Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 2011)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, November 23,2011 “Shop ‘til you drop”on Chamber Chatter Customer Appreciation Day B o ard m an The 3rd annual free Community Thanksgiving On Thursday, De Sweet Productions Community Bank will offer Dinner will be held Thurs cember 1, local merchants will hold a gingerbread a door prize and announce day, November 24 at the will have special customer house workshop from 4-7 the winner o f their float Boardman Senior Center. appreciation activities and p.m. The cost is $5 for a contest at 6 p.m. Praise service is at 1:30 The highlight o f p.m. and dinner is served offer extended hours to kick children’s kit and $15 for off the Christmas holiday an adult kit; participants the day will be the decorat between 2 and 4 p.m. This season. are asked to sign up before ing of the tree outside the event is sponsored by area post office; residents are en churches. If you are inter Some o f the spe Thanksgiving. cials being planned in The Stable of Youth couraged to get there before ested in volunteering for the clude: will be serving free pepper 5:30 p.m. to watch the Hep- event or making a donation, M urray’s will be mint hot chocolate and will pner Day Care and Heppner contact the chamber. having hourly door prizes. be staying open for dinner. Elementary School chil The annual Board- The wish-list treasure hunt Tacos will be the meal se dren hang their homemade man Christmas Tree lighting will start—with the winner lection. Christmas ornaments. will be held on Wednesday, being announced during the “Plan on staying December 7 at the Board- The Victorian Rose December 15 Christmas will be serving Christmas downtown to eat, shop all man Senior Center. The tree event—and there will be cookies all day and will of our local merchants and lighting begins at 6 p.m. a mini wine tasting from have plenty of merchandise enjoy the sounds and sights followed by a program and, 5-7 p.m. of Christmas,” says a cham of course, a visit from Santa for browsing. Sally Anne’s will Shoppers can also ber representative, “and Claus. Call the chamber at be serving refreshments enjoy cookies and punch don’t forget to ask for your 541-481-3014. while offering 20% off all while doing their banking rewards card with every The annual Tilli- items (except large post at the Bank of Eastern Or purchase.” cum Club bazaar will be ers). egon and C ommunity Bank. held Friday, December 9 starting at 10 a.m. at the Bank o f Eastern Oregon and Banner Bank. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase some delicious The FSA will soon age maps. Producers will computers at home and at baked goods and beautiful be moving into the digital need to pick maps up at the work, many people have handmade items. » The Kiwanis Club age in an effort to help the county office or receive personal electronic devices of Boardman will sponsor agency’s bottom line. them electronically. and carry their businesses in Breakfast with Santa on “ We are looking the palms of their hands,” Oregon Executive Saturday, Decem ber 17 Director of USDA’s Farm at every aspect as to how Voigt said. at the Boardman Senior S ervice A gency (FSA ) we conduct business, and FSA is asking for Center from 9-10:30 a.m. Lynn E. Voigt recently we are reducing expenses owner and operator support • $3 per person includes pan stated the Farm Service wherever possible without and assistance during the Agency is moving toward negatively affecting our transition to digital com cake and sausage breakfast, crafts for kids, carriage electronic communication ability to provide services munication. rides and opportunities for as the delivery mechanism to producers,” Voigt said. “Our FSA county photos with Santa. Consequently, FSA office staffs stand ready to for informing farmers of Don’t forget to fill is making an effort to col assist farmers in their op FSA programs. out and return your Board- “The USDA Farm lect e-mail addresses o f erations and to answer any man Chamber survey before Service Agency is doing farm owners and operators. questions they might have,” December 9. They were its part to reduce the fed Like other agricultural busi Voigt said. emailed yesterday and will eral deficit and is making nesses today, FSA will use FSA encourages be mailed in the newsletter. changes that will affect our e-mail notification to pro producers to enroll at no direct communications with vide pertinent information cost to receive their county We would love to