Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 2010)
Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, January 13,2010 -F IV E Community Bank donates digital thermometers to clinic for distribution M orrow C ounty C ultural C oalition aw ards funds M orrow C ounty Cultural Coalition awarded a total o f $5,810 to four county organizations for projects to be completed between September 2009 and June 30, 2010. Grants were distributed through a competitive process to address goals of the Mor row County Cultural Plan. The funds, awarded by the Oregon Cultural Trust, were administered and distrib uted by Arts East Regional Arts Council. Applications were received from five organi zations supporting the arts, hum anities and heritage organizations in Morrow County. Grants will sup port a variety of projects including theater w ork shops and performances, school based literacy proj ects, heritage publications and preservation projects. This year’s flu sea son continues to bring many patients to Pioneer Memo rial Clinic in Heppner, and patients who don’t own a digital thermometer are being given one to take home to better monitor their illness. Community Bank’s Heppner Branch donated 150 digital thermometers to the clinic for distribution to patients who need them. Oregon Wheat Growers League to hold statewide marketing meeting M ary Lou D altoso, C h a ir m a n o f M orrow C o u n ty C u ltu ra l C o a litio n , p r e se n ts F r ie n d s o f B o a r d m a n L ib r a ry p r e sid e n t K im H arp er, w ith a c o p y o f th e c o lle c te d c o r r e sp o n d e n c e , e ssa y s, a n d a r tic le s o f S a m u e l H. B o a r d m a n . C o ntributed Photo cultural bridges through partnerships to expand out reach and accessibility. Grants are awarded for no more than 50% of the total project cost; 2009 recipients are: M orrow County Historical Society Foundation to match funds raised by volunteers to bring Missoula Children’s Theater w orkshops and productions during Spring Break, and to profession ally copy and bind three replacement copies of the The first statew ide marketing meeting of the new year for the Oregon Wheat Growers League will be held Thursday, Janu ary 14, at 8 a.m. The topics to be covered include Jeff Kas- e r ’s thoughts on where gas prices are headed and discussion on the latest gov ernment report that came out by Dan Steiner. There will be opportunity for wheat producers to partici pate at 15 sites around the state of Oregon. Locally, this meet ing w ill be held at the OSU/ Morrow County Extension Office in Heppner. For more informa tion, call the OWGL Office in Pendleton or Shannon Rust at 541-376-8202. ¡Tires IES SCHWAB I k Unique Bargains at Every Store! Save on nnce a year close out prices. Don’t wait! lig h t Truck 6 SUV Tires Passenger C ar Tires (M H ÏÏ 0 DÛO H im © S» < & *■' s u n n a /n STARTING 0 7 |155^0TR-13 4 L m TREAD DISIGWiMAYAVABY A MNRk TREAD DESIGN MAYdfARY 1 YOUR Sl/I IN SIOCK. CAIA FOR SIZE ft PRICE ft e e fa s o " * MOUNTING • AIR CHECKS • ROTATIONS ROAO NAZARI • FIAT RIPAIR YOUR S ill IN SIOCK CAU TOR SIZE ft PRICE H M JILH /T7 V ll/ il * ® 5,« R ,3T S y N i w i » isicn S j S a R |H L a SEASONOEllAOIlin The Eclipse has a 70.000 mile warranty. It's modern tread pattern provides quality handling for increased vehicle safety. MOUNTING - AIR CHICKS • ROTATIONS ROAO HAZARD • (LAT RIPAIR H 0OIET RIDE Wt SOPERIOR SJABIIITY The all terrain radial SXT delivers a quiet, comfortable ride, superior stability and control. If you drive a Light Truck or SUV this tire is a __________________ great choice lor you. k in o s * YOUR SIZE IN SIOCK. /le & CAll TOR SIZE 6 PRICE Credit is lasy at les Schwab m 235/75SR-.15 (RIAD DfSIGN IES SCHWAB REVOLVING CREDIT PLAM ROAD HAZARD • FIAT RIPAIR___M ll [0 r SIZE 6 PRICE OR CHOOSE 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH O.A.C. a s k s to n i io n o n