Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 2011)
EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 10,2011 PUBLIC NOTICE Electric Co-Op Announces Notice of Nominations Columbia Basin Electric C o o p e r a t iv e h e r e b y notifies all members that nominations are open for the following four Director’s positions: For three year terms: ZONE NO. 3: That territory served, or to be served, by the Cooperative lying East of the Range line between Range 24 East and Range 25 East, North of the Township line betw een Tow nship 2 South and Township 3 South. Z O N E N O . 4: T h a t territory served, or to be served, by the Cooperative lying West o f the Range line betw een Range 24 East and Range 25 East, North of the Township line between Township 2 South and Township 3 South, and East of the Morrow-Gilliam County line. For two year terms: ZONE NO. 8: That territory served, or to be served, by the Cooperative within the incorporated city limits of Heppner, Oregon. T he m e m b e rs o f th e nominating committee are: Zone No. 3: Ken Grieb, Lexington, Published: August 3 and 10,2011 Affidavit PUBLIC NOTICE MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING THE MORROW COUNTY PLA N N IN G COMMISSION will hold the following hearings of public interest on Tuesday, A u g u st 30 , 201 1, a t 7:00 p.m. at the Port o f Morrow Riverfront Center, Boardman, Oregon. Transportation System Plan Major Update: Morrow County, applicant. This w ill be the fourth o f at least four hearings to consider changes to th e M o rro w C o u n ty T ran sp o rtatio n System Plan (TSP). U pdating the TSP ensures that the C ounty’s transportation network will be able to serve the entire County over the next 20 years and that the County is consistent w ith the req u ire m en ts o f the State o f O regon Transportation Planning Rule. Criteria for approval include the Morrow County Comprehensive Plan and the TSP. Final approval of this revision will be granted by the M orrow C ounty Court. Replat R-S-021-11: Kyle Robinson, applicant and M erlyn R obinson, owner. The property is described as Tax Lot 3700 o f Assessor’s Map 2S 26 and is located east Heppner on H ighw ay 74. The property is zoned EFU. The request is to replat Parcel 1 o f Partition Plat 2010- 8. Criteria for approval include Morrow County S ubdivision O rdinance (MCSO) Article 5 Land Partitioning. Opportunity to voice support or opposition to the above proposal or to ask questions will be provided. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter or failure to provide sufficient specificity to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on those issues. Copies o f the staff report and all relevant documents will be available after August 19, 2011. For more information, please c o n ta c t th e P la n n in g Department at 541-922- 4624 or 541-676-9061, extension 5503. DATED this 10th day of August 2011 M ORROW COUNTY P L A N N I N G DEPARTMENT P u b lish ed : A ugust 10, 2011 Affidavit A pup for Imnaha wolf pack The Imnaha w olf pack had at least one pup this year. Footage captured luly 16 by an ODFW em ployee shows a black-col ored pup traveling with the Imnaha pack’s alpha female. So far, photographs and visual observations have turned up only one pup for the Imnaha pack this year, but more pups may be found. Young wolves will naturally leave a pack and move to new areas. Sev eral members o f the Im naha pack dispersed from the pack in the past few months. T h r e e w o lv e s known to have dispersed from the Im naha pack. ODFW does not have evi dence that any of these three collared wolves have joined a new wolf pack yet. Other uncollared members o f the Imnaha pack may have dispersed with the radio-collared wolves or gone their own way. The latest observa tions and data suggest the Imnaha pack now has four adult wolves (three of them collared), plus the new pup. “ W olf packs are dynamic and rarely stay the same size over time,” noted Russ Morgan, ODFW wolf coordinator. “A pack can be healthy despite these natu ral fluctuations in numbers, as long as a breeding pair of wolves, the alpha male and female, is maintained.” STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS Your ad will reach most newspapers in Oregon fo r only S200 Contract rate discounts available upon request Oregon Classified Advertising Network A service o f Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Contact the Heppner Gazette-Times (541) 676-9228 Legal Services DIVORCE $135. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appear ances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295, www., Education/Schools ALLIED HEALTH career training. Attend college 100% online. Job placement assistance. Computer available. 