Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 2010)
F O U R - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 31,2010 Easter messages from area pastors How deep is the ocean, how high is the sky? Easter is God’s grace Live Risen Lives Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was leading him on a collision course with the ruling authorities and religious leadership. The symbolism of Jesus’ entry was In our modern times we have become better not lost on the crowd. He was the true King and Messiah. educated and more acquainted with the world around us. Even the actions and the words of the crowds claimed There have been those who delved into the depths of the “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord.” ocean to explore and to fathom its mysteries. They and we O f course the leaders also recognized the significance have learned how awesome it is. We have come to know of this. The symbolism would also have told them they and even to fear its depth. NASA has sent astronauts to were but pretenders to the throne. The time of their rule outer space. We have learned some of its secrets and have and power was short. come to know its dangers. With each exploration we come Jesus further confronted the ruling Sadducees to know a little more of our magnificent universe. We also by throwing out the money changers and telling them in become aware that there is so much more to explore. We the parable that they would be crushed by the “capstone” must be truly impressed with how deep the ocean is, and and that the kingdom of God would be taken from them. how high the sky. Jesus also confounded the Pharisees who tried to trap Him As we delve into the depths of Holy Week we with questions and words. He attacked them for being are confronted with truth, and mystery that goes beyond hypocrites, calling them whitewashed tombs and dead our universe. We commemorate the suffering, death, bones. They had faith, but were unfaithful. and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For the believer it is All of this must have added to the excitement profound; for the non-believer it is a mystery beyond of the disciples. After all these years, oppression by the comprehension, perhaps no different from the mysteries Romans, dealing with corrupt religious and political lead of our universe. ers, finally the Messiah was here, ready to establish His It may be that some are of the opinion that they kingdom. It only added to the disappointment that was do not need a Redeemer. They might be compared to the about to come. drowning man who thinks he does not need someone to After celebrating the Passover, life, dreams and help him. Or the person who thinks he can survive in a wishes, from the disciple’s perspective, begins to unravel. burning building without the help of a fireman, He thinks There is a betrayal, arrest, kangaroo courts, humiliation, that he can survive by his own strength, and by the time he beatings and finally a very public and cruel death. The op finds out that it is not so, it is too late. Those who believe pressive, the corrupt and the hypocrites had won. 1 do not in Jesus Christ know the need of a Redeemer, and put think we can begin to imagine the depths of the disciples their faith in him. That person knows that faith is a most despair. Some hid, others just sat, and some packed up precious gift. That person knows how deep is the love of and headed home. And then...resurrection. Jesus for them, for he died for them. That person knows The depths of despair turns to the height of how high is the love of Jesus for them for He came from jubilation. This was the sign they had been waiting for, eternity to be the savior. the indication that the end times had broken in. God had One might add another dimension to the title of raised Jesus from the grave and He was the first fruits of this article: “How Deep Is the Rut!” It seems that it is what is to be a mighty harvest. Despair and fear turned easy to get into a rut of indifference, a rut of apathy, a rut to joy and boldness. It makes me wonder... of negligence. Yet no one needs to be shackled by their I wonder if after the resurrection the disciples past. For we might ask ourselves “How high is the love ever thought back over the events of the week and saw of Jesus for us?” And we know it is infinite. Change to that even when they thought that everything had spiraled faith can be sudden and thrilling. One’s spiritual potential out of control, everything was going according to the can be unlocked in an instant by the grace of God. The plan of God. Through the resurrection of Jesus, God had commemoration of the suffering, death and resurrection proved once again that He is faithful. They did not have of Jesus gives a spark to our faith, prompts us to respond to fear. Death itself had been conquered. to the love of Jesus, and strengthens us to live by his Given the current state of affairs that’s probably a principles more faithfully. For those of us who strive to do good lesson for