hear your farm owners and opera such as deadlines, remind FSA newsletter and other ideas and suggestions. The United Way ers and newsletters. tors,” Voigt said. bulletins via e-mail and Campaign is in full swing “E-mail addresses electronic text message. In an effort to re and the pledge forms are duce operating costs, FSA are considered personally Call the FSA state office beginning to come back in. is reducing postage ex identifiable inform ation at 503-692-3688 or visit We are currently at 14% penses as much as possible. (P11) and are confiden w w w to o f our goal o f $400,000. FSA will no longer mail tial at FSA. In addition to sign up now. United Way o f Umatilla newsletters or farm acre and Morrow Counties is currently recruiting busi nesses that are not currently participating in the United Way campaign. Contact Kricket at 541-276-2661 for more information. The Boardman Se nior Center will have the monthly community break fast on Saturday, December 3 from 7:30-10:30 a.m. at the senior center. Breakfast C A R T R A C T IO N T IR G S is $5 per person. IXCflllNT SNOW STUDOTD TIBI A IIIRHATI VI M orrow County B ICl TRACTION This tire offers a rubber compound Cultural Coalition will be designed lor excellent traction PIN HID TOR without tire studs. accepting proposals for STUBS Plenty ot factory siping fiscal year 2012-2013 until delivers good traction August 1, 2012. Applica and control in wintef driiftijiaj?_£ , tions must address one 265/60SR-18 22L __ PR IC E SIZE PR IC E SIZE PRICE 235/55TH-17 169.94 215/55TR-18 237.77 or more of the following 185/65TR 14X1 97.71 235/55R-17 191.25 225/55TR-18 21515 185/65TR 15 104.38 215/55R-18 208.18 235/55TR-19 299 82 195/65TR ■15 108.77 205/50TR-16 157.31 goals: build economic de 245/55TR-19 278 31 205/65TR- 15 116.82 225 50TR-16XL 168.39 275/55TR-19 365 88 215/65TR 15X1 123.05 205/50R-17XL 165.86 velopment by integrating P235/55TR-20 335 39 205 65TR- 16 128.90 215/50R-17 173.65 P275/55TR-20 266.15 195/55HR-15 16193 215/65TR- 16 135.20 225/508-17 181.98 arts, culture and heritage 205/55MM5 129.68 185/60TR 14 96.11 225/50R-18 214.81 195/55HR-16 151.90 195/60TR 14 100.95 215/45TR-17XI 178.32 into county development 205/59MI-1( 155.71 205 60TR 15 112.21 22S/45TR-17XL 194.68 215/55MM6 162.55 215/60TR 15 116.55 235/45TR-17XL 203.62 225/55HR-16 183.96 efforts; provide financial 149.84 245/458-18 195/55TR 16 232.43 215/55MM7 181.72 225/55HR-17 18718 215/55TR- 16XL 160.64 support for cultural ac 255/55MM9 283.79 225/55TR 16X1 171.98 tivities for families and youth; increase awareness L IG H T T R U C K T R A C T IO N T IR G S W IN T G R C A T and respect of our history; SIZE & PR IC E PR IC E IM SRM M A quality light truck/ improve building preserva SUV tire that provides tion; build cultural bridges outstanding traction FSA moves to electronic communication ÈTireslm-^HH''/:ì:ii TRACTION RGADY FOR/WINTGR SUffRMARKEt ■SUPERMARKET C i t e • ■ 10A0AANGE SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET SUPERMARKET during harsh weather conditions. . MOUNTING >AIR CHECKS * ROTATIONS \ FLAT REPAIR • R0«0 HAXAflO / PINNIO TOR STUDS H O W O LD IS Y O U R B A T T G R Y ? A v e ra g e b a tt e r y W in f t t f rtflt Uttirr Hr f _ life p er re g io n : WG DO f i l l IR A K I INSPECTIONS • FREE ESTIMATES • SAMI RAY SERVICI Ila aast (anelasi through partnerships with other cultural commissions to enhance heritage pro grams, expand outreach and accessibility and showcase opportunities that encour age cultural expressions. For more information, call Susan Russell at 541-481- 4277 or email smsel@hot- V o lu n te e rs are needed for tax preparation for the upcoming tax sea son. Contact Leann Rea at 541-481-5922. T he D e c e m b e r chamber lunch will be held on Wednesday, December 21 at noon at the Port of Morrow. We will be dis cussing financial planning options for year end. The Tillicum Club will be selling carnations and roses for Valentine’s Day. All proceeds go to scholarships, the Easter Egg Hunt and other Tillicum Club projects. Flower sales will begin December 1 and continue until January 27. All orders must be paid for when placed. To order, email tillicumclub@live. com or call Shelby Pearcy at 541-771-0103. H ep pn er Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be hosted by Elohim Cov enant Church, starting at 1 p.m. November 24. The dinner will be held at All Saints Episcopal Church and is free of charge. For more inform ation, call Catherine at 541-626-3262 or the church office at 541- 676-5471. Don’t forget to get your