Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 2010)
TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 17,2010 The Official Newspaper of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow Elks Americanism Essay Contest winners announced Heppner GAZETTE-TIMES U.S.P.S. 240-420 M orrow C ounty’s H om e-O w ned W eekly N ew spaper Published weekly by Sykes Publishing, LLC and entered as periodical maner at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act o f March 3,1879 Periodical postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676- 9228 Fax ($41) 676-9211. E-mail: editonuirapidserve net or davidtorapidserve net. Web site: www heppner net Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $27 in Morrow County; $21 senior rate (in Morrow County only; 62 years or older); $33 elsewhere; $27 student subscriptions. David Syk es.........................................................................................................Publisher Autumn Morgan...................................................................................................... Editor All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p m. For Advertising advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p m. Cost for a display ad is $5 per column inch. Co st tor classified ad is 50* per word Cost for Card of Thanks a $10 up to 100 words Co st for a classified display ad is $5.75 per column inch. For Public/legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p m Dates for pub lication must be specified Affidavits must be required al the time of submission Affidavits require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be specified if required) For Obituaries Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to meet news guidelines Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space for the obituary For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor M UST be signed by the author The Heppner G T will not publish unsigned letters All letters M UST include the author's address and phone number for use by the GT office The G T reserves the right to edit letters The G T is not responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters Any letters expressing thanks will be placed in the classifieds under "Card of Thanks' at a cost of $10. Team Bohica holds on to first place title jijUST - V» The Heppner Elks Lodge announces the winners of this year’s local Elks Americanism Essay Contest. Students in the 5-8th grade were given the opportunity to write an essay of 250 words or less based on this year's topic, “What is the Ameri can Dream?” Winners of this years essay contest were: 1" place-Patrick Collins ($50); 2*d place-Kaelyn Lindsay ($30); and 3rd place-Kolby Currin ($20). Each winner will be given a Visa gift card from Community Bank in the amount listed. -Contributed Photo BMCC recognizes Rep. Greg Smith for legislative service B lue M o u n tain Community College has adopted a resolution offi cially thanking Rep. Greg Smith (R-Heppner) for his support of higher education in Eastern Oregon. The resolution ac knowledged Rep. Smith’s service on the budget-writ ing Joint Ways and Means Committee and its Educa tion Subcomm ittee, and recognized him as a “peren nial champion of Oregon’s community colleges” and a “tremendously effective advocate” for increased funding for the East Oregon Higher Education Center in Hermiston. The re so lu tio n , signed by the President and Vice-Chair of the BMCC Board, also recognized Rep. Smith’s commitment to at tending hearings, meetings, seminars, and conferences that deal with community college issues. “I ’m honored to receive this resolution from Blue Mountain Community College,” Rep. Smith said. “BMCC and Oregon’s com munity colleges are vital to our state’s econom ic recovery. I’m committed to giving these important institutions the resources they need to serve students and train Oregonians for better jobs.” Parade winnei s announced Team Bohica members are Jason Hanna, Jake Roy, Chad Doherty and Adam Doherty. -Contributed Photo F if te e n te a m s showed up to compete in the Road Bowling competi tion on Sunday, March 14. The weather couldn’t have been better, the 1-1/2 mile walk was good exercise and provided for a great day of “bowling”. Team Bohica (Ja son Hanna, Jake Roy, Chad Doherty and Adam Do herty) took away the trophy for the third year in a row and split $80 prize money for first place. Team Road Warriors (Joey Van Doom, Micha Hintz, Zech Hintz and Lau Hartopt) took sec ond place and split $50 prize money. 