Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 27, 2012)
SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 27, 2012 COLLIN RETIRES Relay for Life: Dezellem named something for everyone BEO vice president -Continuedfrom PAGE ONE grandkids.” but added kindergarten in the afternoons. “ I really like kinder garten,” says Collins, has tening to add, “Not that 1 don’t like third-graders. I just love the stories the kindergartners tell.” She loved them so much, she made the move to kindergarten teacher. Occasional circumstances in the school caused her to be bumped to other classes at times, first to second and third grade and then to third and fourth grade before re turning to her much-loved kindergartners. Aside from her regular teaching duties, Collin fre quently wore the “coach” hat in lone. She coached junior high volleyball for 21 years, as well as coaching basketball for a few years and a brief stint teaching tennis. Collin married her hus band, John Collin, in 1983. The couple has two grown sons; the boys live in the area now, but may end up moving in the near future. Collin says that will influ ence her retirement plans, since she will visit them wherever they go. She also wants to spend time with what she calls her “adopted In addition, Collin says she and her husband took up golf last year, and she tries to play whenever she can. Other hobbies include read ing and, hopefully, picking up some long-neglected sewing. While she plans on spending time with those hobbies during this new phase of life, she says re tirement doesn’t mean retir ing from her involvement in the school and community. “While I was working, sometimes there would be different things the women do during the day and I always thought, ‘When I retire.’ Life’s not over, I’ll keep going. I’ll keep an eye on the sports programs,” says Collin. She adds that she will continue to volunteer at the school, maybe even substitute teaching. Still, she admits she’s feeling at loose ends. “I’ve always worked, so this is going to be a new experience for me. I’ll miss the kids and the stories; a lot of stories. I'll miss the read ing to them, and teaching them to read,” she says. “1 need to take my keys in and I’ve been dreading that. I’ve had them a lot of years.” The big Relay for Life event will take place on Saturday, June 30, starting at 5 p.m. through Sunday, July 1 at 10 a.m. and has something for everyone. W hether community members have put together a team or just want to go down and support a worthy cause, there will be plenty o f fundraisers going on throughout the event. The silent auction will be open from 4-8 p.m. in the “Spur ‘em Barn.” Everyone is also encouraged to take in the opening ceremonies and listen to the guest speaker, cancer survivor Barb Bo swell, during the Luminaria Ceremony at 9:30 p.m. crew supervisor for the past year. She also served in the Oregon National Guard for more than two years with the Milton-Free water 1186 Military Police Company. Neubert became a dep uty after com pleting 16 weeks at the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. She gradu ated at the top of her class, receiving the Lee M. Bown Academic Achievem ent award. lone youth baseball ends season Veteran banker perience, common Janet Dezellem was sense and drive to recently promoted everything she does to Vice President for the bank. She and C om ptroller currently serves as according to Jeff chair for the Or Bailey, president egon Bankers’ As and CEO of Bank Janet sociation Financial of Eastern Oregon. Dezellem Officers Commit Dezellem has tee. We are pleased spent the past 10 years with to announce Janet’s promo the bank, working in vari tion,” said Bailey. ous finance and loan-related Dezellem and her hus capacities. Prior to that, she band. Ray. live at Blake’s worked for Columbia Riv er Ranch in South Morrow Bank in The Dalles. County. “Janet brings vast ex- 4-H club finds helping others is Fundraiser planned ‘Sew F antastic’ for OHSRA queen A good luck party and fundraising dinner will be held for newly-crowned Oregon High School Rodeo Queen Lilly Sandford on July 7 at 6 p.m. at the Mor row County Fairgrounds. Sandford is raising money to attend the National High School Rodeo finals and queen pageant in Rock Springs, WY July 13-21. The event will be a tri tip and chicken dinner with silent and live auction items and music. Cost is $20 per adult, $10 per student and $5 for children; children under five are free. Call Sylvia at 541-571-5930 for more information. Lions Club installs officers MCSO welcomes new deputy The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office has an nounced a new deputy in the form o f 42-year-old Colleen Neubert of Irrigon. She is assigned to code enforcement as a full-time deputy, according to Mor row County Undersheriff Steve Myren. Neubert is a newly- minted deputy, but not a new face at the MCSO. She has served as a reserve officer for the past 10 years and has been the department’s work All cancer survivors and caregivers are encour aged to attend the free meal from 6-7 p.m. and stay for the Luminaria ceremony. “Come when you can - take part in as much as your schedule allows,” says a Chamber of Commerce spokesperson. “Don’t for get to support the event by participating in the ac tivities and fundraisers. Together, we can help find the cure for cancer.” Anyone participating in the event who has al ready registered may pick up their t-shirt at City Hall on Friday, June 29, from The Heppner Lions Club last week installed its new officers for the 2012-13 year. Top (L- R): District 36G Governor Jim Stagi