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About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 15, 2015)
FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 15, 2015 Heppner TSA attends national conference The Heppner Chapter of the Technology Stu- dent Association (TSA) attended the National TSA Conference, “Designing Your Dreams,” in Dallas, TX recently. Local attend- ees Cade Arbogast, Bryan Fowler, Kai Arbogast, Jesse Boyd, William Lutcher and Ross Cutsforth joined the rest of the 6,400 in at- tendance from all over the country. The team of Fowler and Kai Arbogast placed sixth in Technology Problem Solving. Heppner TSA members also competed in Structural Design and Engineering (bridge building), Chil- dren’s Stories (writing and illustrating a story), Tech- nology Bowl, On Demand Video and Video Game Design. Along with the compe- titions, students attended daily general sessions and a heated National TSA Busi- ness meeting. Students also visited local area attrac- tions. Heppner TSA mem- bers were involved with many fundraising activities throughout the year to make this trip possible, and say they appreciate everyone who donated. Oregon TSA State Advisor and Heppner Sunday men’s play results Seventeen men partici- pated in Sunday men’s play on July 12 at Willow Creek Country Club. Results are as follows: G r o s s — 1 st , B a r r y Munkers, 63; 2 nd , Charlie Ferguson, 66; 3 rd , Duane Disque, 67. Net—1 st , Tim Hedman, 52; 2 nd , Bill Morris, 53; 3 rd , Roger Ehrmantraut, 55. Special Events—KP #3/12, Barry Munkers, 8’6”; KP 2 nd shot #6/15, Tim Hedman, 4”; and Least Putts, Rick Britt, 26. The men’s champion- ship is next on the sched- ule. The first round will be played on Saturday, July 18, at 5 p.m., followed up on Sunday, July 19, with another 18. Matt Scriv- ner, Greg Grant, and Mike Doherty will be hosting this event. The next regular men’s play will be on July 26 hosted by Barry Munkers, Duane Disque and Gene Orwick. Over the Tee Cup Heppner TSA members who attended the national conference were Cade Arbogast, Bryan Fowler, Kai Arbogast, Jesse Boyd, William Lutcher and Ross Cutsforth. Fowler and Kai Ar- bogast placed sixth in Technology Problem Solving. –Contributed photo next June. Oregon TSA holds three state competitions during the school year at BMCC. There are currently six high school TSA chap- ters in our region, with plans for new chapters next year. “We will be adding middle school TSA chap- ters for 2015-16,” added Fowler. teacher Dave Fowler said it was a learning experience for all the students, and plans are already underway for the 2016 National TSA Conference, “Building a Legacy, in Nashville, TN -Continued from PAGE ONE ing to minutes of the June businesses the $17.50 per -Heard a report from police officer John Bowles, who is also a councilperson, that there has been a drop in crime in Heppner, a lot of which is due to citizens call- ing in suspicious activity. -Heard a report from Fire Chief Rusty Estes, who reported the follow- ing activity for June: three rural wild land fires, five secure landing zones, one motor vehicle accident, two structure fires, two rekindle fires, one lift assist, two mu- tual aids to Boardman, two mutual aids to Ione, and 22 chief calls. CITY COUNCIL council passed a letter of support for ODOT’s (Or- egon Department of Trans- portation) plan to chip seal Heppner’s Main Street next summer. The street is a state highway and therefore ODOT’s responsibility for upkeep. New striping will also be done at that time and Cutsforth said the angle of parking lines on the street will be changed at that time to make for easier parking. “There was a recom- mendation to change the parking spaces on Main Street from an 80 degree an- gle to 60 degrees,” accord- The View from the Green utility commission meeting. “This would improve vis- ibility, also this would help with the J-turn (U-turn) problem, as the new angle would make J-turn parking less accessible.” In other business the council: -Allowed WC con- struction to start work at 6 a.m. on the new courthouse building site instead of 7 a.m. The heat and a desire for construction workers to work four 10-hour days prompted the change. -Decided not to charge month fire flow charge if their water has been shut off. Business, and not resi- dential, are charged the extra water fee, and the city had been making that charge even if a business was shut down and the water turned off. Cutsforth said people were not only angry about the charge, but were refusing to pay since they were not receiving wa- ter service. She said there were, “four to five empty buildings and it’s not a big part of our budget” she told the council. Morrow County 4-H sends delegation to summer conference Morrow County sent a record-number 18 4-H delegates to OSU Summer Camp last month. Attending the camp on campus in Corvallis were Casey Fletcher, Austin Carter, Tyler Carter, Gibson McCurry, Tresslyn McCurry, Matt Orem, Joshua Gray, Ian Meakins, Emily Taylor, Miranda Taylor, Isabella Ganvoa, Kylee McClure, Rileigh McClure, Renee Peterson, Cami VanArsdale, Josey Evans, Caitlyn Scrivner and Vizta Sifford. –Contributed photo Earn While You Learn Program At Community Bank we recognize the importance of education and would like to encourage our student- customers in their academic success. Find out how your kids can earn money for their good grades! The annual program is available through July, ask your banker about it today or see details online. Heppner 127 N Main St 541-676-5745 Local Money Working For Local People Member FDIC A delegation of Mor- row County 4-H