a u s PAYMENE PROGRAMS OR APPROVED G RID ÌI OAIIY PERCERlAGl HATE 01 0 04931% 18% PER ANNUM OVER $ 2 .5 0 0 .0 0 ............1/3 OF BALANCE THE IE S SCHW AB WARRANTY I FREE BRAKE CHECKS m Sm T ttn r "A t Les S ch w ab , w e 're p ro u d o f o u r FREE W arran ty. It's a tre m en d o u s v a lu e w o rth up to $ 2 5 0 o f v a lu a b le s e rv ic e s . ” 2 5 fea rs Utpenem e Professionally Trained Technicians V Best Brake W arranty y& f W - factory Quality Parts FREE MOUNTING, AIR CHECKS, FLAT REPAIR, ROTATIONS & ROAO HAZARD... WITH THE TIRES YOU BUY! de ¿T w t d e ¿ t c e m fd tfc 25.000 MILE WÀRRANTY F B fl n iP lA C IM IH J PARTS AMD IABO R Les Schwab Tire Center 124 North Main St., Heppner 6 76-9481 A The Arbuckle Nor dic Club recently met at Bill and Sherry Ewing’s house to plan their winter sched ule. The club meets every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. at the Heppner City Park and then car pools to their ski/snowshoe destination. Members include experienced skiers/snow- shoers and then some that are just beginning. Every one is welcome. If you would like to give the ac tivity a try but don’t have equipm ent then call the trip leader and they may be able to borrow some equip ment for you. The club usu ally skis/snowshoes in the morning then builds a fire, eats lunch and some con tinue up the trail and others return to the vehicles. The last outing will be March 5-7. We will be the guest of the Crag Rats for the overnight trip to historic Cloud Cap Inn on Mt. Hood. The following schedule shows the dates and trip leaders for the season: January 9 (Steve and Luanne Brownfield 541-676-9696); January 16 (Bill and Sherry Ewing 541-676-9119); January 23 (Dan VanLiew 541-676- 5050); January 30 (Dave Fow ler 541-676-9109); February 6 (Steve and Lu anne Brownfield); Febru ary 13, President’s Week end; February 20 (Bill and Sherry Ewing); February 27 (Dan VanLiew); March 5-7 (Joint Trip with the Santiam Alpine Club). lone School Dis trict is one of 392 Oregon schools to receive an over all rating of “outstanding’ on the eleventh annual Or egon School Report Card. There are 1,727 public and private schools in Oregon. In 1999, the Or egon legislature passed the legislation calling for each school and district in the state to receive a report card. The first school and district report cards were issued in 2000. Since that time, lone has ranked as follows: 2000- Satisfactory; 2001-Exceptional; 2002- Exceptional; 2003-Strong; 2004-Satisfactory; 2005- Strong; 2006-Strong; 2007- Exceptional; 2008- Excep tional; and 2009- Outstand ing. Each fall, Oregon releases three major re ports on public schools: the Oregon school report cards; student achievement on state tests in reading, writing, mathematics, and science; and the federal Adequate Yearly Progress report required under No Child Left Behind. O f the three reports, the school report cards offer the most co m p lete look at how schools are performing be cause they include a more thorough review of school quality. Included in O r egon's school report cards is information on student test performance, school improvement, attendance, dropout rates, class size, SAT scores, expulsions due to weapons, and teacher education and experience. m nm pïïtïïïït ™ Arbuckle Nordic Club announces winter schedule lone School receives “Out standing” rating Low cost tire with a high traction tread compound for added durability and tread life. •R fs WÍ A ll ' “ft- ™ Wi lo w COST MOUNTING • III CHICKS • ROTATIONS ROAD HAZARD • FIAT REPAIR É 0 *£& • i t i t t rssfllis* WÍ low COST ti tu This is an excellent value on highway and all season radiais. Offers a smooth quiet ride and tough steel belt construction. I «> “ M onitoring a p atien t’s body tem perature when they are ill is an important tool for their care,” said a clinic spokesperson. “ We appreciate this donation on our patients’ behalf’. V