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About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 2023)
PUBLIC NOTICE continued from previous page tion as required by sub- section (4) of this rule. Dated December 13, 2023. SS Donald P. Roach 6751 SE Thiessen Rd., Suite B Milwaukie, OR 97267 503-228-7306 published: Jan 11, 18, 25, 2023 affid IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MOR- ROW Probate Department In the Matter of the Estate of: No. 22PB11232 BOB- BY GENE HARRIS, De- ceased. NOTICE TO IN- TERESTED PERSONS. Notice is given that the undersigned has been ap- pointed and has qualified as the personal representa- tive of the estate. All per- sons having claims against the estate are required to present it, with prop- er vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this no- tice, as stated below, to the personal representative at Kuhn Law Offices, 267 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 428, Heppner, Oregon 97836, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional in- formation from the records of the court, the personal representative or the attor- ney for the personal rep- resentative. DATED and first published December 28, 2022. Candy Chick, Personal Representative PO Box 452 Heppner, OR 97836. To be published for three consecutive weeks. PERSONAL REPRESEN- TATIVE: Candy Chick P.O. Box 452 Heppner, OR 97836 Telephone: 541-965-0234 ATTORNEY FOR PER- SONAL REPRESEN- TATIVE: William J. Kuhn, OSB No. 762075 Kuhn Law Offices 267 N Main Street PO Box 428 Heppner, OR 97836. Telephone: 541-676- 9141. FAX: 541-676- 5502 Email: wjk@ published: December 28, 2022, January 4, 11, 2023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MOR- ROW In the Matter of the Estate of: Probate Depart- ment . 22PB11231 BILLY EUGENE GENTRY, De- ceased. NOTICE TO IN- TERESTED PERSONS. Notice is given that the undersigned has been ap- pointed and has qualified as the personal represen- tative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are re- quired to present it, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the personal representa- tive at Kuhn Law Offices, 267 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 428,Heppner, Ore- gon 97836, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this es- tate may obtain additional information from the re- cords of the court, the per- sonal representative or the attorney for the personal representative. DATED and first published De- cember 28, 2022 Brian Kollman, Personal Repre- sentative 61232 Hwy 207 PO Box 921 Heppner, OR 97836 .To be published for three consecutive weeks. PERSONAL REPRESEN- TATIVE: Brian Kollman 61232 Hwy 207 PO Box 921 Heppner, OR 97836 (541) 377-2842 ATTOR- NEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Wil- liam J. Kuhn, OSB No. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 762075 267 N Main Street PO Box 428 Heppner, OR 97836 Telephone: 541- 676-9141 FAX: 541-676- 5502 Email: wjk@kuhn- Published: December 28, 2022, Janu- ary 4, 11, 2023. Agenda and the Zoom link will be located within the agenda dated for this hear- ing. Replat R-N-080-23: Dix- ie Earle and Cynthia and Barry Turner, Applicants and Owners. The proper- ties are described as tax lot 400 of Assessor’s Map 5N 26E 23C and tax lot 1302 of 5N 26E 23B. The prop- erties are zoned Rural Res- idential (RR) and located north of Washington Lane between West Seventh Road and Steagall Road. The request is to adjust a shared property line via re- plat. Criteria for approval includes Morrow County Subdivision Ordinance Section 5.075 Replatting and Morrow County Zon- ing Ordinance (MCZO) Section 3.040 Rural Resi- dential Zone. Variance V-S-047-23: All- stott Construction LLC., Applicant. Mike and Christy Correa, Owners. The property is described as Tax Lot 1100 of Asses- sor’s Map 2S 26E 34DD. The property is zoned Suburban Residential. The request is for a variance to setbacks stipulated in MCZO Section 3.020H Setback Requirements to site a shop. Criteria for ap- proval include MCZO Ar- ticle 7 Variances. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents will be available on or be- fore January 24, 2023. For more information, please contact Tamra Mabbott, Stephen Wrecsics or Steph- anie Case at 922-4624 or by email at swrecsics@ ; scase@ and tmab- DATED this 4th day of January 2023 MORROW COUNTY PLANNING DEPART- MENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGONFOR THE COUNTY OF MOR- ROW KINGERY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a for- eign limited partnership, Plaintiff, v.UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR to Glenn L. Bates, Harold V. Bates, and R.V. Bates, as Trust- ees of the R.V. Bates Trust,Defendant.Case No: 22CV42970 SUMMONS NOTICE TO DEFEN- DANT: UNKNOWN SUCCESSOR TO GLENN L. BATES, HAR- OLD V. BATES, AND R.V. BATES, AS TRUST- EES OF THE R.V. BATES TRUST You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled action with- in thirty (30) days from the date of service of this sum- mons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereof, plaintiff(s) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE TO DEFEN- DANTS: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must "appear" in this case or the other side will win automatically. To "ap- pear" you must file with the court a legal document called a "motion" or an "answer." The "motion" or "answer" must be giv- en to the court clerk or administrator within thir- ty (30) days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the re- quired filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney, or