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About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 11, 2018)
FIVE - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 3, 2018 PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW In the Matter of the Estate of JOSHUA K. HERRIG. Deceased. No. 18PB04385 NOTICE TO INTEREST- ED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the under- signed has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are re- quired to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at the of- fice of Monahan, Grove & Tucker, 105 N. Main, Mil- ton-Freewater, OR 97862 (attorneys for the personal representative). within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal repre- sentative, or the attorneys for the personal represen- tative. Dated and first published June 27, 2018. Maureen D. McNeill Personal Representative SUBMITTED BY: Samuel E. Tucker, OSB #763644 MONAHAN, GROVE & TUCKER Attorneys at Law 105 N. Main St Milton-Freewater, OR 97862 phone 541-938-3377 fax 541-938-6112 Published: June 27, July 3 and 11, 2018 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUN- TY PLANNING COM- MISSION will hold the following hearings of pub- lic interest on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Port of Morrow Riv- erfront Center, Boardman, Oregon. Replat R-N-050-18: George and Leta Turner, applicants and owners. The property is described as tax lots 206 and 222 of Asses- sor's Map 5N 26E 35C. The property is zoned Ru- ral Residential (RR) west of Irrigon approximately 1/2 mile south of Highway 730. Request is to recon- figure parcel 1 of Partition Plat 1995-9 and parcel 2 of Partition Plat 2007-3. Cri- teria for approval includes the Morrow County Subdi- vision Ordinance (MCSO) Article 5 Land Partition- ing. Subdivision SD-N-224-18: Gala Springs, applicant and owner. The property is described as tax lots 1000 and 1005 of Assessor’s Map 4N 25E 17. The prop- erty is zoned Farm Resi- dential (FR) and located west of Boardman at the intersection of Kunze Lane and Paul Smith Road. Re- quest is to subdivide a 36.97-acre parcel to create fourteen parcels. Approval criteria are found in the MCSO. Opportunity to voice sup- port or opposition to the above proposal or to ask questions will be provided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide suffi- cient specificity to afford the decision maker an op- portunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those is- sues. Copies of the staff report and all relevant documents will be available after July 20, 2018. For more information, please contact Stephanie Loving at 541-922-4624 or 541-676-9061 extension 5506. DATED this 11th day of July 2018. MORROW COUNTY PLANNING DEPART- MENT Published: July 11, 2018 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID FOR Duplex in Heppner, OR BID NO.:1 BID CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 07/31/18 2:00 PM OPENING DATE AND TIME: 07/31/18 2:00 PM DESCRIPTION: WC- VEDG Duplex PROJECT CONTACT: Kim Cutsforth P H O N E : 541-980-3465 E-MAIL: Altakim541@ Willow Creek Valley Economic Development Group is seeking bids for the construction of a 2426 SF Duplex for a Phase one of a workforce housing project at 515 E Cowins St., Heppner, OR. All licensed and Bonded Contractors are invited to bid this project. BIDS will be received until the BID CLOSING DATE and TIME noted above by WCVEDG at: WCVEDG Office 133 Main Street Heppner, OR 97836 OR HBB Foundation 123 May St. Heppner, OR 97836 By Mail: WCVEDG, PO Box 1232, Heppner, OR 97836 POINT OF CONTACT: Electronic copies are available. All questions concerning the bidding, material or technical re- quirements should be di- rected to Kim Cutsforth. For Copies of the Bid Doc- uments please contact the entities listed above. Willow Creek Valley Economic Development Group is a private non- profit Company. Published: July 11, 2018 DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5PM Sheriff’s Report The Morrow County Sheriff's Office has released the following information: May 8 (cont.): Morrow cerned citizen stating Leila Heppner that his vehicle County Sheriff’s Office re- Workman got stranded on was rummaged through ceived a report at Murray’s the side of the freeway last and two pairs of brand new Drugs on N Main St, Hep- night and is not answering sunglasses were taken. pner that there a s brown her phone. Would like dep- -MCSO received a re- dog and a small black dog uty to go by her house and port on Columbia Ave NW, running around the area. see if she is okay. Complete, Boardman that a 39 year old Advised the brown dog is female is okay. female is non responding. very skinny and looks like it -MCSO received a re- Patient refusal. hasn’t eaten for a few days. port on I 84 E, Boardman -MCSO received a re- -MCSO received a that there is a big roll of