Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 2011)
EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 26,2011 FOR SALE Thomas Orchards Kimberly, Oregon New name, Same family SAME GREAT FRUIT New Fall hours Closed Tues. & Wed. Open Thurs. -Monday 10a.m. 4p.m. only T im e s, a new spaper published and o f general c ir c u la tio n in M o rro w County, Oregon. Date o f first publication: October 5, 2011 Date o f last publication: October 26,2011 N O T I C E TO D EFEN D A N T: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY You m ust "appear in this Last Day Open c a se or th e o th e r sid e w ill w in a u to m a tic ally . October 31 To " a p p e a r" y o u m u st (Thank you for a file with the court a legal great season) paper called a "motion" or "answer". The "motion" or U-P1CK or "answer” (or "reply") must READY PICKED be given to the court clerk Jonagold Apples or administrator within 30 Cameo Apples days o f the date o f first Fuji Apples publication specified herein Granny Smith Apples along w ith the required Prunes filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof Bring Containers Look for us on Facebook o f service on the plaintiff attorney or, if the plaintiff J & L Orchards does not have an attorney, 541-934-2870 p ro o f o f serv ice on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you FOR RENT sh o u ld see an a tto rn e y immediately. If you need Cottage Creek Apartments help in finding an attorney, 1 bed / l bath apartments you may call the Oregon All utilities included! State Bar Lawyer Referral 160 N. Chase Street Service at (503) 684-3763 Call toll free: or toll free at (800) 452- ( 877 ) 967-6583 *** 7636. DATED this 30th day o f September, 2011. W ANTED William J. Kuhn W anted, W illys FC 170, OSB No. 762075 503-729-5166 staceymike@ Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 428 Heppner, OR 97836 Published: October 5, 12, PUBLIC NOTICE 19 and 26, 2011 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Affidavit OF T H E STA TE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF PUBLIC NOTICE The Town o f Lexington is MORROW going to be offering various W. RO N A LD BECKET, landscaping equipment for Plaintiff, sale. Items include a Toro vs. SA M M Y EA R L riding lawn mower, various WOODALL, C ub C adet attachm ents, Defendant. PUBLISHED SUMMONS a s p ra y e r u n it, se v e ra l trim m ers, a w alk behind No. 11CV142 TO: SAM M Y EARL trimmer, a walk behind lawn W O O D A L L , the above mower, an air compressor, a wheel kit for a generator named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE and a Partner Chain Saw. STATE O F O R E G O N , Full descriptions, prices and you are hereby required photos o f these items will to appear and defend the be available at: Town Hall Complaint filed against you 425 F Street Lexington. You in the above-entitled Court may also e-mail a request on or before the expiration for photos, prices and full o f 30 days from the date o f descriptions to: town055@ the first publication o f this Summons; if you fail to so P u b lish e d : O c to b e r 26, appear and answer, plaintiff 2011 for want thereof will apply Affidavit to the above-entitled Court for the relief prayed for in the Complaint, to wit: PUBLIC NOTICE T h e c o m p l a in t s e e k s IN THE CIRCUIT COURT r e c o v e r y a g a i n s t th e O F T H E S T A T E O F d e fe n d a n t Sam m y E arl OREGON W oodall for dam ages in FOR THE COUNTY OF the amount o f $105,817.50 MORROW for breach o f a 2010 farm Probate Department p a rtn e rs h ip a g re e m e n t In the Matter o f the Estate between the plaintiff and of: defendant; for damages in M A R Y E . G O H E E N , the amount o f $105,817.50 Deceased. for breach of the partnership No. 11PR023 duties by defendant; for NOTICE TO damages in the amount o f INTERESTED PERSONS $80,817.50 for breach o f N o tic e is g iv e n t h a t a 2011 fanning agreement th e u n d e r s i g n e d h a s by defendant; for damages been appointed and has in the amount o f $15,000 qualified as the personal for conversion o f plaintiffs representative o f the estate. p e r s o n a l p r o p e r ty by All persons having claims defendant; and for damage a g a in s t th e e s ta te are in the amount o f $15,000 required to present it, with for trespass by defendant