Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 2010)
EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, October 27,2010 Desert Rats Classic Car Club donates to area schools ELECTED OFFICIALS U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley: 310 SE Second Street, Suite 105 Pendleton. OR. 97801; (541) 278-1129; Washington D.C. OtYice -107 Russell Senate OfTice Building Washington, D.C., 20510; (202) 224-3753, Fax: (202) 228-3997. To contact Senator Merkley, go to, and click on “Contact Jeff.” U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden: Sac Annex Building, 105 Fir St., No. 201, La Grande, OR 97850; (541 ) 962-7691, e-mail,; (Kathleen Cathey, community representative); 717 Hart Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-5244. To contact Senator Wyden, go to, and click on “e-mail Ron”. U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (2nd District): 843 E. Main St., Suite 400, Medford, OR 97504, (541) 776-4646, (800) 533-3303; 1404 Longworth Office Building, Wash ington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-6730. To e-mail Representative Walden, log on to his website at and click on the “contact me” link. State: Gov. Ted Kulongoski, 160 State Capitol, Salem OR 97310, (503) 378-3111. E- mail: Sen. David Nelson, R-Umatiila Co., District 29, 900 Court St. N.E., S-206, Sa lem, OR 97301, (503) 986-1729; 1407 N.W. Horn, Pendleton, OR 97801, (541) 278-1396. E-mail: Rep. Bob Jenson, R-Pendleton; District 58, 900 Court St. N.E., H-480, Salem, OR 97301, (503) 986-1458; 2126 N.W. 21st St., Pendleton, OR 97801, (541) 276-2707. E-mail: Rep. Greg Smith, R-Morrow, District 57, 900 Court St. N.E., H-280, Salem, OR 97301, (503) 986-1457; P.O. Box 215, Heppn-er, OR 97836, (541 ) 676-5154. E- mail: Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-John Day; District 30, 900 Court St. N.E., S-223 Salem, OR 97301, (503) 986-1950; 750 W. Main, John Day, OR 97845, (541 ) 575-2321. E- mail: The D esert Rats C lass Car C lub recently donated to underprivileged stu d en ts at Sam B oard- m an E lem entary School and Windy River Elemen tary School. Club President G eorge Price p rese n ted Sam Boardman Elementary School Principal, Jacque Johnson and Windy River Elem entary School Prin cipal M ark Jo n es, w ith checks for $150 each. T hese d o n a tio n s will be used to buy school supplies for students. The Car Club hopes their dona tion ensures these children have the items and resourc es they need to have a more successful school year. The D esert R ats Classic Car Club has hosted the Boardm an Show ‘N ’ Shine at the Boardman City Park in recent years. Pro ceeds of the event go direct ly back into the Boardman community. In addition to the donation to local El ementary students, the Car Club gives money to the local gleaners organization, and donates at Christmas time to the area Giving Tree programs. The D esert R ats Classic Car Club is a Board- The Morrow Coun ty Court met on October 20 in Boardman with Judge Tallman and Commission Controlling Annu ers Grieb and Rea in at tendance. Follow ing is a al Grasses Work sum m ary o f the m eeting provided by Leann Rea. shop to be held The court approved M edusahead and the minutes o f October 13. cheat grass taking over your The court reviewed rangeland? The N atural and a p p ro v ed a c c o u n ts R esources C onservation payable for a total net o f Service along with the Mor $174,877.28. row Soil and Water District Road Report will be holding a landowner Blake Ranch workshop focusing on Eco Road: The crew has fin logically Based Plant Man ished the ditch work and in agem ent (EB1PM) at the stalled the last two culverts St. Patrick’s Parrish Hall near the Hanna-Arbuckle located at 560 North Jones Road junction. The crew Street on November 2 start installed some French mat ing at 10 a.m. tress type drains for a few EBIPM is a c o l small areas where springs lection o f logical tools and where crossing the road. On strategies that allow you to Wednesday the 20"’ the crew go beyond treating invasive finished