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About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 1, 2023)
TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 1, 2023 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U.S.P.S. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper SEARCH OLD COPIES OF THE HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES ON-LINE: Published weekly by Sykes Publishing and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676-9228. Fax (541) 676-9211. E-mail: or Web site: Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $31 in Morrow County; $25 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 65 years or older); $37 elsewhere; $31 student subscriptions. Chris Sykes ...............................................................................................Publisher Andrea Di Salvo ............................................................................................ Editor Cindi Doherty.........................................................................................Advertising All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. For Advertising: advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Cost for a display ad is $5.25 per column inch. Cost for classified ad is 50¢ per word. Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to 100 words. Cost for a classified display ad is $6.05 per column inch. For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Dates for publi- cation must be specified. Affidavits must be requested at the time of submission. Affidavits require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be specified if required). For Obituaries: Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to meet news guidelines. Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space for the obituary. For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author. The Heppner GT will not publish unsigned letters. All letters MUST include the author’s address and phone number for use by the GT office. The GT reserves the right to edit letters. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10. Obituaries Faye’s father and had to Ida W. Farra for ask the boss’s permission Ida W. Farra, 105, of Hep- pner died Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023, at Pioneer Memorial Hospital. A memorial service will be held March 10, 2023, at 11 a.m. at the Heppner United Methodist Church. One of 12 children, she was born Aug. 4, 1917, at Wishek, ND, the daughter of Henry and Eva Hoghhalter Wiest. She was raised and attended school in Wishek through the eighth grade. In 1936 the family moved to Nampa, ID and then to On- tario, OR. On June 17, 1940, she married John W. “Bill” Farra at Payette, ID. The couple lived in Vancouver, WA. In 1946 they moved to Heppner. Ida and her husband owned and operated Farra’s Shoe Repair Shop on Main Street in Heppner. Bill died in 1968 and she continued to run the shoe shop for a total of 65 years. Ida was a longtime mem- ber of the Degree of Honor Protective Association and the Heppner United Methodist Church. She enjoyed collect- ing antiques and collectibles for many years. Ida was also an avid sup- porter of the Heppner Volun- teer Fire Department and was instrumental in acquiring the new fire station, in honor of her late husband Bill, who died of a heart attack after fighting a fire in Heppner. Ida’s son, James Farra, preceded her in death in Oc- tober of 2022. Memorial contributions for those who wish may be made to the Heppner Volunteer Fire Department, PO Box 743, Heppner, OR 97836 or to the Heppner United Methodist Church, PO Box 733, Hep- pner, OR 97836. Sweeney Mortuary of Heppner is in charge of ar- rangements. You may sign the online condolence book at Arless Faye Seitz Arless Faye Seitz passed away Feb. 14, 2023, in Hep- pner at the age of 85. There will be a small memori- al service with her family, but no pub- lic funeral is planned. Faye was born in Flint, MI on March 11, 1937; a birthday she would share with two generations, in- cluding her grandson Bran- don Seitz and great-grand- daughter Turner Lazinka. Faye married Tony Seitz in 1954. Tony worked to date his beloved daugh- ter. Tony and Faye had four children—Faith Healy, Wayne Seitz, Shawna King and Melanie Seitz. After being widowed at a young age, Faye never let that stop her love for life and sense of adventure. She lived as far as Holly and Saginaw, MI, to Columbia Falls, MT, and Fields and Prairie City, OR. Faye also loved to winter in Parker, AZ with her sister Beth Osborn Morse, where they spent their days soaking in the dry heat. While some of her family called it stub- born, Faye was unapolo- getically strong-willed and independent and would find a way to travel. Even in her final days she