Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 23, 2012)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 23,2012 - THREE BEO staff teaches kids to save lone TV shoot a success Cindy Kennedy, branch operations supervisor, and Debbie Young, teller, from Bank o f Eastern Oregon’s H eppner branch, gave a savings lesson to kinder garten through third-grade students at H eppner E l ementary School recently. This is the seventh year BEO particip ated in the Am erican Bankers A sso ciation Education Founda tio n ’s Teach C hildren to Save Program. S h a r o n R ie tm a n n , branch manager, and Taran na Patton, teller, from the lone branch, gave the sav ings lesson to kindergarten through third-graders at the lone Community School. Bank o f EO em ploy ees jo in e d thousands o f bankers across the country who traded in their balance sheets for blackboards to help fill the need for finan cial education. “Studies show that kids aren ’t learning the skills they need to make smart fi nancial decisions as adults.” said Jeff Bailey, president and CEO. “C om m unities and schools teach other life skills, such as driving a car, but we don’t spend enough time teaching fi nancial skills. Bankers are in the schools this week to help fill that gap and pre pare future customers for financial success.” A significant num ber o f schools were reached by BEO staff in the eastern Oregon rural communities it serves. The lessons taught in cluded activities about the co ncept o f sav in g , how interest makes money grow, how to budget and deter mining needs and wants. Bank o f Eastern Oregon’s employees visited a total of 23 elementary schools in its local banking communities. A long w ith the lessons, employees presented these Turanna Patton, teller front the lone BEO branch, with lone first- through second-grade students. Students are (front L-R) Madi Orem, Fernando Rameriez, Calvin Kietmann, Haylie Peterson, Carson Eynetich, Sunem Calvillo, Julie Teeman, Emily Ehrm antraut, Daralynn Teeman (Middle L-R) Katelvn Thompson, Hailey Heidentan, Anthony Villegas, Colt Parker, Charlie Smith, LexieGurinko, Bryce Rollins, Morgan Alldritt, Lewkus Burright, Cecilia McElligott (back L-R) Grace Ogden, Favolia Juarez, Mazie Hill, Blake C arter and Thomas Rudolf. Not pictured is Kayla Rodriguez. -Contributedphoto 1,100 students with a Mr. Bendy Calculator. S ince the A m erican Bankers Association Educa tion Foundation’s National Teach Children to save Day began in 1997, thousands of bankers have taught money skills to more than one mil lion students. Bank o f Eastern O r egon offers the following tips to help parents make every day “Savings Day” : -H e lp k id s open up th e ir ow n bank savings account and make deposits regularly. Many banks have c h ild re n ’s accounts that have no fee or minimum- balance requirements. -M ake g o in g to the bank fun. Som e banks have kids’ clubs where kids get newsletters or receive balloons when they make a deposit. -Kids love to get mail, so encourage them to keep an eye out for their quar terly statement. -T alk to y o u r c h ild about the family budget. Include a d iscu ssio n on wants and needs. Reinforce this by budgeting for a fam ily outing or purchase. -While children know that money doesn’t grow on trees, they may think it comes out of a wall. Show them how an ATM machine works and explain that to take money out o f the bank you must first put it in. -Give your kids posi tive feedback. As they get older, give them responsi bility over how they spend their money. The ABA E ducation F o u n d a tio n ’s N a tio n a l Teach Children to Save Day is held every April when thousands of bankers make presentations to students on the importance o f saving for their future. The 12th annual lone 1,000-yard TV Shoot was held on Saturday, May 5, at the Halvorsen Farm out side lone. Henry Padberg, a seventh-grader at lone C om m unity School, was the winner o f the 1000-yard shoot this year. Henry re ceived a Leupold Spotting Scope and $100; he then donated the $100 back to the fund. Also, for the third year in a row, there was a gun raffled at the shoot. Tickets were only sold at the shoot; G a rn e r S p o rtin g G oods o f Pendleton helped make it a success. This year the w in n er o f the rifle was Joe Orem. The 1000-yard shoot is a fundraiser for the lone 4,h o f July C el ebration. All money raised Æ A Winner of the 1000-yard shoot, Henry Padberg, with Eric Orem. -Contributedphotos goes to fund activities for kids during the 4lh o f July Celebration. Sponsors o f the shoot this year includ ed MCGG, RDO, Garner Sporting Goods, Mark An derson Construction, The Rainbow, Alison and Carey Gunworks, Bob Hubbard. S now -M cE lligott, B lagg Rifles, Bill Breshears and Crew, Joe and Frank Hal vorsen, and Leupold and Magnum Opus. Local girl vies for rodeo queen Lilly Sandford will be trying out for Miss Oregon H igh School Rodeo A s so ciatio n Q ueen for the 2012-13 year June 13-16 in Prineville, OR during a pageant held in conjunc tion with the Oregon High School Rodeo Association Finals Rodeo. Lilly resides with her parents, Sylvia and Rick Sandford, and younger sister, Ivy, all o f lone. Sandford, a sophomore at Heppner High School, is FFA chapter vice pres id en t and a m em ber o f N ational H onor Society, Future Business Leaders of America and Oregon High School Rodeo Association. Sandford, a six-year 4-H m em