Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 2011)
TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 6,2011 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U.S.P.S. 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper Published weekly by Sykes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Heppner. Oregon under the Act of March 3,1879. Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone ( 541) 676- 9228. Fax (541) 676-9211. H-mail: cditoru rapidserve net or davidiurapidserve net. Web site: www.heppner net Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Ga/ette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $27 in Morrow County; $21 senior rate (in Morrow County only, 62 years or older); $33 elsewhere; $27 student subscriptions. David Sykes............................................................................................... Publisher Autumn Morgan............................................................................................. Editor A ll News and A dvertising D eadline is Monday at 5 p.m. For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday a l 5 p m. Cost lo r a display ad is $5 per colum n inch Cost lo r classified ad is 504 per word Cost lo r Card o l Thanks is $10 up to 100 words Cost for a classified display ad is $5 75 per colum n inch For Public/Legal Notices public/Vsgal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m Dates for pub- kcatxm m ust be specified A ffidavits m ust be required at the tim e of subm ission Affidavits require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date m ust be specified if required) For O bituaries O bituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to m eet news guidelines Fam ilies wishing to include inform ation not included in the guidelines o r who wish to have the obituary w ritten in a certain way m ust purchase advertising space fo r the obituary For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author The Heppner GT w ill not publish unsigned letters A ll letters MUST include the author's address and phone num ber for use by the GT office The GT reserves the right to edit letters The GT is not responsible for accuracy of statem ents made in letters Any letters expressing thanks w ill be placed in the classifieds under "Card o f Thanks" at a cost of $10 Healy, Ellis announce engagement All entities to report at Chamber lunch meeting The next Chamber lunch meeting will be held April 7 at noon at Heppner City Hall. This will be an All Entities report meeting. Willow Creek Diner will be catering. Anyone planning to attend weekly lunch meet ings is asked to RSVP by the Wednesday of each week. Annual women’s Ecumenical Salad Supper to be held T he w om en o f South Morrow County are invited to the annual Ecu menical Salad Supper on Monday, April 25, at 6 p.m. at the Heppner Catholic church parish hall. This year’s event will be hosted by the All Saints Episcopal, Hope Lutheran, and Valby Lutheran churches. Those attending are asked to bring a salad. Entertainment will be provided by Sandy Ma- theny who will be sing ing selections from her CD “These Old Hills Will Sing.” Also singing will be the Heppner Women’s Chorale. Rev. Lea Mathieu will be the speaker. She will present an interactive mini workshop on the spiritual discipline o f journaling. Small journals will be pro vided but attendees need to bring a pen. A freewill offering will be taken with proceeds going to spinal cord re search at OHSU. WCVEDG to host housing meeting with contractors Obituaries Jimmie A. “Jim” Rudisill J immie A. ”J im” Rudisill, of Arlington, OR, died on March 24, 2011 at the Mid-Columbia Medical Center in The Dalles, at the age of 68 years. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 1 p.m. at the Arlington United Methodist Church, Arlington. Jim was bom on July 9, 1942 in Boise, ID to parents, Jimmie and Mary McNary Rudisill. He was raised and attended school in Portland. He then served in the Oregon National Guard before returning to Boring to work on the family mink farm. Jim was united in marriage to Marie E. Werner on June 22, 1967 in Gresham. They ran the mink farm until 1983 when they moved to lone. Jim drove long haul truck for a time before working for the City of lone for 10 years. He then went to driving truck for CSU (now Walsh Trucking) and moved to Arlington where they have lived since. Jim loved spending time with his children, grandchildren, and his friends. He enjoyed classic cars, animals, hunting, and fishing. He is survived by: his wife, Marie Rudisill, Ar lington; daughters, Cindy Storey of Wilsonville, Debby Paola of Gresham, Candi Guzman of Pendleton, and Angie Valdez of Kennewick, WA; son, Geno Rudisill, Arlington; mother, Mary