Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 2009)
EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, December 30, 2009 highway. It was an ongoing subject concerning suspi problem. The under sheriff cious circumstances. The responded and was unable reporter said that the driv er lance tran sp o rted her to to locate the dog. but had o f a red and white deliv receiv ed multiple calls over ery truck got out o f the Good Shepherd Hospital. -B o a rd m a n F ire the past year concerning a vehicle that he was towing and started yanking on the Department received report similar dog. doors. -M CSO received o f a commercial tire alarm. -M CSO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n It was a false alarm. req u est for info rm atio n w oman that one of the hors -Irrigon Fire D e from the H eppner C ity es in her pasture belongs partment received report o f m ayor concerning infor to another subject and has illegal burning in the area. m ation about unlicensed asked them several times The tire ch ief responded and was unable to locate to move the horse. A deputy vehicles. -M C SO a rre ste d responded and contacted any fire. Dustin Andrew Spears, 24, -lone Fire Depart the subject. -MCSO, Heppner on a Umatilla Police De ment received report that the power was out at an Ambulance. Heppner Fire partment warrant for Fail lone ranch and when the Department responded to a ure to Pay Fine/Drug Para pow er came back on it start report of a one vehicle roll phernalia. He w as lodged at ed a fire in the pump house. over on Hwy. 207/Clarks Umatilla County Jail w ith a It burned cheat grass and C anyon R oad, H eppner $676 fine. -M CSO received tw o power poles, lone Fire with one person bleeding Department responded and from facial injuries and report from the Com m u put the fire out. Columbia an arm injury. One person nity Bank in Heppner that was transported to Pioneer someone spit or threw soda Basin also responded. S e p t e mb e r 14: Memorial Hospital in Hep on the ATM at the bank. The reporter said she had The Morrow County Sher pner. -M C SO received pictures from the ATM and iff's Office received report from an Irrigon man that report from a Heppner city the deputy will show the another dog keeps coming worker advising that a ve picture around. -M CSO received into his yard making his dog hicle had been parked at the Main St. park for two re p o rt from an Irrig o n “go nuts.” days. woman that a check she had -M CSO received mailed to her brother was -M CSO received report from an Irrigon sub stolen and already cashed. report o f a subject fishing je c t that her n e ig h b o r’s -M CSO received at the Irrigon marina. The horse tram pled the fence and was in her yard again. reporters thought it was the report that three teenagers She reported it was an on owner o f a boat that they stole four 18-packs o f beer going problem. A deputy re had planned to impound for from the Irrigon store on sponded and made contact boat dock fees. It turned out the previous Sunday. The not to be the subject and no reporter said that they had w ith the neighbor. the theft on video. -M CSO received contact was necessary. -M CSO received -M C SO received report that a dog in Board- report from a Boardman report of a non-injury motor man was running into the SH E R IFF'S REPORT Medicare Part D Enrollment Period November 15th - December 31st See the following list of plans we are accepting for 2010 vehicle accident on Hwy. 207, Lexington, blocking the south-bound lane. Or egon Department o f Trans portation responded to the scene and directed traffic and later advised that the vehicle had been cleared. -M C SO received report that gravel on the new construction near the fairgrounds was too deep, causing cars to almost get stuck. The rep o rter was w orried about motorcyclists going through the area may dump their bikes. -M CSO received rep o rt o f a dum p truck tow ing another dump truck tow ing another vehicle. The reporter did not think it was very safe. A deputy made contact with the drivers. -M CSO received report from an Irrigon sub ject that his neighbor was threatening his wife. The reporter requested deputy contact. -M CSO received report o f G erm an Shep herds in the street in Irrigon. The complainant said that if the people don’t get rid of the dogs, they will end up killing them. -Boardman Police Departm ent cited Ramon Madera Rodriguez, 54, for N o O p e ra to r’s L icense, Driving Uninsured. -BPD received re port of a theft of a license plate off a vehicle