was sure she would find a way to take another trip. Faye was a cook at Heppner Elementary School and a coach for her granddaughters Nikki and Megan’s softball team. Al- though she admitted that she had no coaching or softball experience, everyone on the team recounts the year as the most fun and laugh- ter-filled season with coach Faye. Faye also worked at Buckman’s Tavern, where she recounted to her fam- ily about almost having to “bop” a few patrons for being too mouthy. Faye wasn’t an elaborate cook but always knew how to make the favorites. Faye’s favorite four-ingredient dip, dubbed Nana Faye Dip, has been made at every family function and even at times brought by more than one family member. Her grandchildren Jar- ed Wilson, Megan Futter, Nikki Miller, Brandon Seitz and Regi Lazinka all share countless memories with Nana Faye, including con- stant arguments about who was the favorite, since she made every grandchild feel like the most loved person in her world. Faye also loved being nana to her great-grandchildren Sabas- tian, Gaige, Faith, Devin, Connor, Matthew, Brynlie, Maylie, Piper, Rhett, Ma- son, Haidyn and Turner. Fay was preceded in death by her parents, Ar- less and Helen Osborn; her siblings, Patricia Clark and Sharon Wrigglesworth; and her daughter, Faith Healy. The family asks that memorial contributions be made to Willow Creek Terrace Assisted Living, 400 Frank Gilliam Drive, Heppner, OR 97836. Sweeney Mortuary of Heppner is in charge of ar- rangements. You may sign the online condolence book at www.sweeneymortuary. com. Obituaries Linda Rae Bristow Linda Rae Bristow, 73, of Ione died Thurs- day, Feb. 9, 2023, at Kadlec Hospital in Richland, WA. A memo- rial service will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 11, at the Ione Community Church with a luncheon to follow. A private inurnment will be held at High View Cemetery in Ione. She was born on Oct. 7, 1949, at Portland, OR, the daughter of Harold and Eleanor Seward Ham- blet. Linda graduated from Union High School in Union, OR. On June 12, 1993, Lin- da married John Bristow in Hawaii. The couple made their home in Ione. Linda loved riding horses, dancing, traveling, working with her flowers and, most of all, she loved her family. She was a very caring and kind lady. Linda very much enjoyed children and always kept small gifts or treats in the house for children whenever parents happened by. She loved to cook and was very good at it. She was very intelligent and had an exceptional memory. She was much loved and will be sorely missed. Survivors include her husband, John Bristow; a son, Ryon Tullis; and her sister, Judy Volquardsen. She was preceded in death by her son, Quinn Tullis, and both parents. Memorial contributions may be made to the Ione Community Church, PO Box 346, Ione, OR 97843. Sweeney Mortuary of Heppner is in charge of ar- rangements. You may sign the online condolence book at www.sweeneymortuary. com. Yung Ae Nelson Yung Ae Nelson, nee Park, died at Pioneer Memorial Hospital at the age of 84. The age is not exact because of the Korean custom of adding a year prior to birth for the gestation period, and because birthdays can be based upon the Korean calendar, which is about six months offset from the dates of our calendar, or the American date of December 8, 1939 as used on her pass- ports, both Korean to enter the United States as well as later U.S.A. passports. Interment at Lexington Cemetery was held on Jan. 7, 2023, as per her wishes. Her father was Nug Caur Park, a former am- bassador to Russia, and her mother was Chi Loo Lin. Her family was rather wealthy, as evidenced by the family situation where her father had five wives, each in their separate house, away from their husband. A list of partial places of residence are Sun-Nam, South Korea; Yongsan-gee Seoul, South Korea; Port- land, OR; Vancouver, WA; Canyonville, OR; Heppner and Lexington. She married Orman James Nelson in Korea in 1963. She was not able to follow Jim directly to the United States, but arrived on April 4, 1965, at Seattle, WA. She worked hard on studies and was proud to become a dedicated natu- ralized citizen of the United States with her ceremony taking place on June 20, 1972, at Vancouver, WA. She was a card-carry- ing member of the Inland Boatmen’s Union of the Pa- cific of Puget Sound, serv- ing around the Puget Sound area, as well as work and travels up the inland pas- sage to Alaska on various tugs. She later carried a card as a deckhand on Tidewater tugs, working as deckhand and a cook on travels from Portland up the Columbia River. Later she worked in the restaurant industry and managed and cooked at a large restaurant in Canyon- ville, OR before she opened her own Chinese/Korean restaurant in Canyonville prior to her retirement. Her