adding gravel to the w eeds and instead repair the road up to the junction with underlying problems that Upper Lower Butter Creek Students from Heppner Daycare & Preschool visited the Wil cause invasion o f weeds. Road. Rock Crusher: The low Creek Terrace on Tuesday, October 26. Residents helped Guest speakers from Ag- crusher is now being tom the kids decorate pumpkins with felt faces. They had punch ricultral Research Service down at the OHV Park and and snacks. -Photo by Megan Fuller out o f Burns and Logan prepared for transport to the Utah will make presenta Juniper Canyon pit. Paint tions. There will also be Striping: David Pranger Oct. 30 - District Tournament in Umatilla, 10 a.m. guest speakers presenting has been paint striping for on Weed Management Ar Um atilla County. Due to JV M ustang Football Schedule eas and the EQIP rangeland the cold weather this proj Nov. 1 - Pilot Rock at home, 5 p.m. focus area. ect has been put on hold. Mustang Football Schedule Lunch will be pro Pranger was doing some vided so anyone planning to paint striping for Gilliam Oct. 29 - Weston McEwen at home, 7 p.m. attend is asked to RSVP by C ounty on one o f there Nov. 5 - at Iitigon, 7 p.m. October 29 by calling 541 - main roads today and they Cardinal Football Schedule 676-5021 or sending an will also put the project on Nov. 5 - at Echo, 7 p.m. email to Jennifer.wilson@ Preschool students visit Willow Creek Terrace Cardinal Volleyball Schedule C all 541 676-9228 - Household Hazardous Waste Event Morrow County will be hosting another Household Hazardous Waste event FREE of charge to County residents S a tu rd a y April 2 3 , 2 0 1 1 1 1 :0 0 a m - 3 : 0 0 pm Lexington Road Dept. 3 6 5 W. Hwy 74, Lexington, O R Accepted during the event: Used oil (containers less than 25 gallons) O il filters, Spent Antifreeze, Automotive batteries, Alkaline & rechargeable batteries, Propane Tanks (smaller than 25 gal.) O il based paint, Paint thinners and solvents, Roof and asphalt patch, Adhesives, glues and contact cement, Caulks sealers and joint compounds, Lawn and garden chemicals and fertilizers, Pool chemicals, Household cleaners (including bleach, ammonia, furniture polish, toilet bowl cleaners, carpet shampoos) Sludge (soil contami nated with oil smaller than 25 gal. containers) Mercury thermometers, Florescent lamps, All types of aerosol cans, Used cooking oil, Road flares, PCB ballasts, O rgan ic peroxides (hardening agents) Items not accepted: Empty containers, ammunition, explosives, biological waste, radioactive waste. Morrow County Public Works RO. Box 428 Lexington, OR. 97839 541-989-9500 man non-profit organization whose purpose is to pro mote interest in the sport o f Classic Cars, Street Rod- ding, and Muscle Cars, with an emphasis on family and com m unity service. The Club membership is made up o f Classic Car enthusi asts who own cars or trucks 25 y ears or older. They meet the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. For more informa tion contact George Price at 541-481-3217. Morrow County Court weekly meeting held Rep. John E. Huffman, R-The Dalles, District 59, 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 986-1459; P.O. Box 104, The Dalles, OR 97058, (541 ) 298-5959; E-mail: A d v e r t is e w it h t h e FI e p p n e r G a z e t t e - T im e s Top Photo: Club President George Price and Sam Boardman Elementary School Principal Jacque Johnson. Bottom Photo: George Price and Windy River Elementary School Principal Mark Jones. -Contributed Photos Boardman to sponsor fall clean up The City of Board- man will sponsor a com munity-wide clean-up the month o f November. The city has garbage vouchers available, with a $50 limit, to residents o f the City of Boardman. The vouchers are valid during the month o f N o v e m b e r at F inley Butte Landfill and the North Morrow Transfer Station. The garbage voucher program encourag es citizens to clean up their residences by disposing of yard debris. City residents may pick up their vouch ers at Boardman City Hall at 200 City Center Circle