Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 2010)
E IG H T - Heppner Gazette-Tim es, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 8 ,2 0 1 0 after September 10, 2010. For more inform ation, please contact the Planning 1)1 RECTV-Century Link Myths: Can I get a better deal Department at 541-922- on DIRECTV if I go through 4624 or 541-676-9061 Century Link'.' Truth: No, The Heppner TV extension 5503. DATED this 2nd day of Special is a better deal than CenturyLink can offer or even September 2010 what you can find online. M ORROW C O U N TY P L A N N I N G DEPARTMENT SERVICES Published: September 8, 2010 V e t e r a n ’ s Affidavit HEPPNER TV S e r v ic e s Hours: 9-12 am & 1-4 pm First Thursday o f each m o n th Gilliam Building, Heppner Please call for Appointment Phone 5 4 1 -9 2 2 -6 4 2 0 Please leave a detailed message AFFORDABLE FAMILY <%/* EYEWEAR S eptember 20/20 S ale L en ses & len s upg r ades 2 0 % OFF| F ram es 2 0 % O FF (M aui J im O a k l e y e x c lu d e d ) • Single Vision Polycarbonate Lens • 1 Year Warranty on frames & Lenses • Same Day Service Add Kids Transition or Anti Reflective For Only $30 Kids Package 2 p a irs fo r $ 99 , oo C om plete Fram es & Lenses 1045 N. 1st St. • Hermiston 541 - 567-3790 FOR RENI Nice 2 bedroom duplex in Heppner. $475 mo. + deposit. Water/sewer paid Call Bill: 541-913-3781 9-8-lp PUBLIC NOTICE N O TIC E OF s p e c ia l meeting OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PORT OF MORROW, OREGON PUBLIC N O TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on September 22, 2010, the Board of Commissioners (the “Board”) of the Port of Morrow, Oregon (the “Port”) will hold a special meeting commencing at approximately 1:30 p.m. The public meeting will be held at the special meeting place of the Board, at the offices of the Port, located at Two M arine D rive, Boardman, Oregon 97818 with respect to the issuance by the Port of not more than $3,000,000 of recovery zone facility bonds to finance construction of an approximately 80,000 sq. ft. warehouse for the receiving of imported products (the “Facility”) to be owned by the Port. Additional information may be obtained from the Board at their office at the Port, or from Gary Neal, General Manager, Port of Morrow, P.O. Box 200, Two Marine Drive, Boardman, Oregon 97818, Telephone: (541) 481-7678. This notice is published pursuant to ORS 192.640 and ORS 777.565. DATED: September 3, 2010 Gary Neal General Manager Port of Morrow, Oregon Published: September 8, 2010 and September 15, 2010 Affidavit 2 bedroom 2nd floor apt 515 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF Public N elder. Heppner 208-384- hearing 1589 Or 676-5305 PUBLIC N O TIC E IS 8-25-tfc HEREBY GIVEN, that on September 22, 2010, the Modem 4 bedroom 2.5 bath Board of Commissioners house for rent $ 1000/ month. (the “Board”) of the Port Credit check required 541- of Morrow, Oregon (the 379-2188 “Port”) will hold a public 8-11-tfc hearing beginning at 1:30 pm. at the offices of the PUBLIC NOTICE Port located at Two Marine Drive, Boardman, Oregon MORROW COUNTY LAND USE HEARING 97818 with respect to the THE MORROW issuance by the Port of COUNTY COURT will not more than $3,000,000 hold the following hearing of tax-exempt recovery o f public in te re st on zone facility bonds (the Wednesday, September “Bonds”), the proceeds 22, 2010, at 11:00 a.m. of which will be used to at the Morrow County finance construction of an C ourthouse, H eppner, approximately 80,000 sq. ft. warehouse and distribution Oregon. ATSP-29-10: facility (the “Facility”) to Morrow County, applicant. be located at 73075 Lewis The request is to add the & Clark Drive, Boardman, Wilson Lane/Laurel Road Oregon 97818, and to pay Intersection Improvements costs of issuance of the project to the Morrow Bonds. The Facility will be County T ransportation owned by the Port. System Plan. The project Interested individuals involves 1.5 m iles of may express their views, Wilson Lane from the both orally and in writing. intersection of Laurel Road Written testimony may to the intersection of South be submitted to the Board Main in Boardman and of Commissioners, Two construct a turning lane on Marine Drive, Boardman, Wilson Lane. Criteria for O regon 978 1 8 , u n til approval will be MCZO the close of business on September 21, 2010, or at Article 8.050 Opportunity to the hearing. This notice is voice support or opposition published pursuant to the to the above proposals or requirements of Section to ask questions will be 147(0 o f the Internal provided. Failure to raise Revenue Code of 1986, as an issue in person or by amended. letter or failure to provide Gary Neal sufficient specificity to General Manager afford the decision maker Port of Morrow, Oregon an opportunity to respond to Published: September 8, the issue precludes appeal 2010 to the Land Use Board of Affidavit Appeals based on those Have a News story or issues. Photo for the Gazette? Copies of the Email to editori staff report and all relevant documents will be available UMESD to