Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 27, 2012)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - THREE Lien wins WCCC men’s invitational Over the Tee Cup Chris Lien shot rounds o f 62 and 60 to win the 30lh annual Willow Creek Coun try Club M en’s Invitational G o lf Tournam ent. About 100 golfers from through out the Pacific Northwest played, according to tourna ment chairman Ron Bow man. The Friday night scram ble resulted in a three-way tie w ith a w inning score o f 25. Two-day tournam ent results: On lad ie s' play day, June 19, Nancy Propheter took the low gross o f the field with 35. Kristine Mar tin had the low net o f 24 and Virginia Grant and Lorrene Montgomery tied for least putts with 16. F or flig h t A, C o ro l Mitchell had the low gross and Nancy Propheter had K P o f2 T 3” . Flight 1 Gross: 1M, Chris Lien, 122; 2nd, Greg Grant, 125; 3rd, Kevin Morgan, 128; and 4*, Chuck Wilcox, 129. Net: 1", Barry Munk- ers, 114; 2nd, Tom Bedortha, 119; 3rd, Aaron Mason, 120; and 4th, Joe Pranger, 121. Gross: l - , Josh Coiner, Net: 1", Bill Greenup, 3rd (tie), Ryan Eckman and 136; 2nd, Charlie Ferguson, 114; 2nd, Rod Wilson, 125; John Edmundson, and Matt 143; 3rd, John Edmundson, 3rd, C liff Harris, 126; and Scrivner and Tim Wright. Everyone said they had 145; and 4"1, Scott Burright, 4lh, Shawn Wilson, 128. 146. S u n d a y H o r s e Rac e a great time, with weather Net: 1“, Jeff Watkins, (Top 20 players-Saturday ranging from rain, thunder and lighten in g to bright 119; 2nd, Ken Kramer, 122; scores) 1“, Greg Grant and Jeff sunshine and perfect play 3rd, Trevor Kalberg. 123; and 4lh, Jason Hanna. 125. Hardman; 2nd, John Boyer ing conditions. All players Flight 3 and B arry M unkers; 3,d, are looking forward to re G ross: 1“, Dale Hol Charlie Ferguson and Jim turning to the tournament in 2013. land, 147; 2nd, Tim Wright, Doherty. Regular Sunday morn 149; 3 ,d. Ryan Eckm an, Mule Race (Next 20 play ing play will resume on July 151; and 4lh, Stefan Ma- ers-Saturday scores) theny, 153. 1", Stuart Walker and 1 with Slater Mitchell, Josh Net: l 5', Brian Hays, Mike M ayberry; 2nd, Jeff Coiner and Russ Nichols in 118; 2nd, Dave M itchell, W atkins and K elly Fox; charge. 121; 3 rd, E rnie B arn ett, 122; and 4th, Earl Fishbum, 124. The Heppner Garden Club recently toured the Mur Flight 4 ray’s greenhouse and vegetable garden. Gross: 1“, Denis Lien, “The M urray’s garden is lovely and could feed the 155; 2nd, Delbert Binschus, whole town,” said one club member. 162; 3 rd, Jo h n B o w les, The next garden club meeting is July 2 at 7 p.m. at 166; and 4th, Darrell Smith, St. Patrick’s Senior Center. This very important meeting 171. will include an ice-cream social. Garden Club news Flight 2 F or flig h t B. S arah Rucker had low gross. Me- lissa Coiner had low net and Pat Dougherty had least putts. O n flig h t C , Ka mi C om be took low gro ss, Betty Carlson took low net and Toni Nichols had least putts. Longest putt was by Nancy Propheter at 7’ 9”. lone student named to WSU honor roll Emily Katherine Rietmann of lone has been named to Washington State University’s President’s Honor Roll for the 2011 spring semester, the university announced last week. To be eligible for the honor roll, undergraduate students must be enrolled in a minimum o f nine graded hours in a single term at WSU and earn a grade point average o f 3.75 or earn a 3.50 cumulative GPA based on 15 cumulative hours o f graded work. CHSCK OUT THSSS 9RCAT « SPUING m i (STATI OSAISX • $365,000 New m aster bedroom & bath In th is 3 bedroom Stop spending your time fixing up your house and move into a home where it's all been done. You'll adore this 3 bedroom. 2 bath on a quiet street near downtown. Remodeled in 2008 with a new master suite, bath and more Walk in closet, jet tub and tile floors. Well kept fenced back yard with room to park your RV or other toys. N ice ly re m o d e le d 3 b e d ro o m fla t lo t E xtra p a rkin g T h is is a so lid h o m e w ith lo ts o f sto ra g e , s h o p a n d co v e re d p arking. F a m ily a n d p e t frie n d ly w ith a fully fe n ce d ya rd a n d g a rd e n a re a s R V p a rkin g A p p lia n c e s a n d p e lle t sto v e in c lu d e d C a ll a n d m a k e an a p p o in t to vie w th is h o m e 775 N Shobe, Heppner Clean well maintained hom e on extra large lot. Large spacious room s with carpeting throughout Use the wood stove for cozy heat in the Winter, or the simplicity of central heat and AC Fenced back yard with garden space and place fo r the kids to play Big dining room & spacious kitchen make this excellent for entertaining. Has plug in for em ergency electrical generator 635 S. C o rn s , Heppner N ic e p a rc e l n e a r r e s id e n tia l n e ig h b o rh o o d a n d a ls o c lo s e to th e n e w B o a rd m a n C ity C e n te r. C ity w a te r a n d s e w e r a v a ila b le 2 Bedroom 1 bath home on 24.26 acres in Lexington. Close to town Newjiiistinq Cute 3 bedroom in Heppner. A nice fenced