Rudisill, California; brother, John Rudisill, California; and 10 grandchildren. Jim was preceded in death by father. Those who wish may make contributions in Jim’s memory to a memorial fund c/o Marie Rudisill at P.O. Box 413, Arlington, OR 97838. A condolence book can be signed online at www. Bums Mortuary o f Hermiston, Oregon is in charge of arrangements. Willow Creek Valley Economic Development Group (WCVEDG) will be holding an informational meeting on Wednesday, April 20 at 6:30 p.m. at Heppner City Hall. An update will be given of the status and op portunities involving increasing family housing in Hep Orian “Albert” Wright pner. Anyone interested in attending can contact Heppner O rian “ A lb e rt” ored with Cattleman of the Chamber at 541-676-5536. Wright, 82, of Heppner died year in 1972. Working on Sunday, April 3, 2011 at the ranch was his main en Pioneer Memorial Hospital. joyment which also includ A graveside service ed spending time at with military honors his mountain place. American Legion and Auxiliary will meet April will be held 11 a.m. The Wright ranch 12 at the Methodist church beginning with a pot luck at Friday, April 8, at was recognized as 6:30 p.m. the Heppner Mason a Century Farm 38 Highlighted will be the invitation of several new years ago. The Al members, as well as plans for several projects that are ic Cemetery. A lun cheon reception at bert Wright family now underway. St. Patrick’s Church was also honored to The Auxiliary is raffling a patriotic basket cur Orian Parish Hall will fol sponsor the Pioneer rently on display at Murray’s Drug. “Albert” low the graveside Wright Picnic in Heppner. service. Survivors He w as include: his wife, bom December 24, 1928 Beverly M. Wright of Hep Heppner High School baseball program will hold in Heppner, the son of Orian pner; daughter, D ianna a Texas Hold ‘Em poker tournament Saturday, April 23 Elmer and Pearl LeTrace Hoeft and her husband Ger at Heppner Elks Lodge. This will be their first annual Wright. He was raised and ald of Heppner; son, Dean fundraiser. attended school at Rhea Wright of Tri-Cities, WA; Doors will open at five p.m. with sign-ups at 5:45. Creek and then Ruggs be stepson, Larry Welte of Tournament play begins at 6:30 p.m. Buy in will be $40 fore entering Heppner High Colorado; brother, Robert per person (no re-buys). Sign-ups will close after play School with the class of Wright of Hermiston; eight begins. There will be no-host beverages and food. 1946. He entered the United grandchildren; 11 great Thompson invited to honor society States Navy in 1946 and grandchildren; and eight was honorably discharged nieces and nephews. at Oregon State University in 1948. He returned to He was preceded Heppner High School graduate Emily Thompson Heppner and earned his in death by: his parents; a son David Wright; brother, was recently invited to become a member of the Alpha GED. On September 19, Clayton; and a sister Jo Lambda Delta Honor Society at Oregon State University. Ann. 1950 he married Beverly As a member she is eligible to compete for undergraduate M. M aness in Portland. Memorial contri scholarships and graduate fellowships. The couple returned to the butions may be made to Membership is based on academic achievement. W right Ranch on Rhea Pioneer Memorial Hospice, Thompson is majoring in biology and was on the honor Creek where they raised PO Box 9, Heppner, Oregon roll for fall 2010 and winter 2011. Initiation was held two sons and a daughter. 97836. March 10. Mr. Wright was a Sweeney Mortuary lone’s annual TV shoot scheduled member of the Cattlemen’s of Heppner is in charge of . lone’s 11th annual dren’s games, prizes and Association, and was hon arrangements. TV shoot will be on Sat free swimming for lone’s urday, April 30 at Frank 4th o f July Celebration. and Joe Halvorsen’s farm, Proceeds also help fund the Majo Marquardt Hughes located at 64686 Halvorsen fireworks celebration. Last M ajo M arquardt family. She enjoyed garden Lane, lone, about 7 miles year’s winners were Brian Hughes, 84, of Lexington ing, cooking, knitting, mu out of lone. Registration Ball and Gregg Rietmann. died Sunday April 3, 2011 sic and reading her Bible. ■Survivors include: will be held from 8:30 am Pat Schmidt and at her home. A funeral ser daughters, Mary to 9:30am. The fee is $20 Jeff Thompson of Allison vice will be held at Kay Bellamy and per person per shot. There Carey Gunworks of Port 11 a.m. Saturday, her husband, Sam are three classes with a land will be in charge of A pril 9t 2011 at o f Lexington, and $100 prize awarded for the free clay pigeon shoot. the First Christian Carol H ughes o f each class. All proceeds Kids are invited to this Church in H epp V enita, O regon; will be used to fund all chil- event. Bill