2B’s and Lee (Bill Morris, Barb Coiner and Lee McCarl) grabbed third place and split $30 prize money. One team lost their “bowl” in the creek and had to give up the game because they could not find it to continue playing. All in all, it was a great day to wrap up the final activity for the 28th St. Patrick’s Wee Bit O ’ Ireland event this past weekend. St. Patrick’s button winners announced The Heppner Chamber of Commerce announces the winners for the St. Patrick’s buttons contest. Three winners each won a $100 prize. T h is y e a r ’s w in n e rs are M axine Tangney, M organ Cutsforth, and Connie Peters. Area pastors invited to submit Easter messages Easter will be celebrated April 4 this year. Area pastors are invited to submit their Easter messages to be published in the March 31 edition of the Heppner Gazette-Times. The deadline to submit articles is Friday, March 26. Messages can be emailed to, faxed to 541 -676-9211, or dropped off at the office. Brogue Contest winners announced The H eppner C ham ber o f Com m erce announces the Brogue Con- test winners. They are: l 51 place - Andrew Doherty from Seattle (donated $50 back to St. Patrick’s Corn- mittee), 2nd place - Brenda Sue from Scappoose, and 3ri place - Brian Campbell from Imbler. Taylors Sunday Breakfast Buffet 9 aro-l pm Call for wore infom ation 54 un-noo The Heppner Chamber of Commerce announces the 2010 Great Green Parade winners. Ribbons can be picked up at the chamber office. The winners are: -Parade/special Vehicles - Bank of Eastern Or egon -Musical & Dance Groups - a tie between Hep pner High School and Royal Condon Highland Guard Pipes & Drums -Irish Floats & Groups - Heppner Garden Club -Antique & Custom Vehicles - Morrow County Museum Heppner First Christian Church to host creation research speaker Obituaries Sheridan K. (Sweek) Zita Sheridan K (Sweek) Zita of Pend leton died T h u rsd ay , M arch 11, 2010, after a courageous nine-month Sheridan K. battle with (Sweek) Zita p an cre atic cancer. She was 45 years young. Bom October 30, 1964, to Clayton and Ev elyn Sweek in Heppner, Sheridan grew up with her three brothers Mike, Dana, and Curtis. In 1982 she graduated from Heppner High School and went on to earn a dental assistant certificate from Blue Moun tain Community College in 1983 and a medical records degree from Central Or egon Community College in 1986. She married Rich Zita in Heppner in 1987 and for the past 23 years re sided in the Pendleton area, where she raised and loved her two sons, Cory and Nicolas. While nurturing her sons through boyhood, Sheridan found her passion for teaching children. She returned to college at East ern Oregon University and graduated in 2001 with her BS and later received her MA in education. In the fall o f2001 she joined the Echo School District, where she proudly worked until her declining health kept her from the students and class room she so enjoyed. H er other loves in life included spending time with her family, both indoors and out, cooking healthy meals, and hiking and camping in national parks, especially near the wonders of waterfalls. She was an avid gardener who loved sharing her knowl edge of plants and garden design with others. Sheridan was pre ceded in death by her father, Clayton Sweek. She will be deeply missed by her moth er, Evelyn Sweek of Hepp ner; husband, Rich Zita, and sons, Cory and Nicolas, all of Pendleton; brothers Mike Sweek of Heppner, Dana Sweek of Hood River, and Curtis Sweek of Hermiston; and many relatives and in laws, as well as numerous friends, co-workers, and students. A m em orial ser vice will be held Saturday, March 20, at 1 p.m. at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Pendleton, located at the comer of SE 2nd and Dorion. In lieu of cards or flowers, memorial contri butions can be made to St. M ary’s Cancer Clinic in Walla Walla or the Oregon Cancer Society, designat ing pancreatic cancer re search, and may be sent in care of Bums Mortuary of Pendleton, PO Box 489, Pendleton, OR 97801. Sign the register book at www. bumsmortuary. com. Bums Mortuary of Pendleton is in charge of arrangements. Garry Tim Ttillis Garry Tim Tullis, 61, died at his home March 8 , 2010 . He is survived by: his wife, Christine Tullis of Portland; son, Ryon Tullis of Battleground, WA; moth er, Birdine Tullis of Herm iston; brother, Mark Tullis of Hermiston; nephew, Lt. Til Tullis in the U.S. Army; and niece, Cydne Tullis of Portland. He was preceded in death by his father, Car ry Tullis, and son, Quinn Tullis. Memorial services will be held for family and co-workers at the Union Hall in Portland. Senior Center Menu Heppner First Christian Church will host speaker Frank Sherwin from the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) on