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About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 6, 2018)
TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 6, 2018 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U.S.P.S. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper SEARCH OLD COPIES OF THE HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES ON-LINE: Published weekly by Sykes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676- 9228. Fax (541) 676-9211. E-mail: or david@rapidserve. net. Web site: Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $31 in Morrow County; $25 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 65 years or older); $37 elsewhere; $31 student subscriptions. David Sykes ..............................................................................................Publisher Bobbi Gordon................................................................................................ Editor All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. For Advertising: advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Cost for a display ad is $5.25 per column inch. Cost for classified ad is 50¢ per word. Cost for Card of Thanks is $10 up to 100 words. Cost for a classified display ad is $6.05 per column inch. For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Dates for pub- lication must be specified. Affidavits must be required at the time of submission. Affidavits require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be specified if required). For Obituaries: Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to meet news guidelines. Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space for the obituary. For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author. The Heppner GT will not publish unsigned letters. All letters MUST include the author’s address and phone number for use by the GT office. The GT reserves the right to edit letters. The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10. Obituaries Rick Kandle The mountains are call- He could always be found ing and I must go… taking the time to thank Rick Kandle, 67, be- other veterans for their loved husband, dad, grand- service. When asked if he pa, papa, brother and ever served in any friend passed away conflicts, he quick- peacefully at home ly replied, “Only on June 1 after a cou- one…marriage!” rageous battle with Kandle married pancreatic cancer. his wife Karen and Kandle was born they started their in Baker, OR on July life as one in Ione. 11, 1950, the second Rick Kandle Together they man- child of Mark and aged to raise “us Hazel Spivey Kandle. He three twerps.” Some of his was raised in the small town happiest days were said to of Kinzua, OR and gradu- be when he was able to send ated from Wheeler High his children’s new spouses School in Fossil, with the sympathy cards. class of 1968. He worked According to his family, for Kinzua Corp., Heppner; Mr. Kandle was a lover of Portland General Electric the outdoors, nature, hunt- Coal Fire Plant, Boardman ing and taking walks in the and Deseret Power, Ver- rain. He was an avid reader, nal, UT, where he retired cribbage player, movie goer in 2012. According to his and practical jokester. He family, “Dad always said had a love of wood work- the best day of work was ing. He would take the little the last day he worked.” cars and trucks he made He served in the United to the Wal-Mart parking States Army and w a s a lot, pass them out to small very proud vet- e r a n . children and accept nothing The City of Heppner appreciates the excellent work and help from the Heppner Junior/ Senior High School students for an outstanding and successful 2018 Community Clean up Day! THANK YOU ALL! A View from the Green Golf scramble and family BBQ held Chairpersons, John and Pat Edmundson and Judy Harris, hosted a golf scramble and family bar- beque on Memorial Day for the Willow Creek Country Club members. Seventeen members turned out to play in the windy, dusty condi- tions. First place gross team was Gary, Nancy, John and Nicole Propheter. Second in gross was the team of Terry and Karen Thompson, Sue Edson and Judy Harris. First place net went to the team of John and Pat Edmundson, Dave and Jeannie Creswich and Mary Riggs. Second place net was awarded to the team of Clyde and Jackie Allstott and Dave and Corol Mitch- ell. The Willow Creek Country Club ladies play- day boasted beautiful, sun- ny weather on May 29. Low gross of the field went to Nancy Propheter, low net to Eva Kilkenny and least putts of the field went to Bunny Lindsey. Low gross for flight A went to Virginia Grant and low net was a tie between Sarah Rucker and Corol Mitchell. The winner of the long drive was Eva Kilken- ny. Least putts and KP went to Karen Thompson. Flight B low gross was Judy Harris. Low net and long drive went to Pat Dougherty and least putts was Shirley Martin. Sharon Harrison took low gross on flight C and low net was a tie between Bev Steagall and Nancy Arnson. Least putts went to Jackie Allstott and Lor- rene Montgomery got the longest drive. Jackie Allstott got a chip-in on hole number 13, Eva Kilkenny on 15 and Bunny Lindsey on 17. in return. He was a man of few words, except for when it came to politics. He was