ber, has serv ed on numerous committees, is a 4-H camp counselor, and is now helping her leader as Morrow County Health District has announced that junior leader for their sew Pioneer Memorial Clinic in Heppner and Irrigon Medical ing, cooking and horse 4-H Clinic will be closed on Monday, May 28. for the Memo rial Day. The laboratory and radiology departments at Pioneer Memorial Hospital will also be closed that day for non The 65th annual Spray emergency outpatient services. rodeo will take place May 26-27. The 47lh annual East ern Oregon Half-Marathon L es S chw ab congratulates H eppner w ill be in clu d ed in the w eekend’s festivities on E lementary a n d H eppner H igh S c h o o l ' s May 26. The rodeo will begin STUDENTS OF THE MONTH with slack on Friday, May 25, at 11 a.m. There is no adm ission charge for the day and there will be con cessions on the grounds. S a tu rd a y is T o ugh Enough to Wear Pink day, with all o f the proceeds going to St. Charles Medi cal Center for breast cancer research. At 8 a.m., the popular Eastern Oregon Half-Mar athon, the longest running in the state, will take place. The race is a 13.2 m ile run from Service Creek to Spray. Saturday and Sunday m orning there w ill be a “ Buckeroo B reakfast” at Heppner Elementary School students of the month. Back (L-R): Johnny Resch, the school cafeteria from Sydney Wilson, Alison Cecil, Angel Matthew, Madison Combe, Alex Lindsay, Ivy early morning to 11 a.m. Sandford, Wyatt Steagall and Jacee Currin. Front (L-R): Reece Gorham, Jordan The parade will begin Spaulding, Hunter Nichols, Brock Hisler, Ashley Geier, Jace Coe, Dillan Doyle, Arianna Worden and Hannah Green. at 11 a.m at the Spray Gen eral Store; the rodeo will begin with the grand entry Area clinics closed for Memorial Day clubs. She also participates National High School Ro deo Association Queen. in HHS Basketball. “ B eing M iss O regon The girl chosen as Miss Oregon High School Ro High School Rodeo Asso ciation Queen is an deo A sso ciatio n opportunity to repre Queen represents sent the Western her her high school itage o f our state, our rodeo team , the high school rodeo entire state o f Or a th le te s and th eir egon’s team mem scholastics; all while bers who compete Lilly promoting collegiate statewide, as well Sandford scholarship oppor as some who will tu n itie s for rodeo advance to the Na athletes,” says Sandford’s tional High School Rodeo Finals in July. The National mother, Sylvia Sandford. Sandford is w orking High School Rodeo Asso ciation Finals will be held on obtaining sponsors for July 15 - 21 at the Sweetwa her pageant, where she will ter Events Complex in Rock be judged in speech, per Springs, WY. If Sandford is sonality, rodeo knowledge, awarded the title for Miss horsem anship, m odeling, OHSRA, she will compete appearance and personal with queens from 40 other interview. For more infor states, five Canadian prov mation about becoming a inces and Australia queens sponsor, contact the Sand- for the coveted title o f Miss fords at 541-571-5930. Spray Rodeo this weekend APRIL'S CHARACTER TRAIT A AMBITION at 1 p.m., with contestants competing from all over the Northwest. A cowboy church ser vice will be held Sunday at 9 a.m. in the rodeo grand- stands, and the final perfor mance of the rodeo will be at 1 p.m. For further inform a tion, call 541-468-2442. Youth works on Eagle Scout badge As part of his effort to obtain his Eagle Scout designation, Alex Smith of Heppner took on the task of repainting the kitchen at the Senior Center in Heppner. Smith, 17, is the son of Greg and Sherri Smith of Heppner, and was working on his project last Friday. The senior center provided the paint, and Smith said he did a fundraiser to come up with the money to buy the brushes and other painting material. The group helping him paint started at 8 a.m. on Friday, and he estimated they would finish the job that day. Back (L-R): Greg Smith, Sam Horn beck, Alex Smith, Jesse Boyd, Wade Matthew and Taomi Matthew. Middle (L-R): Grant Smith, Sherri Smith, Jared Lemmon, Mark Lemmon and Phil Schuyers. Front (L-R): Genevieve and Ryan Smith. -Photo by David Sykes Overwhelmed with leftovers? Paint drop-off sites in your area: Heppner High School students of the month (L-R) Tayllor Gould, Bre Hynes Kissler, Micha Hintz, Tommy Bredfield and Kevin Murray. Not pictured: Makenzi Hughes. M O RR OW C O U N T Y N O R TH TR A N S FE R S TA TIO N 69900 FR O N TA G E LAN E B O A R D M A N , OR Sat-Sun 9-4 Phone (541) 989-9500 M ORROW C O U N T Y S O U TH TR A N S FER S TA TIO N 57185 H W Y 74 L E X IN G TO N , OR Do you *now whot to do with leftover cens of oemt'’ With PaMCam , recycling unwanted paint is simple and convenient Hate'» how: When you buy a gallon of new paint. $0 75 of the purchase price funds the cost of recycling your old leftover paint (For quarts it 's $0 35. Ihre gallons is $1 60) When you no longer need it. simply take it to any of our drop-off sites for no additional charge You're done We'll take it from there T b « program is for both households and businesses Please check wtfh the drop-of* site before bringing more then 15 gallons P’ease do not bring paint thinner, aerosols or empty pamt cans Empty cans may be placed m your Sat-Sun 9-4 Phone (541) 989-9500 pointcare* 124 North Main Street • Heppner OR 97836 e* 541 - 676-9481 ia a « u e ^ n * * * " '« * « To learn mora- www paloteare o i »