on proper vouchers, w ithin plaintiff’s real property. four months after the date A dditionally the plaintiff o f first publication o f this seeks the dissolution o f the notice, as stated below* to parties' farm partnership and the personal representative an accounting of its financial at the offices o f Kuhn Law activity. Also plaintiff seeks Offices, 267 N. Main Street, specific p erform ance o f P.O. Box 428, H eppner, the parties' 2011 farming Oregon 97836, or they may agreement and damages in be barred. the amount o f $53,557.52 All persons whose for defendant's failure to rights may be affected by perform under the term s the p ro c e e d in g s in th is o f the agreem ent and for estate may obtain additional plaintiffs attorney fees. in f o r m a tio n fro m th e This Summons is published records o f the court, the by order o f the Honorable personal representative or Ronald J. Pahl, judge o f the the attorney for the personal above- entitled Court made representative. and entered on the 29th DATED and first published day o f Septem ber, 2011, October 19,2011. directing publication o f this William Anhom, Personal summons once each week Representative for four consecutive weeks 1714 Alder St. in the H ep p n er G azette La Grande, OR 97850 To be published for three consecutive weeks. P E R S O N A L REPRESENTATIVE: William Anhom 1714 Alder St La Grande OR 97850 P hone:541-963-0837 A T T O R N E Y FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: William J. Kuhn, OSB No. 762075 Kuhn Law Offices PO Box 428 Heppner OR 97836 Phone: 541-676-9141 Fax: 541-676-5502 E m ail: k u hnandspicer@ Published: October 19, 26 and November 2, 2011 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR Rock Crushing Contractor M orrow C o u n .y P u b lic Works Projects - Morrow County, Oregon Morrow County, Oregon, requests proposals for a qualified Rock crushing s e rv ic e s c o n tr a c to r to provide various aggregate services for various County G e n e ra l P u b lic W orks p ro je c ts . C o n tra c to rs submitting proposals shall be considered based upon th e fo llo w in g g e n e ra l evaluation criteria: 1. Fee schedule. 2. Experience. 3. Method o f approach. 4. Availability o f labor and equipment. Copies o f the Request for Proposals may be obtained from Morrow County Public Works, P.O. Box 428, 365 W H w y 74, L e x in g to n , Oregon 97839, (541) 989- 9500. Complete proposals w ill be a c ce p ted at the same address no later than 4:00 p.m. October 28,2011 any questions or concerns may be addressed to Sandi Putman. Published: October 19 and 26, 2 0 l i Sheriff’s Report The M orr ow County SherifFs Office reports handling the fol lowing business: June 18 (cont): -BPD received a call from someone who heard rumors there may be trouble in the area that night or the next day. The caller requested extra patrol. -B P D a r r e s t e d Casey Luna Lopez, 21, on an Irrigon Justice C ourt warrant for failure to ap- pear/DUII. The subject was lodged at Umatilla County Jail. -B PD receiv ed a call from a female who ad vised that she had moved in with another female on Cot tonwood Loop in Boardman and paid a month’s rent to her. Caller had just received a text message advising that the situation wasn’t work ing out, at which point she responded that her s tu ff was at the residence and she would like to go get it. Owner o f the property told her she had no right to her stuff since she w asn’t on the lease. Caller requested contact from an officer; of ficer made contact. -M C SO received a report o f a trespass at the lone pool; there were two or three boys jum ping off the roof and into the pool. The caller was told who they were and would like a deputy to make contact and let them know how danger ous it was. June 19: -M CSO received a call from a wom an in Irrigon stating that som eone has been going into her back yard over the past month and mess ing with things. He always w ears a w hite shirt and heavy boots and leaves footprints. He knocks on the w indow s. It usually happens between 1 and 3 a.m .; he was there three times already. Nothing has ever been taken, and there are six kids in the resi dence. MCSO went by the residence several times but was unable to locate the intruder. -A 4 6 - y e a r - o ld male was taken from Ir rigon to Good Shepherd