in the ad m ix tu re of the food w ater can escape quickly and easily. substance w ith a fluid secreted by An old fashioned, ill d rain ed road, th e su liv arv glands during m astication. w ith its freq u en t pools of stan d in g T his firs t step in th e conversion of w ater on th e road or by th e roadside, food in to flesh and blood, is a most w ith its d itches filled w ith weeds, brush im p o rtan t one, and th e pleasures a t­ and all sorts of trash , is a breeding place ten d in g th e sense of ta s te are doubtless of insect life. M osquitoes, flies and given to insure a proper perform ance o th er insects, such as chinch bugs and of th is in itia to ry process of a tran s grass hoppers, m ultip ly th ere in profit form ation. sioa. i t is these insects which eith er TO REPAIR I f food is not well m asticated, the carry disease or are o f th e kind which I am an cxjiert repa rer of all kind* ■tomach cannot perform successfully the destroy the fa r m e rs ' crops. F o r these of strin g ed instrum ents. second stag* o f digest.on. and th e dis reasons well b u ilt, w ell-drained high My price is one h alf the custom ary astro u s effe c ts of mal assim ilation w Jl w ays are a double b en efit since th ey *oon be ap p aren t, a ffe c tin g in some de give th e farm er th * in estim ab le advan­ charge. gree the whole body. Gold M e la l a t th e W o rld ’s F air. tag e o f easy com m unication w ith his M any dyspeptics, and persons su ffer m ark et a t all tim es o f th e y ear and by W. R. McCORD, H E use of milk and eggs as a diet | in g from nervous condition* are really im proving the d rain ag e check th e b reed ­ or an aid in build in g up a p a tie n t is 165$ F o u rth St., Portland, Oregon. v ictim s of mal n u tritio n duo to careless ing of h arm fu l insects, o ften a tria l f ir th e nurse. M any pa h a b its o f m asticatio n or th e in ab ility to Good roads m ean, th erefo re, not onlv tien t* will ta k e m il': slig h tly warm, or properly prepare th e ir food for rceep a g re a t sav in g o f tim e an d lab o r for even hot, and d ig est it readily, when tio n by the stom ach. th e farm er, b u t th e im provem ent in the cold m ilk causes d —‘re 4?. I t is an ex­ • • • hygienic conditions of th e farm in g com ­ cellen t idea to rln ss th e m onth w ith to' correspond w ith you in relatio n t* HE influence of good roads on pub m unity. li e is brought n earer to h i s ' cold cool, or hot w ater, as p referred, be­ anv condition p e rtain in g to dental work. T w enty y e a r s ’ practic'd in Oregon. lie h ealth is a p o in t in their fa v o r! m ark et, th e h au lin g cap acity of his I fore ac l n ite r d rin k in g milk. The tu-to th a t has nut received much a t ten I team s is g re a tly increased, and ha is { le ft in the m onth o f m any persons a fte r j PH. M A. JONES tio n . The K ansas s ta te b ?ard of health no longer muT.oned on his farm fo r! * drink of m ii.., t ; ecially a small qu n j 245J Washington bt., Portland, Orego* T WANTEo—Old Violins T W e w ill be P le a s e d T