port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- report at Umatilla Fish wire in the slow lane. Un- rigon that a red Pontiac Hatchery on Riverview able to locate. Grand Am sped through Ln, Irrigon that his vehicle -MCSO received a re- towards Tenth. RP thinks was broken into and his port on SE Matlock St, it is a high school student wallet was taken, his cards Heppner that subject is going to lunch. were attempted to be used very suicidal. Advised that -MCSO received a re- at Walmart in Hermiston, they believe that when law port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- $300 in cash and DL taken. enforcement shows up it rigon that white Honda -MCSO received a re- might escalate him. Made Pilot blew the stop sign on port on Hwy 207 Echo, contact, everything is okay. Seventh. Echo that a logging truck -MCSO received a re- -MCSO received a tipped over, non-injury, port that Brian Dewayne report at Ygh Architects ODOT is on the scene and Simmons was arrested by on Lewis and Clark Dr, has a crew enroute. MCSO on UCSO warrant. Boardman that there is an -MCSO received a re- Lodged at UCJ, no bail. intoxicated employee that port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- -MCSO received a re- will not leave the property. gon that a black Ford F150 port on Bombing Range Complete, individual was short bed is in the turkey Rd, Boardman that female gone on arrival. shoots and was dragging in a vehicle pulled over, un- -MCSO received a a tree stump behind it and known if she is in trouble or report at Irrigon Learn- tearing up the road. not. Unable to locate. ing Center on Columbia -MCSO received a re- -MCSO received a re- Ln, Irrigon that a student port that Cesar Gutierrez port on Mojave Ct, Board- witnessed an interaction Munoz was arrested by man of a 53 year old female between a male and female DOC on IJC warrant. with a high heart rate. Pa- student. She would like a -MCSO received a re- tient transported to GSH. deputy to talk to the witness port at Wilson Ln/Olson -MCSO received a re- due to the other student’s Rd, Boardman that there is port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- age difference. a black cow out. rigon that a white Honda -MCSO received a re- -MCSO received a blew the stop sign on Sev- port at Heppner Shell Sta- report on N Main St/NE enth and went towards First tion, N Main St, Heppner Quaid St, Heppner that two St. Unable to locate. that there are two females dogs are out and the owners -MCSO received a re- there that look like they are are gone in Hawaii. Subject quest for extra patrol on passing a bottle between watching dogs will try to NW Water St, Heppner. RP them. RP is concerned for keep them in better. advised she has a niece out the children. -MCSO received a re- of Sherwood that told her -MCSO received a re- port on Linden Way, Hep- she was coming this direc- port Marie Margarita Gon- pner that her step dad is tion. She can not come to zalez was arrested by UPD intoxicated and causing an the house, currently using on IJC warrant. issue. Advised he is in their meth. RP would like extra -MCSO received a re- gold Pontiac Sunfire and he patrol for a few days. port at Heppner Gazette does not have a license. -MCSO received a re- Times/Sykes Real Estate on -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- W Willow St, Heppner that port at Threemile camp- gon that there was a white RP wants to turn himself in. ground on Threemile Rd/ Isuzu that was driving er- Frederick Baxter Tortolani Ramp, Boardman that her ratic on Utah. RP advised was arrested by MCSO, wife will not let her take her that when he yelled at the lodged at UCJ, no bail. vehicle and leave. RP ad- subject to slow down the -MCSO received a vised that her wife punched driver flipped him off. Un- request from CCS for a her in the left ear a few days able to locate. welfare check on SE Mat- ago. -MCSO received a re- lock St, Heppner. Subject -MCSO received a re- port on Hwy 207 Echo, is making some threats port at Hwy 207 Echo/ Lexington that there is a against family members. Baseline Ln, Lexington that vehicle that is possibly Unable to locate. there is a vehicle that has disabled that was taking up -MCSO received a re- the door open, running and part of the southbound lane. port at Paterson Ferry Rd/I lights on. She did not see -MCSO received a re- 84 W, Boardman that there anyone in the vehicle and port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- was a single vehicle MVA. did not feel comfortable rigon that his neighbors -MCSO received a re- stopping. have company and the back port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- May 9: Morrow Coun- of the vehicle is out in the rigon that a white Dodge ty Sheriff’s Office received road. pickup flew through the a report on Cedar Rd, Irri- M a y 1 0 : M o r r o w area. gon that two dogs, possibly County Sheriff ’s Office -MCSO received a Terriers are wandering in received a report on I 84 E, report on SE Utah Ave, the road. Unable to locate. Boardman that a wrong way Irrigon that a white half -MCSO received a re- driver is going west in the ton Dodge pickup off of port on Hwy 207, Heppner eastbound lane, no head- Seventh St flying down the that RP advised she has lights, OSP is attempting to road. been having some theft oc- intercept. