Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 2010)
TWELVE - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon 8 Total Unappropriated ' Reserved tor Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements 42 908 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Name of Unit / Program / Department Transfer Station-South 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 8.556 26,131 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 34,687 Total Requirements 9 Wednesday, May 19,2010 44.797 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 8 420 36 990 20 000 65.410 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 8 493 33,190 41.683 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5. Total Transfers ......................................................... 8 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements N«ma of Fund Ganeral 2 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outley 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 85 530 9 548 94,500 10,000 5,896 100,976 251,049 52,696 170.280 68,110 173 634 Total Materials and Services 93,500 10 000 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 38,897 27.537 892 45,225 38,300 3,250 48,007 38,500 3,250 9 Total Requirements 67,326 86,775 89,757 • 7 Total Special Payments Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements ........................................ Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials ano Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements ...»......................... 104 500 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 103,500 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Indoor/Outdoor Arena 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 70 238.076 60.320 509 450 74,600 476460 74,600 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 19,000 15,000 60 500 8 Total Unappropriated I Reserved for Future Expenditure 48 740 1 482.238 1,848,444 299,620 1,000 000 1,898,670 48,320 919,044 1,578,924 9 Total Requirements „ Queen & Court 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service Publish ONLY completed portion of this page 5 Total Transfers Name of Fund Road 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropnated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Name of Unit I Program 1 Department Road 1,373,669 2.616.371 255,340 Total Personal Services 2. Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total unappropriated / Reserved tor Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 1,478,423 2,005,295 91,000 3,850 4,050 2,348 3,850 4,050 Approved Budget Next Yçar 2010-11 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 1. Total Personal Services SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND FORM LB-4 2.348 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Name of Unit / Program / Department Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Name of Unit / Program / Department 95.078 Nondepartmental 1 5,896 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 8 3 10000 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 3 Total Capital Outlay 1. Total Personal Services 2 99 628 SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND FORM LB-4 1. Total Personal Services Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 111 688 ................................... Fair Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 140,073 .............................. Name of Unit / Program / Department Computer Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Name of Fund Fair PuM»h ONLY compì»wa portion of Ih» p«a« Name of Unit / Program / Department Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Publish ONLY completed portion of this page SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND FORM LB-4 Nondepartmental 39 083 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 1,501,392 1,779,071 1,056,000 FORM LB-4 2.094 8,000 8000 2,094 8000 8000 SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND Publish ONLY completed portion of this page Name of Fund Fair__________________ .................................................. ............................................ 3,574,718 4.336.463 St. Pats Moto Cross Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Name of Unit / Program / Department 4,245.380 1. Total Personal Services 2 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Name of Unit / Program / Department Capital Equipment 1 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 1,000 Total Materials and Services 3. Total Capital Outlay 4. Total Debt Service 5. Total Transfers Total Personal Services 6 2. Total Materials and Services 68 991 3. Total Capital Outlay 196,424 177,000 Total Contingencies 7. Total Special Payments 4 Total Debt Service 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved tor Future Expenditure 5 Total Transfers 9 Total Requirements 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements ......................... 68,991 Name of Unit / Program / Department Crusher 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 62.977 43,284 196,424 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 65,204 97,162 177,000 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3. Total Capital Outlay Approved B**^get Next Year 2010-11 4. Total Debt Service 5 69,650 97,162 ..... ....................................... 7. Total Special Payments Total Debt Service 9. Total Requirements Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated • Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements 162,366 k.Uo»< 'll'» FORM LB-4 SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND 166,812 1 Cutsforth Park 1 142,742 125,534 2. Total Materials and Services 3. Total Capital Outlay 4 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 151,081 128,400 5000 4 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 152,102 128,900 5,000 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 288 30,639 77,345 288 20,900 34,842 4 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropnated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements ............................................ 