us also. That life will have its high highs that, our Easter will truly be one of heartfelt peacefulness, and low lows. There are times when it seems that all is one of spiritual contentment, and exuberant happiness of lost. Maybe even death itself surrounds you. But God is life, reveling in the joy of the resurrection of Jesus. faithful. Through His Son, the Passover Lamb and the Fr. Gerry Condon Risen Lord, we can have shalom, a peace that passes all St. Patrick's Catholic Church understanding. We can live “risen lives” of joy and bold St. William’s Catholic Church Christianity is the most enormous scam ever ness, even in the midst of the storm. perpetrated on this planet unless Jesus Christ did in fact Keith Price arise from the grave. Willow Creek Baptist Church I just finished reading a wonderful novel, “The His resurrection establishes Christianity the Elegance of the Hedgehog” by Muriel Barbery. Among greatest hope for this planet. The Son of God has con its lessons is this: Eternity can exist in a single moment of quered death and wants to share His life with whoever beauty and truth. I propose that the life of Christ contains will agree to the terms of the New Covenant: Believe, two such epiphanies. repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus The lone Community Church will be having an The first moment holds a baby in a manger. This Christ and walk in the new life He gives you. (Refer to Easter service on Sunday, April 4, at 10 a.m. followed by is God come down to earth, incarnated as a human being, Acts 2:38-39 and Romans 6:3-7) a brunch. All are welcome to attend. to live as and among us. It is mind-boggling, the truth D eath’s unflinching tyranny dominates this of this baby. It also holds for eternity, for God is always world. Only Jesus Christ offers a way to freedom with St. Patrick’s, St. William Parishes with us. convincing proof that he can deliver, by the fact of his announce Holy Week schedule The second moment is a man in white standing by own victory over the grave. St. Patrick’s Parish in Heppner and St. William an empty tomb, holding out his hand to a grieving woman. Easter presents an opportunity to refocus on this Parish in lone announce their schedule for Holy Week. This is man ascended to God, overcoming in death our thrilling truth. How beneficial is it that thoughts of resur St. Patrick’s Parish: limited physical existence and all that human sin can ac rection capture our minds? April 1: Holy Thursday, 7 p.m., solemn com complish. This moment also holds for eternity, for our life For I delivered to you as of first importance what memoration of the Lord’s Supper in God is endless and blessing surely outweighs curse. I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to April 2: Good Friday, 12:05 p.m. Stations of Jesus the rabbi during his life here was a profound the Scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was teacher, miraculous healer, and insightful prophet. Jesus raised on the third day according to the Scriptures...(1 the Cross, 7 p.m. solemn commemoration of the Lord’s death. the Christ is the eternal truth of God, pointing to our own Corinthians 15:3-4). April 3: Easter vigil, 7:30 p.m.. Service of Light, divine elegance. Tim Murphy liturgy of the word, renewal of baptismal promises, vigil Easter will be celebrated at Valby at 9 a.m., fol Heppner Christian Church mass. lowed by breakfast. Everyone is welcome. April 4: Easter Sunday, 11 a.m., Mass of the Rev. Lea Mathieu Resurrection Valby Lutheran Church St. William Parish April 2: Good Friday, 5:30 p.m.. Stations of the Applications being accepted for Med Stars summer residential experience Cross. Northeast Oregon ence University (OHSU). ously participated in other and returned to NEOAHEC April 4: Easter Sunday, 8:45 a.m., Mass of the A rea H ealth E ducation The program is health careers programs, by Wednesday, April 28 in Resurrection. C enter (N EO A H EC ) is open to high school juniors and will be accepted based order to be accepted. currently accepting applica and seniors who are inter on their application and To request an ap Hope Lutheran, All Saints Episcopal tions for the Med Stars sum ested in pursuing careers letters of recommendation. plication, or for more in announce Holy Week schedule mer residential experience irfthe health care field. Ap Tuition for Med Stars is formation, contact Brenna Holy Week Services for the shared ministry of at Oregon Health and Sci- plicants must have previ- $300, which includes lodg Dunlap, education coor Hope Lutheran Church and All Saints Episcopal Church ing, meals, transportation dinator at (541) 962-3801 have been announced. while in the program, and or bhines@ You April 1 - Maundy Thursday, 7 p.m. at All Saints program materials. A lim may also visit our website Episcopal Church. ited number of scholarships at: April 2 - Good Friday, 7 p.m. at Hope Lutheran are available. hel.html. Church. Northeast Oregon Med Stars will be April 4 - Easter Sunday, 10 a.m. at All Saints AHEC is a nonprofit