Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 2011)
EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 30,2011 -Continuedfrom PAGE SEVEN PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Bureau o f R eclam ation Water Service Contracting; W illow C reek P ro ject, Oregon Under the authority of §9(e) o f the Act o f A ugust 4, 1939(53 Stat. 1187), §8 of the Act o f December 22, 1944 (58 Stat. 887, 891), and the Flood Control Act o f 1962 (76 Stat. 1173), the United States Bureau o f Reclamation proposes to enter into negotiations for a short-term , 2-year contract with the Willow Creek District Improvement Company that would allow for the use of up to 2,073.6 acre-feet of storage water for irrigation use on 2,538.14 acres o f land during the 2012 and 2013 irrigation seasons. The proposed short-term contract has been evaluated u n d e r th e N a ti o n a l Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act and other compliance requirements. Written data, views, and comments concerning the proposed contract action may be submitted to the Bureau o f Reclamation, Attention: PN-3324, 1150 N. Curtis Road, Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83706-1234, until February 4, 2012. Upon request, copies o f the proposed contract may be obtained when available for review and comments. Com m ents or inquiries concerning this notice may also be made by calling 208-378-5344. Published: November 30 and December 7, 2011 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE The Morrow County Court will be considering three ap p o in tm en ts to serve on the M orrow County P lanning C om m ission. Planning commissioners serve four-year terms. Two o f the positions, serving lone and Heppner, will begin January 1, 2012 and run until the end o f the term, December 31, 2015. The third position, serving the Boardman area, will fill the last two years of a four- year term ending December 31,2013. Interested parties residing in Morrow County who are interested in taking a more active part in land- use planning in the county are encouraged to submit a letter o f interest to the M orrow County C ourt, P.O. Box 788, Heppner, OR 97836, by December 12 , 2011 . DATED this 28th day o f November 2011 M ORROW COUNTY P L A N N I N G DEPARTMENT Published: November 30 and December 7, 2011 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A public meeting o f the B u d g et C o m m ittee o f M orrow C ounty, S tate of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 201J to June 30, 2012 will be held at the Morrow County Annex, 150 Rock St., H eppner Oregon. The meeting will take place on the 7th day o f December, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. The purpose o f the meeting is to review the current year budget and to discuss the Operating Loan obtained by Morrow County. Published: November 30, 2011 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE M ORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW CO UN TY PLA N N IN G COMMISSION will hold the following hearing of public interest on Tuesday, D ecem ber 20, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. at the Port o f Morrow Riverfront Center, Boardman, Oregon. Amendments to the Transportation System Plan (TSP), Comprehensive Plan (MCCP), Zoning Ordinance (M CZO ) and Map, and S u b division O rdinance ATSP-052; AC(M )-053; A Z -0 5 4 ; A Z (M )-0 5 5 ; AS-056: A pplicant Port o f M o rro w . M o rro w County is proposing to adopt the Port of Morrow and 1-84/730 Interchange Area Management Plans (IAMPs) as amendments to the adopted M orrow County TSP. The IAMPs p ro v id e tra n sp o rta tio n im provem ent plans and Access Management Plans for areas in the vicinity of the two 1-84 interchanges serving the Port of Morrow. The County is also proposing to amend the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances to include notice and access management requirements. Criteria include the MCCP Review and Revision and Article 8 of the MCZO. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above proposal or to ask questions will be provided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues: Copies o f the staff report and all relevant documents will be available after December 9, 2011. For m ore in fo rm atio n , please contact the Planning D epartm ent at 541-922- 4624 or 541-676-9061, extension 5506. DATED this 30th day of November 2011 M ORROW COUNTY P L A N N I N G DEPARTMENT Published: November 30, 2011 Affidavit Sheriff’s Report The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office reports handling the fol lowing business: -Continuedfrom PAGE SIX nia Ave. in Irrigon. -MCSO received report that Baker County Sheriff’s Office arrested Tom Raymond Carroll on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Ap- pear/Driving While Sus pended and Driving Un insured. He was lodged at the Baker County Jail with $684 bail in full and a hold was placed for M orrow County. -MCSO cited Jason Tevlin, 28, for Violation of the Basic Rule, 78 mph in a 55 mph zone. -M C S O d e p u ty gave a ride to a citizen locked out o f his car in Heppner. -MCSO served a warrant to Douglas Cart er Robertson, Pendleton, for Failure to Appear with $1,633 bail in full. He had already been lodged at Um atilla County Jail. -MCSO received a 911 hang-up call from Mor row County Schools. On call back it was determined that they were having new phone system problems. -MCSO received a request from the Hermiston Police Department to detain Charles David Morgan, 67, for Probable Cause/Hit and Run with property damage. A MCSO sergeant made contact with the suspect who was instructed to go to the Hermiston Police quenting an area in Irri suspended. The subject also pickup and was looking at Department to meet with gon. had a warrant out of Uma the vehicle. She wasn’t sure -M