offer free hearing screenings at schools The Umatilla-Mor- row Education Service Dis trict (UMESD) will provide free hearing screenings to public elementary school students beginning in Sep tember. Hearing screenings are conducted annually by the UMESD’s Audiol ogy Department for public school students in Umatilla and Morrow counties, and is cooperatively sponsored by local school districts. Students to be screened include nearly 4,000 kin dergarten, first and third grade students, new stu dents to the county, and parent/teacher/principal referrals of students in other grades. Children who fail the initial screening will be re-screened within a three- week period. Parents who do not want their child’s hear ing to be screened should notify their child’s school as soon as possible. If you have any questions regard ing the hearing screening program, please contact your local school principal or the UMESD Audiology Department at 966-3140. The hearing screen ing schedule is as follows: Monday, October 25 - lone at 8:15 a.m. Monday, October 25 - Heppner at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Octo ber 27 - AC Houghton at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday, Octo ber 27 - Irrigon Elementary at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, No vember 3 - Sam Boardman at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday, No vember 3 - Windy River at 1 p.m. Monday, Novem ber 8 - lone recheck at 8:15 a.m. Monday, Novem ber 8 - Heppner recheck at 10 a.m. Monday, Novem ber 15 - AC Houghton recheck at 8:15 a.m. Monday, Novem ber 15 - Irrigon Elementary recheck at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, No vember 17 - Sam Board- man recheck at 8:15 a.m. Wednesday, No vember 17 - Windy River recheck at noon. Sheriff's Report warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/Criminal Trespass II. -MCSO issued a citation to Michelle Leone Stone, 34, for Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device. -MCSO received a report of a trespass in prog ress in Hermiston. -MCSO received a report of telephonic ha rassment. The caller stated that her ex-son-in-law had called three times and is harassing her about the grandkids. -MCSO received a call from Benton County stating that they received a 911 call. MCSO returned the call and the subject stated that it was a misdial. MCSO dispatch advised that that the phone number was linked to an address in the system and a deputy responded and there was an assault that had occurred. -MCSO arrested Cesar A Garcia Mendoza, 24, by Umatilla PD on a Morrow County Irrigon Justice Court Warrant for Failure to Pay Fine on the original charge of Posses sion of Less than an Ounce of Marijuana. -MCSO was noti fied that Jessica Sue Eley, 27, was arrested by Oregon State Police on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Appear on Crimi nal Trespassing I. -BPD issued a cita tion to Jose Galvan Grana dos, 37, for Violation of the Speed Limit by going 45 mph in a 35 mph zone. -Boardman Ambu lance responded to a call of a young child that swal lowed a penny. The child was transported to Good Shepherd Hospital. Board- man PD also responded. eight threatening calls over the last three hours. He also stated that the calls sounded like they were a recording. The subject called back to advise that it was his nephew’s cell phone ac cidentally calling from his pocket. -MCSO received a report of an assault. The caller stated that residents were on a smoke break when a fight broke out. Heppner Ambulance re sponded. MCSO arrested Larry Bently, 61, for At tempted Assault II. -BPD received a report of a male driver pos sibly intoxicated. An officer made contact and advised a negative DUII. -BPD received a report of criminal mischief involving damage to the goal post at the soccer field in Boardman, as well as some other property dam age. -Boardman Ambu lance was flagged down by the principal in Boardman who advised that a couple of subjects at the school prom had been drinking. An ambulance was paged for a 17 year old male with possible alcohol poison ing. The pdtient refused transport. an anonymous call regard ing a code enforcement for a home. -MCSO received an extra patrol request for lone. -Irrigon A m bu lance received an EMS call regarding a 48 year old diabetic female who was breathing but unconscious. The patient was transported to Good Shepherd Hos pital. April 28: -MCSO received a report of a dog bite in Heppner. The victim fell when bit on the leg, hit ting her face on the ground, causing her face to bleed. A citation was issued to Diane Marie Munkers, 48, for Dog as a Nuisance. A citation was also issued to Ayla Marina Fuimaona, 18, for Dog at Large. -MCSO received a call from an Irrigon resi dent who stated that a dog got a hold of a Chihuahua and killed it. The caller reported that it was eating the Chihuahua. The caller did not know who the own ers were. -MCSO received theft complaint regarding missing planter boxes. The caller thinks it’s possibly the neighbor who took them. -MCSO received a