26,083 108,272 56.030 Total Debt Service Total Transfers ............................................................ Total Contingencies Name of Unit / Program / Department 7 Total Special Payments Anson Wright Park 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future E xpendrture 9 Total Requirements Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 1. Total Personal Services 268,276 284,481 286,002 2. Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay Nondepartmental Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3. Total Capital Outlay Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 4 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 621 14.700 4,704 287 18,145 8,497 20,025 26,929 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 295 22,710 16,559 Total Debt Service 5. Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies ................................................... 7. Total Special Payments 8. Total Unappropnated I Reserved for Future Expenditure .............................................. 9 Total Requirements 39.564 . Total Debt Service 55000 55000 55,000 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies Nome of Unit / Program I Department 7 Total Speciel Peyments ATV Park 8 Total Unappropriated I Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements 428.550 483,550 1000,000 1,055,000 1,000,000 1,055,000 1 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3. Total Capital Outlay SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND FORM LB-4 Basic Capacity 4 Total Debt Service 5. Total Transfers Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 79,724 25,136 4.000 Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Nondepartmental 85,243 55,639 2,000 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements Name of Unit I Program / Department Juvenile Crime Prevention 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropnated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements Name of Unit / Program / Department Client Specific 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers 8 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements form LB-4 585 995 439,205 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 Name of Unit / Program / Deportment Youth Investment 1 Total Personal Servtoos 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Ouftev 8 Total Contingencies 7 Total Special Payments 8 Totei Unappropriated Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 • Total Debt Service 5 Total Transfers Total Contingencies 154 800 69,517 154,800 69,517 7. Total Special Payments 91,134 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 35,363 35.363 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 108 860 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 25000 25000 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 35 3884 2 699 3919 2 699 142,882 1,363 10,083 11 446 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 8 12 500 12 508 Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 9 Total Requirements 38,211 38,211 42 868 42 868 Business Forms I Business Cards Letterhead & Envelopes PF's- \ * Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 0 summary of organization UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 8 Published: May 19, 2010 Affidavit Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 Name of Fund Morrow County Commission on Children & Families Totei Debt Service 508 449 1. Total Personal Services 6 Pubtteh ONLY completed portton of this page Totei Transfers 138,205 176 000 125,000 2. Total Materials and Services 4 Total Contingencies 5 142,095 147,100 296 800 3. Total Capital Outlay ................................................ 7. Total Special Payments 4 75,105 202,199 231 145 ........................... 9 Total Requirements 36.092 53,231 1,811 2 Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outley Total Transfers Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 8 Total Unappropnated / Reserved for Future Expenditure Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Total Personal Services 3 Total Debt Service 5 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 7 Total Special Payments Name of Fund Morrow County Commission on Children and Families Name of Unit / Program / Department 4 6 Total Contingencies Publish ONLY completed portion of this page 6 15,000 135,557 Total Debt Service 5 1 25,000 152,432 5 Total Transfers 8 4 81,744 133,973 1,321 23.862 900 Total Personal Services 3 Total Capital Outlay Total Personal Services 7,000 26,488 Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 Name of Unit / Program I Department Name of Fund Road Weed/Paint/Sign 6 000 39,172 Publish ONLY completed portion of this page 2. Total Materials and Services Actual Data Prior Year 2008-09 7,317 Name of Fund Park Publrtti ONLY completed portion of in» paga Name of Unit / Program l Department 81,460 5.609 SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND FORM LB-4 106,261 80,760 1,500 ................... -.................. 4 Total Transfers ............................................................. Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 43,685 1,227 e. Total Contingencies 8. Total Unappropriated / Reserved for Future Expenditure 5 Adopted Budget Current Year 2009-10 ........................ Total Transfers 3. Total Capital Outlay 6 1,000 0 0 Nondepartmental Approved Budget Next Year 2010-11 12 500 12 500 Full Colon Priming • Brochures «Postcards B Tn?& y . W* Graphics Departmenl and mijch more! Heppner Gazette Times 541-676-9228 or