members attended the 2015 Oregon State University Summer Conference June 24-27 on the OSU campus in Cor- vallis. A record number of 18 youth from Morrow County attended the event this year. Attending the camp were Casey Fletcher, Austin Carter, Tyler Carter, Gibson McCurry, Tress- lyn McCurry, Matt Orem, Joshua Gray, Ian Meak- ins, Emily Taylor, Miranda Taylor, Isabella Ganvoa, Kylee McClure, Rileigh McClure, Renee Peterson, Cami VanArsdale, Josey Evans, Caitlyn Scrivner and Vizta Sifford. The event hosts 400 teens from across the state of Oregon and offers vari- ous classes, tours, commu- nity service projects, game nights and more. Scholar- ships for local attendees were provided by the Mor- row County 4-H Lead- ers Association and funds from the America’s Farmers Grow Communities prize money that Double T Farms selected Morrow County 4-H to receive. Summer Conference is an opportunity for youth grades seven to 12 to travel to Corvallis, explore cam- pus life, make new friends, learn and have fun. While there, participants attended workshops on a wide vari- ety of subjects. More than 80 classes are offered, in- cluding cheese making, tours of the athletic com- plexes on campus, animal anatomy and vet school tours, fly fishing, fun with food, leadership, and public speaking. In addition to attending workshops, participants heard from a motivational speaker, participated in multiple community service projects, and enjoyed many fun activities such as a pool party and dance. For more information about 4-H or how to join, contact the OSU Extension Service office in Morrow County at 541-676-9642, http://extension.oregon-, on Face- book at “Morrow County 4-H Oregon” and on Insta- gram at Morrow4h. Beer & Wine Tasting August 20th 6 p.m. - 10 p.m. Entertainment & Food Available Come see us out at the fair STORE HOURS- MON – FRI 7:00 A.M. – 6 P.M. SATURDAY 8 A.M. – 6 P.M. PHARMACY HOURS: 9 A.M. – 6 P.M. MON-FRI MURRAY'S DRUG - 217 N MAIN PHONE 676-9158 ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5:00 P.M. The weather was “hot hot” on July 7 for the 16 la- dies who showed up for the play day at Willow Creek Country Club. Nancy Propheter took the low gross of the field, while Pat Dougherty took low net and Jan Paustian took least putts. For flight A, Loa Heide- man took low gross and Pat Edmundson low net. For flight B, Betty Burns had low gross, Lor- rene Montgomery low net and Shirley martin lest putts. For flight C, Sue Edson had low gross, Judy Harris low net and Sharron Har- rison least putts. Chip-ins were Pat Dougherty on #1 and Su- zanne Jepsen on #1. Nancy Propheter had a birdie on #1. In special events, the ladies held a team event. Low team was Sue Edson, Pat Edmundson and Nancy Propheter. High team was Sharron Harrison, Karen Haguewood and Jackie Allstott. Seventeen ladies par- ticipated in the Willow Creek Country Club ladies’ play day on July 14. Low gross of the field went to Nancy Propheter, while Pat Edmundson took low net of the field and Eva Kilkenny least putts. For flight A, Virginia Grant had low gross and KP, while Eva Kilkenny had long drive. On flight B, Sarah Rucker had low gross and KP, Lorrene Montgomery low net, Betty Burns least putts, and Jan Paustian long drive. For flight C, Judy Har- ris took low gross and KP, Sharon Harrison and Kathy Martin tied for low net, Jackie Allstott had least putts, and Bev Steagall had the long drive. Nancy Propheter had a birdie on #10. ‘Strike Out Cancer’ softball fundraiser planned for July 25 Saturday, July 25, a “Strike out Cancer” co-ed benefit softball tournament is planned at Heppner soft- ball field at 10 a.m.; cost is $200 per team with a dou- ble-elimination format. A home-run derby is planned prior at 9:30 a.m. A barbecue lunch will be sold during the games. Raffle items donated by area business will also be available, including a Trae- ger grill donated by Miller & Sons. Do-overs will be available for $5. Winners need not be present, as raffle items will be held. Tickets can be pur- chased at Bucknum’s, Kay Fowlers hair Expressions, or by contacting Donna Maben, 541-379-0163, or Sharon Miller, 541-626- 1154. The fundraiser is to support Ken Lindsay, who is currently undergoing treatment for Angioimmu- noblastic T-cell cancer. A donation account has been set up in Lindsay’s name at Bank of Eastern Oregon for those wanting to help who cannot attend. For more information, contact Sharon Miller at 541-626-1154, Donna Ma- ben at 541-379-0163, or Josh Henrichs at 541-676- 5373. Mustang football camp coming up Heppner High School will host its 23 rd annual Mustang Football Camp Tuesday, Aug. 4, through Friday, Aug. 7, for students grades five through 12. Cost for grades five through eight is $25 and in- cludes a hat. Cost for grades nine through 12 is also $25 and includes a t-shirt. The camp will be held at the Heppner High School practice field. Youth in grades five through eight will meet from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Youth registration will take place 2-3:30 p.m. Aug. 4. Grades nine through 12 will meet from 5-8 p.m. Teen registration will take place 4-5 p.m. Aug. 4. For more information or a registration form, con- tact Greg Grant at 541-676- 9138 ext. 2512 or grantg@ Special Transportation meeting planned Morrow County Special Transportation will meet this Thursday, July 16, at 6 p.m. in Heppner City Hall. All interested parties are invited to attend. Marriage Licenses The Morrow County Clerk’s office has released the following report of marriage licenses: July 9, 2015: -David James Rice, 24, of Heppner and Dakota Cheyenne Lucas, 24, of Heppner.