yard for the kids located on a quiet street. Stor age shed outback and new lawn just planted makes this three bedroom one bath home ready to move into. Great starter home or pick it up as a rental. Has a carport too. 340 Green Street, Heppner Newjllisting! with your own piece of land. Rare small parcel w ith home and shop. Have som e anim als or ju st elbow room from your neighbors. Several parcels could be resold. Home is in good condition with foundation, newer septic system, metal roof and large upstairs that could be used as another bedroom. Well built, immaculate, beautiful landscaping, view of city, great neighborhood, view of Mt Adams on clear day descnbes this home. One bedroom and living room have city view, small office views park like setting. Kitchen has island, dishwasher, pantry, garbage disposal. Dining room has wood floors, slid ing door looks at shade trees, flowers spring to fall Utility room, garage, large metal shed have many cupboards and for much storage. 325 West D Street Lexington $175,000 215 Rock St., Heppner A creag e for S ale Blake Ranch lot for sale .92 acres buildable Coyote Lane $ 20,000 2 ap artm en ts and sh o p building fo r Sale in Lexingto n O n th e b o tto m flo o r is a fo rm e r auto H a s a g o o d b u ild in g s p o t a n d ro o m fo r a n im a ls W a te r a n d e le c tric ity lo c a te d n e a rb y $ 6 5 , 0 0 0 Heppner/Spray Highway 2 Bedroom near schools and downtown Heppner b o d y sh o p and a 1 b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t n e w ly re m od e le d re n tin g fo r $ 3 5 0 U p sta irs is a 2 b e d ro om a p a rtm e n t th a t has been co m p le te ly re d o n e renting fo r $375. B uild in g h a s a g o o d ro o f a nd o w n e r says th e sh o p has b e e n co m p le te ly re w ired Have your own cabin in the mountains to live in or use for weekend get aways. Surrounded by Pine and Tamarack trees Sit on the deck and look out at the forest. $70,000 ____________ 215 S. Court, Heppner ____________ Blake's Ranch h o m e h a s m e ta l ro o f, c e m e n t fo u n d a tio n & p ro p a n e F /A 1 2 8 X 121 6 6 lo t 2 4 6 5 s q ft h o m e h a s fu ll b a s e m e n t a n d la rg e fe n c e d y a rd w ith a p p le , n e c ta rin e a n d c h e rr y tre e s G a ra g e 150 E. Main, Lexington, OR 145 E Main, Lexington Auto Repair Business in Heppner, OR This Just blocks from school and downtown shopping, this 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath charmer has a fenced yard for children and a separate small yard in the back. Enjoy your reading room, living room and kitchen with window looking out on the street. 3 B e d ro o m 2 b a th h o m e in L e x in g to n T h is is a going concern which shows a profit each year. Includes real property, business, inven tory and equipment. Loyal customer base and good reputation. $339,000 View lot at Lakeview Heights. Own one of the last view lots at Lakeview Heights. 84 X 120 approx. Water, sewer, phone and power avaiable $25,000 Lakeview C t . Heppner Affordable Building Lots Available! $8,500 -$10,500 -$11.500 -$14,500 $15,000-$17,500-$22,500 $;129J0001 4 bedroom 2 bath home in Heppner. You won't feel cramped in this 4 bedroom 2 bath 2146 sq ft home. It has a full basement with mini kitchen down stairs, and fully carpeted rooms upstairs. Enjoy barbecuing on the covered patio And there's lots of room for a garden in the large backyard. Call now for an appointment to visit this home. ___________ 47 5 W Morgan, Heppner ___________ P h o n « : (5 4 1 )6 7 6 -9 2 2 8 C all: (5 4 1 )9 8 0 -6 6 7 4 F ax: (5 4 1 )6 7 6 -9 2 1 1 188 W. W illow P O Box 3 37 H eppner, O R 9 7 8 3 6 devid@aykeareelestete. net www. ayke »reel estate, net .84 acre to 5.95 acre lots in Emert Addition #2 lone Utilities include - phone, water, pow er, septic approved. R eady to move in 2 bedroom 2 bath in Heppner T h is n ic e 2 0 0 7 M a rla tt h o m e is in e x c e lle n t c o n d i tio n E v e ry th in g w a s d o n e rig h t w h e n th is h o m e w a s p u t in It h a s a d e ck , c y c lo n e fe n c e d y a rd a n d a 18 X 31 g a ra g e C e ilin g fa n s a lo n g w ith th e e n e rg y p a c k a g e w ill k e e p y o u w a rm in th e w in te r a n d c o o l in th e s u m m e r T h e re is a d e n /o ffic e liv in g ro o m a n d lo ts o f e x tra s M u s t s e e in s id e th is o n e C a ll a n d s c h e d u le a n a p p o in tm e n t to d a y room for a garden and other activities with this 2 bedroom 1 bath single wide mobile home in Lexington. Lots of upgrade includ ing new flooring, new roof, insulation, new vi nyl windows, water heater and much more. 345 Linden Way, Heppner 185 E, Arcade, Lexington 2 bedroom home on large lot in Lex Lots of O Owner/Broker ifTJ MLS David Sykes S e e s y k e s re a le s ta te net for m a p of all a v a ila b le lots P hone: (5 4 1 )2 7 6 -2 1 5 2 C e ll: ( 5 4 1 ) 2 1 5 - 2 2 7 4 Fax; (5 4 1 )2 7 8 -6 0 5 1 2 5 S W E m ig ra n t P e n d le to n , O R 9 7 8 0 1 Information deemed correct not guaranteed «