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I Sheriff’s Report The M o r r o w County Sheriff’s Office reports handling the fol lowing business: June 4: -A BPD deputy was out at a trailer park with a bunch of kids and gave the kids stickers. -M CSO arrested Harold Tice Bums, 40, on a DUII charge. Subject was cited and released. -MCSO received a call that a black heifer and brown calf were out at Highway 207 and Porcu pine Lane. An officer made contact with the owner, who said they would take care o f it. -MCSO received a report of a white female with two children; the chil dren were very dirty, and the caller said they looked like they hadn’t bathed and that he could smell them as soon as they walked out of the store. A deputy made contact and determined the children were a little dirty, but nothing unusual for kids that age and under no threat of harm. June 5: -BPD re ceived a complaint o f loud music. An officer responded and advised the subjects that they needed to turn the music down. -MCSO saw sever al vehicles in front of the li brary in Heppner. Juveniles were warned o f curfew and advised to go home. -MCSO received a theft complaint; the caller’s husband had gone out to feed the steer and found the steer missing and tire tracks. -MCSO received a call from a man who said his wife was threat ening suicide, cutting her arms and having a nervous breakdown. She got very physical with him while he tried to prevent her attempt- He went outside and sent the children away so they would be safe. -MCSO received a call from a woman who said a vehicle kept driving by her house. She believed they were gangsters and advised that they didn’t need to keep driving up and down the block. -MCSO received a complaint from a female who said a neighbor had floodlights on and pointed at her house. The lights are usually pointed at the neighbor’s own house and yard, but they have had some issues with him lately, and she would like for him to point the lights the other way. She stated she was very uncomfortable with him having the lights shin ing in her house. -MCSO received a call from a male who ad vised he had been drinking and just wanted to get his glasses out of the house. He and his girlfriend had an ar gument. MCSO responded; both parties separated with no incident. June 6: -MCSO received a fraud report from a female who said her debit card went shopping in California without her authorization. -M CSO arrested Noe R. Rodriguez, Jr., 26, on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for failure to ap- pear/possession of less than an ounce of marijuana. -A m ale c a lle d MCSO to report that a flat- screen TV had been taken from the Hardman store. The caller did not want contact, and advised that the TV probably belonged to someone who shouldn’t have been there in the first place. -A woman called MCSO and said she re ceived a notice from Ameri can Legal Processing Divi sion requesting her Social Security number and bank num ber and saying she people watching and one of -MCSO arrested a needed to make a payment the fighters was bloody. The 40-year-old female subject within 24 hours. Looked combatants were gone by on a D eschutes County it up on the internet; looks the time BPD arrived. Circuit Court warrant for like a scam. -BPD O fficer re probation violation/deliv- -MCSO received a ported a strong smell o f ery of marijuana to a minor, report that a neighbor’s dog smoke in the N.W. Board- child neglect and endanger had been barking for three man area between 2nd and ing the welfare of a minor. hours. Contacted the dog’s 3rd streets. She was lodged at Umatilla owner, who said they would -MCSO received County Jail. try to keep the dog from report from subjects in a -MCSO received barking. vehicle on 1-84 that the report from the Baker City June 8: -A camp vehicle in front o f them Police Department that they host reports that some cows was swerving and driving arrested Toby Dale Ro were herded southbound at varying speeds. A deputy driquez, 40, on a Morrow past Anson Wright Park responded and advised that County Circuit Court war outside of Heppner and a the individuals were hav rant for failure to appear/ few of the cows split off ing a hard time driving the unauthorized use of a motor and headed back toward large trailer in the wind. The vehicle and theft I. He was Hardman. deputy gave him a verbal lodged at Baker County Jail -MCSO received warning. with $15,000 fine. report from an Irrigon sub -M CSO received -MCSO received ject that his father’s dirt report from an Irrigon wom report from an Irrigon sub bike was stolen. an that a male subject was ject that they found a purse -MCSO received standing at her window. out in their pasture. The rep o rt from an Irrigon -MCSO received purse, which had been tak woman that her neighbor’s report that a large dog, en in an unauthorized use two dogs were digging un possibly a lab mix was of a motor vehicle incident der the fence and going into running loose with a long a couple days previous, was her yard. A MCSO Deputy leash on it. returned to the owner. warned the subject that if -MCSO received -MCSO received the dogs got out again he rep o rt from an Irrigon report of graffiti on a stop would be cited. While the woman that a male subject sign at S.W. Second St. and deputy was next door, the just drove off in her car. Nevada in Irrigon. dogs got out again. MCSO MCSO responded, discov -M C SO cite d a cited Joshua Michael Crites, ered the vehicle parked 21-year-old male subject 27, for dog at large as a pub and keys in the house and for driving while suspend lic nuisance. arrested Valeria Abell for ed. He was w arned for -MCSO received Assault IV and a no-contact failure to maintain lane and report of a black Tacoma order. no license plate light. Noth pickup going east-bond on -M CSO received ing was found on consent 1-84 at 95-100 miles per report from a subject on search. hour. No deputies were in Hwy. 730/County Line that -MCSO received position. Oregon State Po he picked up a pitbull and report o f five or six shots lice were advised. wanted a deputy to