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- cur at the apartments. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 W, Boardman -MCSO received a re- port at Bombing Range Rd, that a Hispanic female is port at Morrow County Lexington of a vehicle with walking eastbound on the Sheriff’s Office that there an individual slumped over. westbound side. Unsure are a couple of cows right Female was taking a nap. if she is broke down or in below the sheriff’s office. -MCSO received a re- need of assistance. Deputies Unable to locate. port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- responded, subject did not -MCSO received a rigon that a green Chevy want to speak to deputies report at Heppner Grade Cavalier flew down the and declined a ride. School on NE Stansbury road. -MCSO received a re- St, Heppner of harassment. -MCSO received a re- port at Main St Park, Hep- Under investigation. port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- pner that a bunch of kids -MCSO received a re- gon that a green Geo Storm are turning picnic tables over. She is unsure if they quest for a welfare check flew down the road. on Linden Way, Heppner. -MCSO received a re- are supposed to be doing RP got a call from a con- port on NE Barratt Blvd, that or just trying to mess GET READY FOR FAIR & RODEO! up the park. -MCSO received a re- port on Columbia Ln, Ir- rigon of a vehicle repo. M a y 11 : M o r r o w County Sheriff ’s Office received a report on I 84 W, Boardman that a vehicle is swerving. Referred to OSP. -MCSO received a re- port at Loves Travel Stop on Tower Rd, Boardman that RP would like to have a suspicious male removed from the premises. Deputy advised the male that he is trespassed from the loca- tion. -MCSO received a re- port that Austin L Ket- tlewell was arrested by Eugene PD on warrant. Lodged at Lane Co Jail. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 E, Boardman that RP almost hit an old white Dodge pickup tow- ing a trailer with the trailer lights out. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on Boardman Ave NW, Boardman that a 77 year old male is bleeding from the head. Patient transported to GSH. -MCSO received a report that Katrina Joy Holmes was arrested by MCSO. Subject lodged at UCJ, no bail. -MCSO received a re- port on W Eighth Rd, Ir- rigon that she has a large snake in her front yard. -MCSO received a re- port at I 84 E/I 82, Herm- iston that there is a large object in the middle of the road and people are trying to get it off the road. Clear, got it removed. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Ir- rigon that a red Pontiac Grand Am is traveling at a high rate of speed and running the stop sign on Seventh. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on Kunze Ln, Board- man that there is large black bull going in and out of an open gate onto the road. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on NW Water St, Hep- pner that a goat is loose in the streets. -MCSO received a re- port on SE Utah Ave, Irri- gon that the Pontiac Grand Am drove by again and ran the stop sign. Unable to locate. -MCSO received a re- port on W Seventh Rd, Irrigon that a 64 year old female has fallen and can’t get up. Transported. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 W, Boardman of a possible drunk driver in a dark blue sedan, all over the road. BPD located the vehicle at the rest area and the driver advised he was tired and would be taking a nap. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 E, Boardman that a vehicle is moving fast. Transferred to OSP. -MCSO received a re- port on I 84 W, Boardman that RP hit a traffic hazard. Traffic hazard was a blown truck tire. Deputy made contact with RP and truck driver and provided RP with truck driver insurance info. The Morrow County Fair and Oregon Trail Pro Rodeo will be held August 15th - 19th, 2018.The Heppner Gazette will publish its annual special fair edition on August 9th. Reserve your spot in the Special Fair Edition of the Gazette and the 2018 Oregon Trial Pro Rodeo Programs Today. These pub- lications are an excellent way to reach visitors and the people of Morrow County. The deadline to be included in these publications is July 31! CALL MEGAN TO DISCUSS YOUR AD OR TO SUBMIT A STORY FOR THE SPECIAL FAIR EDITION OR THE 2018 OREGON TRAIL PRO RODEO PROGRAMS. DEADLINE FOR ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISING MONDAY 5:00 PM