Tri-County 911 relay report of a possible DUII. -MCSO received a call with the subject stating that he received a phone call on his cell phone that he could not answer. When he could, he returned the call and a female said that she was looking for Pedro, but the subject did not know who Pedro was. The female then accused the subject of hiding her son. -MCSO issued a citation to Gladis Gonzalez Dominguez, 26, was issued a citation for Failure to Drive Within Lane, Driving Uninsured, and No Opera tor’s License. -Irrig o n A m bu lance received a request for an ambulance. The caller stated that she and her fi ance were involved in a three-wheeler accident. The male had a head injury and a possible broken ankle and the female was complain ing of leg pains. Irrigon Ambulance and MCSO responded. The patient was transported by ambulance to Good Shepherd Hospital. T h e M o rro w County Sheriff’s Office reports handling the fol lowing business: -Continued from Page SIX According to the report he left his residence at 6 a.m. and had not been seen. The mother was at the school and did not know where he was. -MCSO received report from an Irrigon woman that her husband was having chest pain and high blood pressure. -MCSO received report from an Irrigon woman that a female with her had been raped on March 6. -MCSO deputy ad vised he was out on the road removing a traffic hazard in lone. -MCSO received report of two kids going up and down Paul Smith Rd. in Boardman on dirt bikes again. -MCSO received report of three people hav ing a disturbance at the baseball fields at the Ir rigon Marina. A deputy responded and all parties were separated. -MCSO received report of a possible drunk driver on Hwy. 730, Ir rigon. -Boardman Police Department received report of people possibly smoking marijuana near the blue sheds at Morrow Estates. An officer responded and did not find any evidence of people smoking anything. The officer gave the sub jects a ride back to school. -BPD received re port of a trespass. It was a dispute between business partners. April 21: -MCSO received a report o f an audible alarm in Board- man. MCSO responded and determined it was a false alarm. -MCSO issued a citation to Cheryle Ann Ri- etmann, 51, for Violation of the Basic Rule by going 82 mph in a 55 mph zone. -MCSO arrested a 37 year old male subject on PC charges of Unlawful Possession of Methamphet- amine and Endangering the Welfare of a Minor. -MCSO arrested a 23 year old female subject on PC Charges of Unlawful Possession of Methamphet- amine and Endangering the Welfare of a Minor. The same subject was also ar rested on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/Criminal Tres pass II. -MCSO issued a citation to Tucker Dean Bradley, 41, for Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device. -MCSO arrested Michelle Dawn Terry, 23, on an Irrigon Justice Court April 22: -MCSO received a report of an unknown female taking pic tures of the caller’s children while they were playing in the front yard. -MCSO was noti fied that Michael L. Wood, 39, was arrested by Hermis ton PD on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/Driving While Suspended. -MCSO received a report from an employee at the Shell station in Heppner that advised that someone dropped a baggy of mari juana on the floor. A deputy responded to pick it up. -BPD issued a ci tation to Jake Neiman So renson, 20, for Minor in Possession-Alcohol. -BPD issued a cita tion to Guadalupe Cortez Duarte, 45, for Violation of the Speed Limit by going 35 mph in a 20 mph school zone. April 25: -MCSO received a report of tel ephonic harassment. The caller stated that he had received approximately April 26: -MCSO was notified that Jorge Tor res Reynsos, 25, was ar rested by Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office on an Irrig on Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay Fine/Failure to Carry and Present. -MCSO received an animal complaint in volving a neighbor’s dog getting into garbage. -MCSO received a harassment report from a caller upset that her neigh bor was always yelling at her about her dogs. -MCSO received an EMS report of a female with difficulty breathing. The subject was having complications from sur gery. -MCSO received a driving complaint involv ing traffic speeding in Ir rigon. The caller requested a Traffic/Speed Trailer in the area. -MCSO received a report of a subject partially in the road changing a tire. -MCSO issued a citation to 60 year old male subject for Violation of the Basic Rule by going 73 mph in a 55 mph zone. -MCSO received an animal complaint re garding a pit bull almost attacking a child coming home from school. A 21 year old female was issued a citation for Maintaining a Dog as a Public Nuisance. -MCSO received a juvenile complaint involv ing two 10 year old girls sitting along the side of the road and won’t move for vehicles. -MCSO received Deadline for Classified Advertising: Monday 5:00 pm Wanted: Person to write sports stories for the Heppner Gazette-Times. ^ Contact David Sykes 541-676-9228 s %