Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 2011)
August 31 sales closing date for noninsurable crops Morrow County Farm Service A gency (FSA) Executive Director Kyle Camine urges produc ers who want to purchase coverage for certain crops through the Noninsurable Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) to do so before the sales closing date of August 31, 2011. NAP provides fi nancial assistance to pro ducers o f noninsurable crops when low yields, loss of inventory or prevented planting occur due to nor mal disasters. ‘Purchasing a crop insurance policy is an easy way for producers to prac tice risk management,” said Camine. “This year alone has proved that natural disasters can directly af fect the profitability and recovery o f agricultural operations,” she said. The fo llo w in g crops have a NAP applica tion closing date of Septem ber 1,2011 : beets, cabbage, canola, carrots, Christmas trees, flowers, greens, herbs (except peppermint), onions and radishes. In order to meet eligibility requirements for NAP, crops must be noninsurable, commercial ly-produced agricultural commodity crops for which the catastrophic risk protec tion level o f crop insur ance is not available. If the Risk Management Agency (RMA) offers coverage for a crop in the county, then NAP coverage is not avail able for that crop. In the event of a natural disaster, NAP cov ers the amount of loss great er than 50 percent of the expected production based on the approved yield and reported acreage. Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, August 10,2011 HES registration Eligible produc ers can apply for coverage using form CCC-471, Ap plication for Coverage. Pro ducers must file the applica tion and service fee by the September 1 deadline. The service fee is the lesser of $250 per crop or $750 per producer per administrative county, not to exceed a total of $1,875 for a producer with farming interests in multiple counties. For more informa tion on sales closing dates and NAP, contact the Mor row Countv FSA office at 541-676-9011, ext. 2. - THREE Heppner Elementary Sun. .1 new and returning student registration will be held on Monday, August 15 and Tuesday, August 16 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students can pay their student body fee and lunch fee at this time. New students will register, pay fees and receive a tour of the school. For more information, contact Mrs. Sweeney at 541-676-9128. HHS registration Heppner High School student registration for grades 7-12 will be held on August 24 and 25. New student registration will be held August 24 from 8 a.m. until noon. HHS associated student body of ficers will be providing tours for new students during this time. Returning students and seventh-grade registration will be August 24 from noon until 4 p.m. and August 25 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Students are invited to pay fees, turn in paper work, and pick up class schedules and locker assignments during these times. ___________________ S IZ Z L IN ' SU M M E R REAL ESTATE DEALS * Cute 3 bedroom in Heppner. A nice fenced yard fo r the kids located on a qu ie t street. S torage shed outback and new lawn ju s t planted m akes this three bedroom one bath hom e ready to m ove into. V inyl siding and w indow s, side deck, stove-refrigerator- w ashe r-d ryer included. G reat sta rte r hom e o r pick it up as a rental. Has a carport too.________________ 3 bedroom 2 bath in Lexington. This home was built with energy efficiency in mind. A passive solar design keeps energy usage low. The home is set up to add solar panals for w ater heating in the future. Located on 5 acres in Lexington it includes an attached tw o car garage, undergound sprinkler system and large laundry room. 4 bedroom home for sale. Take a look at this 2609 sq ft 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home in Heppner. This home needs work. Former HUD home now owner by city of Heppner. Make an offer. Call for an appointment to see this home W n i 11 View lot at Lakeview Heights. Own one of the last view lots at Lakeview Heights. 84 X 120 approx. Water, sewer, phone and power aral'aWe $ 25,000 12 Building lots in Heppnerl 5,250 sq foot lot $7,500 2 bedroom home on large lot in Lex Lots of room for a garden and other activities with this 2 bedroom 1 bath single wide mo bile home in Lexington. Lots of upgrade including new flooring, new roof, insulation, new vinyl windows, water heater and much more. $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 Classic home near downtown Heppner. Enjoy the unique look o f this classic home, including a covered upstairs porch and ornate w ood designs. This 4 bedroom 2 bath is close to shopping, the city park and school. Nice neighborhood, well kept yard. Oversize lot with services already in stalled. This large lot in Lexington has all the services ready to go. Water sewer and electricity right there for trailer or RV. Lo cated at the edge of town. Lexington 5,000 sq foot lot $6,500 Irrigated Hom el&lShop 3 Bedroom two bath on extra large lot in North Powder, Oregon. Plenty of room with this home. Extra large 269 X 150 foot lot in North Powder with plenty of room for expansion or building. Total of 3city lots all together. New metal roof, newer forced air electric heating system, new vinyl windows on this 1971 Lancer double wide home. Owner will carry contract. Seller will consider trade for Motor Home and other property. 