religious affilia- tion is Christian, and she participated in churches wherever she lived. Yung was a member of Holly Rebekah Lodge No. 139 in Lexington. Predeceased relatives include parents, grandpar- ents and some siblings. She is survived by her spouse and an unknown number of relations in Ko- rea. Memorial contribu- tions may be made to Holly Rebekah Lodge No. 139, c/o Marlene Gray, 65308 Rhea Creek Road, Ione, OR 97843 or to Pioneer Memorial Hospital, PO Box 9, Heppner, OR 97836 for the good end care that was provided. Sweeney Mortuary of Heppner is in charge of ar- rangements. You may sign the online condolence book at www.sweeneymortuary. com. Jarry M Jessen Jarry M Jessen of Hermis- ton died Feb.19, 2 0 2 3 , near Cuts- forth Park, south of Heppner, doing what he loved—spending time out- doors. Born Jan. 20, 1943, in Paradise, CA, Jarry grew up there alongside many cousins and his three sib- lings, David Jessen, Cindy Bethard and Peter Jessen, all of Durham, CA. He graduated from Paradise High School in 1961. Jarry served in the U.S. Navy from 1962-66 as a boilerman on board the USS Piedmont and received a Good Conduct Medal for his service. He then worked for the Western Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads for 33 years, working his way up through the ranks to Bridge and Building Manager. He had knowledge of most topics, enjoyed read- ing and was a well-known wealth of knowledge to all who knew him. Jarry was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed archery hunting, fly fishing and tying flies. He took pride in serving as “camp cook” at bow camp and has passed on all of these interests to his loved ones. Jarry loved life, his family, and most of all, his wife of 55 years, Dixie. He cherished time spent with his three children, Stacey Jessen (Theresa), Kathi Keefer (Marc) and Kelli Bieker (John); his seven grandchildren, Kevin Fowler, Tyler Bieker (Cas- sie), Gunner Jessen, May- cee McQuin, Elijah Bieker (Katelyn), Jared Bieker and Tristen Keefer; and seven amazing great-grandchil- dren. He is preceded in death by his parents, Henry and Christina Marie Jessen. A private family gath- ering will be held. Please share memories of Jarry with his family at burnsmortuaryhermiston. com. Burns Mortuary of Hermiston is in charge of arrangements. Heath District Adult Care -Continued from PAGE ONE gle roofing was an adequate solution and voted to move forward with C & C. In other business, the board approved an emer- gency room locum agree- ment with Dr. Rio Lion and a behavioral health consultant contract renewal with Clinical Social Work Associate Jamie Reed. This is Reed’s second three-year contract cycle with the district. The board also updated a nurse practitioner contract with Eileen McElligott due to an increase in hours. The MCHD board ex- tended provisional approval of Oregon Health & Sci- ence University Tele-stroke providers and emergency medicine provider Dr. Mark Stevens. Both are pending approval by the medical staff. The health district also discussed a proposed Inter- governmental Agreement (IGA) with the State of Or- egon’s Department of Land Conservation and Develop- ment (DLCD) to develop a Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. Morrow County, the five cities within the county and other special districts will also be involved in the plan. Palmquist said that, overall, the plan was a pos- itive for the health district and the county, and Rob- erts said it was important that the health district be involved. “We have a big role in the region if certain things were to happen,” said Rob- erts. Morrow SWCD to meet Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District will meet Tuesday, March 7, be- ginning at 6 p.m. at the Ag Service Center in Heppner. To join via Zoom or con- ference call, please contact the SWCD beforehand at 541-676-5452. Meetings of the Morrow SWCD are open to the public. Do You Have Something to Share? Our newly updated website makes it easy to: •Submit news •Submit birth, engagement and wedding announcements •Send us photos •Submit letters to the editor •Place ads •Start a new subscription Weekly deadline for all news and advertising is Monday at 5pm. 177 N Main, Heppner • 541-676-9228 O ld T imers ’ N ighT Thursday, March 2nd Dinner at 6:00pm/Lodge at 8:00 Steak Caesar Salad Roasted Potatoes Asparagus Garlic Bread Dessert Heppner Les Schwab would like to congratulate The Mustangs for a great wrestling season! Front row left to right - Owen Guerra, Kylie Holden, Loren Trujillo, Journey Ca- van-Harris, Saul Lopez. 2nd Row - Zachary Brown, Chace Jones, Haydn McMa- hon, Landon McMahon, Austin Willis, Brayden Desclos-Curtis. Back Row - Tyelor Moore, Ty Boor, Cade Cunningham, Jaime Cavan-Harris. 124 N. MAIN STREET HEPPNER OR (541) 676-9481