C S O d ep u ty tilla County; was lodged at what he was doing. an office. -MCSO received responded to a report o f Umatilla County Jail. -B enton County report from a subject in graffiti and then opened an -MCSO received Sheriff’s Office called and Heppner who said he got incident o f theft in Board- a call that two Washington requested MCSO to drive in a fight with his brother. man. vehicles kept going up Au by a residence in Boardman -MCSO received gust Street in Heppner the and see what kind of car a He said his brother punched him several times and then report of weeds at a house wrong way. When the caller subject drove. Caller stated he bit his brother. MCSO in Heppner. The house was approached them, they be it was for an investigation. responded and the p ar in the process o f being came belligerent. MCSO -MCSO reported in ties were separated for the sold. responded but was unable to advise that he was giving -MCSO received to locate the vehicles. a subject a ride to Board- night. -MCSO reported report o f a female drop -An Irrigon resi man to get coolant for his that John Jeremiah Clark, ping off some kittens on dent reported to the MCSO vehicle. , 30, was served an Irrigon Laurel Lane in Boardman. that a theft had occurred -Frederick Jackson Justice Court warrant for The caller confronted the from his mailbox that morn called from Irrigon to report Failure to appear/D UII. woman who said she was ing. that he had felt an electrical Bail was set at $1,450 in picking them up, but then -MCSO received a charge up and down his full. He had already been left without them. call from a driver on 1-84 right leg while inside his lodged at Umatilla County -MCSO received near Boardman, who stated residence; he went outside Jail on other charges with report o f three vehicles a black Honda driven by a and felt it again. He heard holds placed for Morrow leaving property owned white male wearing a base people talking inside and County. by the irrigation district ball cap was following too outside the house but didn’t -MCSO received a and the city of Boardman. close and attempting to run see anyone. He didn’t want 911 call from a young ju MCSO made contact with them off the road. contact since he didn’t be venile who said a five-year- the subjects and warned -M C S O s e rv e d lieve they would find any old boy went all the way them for trespassing, ex Thomas Chavis, 57, a Ben one, but requested a MCSO to the road, but came back pired registration and a ton County, WA restraining deputy to drive through the and everything was okay. juvenile made was warned order. area and look for anything A MCSO sergeant made for driving without a person -MCSO received suspicious. contact and determined that with a valid driver’s license a call from a woman in Ir -MCSO received the grandmother was there in the vehicle. rigon who said the hedges multiple 911 calls report watching the kids and the -MCSO received right next to her driveway ing a fire on Pettys Canyon juvenile just likes to make a call from a subject con and home were burning. Lane near the McMillian cerned about a friend who Irrigon fire responded and residence. The residence phone calls. -MCSO received was supposed to be follow put out the fire. Boardman was threatened. lone Fire, report that a female sub ing him, but he hadn’t seen fire also responded but was Heppner Fire, Lexington je ct was hanging out, at the friend in more than a cancelled before arriving on Fire, Station 7 and MCSO the Mountain Glen Apart half hour. The subject was the scene. all responded. ments. The caller said she transferred to OSP. -L a u re n S ta r k -Mike Dodge called was told to stay away from -MCSO received weather called to advise from Boardman to report the female subject, but she report of a subject missing MCSO that she had moved kids on the road on a motor thought the female was pur out of Klamath County. The to California but has six- cycle and a three-wheeler. posely trying to antagonize subject was located and week visitation with her Stated it was an ongoing her. A deputy made contact is now living in Morrow 10-year-old daughter. She problem. They are always with the reporter. County. was not able to drive her parked when the deputy ar -MCSO received -MCSO received daughter back to Irrigon rives. MCSO contacted the report from an Irrigon male several 911 calls reporting but David Starkw eather juveniles and warned that if that some of his prescription a male lying beside the refused to pay half of the they are caught on the road freeway not moving. One travel costs. MCSO make again they will be cited and medicine was missing. -MCSO received reporter stopped and found contact and determined it the vehicles impounded. report from an Irrigon sub a conscious male who had was a civil matter. -Laura Tingey ject that his girlfriend threw stomach cramps and a bum -A woman in Ir called MCSO and advised all of his stuff out o f the or blister to his hand. OSP rigon called MCSO to re that she is locked out of her pickup and would and Boardman Ambulance port that a red and black vehicle and does not have not give him back his $300 responded. brindle striped puppy with money for a locksmith. cell phone. -MCSO received a studded collar and no tags - E l i z a b e t h Rill -MCSO received report o f subjects repos had shown up at her resi called to advise MCSO report from an Irrigon sub sessing three vehicles in dence and was driving her that she had received infor ject that his neighbor’s dog Irrigon. The owners of the dog crazy. She called back mation that Marlina Flynn was loose and tried to bite vehicles were aware of the to advise that the owner had an altercation with her him, but only got his pa fit repo. came by and picked up the husband; was intoxicated leg. MCSO responded and -MCSO attempted puppy. and driving around in a