if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Or- egon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service Online at www.oregonstatebar.or or by calling (503) 684- 3763(in the Portland met- ropolitan area) or toll free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The date of the first publi- cation of this summons is: January 4, 2023. SUMMARY STATE- MENT OF OBJECT OF COMPLAINT The complaint in this ac- tion seeks to quiet title in certain real property in Morrow County By:/s/Patrick M. Gregg Patrick M. Gregg, OSB No. 093698 Natalie R. Lambert, OSB No. 203981 Corey, Byler & Rew, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 222 S.E. Dorion Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 (541) 276-3331; (541) 276-3148 (fax) published: January 4, 11, 18, 25 2023 affid PUBLIC NOTICE MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUN- TY PLANNING COM- MISSION will hold the following hearings of pub- lic interest on Tuesday, January 31, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at the Bartholomew Building located at 110 N. Court Street, Heppner, 97836. For information on meeting participation via Zoom please visit the Planning Department web- site. and click on Published: January 11, 2023 affid The City of Ione is ap- plying to the USDA Ru- ral Development, Wa- ter and Environmental Program for funding of a wastewater system to provide sewer services to the citizens of Ione prop- er at the approximate cost of $5.5 million. The City Council of Ione is inviting the public to attend and participate in the discus- sion of the application and provide input on the pro- posed system and appli- cation. A representative of the contracted engineering firm of Anderson Perry & Associates will be present to address any technical is- sues brought forth. The meeting is a require- ment of the USDA appli- cation. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 5:30 pm at Ione City Hall located at 385 W 2nd Street, Ione, Oregon. For more information on the USDA Rural Develop- ment application, please contact Ione City Hall at 541-422-7414. published: January 11, 2023 FENCING Fencing Lancaster Fencing LLC is looking to gain some local clientele. With over 10+ years experience, I am con- fident I can deliver 100% customer satisfaction. Check out my website to see pictures of completed projects I've done and customer reviews. Contact Nathan @ 360-953-1318 Licensed & Bonded 9-7-TFN FIVE- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, January 11, 2023 PUBLIC NOTICE HELP WANTED PUBLIC NOTICE Morrow County Public Transit Advisory Meeting – January 17, 2023 Morrow County Public Transit – The Loop will be hold- ing its quarterly advisory committee meeting on January 17, 2023, at Bartholomew Building lower Conference Room – 110 N. Court St. Heppner Or. 97836. The meet- ings are available virtually via Morrow County Zoom in- vitation or at the website theloop. To schedule a Zoom Meeting invitation please provide your phone number and email address with the Transit Manager, Benjaman Tucker via phone message at 541-676-5667, or The Morrow County Public Transit Advisory Commit- tee will start at 3 p.m. On the agenda, Roll Call, Public comment, Election of chair and vice chair, Approval of Minutes, Transit Manager Update, and Other Business as needed for the good of the order. Published: Jan. 11, 2023 House fire in Heppner Willow Creek Terrace As- sisted Living Facility in Heppner has several full- time and parttime day and night shift open- ings for Resident Care As- sociates. Schedules will be determined on availability. Full-time positions will be benefit eligible: paid sick leave,vacation, paid med- ical & vision insurance (prorated cost if less than 32 hrs per week). Duties will include pro- viding resident care while promoting independence, housekeeping, and cook- ing. Wage range is $14.41 to $15.51 per hour DOQ and any certification: Background check re- quired. Applications are available at Willow Creek Terrace, Pioneer Me- morial Hospital, or by contacting wctalf@mo-, or by calling 541-676-0004. EEOE. 1-11-3C This house on Chase St. in Heppner caught fire around 6 p.m. last Thursday evening. Heppner and Lexington fire responded and quickly put it out. No information is known about who was living there at the time; a post on The Real Classifieds of Pendleton Facebook page noted that a young couple had just moved in and had lost everything in the fire. The house was unoccupied at the time, and no one was injured in the fire, but two pet cats reportedly lost their lives. -Photo by Andrea Di Salvo YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! Call Heppner chamber to hold annual luncheon The Heppner Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual luncheon Thursday, Jan. 26, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Gilliam & Bisbee Event Center in Heppner. Heppner Market Fresh will provide a lunch of turkey or ham sliders with minestrone soup at a cost of $12 per person. Chamber members who plan on attending are asked to RSVP to heppner- no later than 5 p.m. on Tues- day, Jan 24. Nominations are also still being accepted for two open board of directors positions. Nominations are due Friday, Jan. 20. The Heppner Chamber of Commerce office is cur- rently open to the public Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at its 133 Main Street location. Wil- low Creek Valley Economic Development Group (WC- VEDG) inquiries can be made at wcvedg@gmail. com, or by visiting the web- site for grant instructions and applications at https:// www.heppnerchamber. com/economic-dev. TIME TO SELL FEEL THE SPEED, EVEN AT PEAK TIMES. 