Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 2012)
IU h I iii I i I ii III m ih II i I i " " Bessie Wetzell Newspaper Library University o f Oregon Eugene. OR 97403 State education to stress “birth to college” says superintendant Bv April Sykes lone School Dis trict and InterM ountain ESD Superintendent Mark M ulvihill told the lone School Board, at their regu lar meeting January 24, that HEPPNER ette VOL. 131 N 0. 5 8 Pages Wednesday, February 1, 2012 Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon Fair and rodeo queen celebrates coronation M orrow C ounty residents are encouraged to mark their calendars now for a night of music, food and the official coronation of our 2012 Morrow Coun ty Fair and Oregon Trail Pro Rodeo Queen Maggie Collins. Her coronation will be held on Saturday, March 10 at 6 p.m. at the Mor row County Fairgrounds in Heppner. The 2012 fair theme is Country Pride..... County Wide, at the Mor- row County Fair. Country music, old time fiddlers, visiting roy alty, county dignitaries, a prime rib or chicken dinner, set; Willow Creek Storage, silent and live auctions... 2012 custom Montana Sil those are all on the eve ver queen’s crown; Roger ning's agenda for and Rena Henry, raising money for custom hand-made this year's queen. leather belt, Mon The spon tana Silver bracelet sors o f her official and queen’s Resis- attire and awards tol hat; Hal and Rita also will be high Bergstrom family, Maggie lighted at the coro Collins queen’s sash, work nation, including ja ck et and much M orrow C o u n ty more; Mike’s Mo Grain Growers, queen s bile Slaughter, Mike and chaps; Bank of Eastern Or- Judy (Jepsen) Julio, a whole egon, queen’s Montana Sil pig cut and wrapped for raf ver buckle; Banner Bank of fle sale; and Sykes Real Es- Boardman, Montana Silver -See FAIR QUEEN/PAGE heart earrings and necklace SIX Six positions open in primary elections May 15 The 2012 primary elections in Morrow Coun ty will be held May 15. General elections will be held November 6. County positions open for the 2012 election and current position hold ers are: Morrow County A ssessor, G reg Sweek; M orrow C ounty C lerk, Bobbi Childers; Morrow C ounty C o m m issio n er 1, Leann Rea; M orrow County Sheriff, Kenneth Matlack; Morrow County Surveyor, Judson Coppock and Morrow County Trea surer, Gayle Gutierrez. All positions carry four-year terms. The county commis sioner position is partisan; all other open positions are nonpartisan. County clerk, trea surer and sheriff are elected at a general election. Asses sor, surveyor and Justice of the Peace can be elected at the May election depending on the number of candidates filed. Filing is now open for candidacy for nonpar tisan or major party office candidates. March 6, 2012 is the last day to file candi dacy for a nonpartisan or major party offipe. Filing must be completed in the office of the county clerk by 5 p.m., but County Clerk Bobbi Childers urges any one interested in filing to allow plenty of time in case corrections need to be made to filing paperwork. C a n d id a te s fo r sheriff must have a letter from the Department o f Public Safety Standards and Training. Candidates for assessor must have a letter from the Department o f Revenue stating they meet the requirements un der Oregon Revised Statue 204.016. These are the cur rent filings in the office of the county clerk: Bobbi A. Childers, county clerk Greg Sweek, coun ty assessor Gayle L. Gutierrez, county treasurer Kenneth W. Mat- lack, county sheriff Filing forms and more information can be found at: http://oregon- tions/index.html under the Manuals and Forms links. Voters are also re minded that they will re ceive partisan (Democrat or Republican) primary ballots only for their registered party. Unaffiliated and other party voters will receive only nonpartisan primary ballots unless otherwise designated by the party in question. All general elec tion candidates will appear on N ovem ber’s general election ballots. Important dates for 2012 primary election -September 8, 2011: First day to file candidacy for nonpartisan or major party office • -March 6, 2012: Last day to file candidacy for nonpartisan or major party office -March 8, 2012: Last day to file state voters’ pamphlet statement -March 31, 2012: Ballots mailed to long-term absent voters (overseas and military) -April 3, 2012: Seven day reporting begins for campaign finance transac tions -April 16, 2012: Ballots mailed to out-of-state voters -April 24, 2012: Voter registration deadline -April 27 - May 1,2012: Ballots mailed to voters other than long-term absent and out-of-state voters -May 15, 2012: Election Day -June 14, 2012: Certification of election results needs to be put on the “fast Governor John Kitzhaber’s dysfunction.” “We all know kids track.” Mulvihill suggested focus, and consequently the state’s new education focus, zero to five are sponges,” using a modular building for the facility. will be on pre-kindergarten added Areher. A meeting was held -received the draft education. He said that the new emphasis stresses birth at Blue Mountain Com school district calendar to college education and munity College Jan. 30 for the 2012-13 school concerning the OEIB pro year, which would see beyond. school starting on August Mulvihill, who has posal. Mulvihill suggested 27, Thanksgiving break been named by the gover nor to Kitzhaber’s 12-mem that the lone School District from Nov. 19-23, Christmas ber Oregon Education In begin contacting the parents break from Dec. 24-Jan. 4, vestment Board, indicated o f prospective kindergar spring break from March that the state intends to teners to see if the school 25-30, graduation on June 7 coordinate a wide swath of can administer assessments and the last day for students services