Breshears of B ner with concluding sons, Mathew & B BBQ of Gresham will service and burial to Hughes o f Board- be serving food. Coffee, follow at the Lex Majo man, Randy Hughes juice, and pastries will be ington Cemetery in Let us hear the Marquardt o f Lexington, and offered earlier in the day. Lexington. conclusion of the Hughes whole matter: Fear Robert Hughes and Lunch is $8 for adults and S he w as God, and keep his his wife, Dee of $4 for children. bom March 5, 1927 commandments: for thisi Sponsors o f this in Lexington to Charles Endicott, Oregon; brother, lis the whole duty of m an] event are welcome; sponsor and Norma M iller M ar Bill B. Marquardt and his Ecclesiastes 12:13 names will be on the read quardt. She attended school wife, Rena, of Lexington; . This quo te b rough t to you by the j er board. Contact Brandi in Lexington where she 12 grandchildren; and 20 I W illow C reek Tea P a rty P a trio ts I Orem at 541-989-9808 for graduated from Lexington great-grandchi ldren. She was preceded more information. High School. She attended college at Eastern Oregon in death by: her parents, University where she sang Charles and Norma Mar in the college choir and a quardt; her husband Homer W. Hughes; a brother, Carl double quartet. 676-9181 "Where Friend» M eet" 142 North Main While attending a Marquardt; and a daughter- Lexington Grange dance in-law Joy Hughes. Memorial contri she met Homer W. Hughes. The couple was married butions may be made to the on September 17, 1947 at Epilepsy Foundation online Hosted by the incredibly talented crew of Mark her mother’s home in Lex at & Jan Huddleton, Jay Coil, Judy Eckman, Sweeney Mortuary ington. Shane & Sarah Matheny. Mrs. Hughes was of Heppner is in charge of a stay at home mom and arrangements. They will be serving a menu of loved being around her American Legion and Auxiliary to meet April 12 Jonathan Ellis and Janelle Healy Janelle Marie Healy of Heppner and Jonathan Andrew Ellis of Pilot Rock are announcing their engage ment. Janelle is the daughter of Jerry and Carmen Healy of Heppner. Jon is the son of Paul and Kae Ellis of Pilot Rock. Janelle graduated from Heppner High School in 1999, studied Spanish for two years in the Dominican Republic and graduated from Portland State University in 2006 with a Bachelor of Arts in foreign language: Spanish. She is employed with the USFS in Ukiah as a wildland firefighter and as a substitute teacher in Mor row County. Jon is a 2002 graduate of Pilot Rock High School apd a 2008 graduate of Blue Mountain Community Col lege with a degree in business administration. He is em ployed with the USFS in Ukiah as a wildland firefighter and as a hunting guide at the Ellis Hunting Ranch. The couple will wed May 28, 2011 in Heppner, Oregon. AWANAs to hold pine wood derby The local AWANA Club will sponsor a Grand Prix (pine wood derby) on Thursday, April 21, starting at 6:30 p.m. at Willow Creek Baptist Church. Hotdogs, popcorn will be provided. A workshop to help build the Grand Prix cars will be held at Willow Creek Baptist Church from 2-4 p.m. on Sunday, April 10. For more information contact Dale Bates at 541- 676-5536. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available and that help Is FREE of charge. If Y O U h a v e a fa m ily m e m b e r w h o su ffers from g a m b lin g a d d ic tio n , Y O U c a n als o re c e iv e F R E E tre a t m e n t e v e n if th e g a m b le r is not receivin g tre a tm e n t. If yo u a re a re s id e n t of M o rro w C o u n ty a n d you w ish to ta k e a d v a n ta g e o f th e s e rv ic e s a b o v e or d e s ire m o re in fo rm atio n . P le a s e call a n y o f th e follo w in g n u m b e rs to s e t up a L O C A L a p p o in tm e n t o r ju s t to talk: B o b b y H a rris @ 5 4 1 - 6 7 6 - 9 9 2 5 o r 5 4 1 -2 5 6 -0 1 7 5 Community Counseling Solutions (C C S ) @ 541-676-9161 O R 1 -8 7 7 -6 9 5 -4 6 4 8 (1 - 8 8 8 - M Y L IM IT ) EASTER - APRIL 24TH Gifts • Decorations Flowers • Candy \ to Gift New Mustang Baseball Hats!!! HEPPNER ELKS 358 s Espresso ¿»pedals- Coffee Toffee Mocha $3.25 Chocolate Peanut butter Frappe $2.75 TRY OUR •Shakes Sundaes 'M ochas • Lattes YOCREAM'.'Cones MuMuj'i Dwj 217 North Main • Mappnar • Phona 676-9158 • Floral 676-9426 Serving Heppner, Lexington è ione HHS baseball to hold poker tournament fundraiser L a d ie s ' N ig h t !! T ri - tip , P otatoes , S alad B read & homemade desserts Desserts from the chefs & Bev Sherman! This will be a night to take the family to the Elks & enjoy a dinner together made by someone else! H o p e to s e e y o u t h e r e ! ' Marriage Licenses The Morrow County Clerk’s Office has issued the following marriage licenses: April 4: Mark Allen Evans, 20, Heppner and Kyrsta Jean Conner, 20, Heppner. »