or held on the OHSU cam At John's Place Episcopal Church with Pastor Katy Anderson. Breakfast pus, July 13-17. Students ganization dedicated to at will be served by the Ecumenical Youth Group prior to - Meatloaf Dinner will participate in hands- tracting and retaining health the service. on activities, tour OHSU care professionals by pro - Fish Dinner facilities, and interact with viding regional education - Fried Chicken Dinner health professionals. Appli opportunities in the local cations must be completed twelve county region. Last Sunday, we celebrated Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as it is recorded in Luke 19: 28- 40. In verse 35, we read that the disciples brought the colt to Jesus and after throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it. The devotional, “Disciplines 2010,” underscores that Jesus did not climb onto the colt by Himself. Instead, He placed His life into the hands of His friends, thus creating an intimate moment with His followers. Friends lifted Him on to the colt, some holding His arms, others holding His legs, others holding Him at His waist, some standing behind Him, others standing face to face with Him. During the next few days, there would be other times of intimate moments of disciple- ship - bread-breaking and wine-sharing; foot-washing and truth-telling. And at what would appear to many to be the end of the road, Jesus’ crucifixion and death, there would be time for a few friends to once again put their hands under His arms and legs, support His back, be face to face with Him as they set Him down from the cross and place Him in the tomb. A Christian’s journey of faith calls for many extraordinary acts of intimacy. Discipleship requires vul nerability, closeness, a willingness to lean in the direction of others, and grace to forgive others. Why? Because the story isn’t over, yet! Jesus’ crucifixion and death was not the end of the story. Early in the morning of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where the body of Jesus had been laid. Suddenly there was an earthquake, for an angel of the Lord, rolled the stone which had sealed the tomb away. The angel said to Mary, “Do not be afraid, I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised, as he said... Go quickly and tell his disciples that he has been raised from the dead.” The story isn’t over yet! Though Jesus died the death that we will all experience, He is alive forevermore! And Jesus has promised that those who receive God’s gift of faith from God —faith that God, our Creator is our Heavenly Father; and that Jesus is His only Son, our Lord; and that the Holy Spirit is the divine presence in our lives —presence of God. Easter is God’s grace. Grace to cover all our sins. Grace to cover all our needs. Grace to cover the world in all its broken places. Grace of intimacy. Grace of the living presence of Jesus, our Christ. May you experience God’s grace this Easter. Amen. Jonathan Enz Heppner United Methodist Church It’s a Fact Eternity in a Moment lone Community Church to hold Easter service Check Our These Great Dinner Specials Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday - Prime Rib Dinner Saturday - Pork Loin Installation of officers held at Elks Lodge (all trimmings Included) Thursday Is Kids Night All Kids 12 A Under Eat for only $1 With adult purchase ase - kias kids menu or only - Starts April 1 Hours: 11:30 - 7:30 Tues. - Sat 8a.m. - 3p.m. Sun. A c c e p te d d u r i n g t h e e v e n t: At the installation of officers at the Heppner Elks Lodge on Saturday, March 27, Judy Buschke was named Citizen of the Year, Corey Sweeney was named Officer of the Year, and Ed Baker was named Elk of the Year. Used o il (c o n ta in e rs less th a n 2 5 g a llo n s) O il filte rs, S p ent A n tifre e ze . A u to m o tiv e b a tte ries. A lk a lin e A re ch arg ea b le b atte ries. P ro p a n e T a n k s ( s m a lle r than 25 gal.) O il b ase d paint. P a in t th ln n e rs and so lve nts. W rucler's will start April nth R o o f and a sp h a lt patch. A d h e siv e s, glue s and c on tact cem ent. C a u lk s se ale rs and Jo int c om p o und s. Law n and g ard e n c h e m ic a ls and fe rtiliz e rs . P o o l c hem icals. ...and run every Sunday thru May 2nd! H o u se h o ld c le a n e rs (in c lu d in g bleach, a m m o nia, fu rn itu r e p o lish , to ile t b o w l cleaners, c a rp et sha m JOHN'S PIACI MM. «ma p o os) S lu d g e ( s o il c o n ta m in a te d w ith o il s m a lle r than 25 gal. c o n ta in e rs ) M e rc u ry th e rm o m e ters, Fiores- cent lam p s. A ll ty p es o f a e ro so l cans, Used c o o k in g oil. R oad flares, P C B b allasts. O rg a n ic p erox id e s (h a rd e n in g ag en ts) Item s n o t accepted, F m p tv con tain ers, a m m u n itio n , e xp lo sivo s, b io lo g ica l w aste, ra d io a c tiv e w aste. The play days will be held at theTlodeo grounds Family cost-$40 potluck@12:00 _ Individual cost -$25 Gam es®l:00 Participant must attend 3 out o f 4 play days to be eligible for awards.