beginning November 1. For more informa tion on this program, call B oardm an C ity H all at 481-9252. M aggie E lizabeth B arnett AND J acob W inn C ooper hold and wait until spring or a few warmer days this fall. Road Grading: There are three graders working on the fall road grading. There is one in the McEl- litott Lane area, one in the Upper Little Butter Creek area and one in the Upper Rhea Creek area. Permits: The court reviewed and on the recommendation o f the Road Department approved three crossing permits for Umatilla Electric Coop in the East C olum bia Lane area. OHV Youth Hunt Draw ls The court opened the applications and award ed the hunting privilege at the O H V Park to the fo llo w in g youth: K aleb D um ler, R ailey N am itz, Justin Pranger, Blake Gree nup, Colby Hedman, Micha Hintz, Tommy Lee Bred- field, Zachery H enrichs, Andrew Bara and Zachery Yocom. Public Hearing The court held a public hearing regarding the amendments to General Industrial Zone and Recre ational Vehicle Standards and Parks. The court upheld the recommendation o f the Planning Commission and directed staff to prepare the necessary docum ents for signatures. The court held a Sheriff's Report The Morrow County Sheriffs Office reports han dling the following busi ness: Jul y 8: -M C SO issued a citation to Sonny Phipps, 23, for D riving While Suspended. -MCSO received a report o f a suicide threat. -M C SO issued a cita tio n to Jose M anuel Vicente M estizo, 26, for Violation o f the Basic Rule by driving 81 mph in a 55 mph zone. -M C SO issued a citation to a juvenile subject for D riving W hile S u s pended Violation. -M C SO w as n o tifie d th a t C h risto p h e r Crader, 27, was arrested in public hearing regarding the Remand of Land Parti tion No. LP-N-404, LUBA No. 2009-102 regarding the legal access for the Love’s Travel Stops & C ountry Stores, Inc. Since the State o f Oregon provided a quit claim deed for the ease ment areas the county now owns the entire roadw ay easem ent. Therefore, ac cess to the property is no longer a concern. The court instructed staff to prepare the final findings and order for signature at a future meeting. The court conduct ed the following business: Appointed John Kilkenny to the Morrow County Plan ning Commission, to finish out Pam Schmidt’s position which will expire Decem ber 31, 2011. A discussion regarding signage and pay ment for signage for the Co lumbia River Heritage Trail was held. It was decided that all information regard ing work done for the Trail should be directed through the Planning Department. The court review ed and discussed a Public Works Policy regarding renewable energy projects. Formal ac tion on this will be taken at a later date. R e v ie w e d o th e r m iscellaneous correspon dences and upcoming meet ing notices. Union County on an Irrigon Justice Court w arrant for Failure to Pay Fine/Driving While Suspended. Jul y 9: -M C SO a rre ste d Jeorge A lvarez Rivera, 30, on PC charges o f PCS, DCS, MCS and Possession o f Illegal Fire works. -M C SO issued a citation to W illiam H er nandez L urssen, 48, for No O perator’s License in Possession. -BPD issued a cita tion to Ismael R. Pacheco Vargas, 21, for No Opera to r’s License. July 10: -M CSO arrested Jose Emesto Duran Ramirez, 26, for DUII. -MCSO was noti fied that H arold W ilmot -Continued on Page TEN R E Q U E S T THE H O N O R O F YO UR P R E S E N C E A T T H E IR W E D D IN G F o r r e n t a l o f t h e W il k in s o n A r e n a FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER/NOVEMBER O ctober 30 th , 2010 ] S weet C h eeks W inery E ugene , O R a t 6:45 pm R eception t o follow Please contact Ren'ee Yocom Mornings -541 -6 7 6 -9 4 7 4 Afternoons-541 -6 7 6 -9 8 2 1 Evenings/weekends 5 4 1 -3 7 9 -0 5 2 6 or Nancy Gorham 5 4 1 -6 7 6 -8 3 3 9 or 5 4 1 -7 0 1 -4 1 6 7 . The token machine is being replaced. Thank you for v your patience - Morrow County Fair | P lease RSVP M aggie at 541-965-0198 by O ctober 28 th , 2010 T h e c o u p l e is r e g is t e r e d a t T a r g e t I