pertaining to early to their children, basically June 12. -discussed bringing childhood experiences, in to determine the child's risk. The state’s three-tired the school year more in line cluding services provided assessment, which is ex with colleges’ time lines by other agencies in addi tion to education, such as pected to be developed and and contemplated adding the Department of Human approved early this year, school days in the event that Services, W1C, Head Start, will be designed to assess the district needs additional nutrition and health services a child’s education, social days to comply with state skills, health— including requirements, especially and pre-schools. OE1B is propos height and weight—and if additional days are lost ing legislative action in the child’s safety.. .whether because of snow and ice and February o f this year to the child lives in a safe, school tournaments. “This year w e’ll “stream line early child functional home. lone has hood programs and create a already adopted “Eastern just have to adjust accord system of accountability for Promise,” Mulvihill’s plan ingly, because we cannot student success from pre that coordinates eastern fall below state standards,” kindergarten through K-12 Oregon high schools and said board m ember Joe to college and career readi colleges, and offers college McElligott. A rcher said that ness.” Mulvihill said he did classes and college credits not expect new funding to to students of cooperating if school is closed for a follow the proposed new high schools while they are tournam ent, they would make up the day on the ed focus, but added that he still in high school. In other business, next Friday following the is not worried “about a pot tournament. He said that if of money” and said that he the board: -learned that the additional days are missed expects that funds will be amount of the district’s pre and must be made up. the set aside for pre-k. M ulvihill said it vious levy will be lowered district may have to hand has been shown that a child because the district got a out empty diplomas to the who is behind when he en better price on its bond and seniors and then send out ters kindergarten may never has collected $50.000 more the diplomas after the time catch up, which could lead than required. The funds has been made up. Mul vi hi l l c o m to lack of success in high cannot legally be used for other purposes. mented that if the school school and an increased - l e a r n e d t h a t is trying to make the senior drop-out risk. Recent data show that only 67 percent George Murdoch, owner year more rigorous, they o f Oregon students gradu of the weight room and ath may not want to let the se ate from high school on letic facility (the Rietmann niors out early as tradition time, with graduation rates Building) has agreed to a ally done. -learned from Ar for children of poverty and rent reduction from $400 to $250, since the facility cher that the new school color even lower. Mulvihill said that has fallen into disrepair and closure notification process the idea is to prevent throw can no longer be insured has been successful overall, ing away the child’s first unless repairs are made. with some glitches con years. 1SD Principal Jerry The board has indicated nected to power outages, if Archer said that a three- that they would like to site calls were made to phones year gap could already exist a facility, which would be requiring electricity to op when the child enters kin open to students and the erate. -approved a resolu dergarten, no matter how general com m unity, on many interventions have campus and would have to tion on a policy concern be self-supporting, since ing reporting requirements been put in place. “We think they’re funds have not been ear regarding sexual conduct ankle biters,” commented marked and bond monies with students and a policy Mulvihill, “but five years have been expended. They -See BIRTH TO COLLEGE/ PAGE SIX is a long time to deal with also agreed that the plan BEO invitational wrestling tournament Saturday The Bank of East ern Oregon’s 2012 Invi tational Wrestling Tour nam ent will be held at Heppner High School this Saturday, February 4 begin ning at 10 a.m. High schools scheduled to compete are Adrian, Crane Union, Cul ver, Elgin, Enterprise, Grant Union, Heppner, Imbler, Irrigon, Joseph, MacHi (JV), Riverside, Union and Wallowa. The Bank of East ern Oregon invites the pub lic to come watch these talented athletes compete. Tickets are available at the door and concessions will be available. “The bank’s man agem ent has been very involved in establishing this annual tournament and looks forward to the 2012 competition. The first three years o f the event were outstanding and we intend the BEO Invitational to be a ~ 8; S m té. Jr* ? O ' L V S ’, (• V. ,tr - * i f tr * ., « / 1,pa ' A \A The Mustang wrestling team members (front L-R) Rhyman Heard, Garrett Gibbs and Treston Maben; (back L-R) Jesse Boyd, Raytee Burghard, Tim Nelson, Jared Lemmon, Andrew Bara and Wade Matthews. -Contributedphoto ‘can’t miss' tournament on every school's future sched ule,” said Mark Lemmon, Bank of Eastern Oregon's Chief Financial Officer and Heppner High School wres tling coach. “We appreciate bank staff and local citizens who volunteer to help at the event or sponsor amenities; their help makes the tourna ment run smoothly.” Questions can be directed to Heppner High School’s Athletic Director, Greg Grant, at 541-676- 9138 or Mark Lemmon at 541-676-0224. 199 13 oz NAPA Mac's m, NAPA iraké p'‘ Non-Chlorinated Brake Cleaner Conventional ;ieao«f OR Low-VOC Non-Chlorinated Motor Oil Brake Parts Cleaner sw3o, 10W40, sal 30 SAE 40, 10W30 20VV50 5WTO M o r r o w C o u n ty G ra in G r o w e rs Lexington 989-6221 • 1-800-452-739«