Heppner Christmas “ Rewards C ards” when shopping locally. Nov. 14 - Dec. 15, Heppner Cham ber will be promoting the community to “shop lo cally,” and customers will be given the appropriate “rewards cards” ($10, $20, $50) for the value of their purchased with participat ing merchants. The Hep pner Christmas event is scheduled for Thursday, December 15 at the Mor row County Fairgrounds, immediately following the Parade o f Lights at 5:30 p.m. From now through December 15, Community Bank will match 50 cents on every dollar collected (up to $5,000 bank-wide). The donations made at the Hep pner branch will support the Heppner Neighborhood Center. Plus, Community Bank will donate an extra $1000 to charities in the region where the most do nations are collected. Make sure you stop in and make a donation to support our local community. Community Bank Float Design Contest is open to anyone; the float will be featured in the De cember 15 Parade of Lights in downtown Heppner. To enter, draw a picture of your float idea with a paragraph describing it, keeping in mind that there are just four people putting it together and that the cost of supplies should not exceed $200. Turn your entry into the Heppner branch of Com munity Bank by November 30 before 5:30 p.m. The winner will be announced at their open house on De cember 1, at 5:30 pm. The winner will get their name on the float and $100 December 1: Mer chants Holiday Open House with extended hours. Plan on coming to town and starting your Christm as shopping; the local mer chants will be ready to serve you and will remain open for extended hours to accommodate that. There will be special activities go ing on, and don’t forget to come and watch the tree by the post office come to life with lights and homemade ornaments from Heppner Day Care and Heppner El ementary School Students at 5:30 p.m.; there will be hot chocolate and cookies/ dessert to purchase to sup port HES; carolers will be singing Christmas carols. D e c e m b e r 4: “Christm as Is” com mu nity concert at the United Methodist Church - perfor mances at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are now available - $10 adults/$5 children 12 and under. Contact the United Methodist Church at 676-9224 for more in formation. Don’t forget to call and order tickets in support of the Heppner Day Care on Monday, December 12 with guest Bill Walton. The cost is $25 each and includes dinner and admission to the speakers and auction events. Tickets are available by calling 541-676-9226. Medicare “D ” Workshops: Novem ber 29th and December 5th: These workshops will be held from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Pioneer Memorial Hospi tal. Call 541-676-9133 or 1 -800-737-4113 to schedule an appointment. When you come for your appointment you will need to bring your Medicare card and your list of prescription drugs with dosages and frequency, or you may bring your medi cations. D e c e m b e r 13: HES/HHS Christmas Pro gram - starts at 6 p.m. at HES Gymnasium. As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, let us take a few minutes and be thankful for our blessings... it helps us put our lives back into perspective! On behalf of the Heppner Chamber we hope each and every one of you will be blessed with family, friends, plenty of food and laughter (and safe travels). Permits required for open burn Residents are re minded that open bum per mits are required for any open burning in the city of Heppner. Open burning includes bum barrels and outdoor fire pits. Permits, which cost $5, can be obtained from Heppner City Hall. They are valid for one year, but burning must be restricted to the authorized bum sea son as determined by the fire chief. Anyone planning an open bum should call the Morrow County Sheriff’s Office at 676-5317 prior to each bum. • G Over 30 Years lupe mence o Premium Ouality Paris O PrntessianallY Trained Technicians O Rest Brahe Warranty Les SchwabTire Center M orrow C ounty T ransfer S tations . S outh end 57185 H wy 74, L exington and N orth E nd 69900 F rontage L n , B oardman . W ill be closed for the following H olidays 124 N Main Street, Heppner 541-676-9481 S a t . and S un . D ec em b e r 24 and 25, 2011 Magnetic Door Signs! S unday J a n u a r y 1 , 2 0 1 2 The Heppner Gazette Times ^ ( 541 ) 6 7 6 - 9228 T hank yo u f o r y o u r c o o p e r a t io n it a l l o w s o u r a t t e n d a n t s t o b e w ith T H E I R F A M IL IE S T H IS H O L ID A Y S E A S O N . M o r r o w C o u n t y P u b l ic w orks - FIVE 541 -989-9500.