a humble, simple man who never asked for anything. For him, happiness was found in the small things. He is survived by the love of his life, Karen; children, Heather Kandle (Wade Forsberg), Willis- ton, ND, Michelle (Keven) Williams, Vernal, UT and Jeremie (Hannah) Kandle, Layton, UT; grandchildren Hayden Tracey, Kamen, Kalee and Kaelson Wil- liams, Cordell and Matthew Kandle; brother, Bruce Kandle, Anchorage, AK; mother-in-law June Crow- ell, Ione; step-father Robert Reid, Irrigon; brother-in- law Gene (Kristy) Crowell, Ione; sister-in-law Sharon (Brian) Rietmann, Ione; sister-in-law Linda Kandle, Prineville, OR and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, broth- er Mark Duane Kandle, fa- ther-in-law Howard Crow- ell and grandparents. His family stated, “We knew Dad’s love not so much by his words, but most definitely by his ac- tions.” As per his request there will be no service. His fam- ily will grant his wish and return him home to Oregon. In lieu of flowers, please have a bologna sand- wich, drink a diet coke (no ice), plant a tree and spend time with your loved ones. Rest in not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. ~ John Lubbock In Kandle’s own words, “I came, I saw, I died!” Arrangements and cre- mation have been entrusted to the care of the Phil- lips Ashley Valley Funeral Home. Online condolences may be shared at www.ash- Over the tee cup Funeral Notice Janetbelle Turner – a graveside service will be held for Janetbelle Turner on June 9 at 3 p.m. at the Masonic Cemetery in Heppner. Refreshments will be served at the Heppner Elks Lodge immediately following the service. All are welcome to attend. Columbia-Blue senior golfers hold tournament Willow Creek Country Club hosted 117 golfers in the May 14 Columbia- Blue Senior golf tourna- ment. Local players results are as follows: -Columbia division (handicap 13 and below) gross was Barry Munkers with 66 in sixth place, Ron Bowman with 67 in seventh place, John McCabe with 69 in eighth and Duane Disque with 71 in ninth. Net with a tie between Rick Johnston and Tom Shear with a 56 in fourth place and Kelly Fox with a 60 in tenth place. -Blue division (handi- cap 14-18) gross in third place was John Edmundson with 72 and Mike Doherty in fifth with 75. Net first place went to Delbert Bin- chus with a 56, third to Todd Lindsay with 57 and a tie between Bob Nairns and Bill Morris with a 62 in tenth place. -Senior division (hand- icap 19 and above) sixth place gross went to Ralph Walker with 84 and ninth to Jeff Cutsforth with 89. Net second place was a tie between Gene Orwick and Roger Ehrmantraut with 60, Tom Martin was fourth with 63, Dave Creswick placed seventh with 65 and Mike Sweek was tenth with 67. Food was provided to the golfers by the Willow Creek ladies. The next CBSGA tour- nament will be held June 11 at the Condon Golf Course with 7:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. tee offs. Twenty-seven men par- ticipated in men’s play at the Willow Creek Country Club on Sunday, June 3. Ron Bowman took first place in gross with a score of 63, Erin Mason was second with 66 and Steve Marlatt was third with 68. Net resulted in a three- w a y t i e b e t w e e n Ti m Wright, Kelly Fox and Tom Shear with a score of 58. There will be no men’s play next Sunday due to a tournament being held at the course. The next regular play will be Sunday, June 17 and will be hosted by Jerry Gentry, Matt Berg- strom and Mike Bergstrom. Men’s play held at WCCC Engagements Power, Wolff to wed Steve Power and Kelsey Wolff – Contributed photo. Kelsey Wolff of Hep- pner and Steve Power of Fredericton, New Bruns- wick have announced their engagement. They plan to wed Dec. 29 at the Vancou- ver Elks Lodge in Vancou- ver, WA. Kelsey is the daugh- ter of Thomas and Karen Wolff and granddaughter of Marjorie Gorham, all of Heppner. She graduated from Heppner High School and Gonzaga University. Kelsey recently returned from teaching English in South Korea and continues to teach English online. Steve is the son of Dave Power of North River, Newfoundland and Eliza- beth Young of Bay Roberts, Newfoundland. He gradu- ated high school from As- cension Collegiate. Steve has a bachelor’s degree in political science from Memorial University of Newfoundland and is cur- rently attending University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law. HEPPNER MUSTANG WRESTLING CAMP June 11-14 6:00-8:30pm 6th-12th grade girls and boys- Marriage Licenses The Morrow County Clerk’s office has released the Cost: $25 Heppner High School Cafeteria following report of marriage licenses: Never wrestled before? Come see what it's about. Already wrestle? Come brush up on technique. May 11, 2018: - Hedy Sanchez-Leyva, 35, Boardman and Consuelo Salas-Rodriguez, 33, Boardman. June 1, 2018: - Robin Ann Warren, 49, Ione and Scott R. Ruch, 53, Ione. June 4, 2018: - Juan Carlos Silva Preciado, 22. Umatilla and Aileen Velasco, 20, Boardman. T here will be a girls wres- tling team starting Nov. 2018 – this is girls wrestling girls, OSAA sanctioned sport. DEADLINE FOR ALL NEWS AND ADS MONDAY AT 5:00 PM June 12, 14, 19 and 21 at Heppner High School 6-9 pm Field Day June 23 at Lexington Gun Club Instructors: Jim & Darlene Marquart For more info: 541-969-4845