Hospital. Someone jumped into a motor home and as saulted him, but he refused to say where it happened. Subject left the hospital. -M C SO a rre ste d M ario P erez, 27, on an Irrigon Justice Court war rant for failure to pay fine/ possession o f less than an ounce o f m arijuana. The subject was lodged at Uma tilla County Jail. -MCSO received a call from a man in Herm- iston stating that his girl friend took his bank card, p h o n e a n d 2 0 0 2 G ray Chevy Impala and left yes terd ay m o rning w ith o u t permission. -O fficer was flagged down by a subject on Highway 74 near Lex ington. The subject was just waving. -M C SO received a call from a w om an in Irrigon advising them that someone had parked along side her neighbor’s vehicle and used a sledgehammer on the rear w indow and front windshield. -MCSO received a complaint o f a white Mus tang going 90 to 95 mph on east 1-84 near Boardman. Unable to ID; Oregon State Patrol advised. J u n e 21: T h e Boardman Police Depart ment received report that a subject was stealing a trailer from the caller’s property. D eputies w ere unable to locate anyone. -BPD O fficer re ported he located an unoc cupied, suspicious vehicle on Marine Driver in Board- man. -BPD received re port o f someone in a field behind northeast Third St. in Boardm an was letting off bottle rockets, possibly in the skate park. -BPD received re port from a subject who said that two males broke up his trailer and threatened him. An officer m ade contact with the caller. -BPD received re port o f a small dog running around. -BPD received re port o f unlawful dumping. The subjects said they were advised to drop their clip pings and dog debris at the location by their landlord. -BPD O fficer ad vised he was out w ith a male subject on the railroad property. Kristopher Jared Loeppky was arrested on a W asco County w arrant for Failure to Appear/Tres- pass I. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $5,000 bail. -BPD received re port o f a juvenile on a bike without a helmet. The juve nile was warned and given a helmet. -M C SO received report o f a sprinkler head that had broken o ff and flooded a yard on Stansbury St. in Heppner. -M C S O , B o ard - m an P olice D ep artm en t received report from sub jects in a boat who said that their boat would not start. They were just barely out of Boardman. A deputy made contact and towed the boat back to the marina, where the subjects had their own ride to assist. -M C SO received report that a subject and his friends were playing “Fugi tive” that night in Irrigon. -M C S O D e p u ty reported training with the K-9. -M C SO received report o f som eone burn ing, possibly illegally in Boardman. -MCSO cited An- dra Kendrick, 53, on a traf fic stop. -M C S O D e p u ty reported he was out with a subject on Wilson Rd. and Paul Smith Rd., Boardman. The subject advised he had cows pastured their. -M C SO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n woman that she was afraid because her husband had been calling and was mad, threatening to com e and kill her. A second reporter advised he was en route to his friend’s house and her husband was being violent. A deputy responded and both parties agreed they would keep it peaceful. -M C SO received report from and Irrigon fe male that a male subject hit her car previously, resulting in over $1,700 in damage. She said she need to make a report for insurance pur poses. -MCSO cited Ed gar Ramirez, 21, for Failure to Drive Within Lane and Driving While Suspended. -M C SO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n woman that her neighbor’s chickens were running loose and tearing up her vegetable garden. The owner said he would fix his enclosure. -MCSO cited Clau dia Johana Lainez Padilla, 29, for V iolation o f the Speed Limit, 90 mph in a 65 mph zone. -M C SO received report that a silver/grey SUV passed a double yel low line at an excessive rate o f speed on Hwy. 730, Irrigon. -M C S O D e p u ty advised he was out with a vehicle that made an unlaw ful “J” turn in Heppner. The deputy advised the subject not to do it again. -M C S h e riff a d vised he found a black lab with a blue collar in Lex ington. -M C SO received report o f a brown and white doge hanging out at the motel in Heppner. A deputy picked up the dog and the owner