parked at a residence. -BPD received re port o f suspicious circum stances. A woman reported that three subjects were in her car earlier and then the vehicle wouldn’t start. The vehicle was supposed to be impounded that day. The reporter was advised she needed to contact the impound company and talk w ith them. -H eppner A m bu lance received a report of a juvenile with a severely If you are not happy w ith your current NOW I S THE TIME TO CHANGE 2010 MEDICARE PART D PLANS Advantage Freedom Plan by RxAmerica Advantage Star Plan by Rx America 800-429-6686 Asuris Medicare Script Asuris Medicare Script Enhanced 800-452-2909 Premiere Care 800-458-9518 Community CCRX Community CCRX Basic Community CCRX Gold 866-566-8741 www.communitycarerx.corn Silverscript Value 866-552-6106 CVS Caremark Complete 866-488-4709 Sterling RX 866-228-8920 Providence Part D 800-457-6064 Health Net Orange option 1 and 2 877-859-0060 Clear Choice Health Plan 800-437-7728 Cigna Medicare Rx Plan 1,2,3 800-244-6224 G r o w in g M E D IC A R E A D V A N T A G E H E A L T H P L A N S Today's Options Value Premier Plans Premier Care Choice Rx, Value Rx, and Advantage Rx Sterling Option II and IV ODS Advantage PPORx and Advantage PPORx Select M umuj ' 4 D/uuj 541-676-9158 Providing fast, friendly, hometown service since 1959 l broken arm. The subject was transported to Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Hep pner. -Heppner Fire De partment received report of a controlled bum at the high school. S e p t e mb e r 15: Morrow County Sheriff’s Office received report o f a house in Irrigon where people were lighting fire crackers, yelling and party ing. A deputy made contact and advised it was some kids walking by and told them they needed to keep it down. -MCSO cited San tiago Ruiz Arias, 40, for Vi olation o f the Speed Limit and Failure to Carry Proof o f Insurance. -M CSO received report of an unintentional drive-off o f $ 11.15 from the Heppner station. -M C SO arre ste d Fawn Elizabeth Ironbear, 27, on a M orrow County Circuit Court warrant for Failure to Appear. She was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $10,000 bail. -M CSO received report o f an assault in Irrig on. The call was a 911 trans fer from Benton County. -MCSO cited Chris Bryan Kestner, 19, for Vio lation o f the Speed Limit, 34 mph in a 20 mph school zone. -MCSO received a request for contact from a Heppner man who said his daughter was accused o f selling tobacco to a minor. A deputy made contact and said he would talk to the daughter later. -M C SO received report o f a m ale in lone bitten on the hand by a rattlesnake in three spots. He was flown out. -M CSO rem oved garbage that was discarded in the middle o f the inter state at Boardman. -M CSO received report that a white Toyota spun out on Blalock Court in Boardman. -M CSO received report of a kidnapping in Irrigon. A subject reported that a person, whom he refused to identify, took him against his will to his p a re n ts ’ house. He said they threatened him and then left. -M CSO received report o f a subject driv ing an older black Toyota pickup while intoxicated in Heppner. The reporter advised the subjects in the pickup had more alcohol and were drinking as they w ere d riv in g and w ere headed south on Main. -Boardman Police D epartm ent o fficer was out with a vehicle at the marina. -BPD received re port of possible forgery and falsifying records. - ir r ig o n A m b u lance received report o f a m ale subject w ho had abdominal pain on and off for around five days, was nauseated and in pain. The subject was transported. S e p t e mb e r 16: Morrow County Sheriff’s Office received report o f a jar o f pickles broken near th e H ep p n e r C ity P ark and there were pickles all over the area. A deputy responded and advised he investigated the situation. It was determined that the pickle ja r belonged to a resident next to the park and the pickles were taken from the property prior to being broken at the park. -The Morrow County Sheriff requested th at a deputy c o n ta c t a reporter concerning a driv ing complaint he received the previous afternoon in Heppner. healthy families t o g e t h e r . Connect with WIC. Investing in O regon’s future with nutrition education and healthy foods. Learn m o re ab o u t h ow th e O regon W IC Program helps fam ilies: 1-800-SAFENET (1-800-723-3628) W IC is an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity p ro v id e r an d e m p lo yer. Oregon wie program I >I Oregon dhs Department of Human Service«