installing Dean Robinson, President; Molly Rhea, Tail Twister; Al Scott, Vice-President; Steve Rhea, Treasurer/Secretery and Jim my Fitcher, Lion Tamer. The installation was held during the annual Lions Club bar- beque at the Rhea's home in Heppner. Bottom right: Jimmy Fitcher of Heppner was named Heppner Lion of The Year at the annual barbeque held last Wednesday. Fitcher was given a certificate of appreciation from District 36G Governor Jim Stagi. -Photos by David Sykes 4-H Members show off some of the 41 wheelchair bags they sewed for their African project. (Back L-R): Rebecca Jepsen, Sydney Stefani, Emily Rea, Morgan Orem and Amanda Rea. (Front L-R): Renee and Haylie Peterson, and Grace Crum. Participants not pictured who also sewed bags include Jake, MaKenzie, Hailey Heideman and adult assistants Tonia Heide man. Bonnie Ball and Nancy Jepsen. -Contributedphoto Members o f the lone Sew Fantastic 4-H club were busy at their June 14 meeting sewing colorful bags for handicapped chil dren in Uganda. Sew Fantastic junior leader Rebecca Jepsen will take the bags with her when she leaves for Africa this week. Jepsen will be working as an assis tant to a medical team that is distributing and fitting some 250 wheelchairs for handicapped children and adults. The lone 4-H club committed to sewing the 41 children’s bags needed by the team. Each bag was made with reinforced seams and straps so that it can be attached or tied to the handles at the back of the wheelchairs. In addition to sew ing at the club meeting, members and helpers sewed additional bags at home to help meet the quota. The club will have th e ir next m eeting on Thursday night, July 5, at the lone Com m unity Church at 6 p.m. to com plete fair registration forms and record books. The 4-H Foods Club will meet at 7 p.m. that same night to fill out their forms. Elks, Legion hold youth flag ceremony Local girl qualifies for national rodeo The lone Youth Baseball League proudly presented team sponsors an award at the annual end-of-season event this past Sunday in the lone City Park. Pictured are Jeff Eynetich of IRT Transportation, who sponsored the minors “IRT” team; Loren and Della Heideman of Loren Heideman Farming, who sponsored the T-Ball “Farm Team"; and Sharon Rietmann with the Bank of Eastern Oregon, who sponsored the majors “Ar- lington/lone” team. Not pictured are Jim and Gina Jepsen of Dobyns Pest Control, who sponsored the coach-pitch “Dobyns” team. lone Youth Baseball also had a long list of volunteer coaches this year, including Dawn Eynetich, Erin Heideman, Becky Rietmann, Eric Orem, Deacon Heideman, Jeff Eynetich and Scott Smythe, as well as area league coordinator Karen Padberg. - Photo by Erin Heideman Park board donates to lone pool Blake Greenup, a soph omore at Heppner High School, has qualified for her second trip to the Na tional High School Rodeo (NHSR) in Rock Springs, WY. The NHSR is the world’s largest high-school rodeo. Greenup has qualified for the NHSR in the pole event on her horse, Sammy Greenup has many peo ple to whom she is grateful fo r her success; the list can be fo u n d in the "Card o f Heppner Elks Club and American Legion members dem Thanks ” section onstrate to local children the proper way to dispose of the American Flag at the Youth Night and flag ceremony held on June 14 at the Elks Club. -Photo by Megan Futter Boardman city council changes July lone Bank holds Relay for Life fundraiser meeting schedule During their June 19 m eeting, the Boardman City Council changed their meeting schedule for the Betty Gray recently presented lone principal Jerry Archer month o f July, primarily a check for $5,000 on behalf o f the Willow Creek Park because of the 4th of July Board. The money will go to help fund the lone pool. holiday. The July 3 meet ing will be postponed until 2012 Down's Early Light 5K Fun Run/Walk July 4, 2012 lone, Oregon Come join us for the 5K fun run/wolk and help kick-start lone's Independence Day Celebration! Registration at 7:00 A.M. Fun Run/Walk starts at 7:30 A.M. Registration. Start/Finish line will be on Main Street at City Park. i Hard Twist (a.k.a. Sam). She has also qualified to go to Wenemucca, NV to the Silver State Invitational Rodeo in barrel racing, breakaway roping and goat tying. Tuesday, July 10. The meet ing will begin at 7 p.m. in the Boardman City Hall council chambers. Also, the July 17th meeting has been cancelled. In other city business, the council passed a budget resolution moving $18,000 from the Contingency Fund to Capital Outlay for the new picnic shelter at the city park and for camera upgrades at city hall. Coun cilors postponed the city manager’s job evaluation to the July 10 m eeting, when all councilors can be present. Don Russell of Boardman Car Wash urged the council to consider an ordinance regulating mo bile vendors. The council plans further discussion on the subject at the July 10 meeting. t (L-R); Sharon Rietmann. Bank of Eastern Oregon lone Branch Manager; Becky Sparks, lone Teller and Morrow County Relay for Life Chairman; and Taranna Patton, lone branch teller, organized a community Bunco game and col lected $539 for the American Cancer Society. Bank of EO is a Relay for Life sponsor and would like to remind everyone to join in the fundraising activities scheduled for June 30-Julv 1 at the Morrow County Fairgrounds. Dona tions can be made directly to the American Cancer Society, Attn: Jody O’Connor, 7325 W. Deschutes Ave., Ste. A, Kenne wick, WA 99336 or at any Morrow County BEO branch. Go online to www.relayforlife.or/heppneror for more information. -Contributed photo