Sunday, March 28, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Heppner Christian Church members will be Sherwin has degrees in biology and zoology with serving lunch on Wednesday, March 24. The menu will specialty work in parasitology. He has led back packing include navy beans with ham, green salad, sliced pears, tours in the Grand Canyon and lead scuba diving with combread, and lemon bars. creation lectures in the Caribbean for ICR. National Weather Services to conduct free Skywarn Weather Spotter training in Heppner Volunteers are be ing sought to participate in the latest weather spot ter training on April 27 in Heppner. Weather spotters trained by the N ational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS) are key volunteers who assist the meteorolo gists by providing up-to- date inform ation about storm activity. The Skywa rn Weather Spotter training is free and will be held in the Morrow County Emergency Operations Center, located at 320 South Willow View in Heppner beginning at 6 p.m. and co-sponsored by Morrow County Emer gency Management. “Skywarn volun teers are not storm chasers, although many Skywarn members, both local and na tionwide, may chase storms on their own time,” said Dennis Hull, NWS Warning Coordination M eteorolo gist at the forecast office in Pendleton. “The National Weather does not encourage storm chasing because it is very dangerous.” Hull added, “The safety of all Skywarn spot ters is a high priority. Sky- wam members are volun teers trained in w eather spotting and reporting those findings in a timely manner using the phone, amateur radio, or internet.” Skywarn spotters attend a 2-hour training ses sion where they leam how to observe cloud formations and other weather in this area. The Weather Service teaches how to determine which storms are poten tially severe. Spotters use a special toll free number, amateur radio frequency, or the internet address to let the forecasters at the National Weather Service St. Patrick’s Welly Toss a success The first annual St. Patrick’s Celebration Welly Toss was held this past Saturday. The object of the com petition is to throw a Wellington boot further, within the boundaries, than the other competitors. The winners were: Adult Male 1" place - John Murray, 80 feet; 2nd place - David Bemtsen, 69 feet; and 3rd place - Brian Spivey, 59 feet. Adult Female 1 ” place - Dawn Dyer, 55 feet; 2nd place - Tamara Hycler, 51 feet; and 3rd place - Lindsay Gibbs, 47 feet. Grades 7-12 Cara (No last name or distance provided) Grades K-6 1" place - Kacie Gray, 43 feet. 1 office in Pendleton know what is happening in their area. Meteorologists use this data as they issue se vere weather warnings or statements to the residents of Morrow County. Hull said the Sky- wam was a concept devel oped in the early 1970s that was intended to promote a cooperative effort between the National Weather Ser vice and communities. The emphasis of the effort is often focused on the storm spotter, an individual who takes a position near their com m unity and reports wind gusts, hail size, rain fall, and cloud formations that could signal a develop ing tornado. More information about the training is avail able by contacting Morrow County Emergency Man agement at 541-676-5161 or the National Weather Service at 541 -276-4493 ext 223 or visit http://weather. gov. Dennis Hull can be emailed at dennis.hull@ Additional infor mation is also available at the National Weather Ser vice website at http://www. NOAA W eather Radio broadcasts to Mor row County from transmit ters at Sillusi Butte and Wilkenson Hill on a fre quency o f 162.425 MHz and near Boardman on AM 1610 KHz. Additional infor mation about Skywarn can be found at http://www. To leam more about NOAA, visit http:// Veterans Benefits Conference to be held M orrow C ounty Veterans Services will be sponsoring the Veterans B enefits C onference & Health/W ellness Fair on Thursday, May 20, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Port of Morrow in Boardman. On hand will be: State of Oregon Director of Veterans Affairs Jim Willis; Linda Adams from Oregon Veterans Home; Elizabeth Scheeler, representative for Senator Merkley; Kel ly Kerckhof - Eligibility, Walla Walla VAMC; ODS Dental Hygienists School - La Grande; Anthony Du rant - Veterans Rep. OR Employment Dept.; Vet erans Education Benefits; Art McColville - CTUIR Veterans Rep; Walla Walla VAMC- Chronic Disease Management & Diabetes; and OEF/OIF Veterans Co ordinator. Lu n c h wi l l be served at this event. Confirm your reg istration by calling 541 - 922-6420 and leaving your name and phone number. I i