72.21 irrigated acres with home- Boardman - Tw o irrigated parcels each w ith circles and solid set irrigation. 30.71 acre parcel has a 1974 doublew ide with large shop, small bam and carport. 41.5 acre parcel has a well and septic system ready fo r a home. Good w ater rights from irrigation district. Irrigation equipm ent in good condition. O ther features: 6 fruit trees around house, 30 X 50 ft shop w ith concrete slab floor and 14’ door. M anufactured hom e sits on a foundation w ith crawl space. Corrals, grain feeding bins, small 4 stall barn and shade trees. 30.71 acre parcel is zoned Farm Residential fo r possible dividing and developm ent. O w ner w ould consider selling parcels separately.______________________________________________________ 3 Bedroom 2 bath near downtown This two story home is close to grade school and has fenced back yard. Central A/C and Electric F/A. Carpet, laundry room and large family room downstairs. Dishwasher refrigerator and stove included._______________ $ 120,000 Motivated Seller make an offer! 'Reduced P rice!** 3 Bedroom 2 bath home in Lexington This home has metal roof, cement foun dation & propane F/A . 128 X 121.66 lot. 2465 sq ft home has full basement and large fenced yard with apple, nectarine and cherry trees. Garage. ___________ $ 116.000 30^000 4 bedroom 2 bath home in Heppner. You won't feel 2 bedroom 2 bath in Heppner This nice 2007 Marlatt cramped in this 4 bedroom 2 bath 2146 sq ft home. home is in excellent condition. Everything was done right when this home was put in. It has a deck, cyclone fenced yard and a 18 X 31 garage. Ceiling fans, along with the energy package will keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. There is a den/office, living room and lots of extras. Must see inside this one. Call and schedule an appointment today It has a full basem ent with mini kitchen downstairs, and fully carpeted rooms upstairs. Enjoy barbecu ing on the covered patio. A nd there's lots o f room for a garden in the large backyard. Call now for an appointm ent to visit this home. 2 apartm ents and shop build ing fo r Sale in Lexington O n th e bo ttom flo o r is a fo rm e r auto bo dy sho p an d a 1 be d ro o m a p a rtm e n t new ly re m o deled re nting fo r $350. U psta irs is a 2 b e droo m ap artm ent tha t has been com pletely redone renting fo r $375. B uilding has a g o o d ro o f an d o w n e r says th e sho p ha s been co m p le te ly rew ired A c re a g e fo r S a le Top of the world View Or at least top of the town Great view of Heppner from the exciting 4 bedroom 2.1 bath home on the hili overlooking the fairgrounds. Visit with friends and family while preparing meals in your beautiful open kitchen Enjoy the expansive carpeted living room in this one of a kind home Must see to fully appreciate, call for an appointment today. Price Reduction 2 Bedroom near schools and downtown Heppner 4 bedroom Victorian home has a new furnace and a new deck. Large living room and lots of quaint features like old style hand railings, dormers and indoor transoms. Call me for an appointment to look at this unique home.________________________ Just blocks from school and dow ntow n shopping, this 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath charm er has a fenced yard fo r children and a separate sm all yard in the back. Enjoy your reading room , living room and kitchen w ith w indow looking out on the street $148,p00À gnç^ReçjùcecJ 3 bedroom 1 bath on 1.6 acres in Lexington Y ou'll enjoy this cozy 3 bedroom hom e snuggled beneath pine trees on 1.6 acres inside the city limits Has a bam for horses and a large shop with cem ent floor. C om es with 2 tons hay and 2 cord of firewood. New siding and windows 1.6 acres fenced for animals Seller says will pump septic before moving. Refrigera tor, washer & Dryer, freezer included MotivateqrSellermake'anToffer New m aster bedroom & bath in this 3 bedroom Stop spending your lime fixing up your house and move into a home where it’s all been done You'll adore this 3 bedroom, 2 bath on a quiet street near downtown Remodeled in 2008 with a new master suite, bath and more. Walk in closet, je t tub and tile floors. Well kept fenced b a c k ja r ^ w itfu o o m jo ^ a r k ^ o i^ Auto Repair Business in Heppner, OR This is a going concern which shows a profit each year. Includes real property, business, inven tory and equipment. Loyal customer base and good reputation. $ 339,000 38.67 Acres inside Heppner city limits Has a good building spot and room for animals Wa ter and electricity located near by $65,000 MORE COVERAGEI MORE BUYERSI BECAUSE WE ARE RMLS MEMBERS List your property with Sykes Real Estate und receive wide exposure to selling agents in Oregon and Washington. This means more potential buyers see your listed property. In addition your listing will be shown on the website. Call me today to list your property. David Sykes Phone: (541)676-9228 Cell: (541)980-6674 Fax: (541)676-9211 188 W. Willow P.O. Box 337 Heppner, OR 97836 david@ayk 9 a n a l 9 atat 9 .n 9 t www. aykaanal9atat9. net t Phone: (541)276-2152 Cell: (541)215-2274 Fax: (541)278-6051 Owner/Broker David Sykes MLS. Information deemed correct not guaranteed Broker Chris Sykes 25 SW Emigrant Pendleton, OR 97801 ehr1a@ayk9anal9atat9.nat t