was located. -M C SO received report that Hermiston Po lice D epartm ent arrested Ricardo Lepez M endoza, 30, on a M orrow County warrant for Failure to Ap- p e a r/M en a c in g . He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail w ith $2,685 bail in full. -M C S O D e p u ty advised he m ade contact with a suspicious subject in a vehicle on Paterson Ferry Rod. It was an employee o f one o f the farms. -M C S O D e p u ty advised he was transporting a male subject to court in Heppner from the Umatilla County Jail. -M C SO received report from a Heppner sub ject that someone may have been selling drugs to kis. June 23: Morrow C ounty S h e riff’s O ffice received report that Keven Keith Alexander, 38, was arrested by Stanfield Police on an Irrigon Justice Court w arran t. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $443.87 bail in full. -M C SO received report o f fire on the railroad tracks in Boardman. -M C SO received request for assistance from the Umatilla County Sher ifFs Office on a theft call. -M C SO received report from subjects at Paul Smith/Kunze Rd., Board- m an, that they had seen flashlights. A deputy and Boardman Police Depart m ent o fficer responded, but were unable to locate anything. -M C SO received report from Oregon State Police that they arrested Thomas John Yonkers, 54, on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/D riving W hile Sus pended. He was lodged at U nion C ounty Jail w ith $199 bail in full. -M C SO received report from an Irrigon sub ject that a black and white border collie-mix comes on to his property and makes his dogs bark. -M C S O D e p u ty advised he was transport ing a prisoner to court in Heppner. -M C SO received report o f a younger husky fem ale dog chasing cats in Irrigon. The caller had the dog tied to a tree with a chain collar held together by duct tape. -MCSO Deputy ad vised he was flagged down by a citizen in Irrigon. -M C SO received report from an Irrigon sub je c t w ho said his G reat Pyrenesedog had been shot with a pellet gun again. June 24: Morrow C ounty S h e riff’s O ffice receiv ed rep o rt th at the drive-up window o f a Hep pner Main Street business was opened from the out side around 4 a.m. and a subject took four to five packs o f cigarettes and ran off. A video showed a pack o f Marlboro Lights fly off and hit the floor. -M C SO received report from an lone subject that a puppy that did not belong to them was in their yard. -M C SO received report from a subject on 1-84 Arlington that a Fed Ex driver passed him doing 95 mph. -M C SO received report from a Boardm an subject that he was trying to catch a dog in the orchard at Paul Smith/Kunze Rd. -M C SO received report that an Irrigon wom an had locked herself out o f her house. -M C SO received re p o rt from a H e p p n e r woman that another woman had stolen stuff from her. The caller advised she was storing her stuff with per mission in a shed that was on the property where the alleged perpetrator lived. -M C SO received request for contact from an Irrigon school princi pal concerning a child not showing up for school most o f the two previous weeks. -M C SO received multiple 911 calls reporting a rollover accident on 1-84 east-bound near the Hwy. 730 exit with five people in th e v e h ic le . M C SO , Boardman Police Depart ment, Oregon State Police, ODOT, Boardman Ambu lance and Irrigon A m bu lance responded. Boardman Ambulance transported two people to Good Shepherd Hospital in Hermiston and Irrigon Am bulance trans ported three. -M C SO received report o f an on-going prob lem o f two dogs on Wilson Lane/Laurel Rd. in Board- man chasing m otorcycles and vehicles out into the road. -M C SO received report from a Heppner man that his previous girlfriend drives down Main St. yell ing at him and his new girl friend. He said she showed up at the gas station, the store and even the park w hile they are there and yells inappropriate things at them. He advised there was a restraining order against him and he didn’t want to be charged with violating it because o f her harassment. A deputy made contact with both parties and advised o f their options. -M C SO received request for contact with a deputy from an Irrigon su b je c t re g a rd in g som e strange things that had been happening at her home.