541-676-9228 Or Email We also offer design and printing services Heppner Gazette-Times Sykes Printing 3-Year TV Price Guarantee 99% Signal Reliability, now backed by our Reliability Guarantee Multi-Sport with NFL Redzone from NFL Network A TV PRICE YOU CAN RELY ON ONLY FROM DISH 3-YEAR TV PRICE GUARANTEE ORDER TODAY & RECEIVE A A TV Price you can rely on - only from DISH *Restrictions Apply $100 GIFT CARD 1-866-373-9175 Call us now! Offer for new and qualifying former customers only. 3-year price guarantee requires credit qualification and 2-year commitment and covers core programming, local networks, and equipment. Early termination fee of $20/mo. remaining applies if you cancel early. Offer ends 4/12/23. 99% signal reliability based on data from set-top boxes. Not a guarantee of signal in all weather conditions. *Thursday Night Football: Internet connected Hopper and a Prime Video subscription required. Get strong, fast Wi-Fi to work and play throughout your home. ^ No annual contract. Based on wired connection to gateway. Power multiple devices at once— everyone can enjoy their own screen. Number of devices depends on screen size/resolution. Over 99% reliability. AT&T INTERNET 100 †† I have buyers looking for homes to purchase and renovate Call me. Text me. Email me. Now is the time to sell while the market is strong. Chris Sykes Sykes Real Estate 541-215-2274 cell 541-676-9228 office 177 N Main PO Box 337 Heppner, OR 97836 Excludes DSL. Based on network availability. 45 $ /mo * Contact your local DIRECTV dealer For 12 mos, plus taxes & equip. fee. $10/mo equip. fee applies. Limited availability in selectareas. *Price after $5/mo Autopay & Paperless bill discount (w/in 2 bills). IV Support Holdings 888-486-0359 Limited availability in select areas. May not be available inyour area. Call or goto see if you qualify. INTERNET OFFER: Subj. to change and may be discontinued at any time. Price for Internet 100 for new residential customers & is after $5/mo. autopay & paperless bill discount. Pricing for first 12 months only. After 12 mos., then prevailing rate applies. Autopay & Paperless Bill Discount: Discount off the monthly rate when account is active & enrolled in both. Pay full plan cost until discount starts w/in 2 bill cycles. Must maintain autopay/paperless bill and valid email address to continue discount. Additional Fees & Taxes: AT&T one-time transactional fees, $10/mo. equipment fee, and monthly cost recovery surcharges which are not government-required may apply, as well as taxes. See for details. Installation: $99 installation for full tech install, plus tax where applicable. Credit restrictions apply. Pricing subject to change. Subj. to Internet Terms of Service at ^AT&T Smart Wi-Fi requires installation of a BGW210, 5268AC, or NVG599 Wi-Fi Gateway. Standard with Internet plans (12M or higher). Whole home Wi-Fi connectivity may require AT&T Smart Wi-Fi Extender(s) sold separately. ††Internet speed claims represent maximum network service capability speeds and based on wired connection to gateway. Actual customer speeds are not guaranteed and may vary based on several factors. For more information, go to ©2021 DIRECTV. DIRECTV and all other DIRECTV marks are trademarks of DIRECTV, LLC. AT&T and Globe logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. Get $5O ON ANY NEW ACCOUNT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! NOW THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2022 USE CODE: GIFT50 CALL CONSUMER CELLULAR 877-916-0803 © 2022 Consumer Cellular Inc. Terms and Conditions subject to change. New service activation on approved credit. Cellular service is not available in all areas and is subject to system limitations. New customers receive $50 for a new account activated by December 31, 2022. Off er will be applied as two monthly credits of $25. Credits will be made to customers invoice and will not be in excess of the monthly total. If the balance is less than $25, remaining credit will be forfeited. Promotional credits will be applied to customer’s account and remain valid only for accounts remaining in service. If account becomes inactive for any reason prior to receiving the full amount, any remaining credits will be forfeited. Off er may be modifi ed or discontinued at any time and may not be combined with other limited time off ers. Off er not redeemable for cash, has no cash value and is not transferable or refundable. Off er cannot be redeemed in retail locations. Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS A $695 Value! Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (877) 557-1912 *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. Prepare for Power Outages & Save Money REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! ACT NOW TO RECEIVE A $300 SPECIAL OFFER!* (844) 989-2328 *Off er value when purchased at retail. Solar panels sold separately. BACKED BY A YEAR-ROUND CLOG-FREE GUARANTEE EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! WWW.HEPPNER.NET Submit News, Advertising & Announcements Letters To The Editor Send Us Photos Start A New Subscription 20 % + 10 % OFF YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE * OFF SENIORS & MILITARY! FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR BUDGET! 1 1 Subject to credit approval. Call for details. Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 1-855-536-8838 Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST *For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. **Offer valid at time of estimate only. 2The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMT Mercer Group in Ohio. See Representative for full warranty details. 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