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About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 2018)
PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OR- EGON FOR MORROW COUNTY PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of: Dan Dale Barclay, De- ceased #18PB04520 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed personal rep- resentative. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the same, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal rep- resentative at: 226 SE Byers Avenue, Pendleton, OR. 97801, within four months after the date of first publication of this no- tice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may ob- tain additional information from the records of the court, the personal repre- sentative or the attorney. Dated and first published this 23 day of July, 2018. Personal Representative Robert Lee Barclay 3423 Reservoir Road NW Washington, D.C. 20007 Lawyer Wade Bettis, Ph.D., P.C. Wade P. Bettis, Ph.D., OSB#720255 1906 Fourth Street La Grande, OR 97850 541-963-3313 Fax: 541-963-4072 Jesse Hardval, OSB #160701 226 SE Byers Avenue Pendleton OR. 97801 541-278-2143 Fax 541-276-2105 Published: July 25, August 1and 8, 2018 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DISSOLU- TION OF FOPIANO RANCH, INC. To: Unknown Claimants Please be advised that FO- PIANO RANCH, INC., an Oregon corporation (the "Corporation"), has been dissolved. All persons having claims against the Corporation are required to present the same, with proper vouchers, to the Corporation's Registered Agent, David E. Petersen, at 805 SW Industrial Way, Suite 5, Bend, Oregon 97702. Claims against the Corporation will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is com- menced within five years after the publication of this Notice. Dated and first published August 1, 2018. Published August 1, 2018 Affid Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 1, 2018 -- SIX NOTICES Morrow County School District Board of Directors has called a work session for Monday, August 13, 2018 at 5:30 pm at Heppner Elementary School in Heppner, OR. The purpose of the work session is development of 2018/19 Board Goals. Hidden oasis receives award Port of Morrow to host meet and greet The Port of Morrow will be hosting a commu- nity meet and greet at the Port of Morrow with the four finalists for the Port’s executive director position on Monday, Aug. 6. at the Riverfront Room at the Port offices from 5 to 7 p.m. The four finalists will be introduced and asked to give a short introduction speech beginning at 5:30 p.m. Appetizers and a vari- ety of non-alcoholic bever- ages will be served. The finalists for the executive director position include (in alphabetical order): -Dean Gardner of Se- lah, WA; currently with NextLevel: Building En- terprise Value, former CEO of Larson Fruit Company, former CEO of United Pipe and Supply, BBA and MBA in marketing, finance and accounting from University of Texas. - Ry a n D . N e a l o f Boardman; currently gener- al manager of warehousing for Port of Morrow, former director of operations at Haney Truck Line, former regional sales manager at Knight Transportation, BS in business from Oregon State University. -Stephanie Seamans, CPA of Kennewick, WA; currently the community Birthday party scheduled Everyone is invited to the Willow Creek Valley As- sisted Living on Saturday, Aug.4 at 1 p.m. to help Ida Farra celebrate her 101 st birthday. By Kay Proctor A hidden oasis on the top floor of St. Patrick’s Apartments was recently recognized with a garden highlight award by the Hep- pner volunteers. The third floor balcony on the southeast side of the brick and stucco building is accessed through a laun- dry room. Not long ago, it had a weathered wood decking with an old, rusty stationery bike set up in one corner that was exposed directly to the sun and saw little to no use. Even when management funded new composite decking and the old bike disappeared, the area was still too hot for summertime use. So the apartment ten- ants got inspired and got busy. Tenants, family, friends and apartment staff pitched in with labor and/ or donations of items and plants. A canopy and a bright red umbrella give shade and lounge chairs are ready for kicking back. A recirculating water fountain delivers soothing sounds and an assortment of garden statuary adds charm. A pa- and economic develop- ment manager for Ben- ton-Franklin Council of Governments, former busi- ness development manager and CPA for Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla In- dian Reservation, BS in business accounting from University of Idaho. -Peter M. Wilhelm of Kennewick, WA; currently with QBM Management INC. serving as project manager at Boise/PCA Pa- per Mill in Wallula, WA, former plant manager of Zeachem INC., BS in me- chanical engineering from University of Idaho, MBA from University of Oregon. DEADLINE FOR ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISING MONDAY tio table and chairs provide a cozy spot for conversa- tion over an iced drink. A hanging feeder offers a nice drink to interested hum- mingbirds. Lining the entire bal- cony and helping to lower temperatures a bit are many pots and containers of col- orful flowers and vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, basil and even cauliflower which the residents keep well-watered. A spokesperson for the project stated that there have been too many vol- unteers, contributors and donors to single out any by name, but collectively they created a shady, green oasis for all residents and their visitors to enjoy, three stories up. The Garden Highlight Award is sponsored by MCGG/Greed Feed & Seed and Heppner Volunteers. It is given to those with exceptional seasonal high- lights, special outdoor proj- ects or yards out of the city limits. For any suggestions, contact kayproctor@gmail. com. Brush fire in Heppner PUBLIC NOTICE The Heppner Housing Au- thority meets the 1st Mon- day of every month 11a.m. at the St. Patrick’s Senior Center 190 N. Main St Heppner, OR Published: Aug. 1, 2018 A small brush fire was reported and extinguished in Heppner last Thursday night. The fire started near the bridge on Chase Street and was called in around 11 pm. Heppner fire depart- ment responded and the fire was put out quickly. -Photo by David Sykes Lindsay family performs at library On July 17 Joe Lindsay and his children Cori Jo, Andrew, and Ryan provided a music program at the Ione Library for summer library. Seventeen children and numerous adults enjoyed singing along, dancing and learning to play some of the instruments. While Joe played the music, his children led the GROWING GENERATIONS TOGETHER Since 1945, Bank of Eastern Oregon has had roots in eastern Oregon. We believe in the value of a handshake and provide unparalleled and unbiased service because we know you – we are you, your neighbors, and your community members. BEO keeps working hard for you to ensure that our banking services are never difficult. Visit your local branch & let us help you realize your financial dreams. others in the Virginia reel and the limbo and a game that got steadily more com- plicated with pointing fin- gers, jerking elbows and dancing feet. Ione’s summer program will conclude next Tuesday, July 24, with geocaching. Children ages four through fifth grade are welcome to attend at 10 a.m. Term Loans Member FDIC Lines of Credit Ag & Commercial Real Estate Loans