contacted both parties. The to serve a restraining or -An lone resident white Camry. Deputy made dog owner was advised to der. called to report that the contact. -M CSO assisted Proudfoots’ grain bins were keep his dog home, but the July 24: -A female caller did not want to sign a motorist out of gas, giv causing a loud banging caller from Irrigon said a ing the subject a ride to a sound. She didn’t believe vehicle was parked in front a citation at that time. -MCSO received gas station and back to the it was the fans; she is con o f her residence and she cerned it will cause a spark did not know who it was. report from an Irrigon sub vehicle in Boardman. ject that his wife slapped -MCSO received and ignite. MCSO deputy responded; him on the back o f his report of a deceased deer -David Rice called the female did know the head and the assault was in the middle of the road on MCSO to report a male subject in the vehicle. witnessed by their 12-year- Hwy. 74, Heppner. MCSO subject on Pioneer Dr. near -Frederick Charles old daughter. The caller was responded and was unable the swing set. The man was Jackson called MCSO to currently in the living room to locate anything. very intoxicated and did not thank a deputy for coming -Boardman Police know where to go. MCSO by earlier that day. Deputy and his wife was in the bed room. MCSO arrested Amy Department received report responded and contacted was advised. Tolar, 38, for Harassment- of someone locking their W illiam (B ill) Powney, -Craig Reeder D om estic V iolence and keys in the car. Sr., 58. The subject did not called from Hale Farms to was released on her own -BPD received re know how he got there and advise there had been a cop recognizance. port o f someone egging a wanted a ride back to Ir per theft; their entire potato rigon. MCSO transported harvesting equipment was -MCSO received a front door. call from a crying woman -BPD Officer re him to meet his friend to stripped. MCSO responded; aggravated theft 1. Report who hung up. A deputy ported looking for an un take him back to Irrigon. responded and determined lawful dump site. -John A nderson required. that it was a verbal argu -BPD warned sub called to report that a dog -Linda Calvert re ment only and the two par jects for failure to wear seat had been barking for the ported to MCSO that she ties were working it out. belt and using a cell phone last two hours. He believed was at a yard sale at an -Boardman Police while driving. it was on Jones Street be elderly couple’s residence Department arrested Fred -BPD O ffice re tween Water and Church but there was no one around Bryan Hansen, 41, on a ported giving away two streets in Heppner. and they were not answer Umatilla County Circuit helmets. -MCSO received ing the door. She requested Court warrant for Failure -BPD received re a call from the GCSO ad a welfare check; she would to A ppear/Possession o f port o f someone hearing a vising them that a G il wait for the deputy at the a Controlled Substance- gunshot and then dogs bark liam County deputy had residence. methamphetamine. He was ing, but didn’t see anyone. attempted to stop two ve - A l i c i a H ar d in lodged at Umatilla County July 22: -MCSO hicles on traffic violations. called the MCSO to report Jail with $20,000 bail. BPD attempted a warrant arrest; One stopped but the other, that an Xbox had been also arrested Scott Merrill subject would not come to a black Ford Expo pulling stolen, and possibly other McBride, 48, for Driving door. a pop-up travel trailer and items, late the night before Uninsured. -An Irrigon resi swerving all over the road or early that morning. She -B P D r e c e iv e d dent called the MCSO to at 90+ mph, refused to would wait at home for report from a Boardman report that bull dogs were stop. MCSO made contact contact. -Cindy M aret o f woman who said a subject running in the street; one with a 52-year-old subject in a Mustang was driving at is tan. They were scared. at a Boardman rest area Irrigon called MCSO to a high rate of speed, peeled The caller knew where they and issued a stem warning report that her neighbors out and almost hit her child. lived and requested that a for driving 95 with a travel wee out of town and that a juvenile had been left at An officer made contact. deputy make contact with trailer. July 21: -Morrow the owner. The owner was July 23: -MCSO the residence. She stated County Sheriff’s Depart issued a warning for both was advised that HPD ar that the juvenile had been ment received report of a dogs. rested Roni D. Rios, 59, shooting a gun for the last black cow on a subject’s -MCSO received a on an Irrigon Justice Court two days and she would property in Lexington. The call that a man had hit a deer warrant for failure to ap- like a deputy to speak to the caller said she figured out on Hwy 207 close to Bun p ear/o p eratin g w ithout juvenile about the safety of who the cow belongs to and ker Hill Road. There was no proper lighting and no ops. shooting near neighbors. will contact them. -MCSO received a damage to the highway; he Subject was cited and re -MCSO received just wanted to report it. leased to appear at IJC. report of a vehicle rollover report of someone who had - C l a u d i a S ilv a that had trapped occupants -M CSO was ad dumped boxes and plastic vised that Pendleton PD had called to report that she with injuries. Two adults; bags of garbage in front of arrested Adrion Douglas saw a blue vehicle that had one was conscious and an Irrigon resident’s drive Lovely, 67, on an Irrigon wrecked near Irrigon; there once unconscious. An off- way gate. Justice Court warrant for was crime scene tape across duty fire EMS was on the -MCSO received failure to appear on original the vehicle. She stated that a scene. report o f stray dogs fre charges o f driving while male had driven up in a gray I