Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 2012)
Heppner Gazette-Tim es, Heppner, Oregon SCHOOL BOARD HONORS TEAM -Continuedfrom PAGE ONE sic teacher to Heppner K-12 music teacher; extra duty contract-Jason Whitbeck, IJSH assistant track coach for 2011-12. -approved extra-duty coaching contracts (Hep pner listed only) for: Heppner Junior High- Chad Doherty, head foot ball coach; Mindy Wil son, head volleyball coach; Luke Swanson, head boys’ basketball; Mike Ehrsam, assistant boys’ basketball; Anna Wedding, assistant g irls’ basketball; Larry Palmer, head wresting, as sistant track; John Qualls, head track coach, vacant- assistant football, assistant volleyball, head girls’ bas ketball; Heppner High School- Greg Grant, athletic direc tor, head football, head golf; Les Payne, assistant football; Kevin Payne, as sistant football; Jeremy Rosenbalm, assistant foot ball, head boys’ basketball; Pam Dowdy, head volley ball; Dieter Waite, assis tant volleyball; Ken Grieb, assistant boys’ basketball; Jeromy Wilson, head girls’ basketball; Melissa Lind say, assistant girls’ basket ball; Mark Lemmon, head wrestling; Jerry Gentry, assistant baseball; Laura Browne, head track; Amber Steinhoff, assistant track; Petra Payne, head softball, Janelle Ellis, assistant soft- ball; vacant-head baseball. -approved extra-duty non coaching positions (Heppner listed only): Heppner Elementa- ry-Melissa Coiner, head teacher; Jannie Allen, Tal ented and Gifted coordina tor; Karen Smith-Griffith, DART, Mary Ann Elgueza- bal, English Language Learner site coordinator; Heppner High-Greg Grant, head teacher, Jeremy Rosenbalm, annual advisor; Rick Drake, band; Virginia Grant, half-time rally ad visor; Jolene Stensland, drama (one play only); John Flaherty, TAG and DART. -approved numerous organizational details. -approved a 2012-13 agreement with the Morrow County Unified recreation district to provide “cultural and recreational activities” for the people of Morrow County, with two payments of $158,700 to the school district to subsidize school athletics and other activi ties for the 2012-13 school year. -approved a pay raise for substitute teachers to $161.48 per day. -accepted $1,900 in unanticipated revenue from Mid Columbia Bus Com pany for four scholarships to graduating seniors and $150 to support district libraries. -held a budget hearing and adopted the 2012-13 budget. -adopted the following 2012-13 board calendar: July 2012-no meeting, Au gust 13-district office, Lex ington, September 10-Irri- gon High School, October 8-Heppner High School, November 13-Sam Board- man Elementary, December 10- Morrow Education Cen ter, Irrigon, January 14-Ir- rigon Elementary, February 11- Heppner Elementary, March 11-Riverside High School, Boardman, April 8-A.C. Houghton Elemen tary, Irrigon, May 13-Windy River Elementary, Board- man, June 10-district of fice. -approved the rescind ing of numerous old special education policies and ad opted new policies. -adopted new policy on the district’s honors di ploma as follows: four lan guage arts credits, three sci ence, three math, four social science, one each for health, PE, career education, tech nology and fine arts, two foreign language and five electives for Riverside and Irrigon junior-senior high schools for a total of 26 and 10 electives for Heppner Junior-Senior High School for a total of 30 credits (eight-period day), a 3.5 GPA or a 3.25 GPA with a 1650 SAT or 23 ACT score; have received no Ds or Fs, pass 11th grade benchmarks and complete and pass all writing samples, three col lege credits for 2012-13, six for 2013-14 and nine for 2014-15. The new policy eliminates the necessity to earn a state-issued CIM, which was required under the old No Child Left Be hind policy. The prediction is that the No Child Left Be hind policy will no longer be required under the new administration’s policy. -in a related issue, REMEMBER Father's Day is THIS SUNDAY June 17th Cards -Candy - BBQ - Coffee Cards - CHECKOUT OH* NEW VO Gummy bears • Reese's • Peanut Butter Cups • Reese's Peanut Butter • Chips M & M's • Oreo Cookie • Sprinkles» Chocolate Chips • Coconut • Topping • Blackberry Topping • Nuts • Chocolate • White Chocolate • Summer Check out our Tuesday lunch Fun Supplies! Special-CARNE ASADA LIVE PLANTS * GIFT BASKETS DRINK W hite C hocolate R aspberry M ocha CDPPIAIQ o rC U M ia H uckleberry S pritzer $3.75 $2.25 fresh lemonade W e d d in g T a b le K y le C a r ls o n & B r e n d a G le a s o n VCfedding: J u n e 16 , 2012 M uiftuj'i Dwig 217 North Man St., Heppner • Phone 676-9158 • Floral 676-9426 Serving Morrow, Wheeler & Gilliam counties Since 1959 Wednesday, June 13,2012 -F IV E lone students learn wheat marketing Top: The Mustang state softball champions were honored with a reception at the school hoard meeting. Bottom: Mustang softball coaches (L-R): Madison Rosenbalm, head coach Petra Payne, Kevin Payne, Shelley McCabe. Not pictured are Janelle Ellis and Marissa Turner. -Photos by April Sykes approved the K-12/ESD Achievement compact for 2012-13 required by the new governmental policy. The district's compact pri orities include graduation rates for the class of 2013 (ninth graders in 2009-10) as follows: four-year gradu ation rate-74 percent/68 percent for disadvantaged students; five-year gradu ation rate-79 percent with 73 for disadvantaged; five year completion rate-82 percent/76 percent disad vantaged; post-secondary enrollment-75 percent/63 percent disadvantaged; stu dents earning nine-plus col lege credits-15 percent/24 percent disadvantaged. -approved allowing the food service committee to name the new food service vendor for 2012-13, fol lowing the final report to be received by June 12. -received the following attendance report for June: ACH-273, HES-190, HHS- 184, IES-220, 1HS-332, RHS-396, SBE-306, WRE- 196, Morrow Education Center-MCSD students-39, MEC Umatilla School Dis- trict students-11 for a total of 2,147. -learned from Men doza that he has received definitive information that the district will not be re sponsible for lone students' education plans, but rather it is charter schools' respon sibility to take care of their own students. -held an executive ses sion concerning student expulsion. -accepted the canvass results for the renewal of the district’s local option tax as follows per precincts: Heppner/Hardman precinct #5-443 yes/205 no; Lex ington #3-100 yes/77 no; Irrigon #2-293 yes/287 no; Boardman #1-265 yes/184 no; total-1101 yes/753 no. -received the follow ing announcements: next board meeting, August 13, 7 p.m., district office (no meeting in July); teachers begin school, August 20; district-wide in-service, August 20, RHS, work/ in-service days-August 21- 23; students begin school, August 27. Community Bank raffle winners Top: Kirk Maguewood, a junior at lone High School, makes unleavened bread with one of the food development scientists at the Oregon Wheat Marketing Center in Portland. Bottom: lone High School freshmen Joe Doherty and Daniel Holtz taste noodles they made hot off the press at the Oregon Wheat Marketing Center. This visit was part of a two-day emersion into the transportation and development of Oregon wheat and its products. Thirty students in Erin Heideman's Ag business class were generously sponsored by the lone Education Foun dation to participate in visiting the Wheat Marketing Center, the Port of Portland, Portland French Bakery and Columbia Grain. -Photos by Erin Heideman Heppner FFA holds recruitment BBQ Bv Lilly Samlford The room is full of current members of the Heppner FFA chapter, as well as students entering the eighth and ninth grades who are interested in FFA. In Heppner, OR on June 5, at 6:30 p.m., the 1 leppner FFA chapter held a barbeque and meeting to show kids who are interested what it’s like to be in FFA and what op portunities can come from being involved. This was also the first meeting run by the newly-initiated 2012- 2013 officers. The food was provided Grant program funds park project Cutsforth Park will be looking a little better soon, thanks to efforts by Morrow County Public Works. In the spring of 2011, the Morrow County Pub lic Works D epartm ent (MCPW) applied for the Local Government Grant (LG) available through Oregon Parks and Recre ation Department. To aid in meeting the county-re quired match for the grant, MCPW solicited help from the Oregon National Guard Community Bank customer appreciation raffle winners (L-R) Corey Sweeney and Gibson McCurry with Community Bank through Innovative Readi branch manager Nikki Worden. Sweeney won the barbecue ness Training construction and McCurry won the kids’ basket. -Contributedphoto assistance. The project assistance request consists o f site upgrades' (electrical and power) to a few campsites, new water storage system, new ADA sidewalks, and a foot bridge at Cutsforth Eric Orem’s Place— Park. No local funds are available to complete this 72028 Blackhorse project work without the Canyon, Lexington assistance of the National Guard. In August o f 2011, Friday, June 1 MCPW was notified that they could begin construc Social Begins at 5:00 RM; tion of the project. Later that month, Burke O'Brien Dinner Served at 6:00igJ®^*^ met with the Army National Guard to see if they could Music By: Eric Jepsen and assist with the project. Ser geant Dearth indicated that John Wambeke it was a project the Guard could aid in completing Steaks Provided!!! during one of their train ings. Discussions continued Please contribute to potluck: over the next few months, A-M: Salad or Side; N-Z: Dessert finalizing details of the project with several agen cies and businesses. For m o re info, c o n ta c t L a rry L utcher In May of 2012, the (W h e a t A g e n t; O S U E xtension); 541-571-4454 Morrow County Road Crew MORROW COUNTY WHEAT LEAGUE SOCIAL POTLUCK by the officers and cooked by Craig Miles, a member of the Friends of Heppner FFA Alumni and the father of newly-initiated treasurer Shane Miles. The interested students got a look at how a meeting is run, what officers say and what activities the Heppner FFA engages in. “The Heppner FFA chapter is proud to have stu dents interested in expand ing their opportunities and making new friends from other FFA chapters,” said a chapter spokesperson. began cutting and prepping for the sidewalk that the National Guard unit would complete. The National Guard unit will arrive on June 14 and start setting up for their work, with plans to be at the park until June 29. The Tri- County 4-H Camp will also take place during that time, June 25-29, but campers and their families are as sured that’s not a problem. “MCPW' has had nu merous discussions with both the 4-H camp leaders as well as the National Guard personnel to insure everyone's safety,” said a MCPW spokesperson. During the month of June, a large area of the park will be unavailable to the public due to construc tion. Once the project is completed, the area will once again be open to the public for use. It is esti mated that the project will be completed by the end of July 2012, barring any un foreseen circumstances. “We hope that the pub lic can understand and work with us during this develop ment upgrade to the park,” says the MCPW spokesper son. “The MCPW wishes to thank the park patrons and all those involved with this project for understanding and cooperation while we complete this project.” Local contractors who have questions or opposi tion to the National Guard assistance in this project may call Morrow County Public Works at 989-9500.