come heard out o f her bathroom -MCSO received get the dog. A deputy re window, possibly by a rifle. rep o rt from an Irrigon sponded and transported the A deputy checked the area woman that there .were dog to Pet Rescue. and was unable to locate two charges on her PayPal -MCSO received anyone. account that she did not request for an ambulance -M C SO cite d a make. for a 27-year-old male who 77-year-old male subject -MCSO received fell from a deck about 12 for violation o f the basic report from a subject in feet off the ground. The rule, 80 mph in a 55 mph Boardman that his brother subject was reported to be zone. stole stuff from his resi in and out o f conscious -MCSO received dence, including welders, ness. report from a woman in June 9: -MCSO Lexington that she was air compressors and go- received report of a subject talking to her ex-husband, carts. -MCSO received looking for something in the who had the kids that week, a 911 call that there was grass in Irrigon. Males were and she reported that the going to be an accident looking for night crawlers. baby was sick and she and -MCSO received her husband got into an on Paterson Ferry Rd., but then the phone was discon report o f an elderly man argument and he hung up. nected. On call back, a male limping with a cane, with She was worried about the advised it was either space one slipper on and one in baby. MCSO contacted the 52 or 53 and then hung up his hand wearing a bathrobe female and checked on the again. Multiple MCSO units and possibly shorts on in the baby who was asleep. Ev responded, but were unable rain in Heppner. A deputy erything was okay and the responded and was unable mom was updated. to locate a problem. -MCSO reported to locate the subject. -Boardman Police -MCSO deputy ad Department received report that the flood computer at the sheriff’s office in Hepp vised he was transporting of an audible burglar alarm ner was now a category 2. A two for court. at a business. It turned out -MCSO received that it was not a burglary. MCSO Deputy advised that there was water and mud a request to check on a An employee had left the across the highway at Hwy. house in Irrigon, where the safe door open. June 10: -Morrow 206 and Willow Creek Rd. caller’s adult granddaughter County S heriff’s Office The Oregon Department of was staying. -MCSO received received report from an Transportation was notified report that the phones were Irrigon woman that her and the Heppner Fire Chief was checking local creeks down at the Irrigon Justice 12-year-old daughter was for any flooding.problems. C ourt and the planning supposed to be spending the -MCSO received department director had a night with her step-brother in a camper, but when she report o f a chunk o f as phone call into ESD. -MCSO received went out to check, the girl phalt on the Columbia Lane bridge that goes to Oregon report that the juvenile was gone. Hay, Boardman. The county director was transporting -M CSO arrested road department was ad a juvenile from the Walla Angela Marie Currin, 39, Walla juvenile facility to on a circuit court warrant vised. -Boardman Police the Norcor juvenile facility for failure to appear/driving Department received report at The Dalles. while suspended/failure to -MCSO received perform duties of a driver. of a suspicious black SUV parked at Marshall Estates request from an Irrigon The Umatilla County Jail woman that she wanted would not lodge her due to in Boardman. -BPD received re to sign another citation a medical condition. -MCSO, Boardman port of a pitbull and a chi concerning her neighbor’s huahua out in Boardman. dogs that dug under the Police Department received An officer took charge of fence again and were back a request from the sheriff in her yard. for a unit to respond to Ir the pitbull. - M C S O c i t e d rigon Justice Court to make -BPD received re port of a green Mitsubishi Douglas Walter Crosby, contact with a mother who speeding and squealing 60, for V iolation o f the reported a runaway. -MCSO received tires on Anderson and Or Basic Rule, 74 mph in a 55 report from a subject in egon Trail in Boardman. mph zone. -MCSO received Irrigon who reported that Officers were unable to report that someone fell the passenger side window locate the vehicle. -BPD received re on the school side o f the of her van was broken out port of a suspicious vehicle bridge in Heppner and was and appears to have been pried open. parked in a hidden area on bleeding. -MCSO received Marine Drive in Boardman. D eadline for It turned out to be a couple report of a disabled vehicle legal & classified on 1-84. The vehicle was parked and visiting. advertising -BPD received re not disabled; the driver was M ondays at 5:00 pm port from a woman that a just doing paperwork. white car was parked in the driveway across the street, but before it was driving down the street with all the doors open and the trunk IWo and Three Bedroom Apartments For Rent open with a young girl Rent Based On Income standing up in the vehicle Modern Appliances • Laundry Facilities holding a beer can. BPD Location behind Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner responded. -BPD received re For waiting list and application, call 676-9232 TDD #1-800-545-1833 for hearing impaired port that two males were This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider fighting with a group o f Mountain Glen Apartments Units Now Available I