Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 2009)
EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, December 9,2009 Sheriffs Report The Morrow County Sheriff's Office reports han dling the following busi ness: vehicle. -BPD, Boardm an A m bulance received re port that a subject went to the Boardman Ambulance w ith first and second degree burns on his hands. The subject had a child w ith him to translate. -M C SO received report that a subject from out o f town attempted to call from a phone and didn't realize it was an emergency phone only. -BPD, Boardm an Ambulance received report of a subject slumped over against a mile marker on 1-84. The subject was just resting while hitch hiking. -BPD received a request for an officer from a Boardman woman. She said that her son may or may not be in a silver Cavalier parked next door and he needs to come home. She S e p te m b e r 7: Morrow County S heriff’s Office arrested Debra Jean P ortillo, 49, on a U m a tilla County w arrant and for Possession o f a Controlled S u b stan c e -m e th a m p h e t- amine. She was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with no bail for the U m atilla County charge and $7,500 bail for the PCS charge. -M C SO a rre ste d Curtiss Robert Pullum, 41, on an Irrigon Justice Court warrant for Failure to Pay F in e /F a ilu re to A ppear. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $3,102 bail. -MCSO, Boardman Police Department received report of two males fighting and yelling and a subject stomping on another subject in Irrigon. MCSO arrested Josh C rites, 25, for D is orderly Conduct. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $3,000 bail. -M CSO received report o f an audible alarm at Riverpoint Farms office. -M CSO received report o f subjects in the Boardman area selling win dow cleaner. -M CSO received req u est for info rm atio n from an lone subject on the liability o f releasing her grandchildren to par ents who may have been drinking. -M CSO) received report o f an 18-foot trailer on fire in Boardman and a subject was trying to get his stuff. -M C SO received report from an Irrigon sub ject that raw sewage was backing up in his house and flooding the street in front o f his house. -M CSO received report from a deputy who said he was out with a group o f subjects at the Irrigon restrooms. -M CSO code en forcement officer reported he was at a location for weed abatement in Irrigon. -M C SO received report from a Boardm an subject that his white Jeep Cherokee that was broken down and left at a friend's house, was stolen. MCSO arrested Leobardo Jacquez Solis, 57, for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle and Theft I. He was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $15,000 bail. -MCSO deputy re ported he was out with a vehicle parked on the side o f the road on Hwy. 74, H eppner. They had ju s t stopped for a break. -MCSO deputy re ported he was flagged down by a subject who wanted to know if it was okay if he parked at a location in Ir rigon. The deputy pointed out the “No Parking" sign and advised him he needed to move his car. -M C SO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n woman that her neighbors ran oft' a guy that used to w ork for her and w as on her property. She said no one was to be on her property and asked for extra patrol. She later advised MCSO that the subject was actually inside her house when the neighbors ran him oft' and the screen to the back bed room had been removed. -M C SO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n woman that her back door was open and all the guns from the back bedroom had been stolen. She said the title box had been tampered with as well. -M C SO received report from an Irrigon sub ject that the neighbors w ere playing music really loud. -M CSO received report from the sheriff that he was out with a male sub ject at an Irrigon location taking a report o f gang ac tivity. The Umatilla Police D epartm ent was notified and a m ale subject was taken to UPD for further action. -MCSO received report o f a suspicious ve hicle parked near a subject’s drivew ay in Irrigon. The c a ller req u e sted deputy contact. -MCSO deputy re p orted he m ade contact with a subject at the Irrigon skate park. The female was a runaway. -M C SO arre ste d Paula Lynn Taylor, 54, on a Morrow County Circuit Court warrant for Contempt o f Court. She was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with $5,000 bail. -Boardman Police D epartm ent o ffic er d is covered an open door on a vehicle. The officer made contact with the owner who said they forgot to close the door. -BPD received re port o f a stereo stolen from a car. -BPD received re quest for assistance from a care giver for list assistance. The care giver said her pa tient gave out and was on the floor and she was unable to get him up on her own. -BPD received re port from a subject that she was attacked by two Mastiffs in Hermiston and wanted information about pressing charges. -BPD cited Eliseo Narciso Mateo, 23, for No Operator’s License, No In surance and Unreasonable Sound Amplification. -B PD o fficer re ported he made contact w ith two subjects by the jetty and advised them the park closes at 11 p.m. S e p t e m b e r 8: Morrow County Sheriff’s Office received an inquiry from a female who wanted to know if she could drive out o f her restric tio n to look for a missing juvenile. She was advised o f her op tions. -M C S O d e p u ty made contact at Heppner Elementary School. -MCSO cited Carl Edw ard G arrett, 53, for d riving 32 in a 20 mph zone. -M CSO received report o f a non-injury hit and run. possibly a trailer that swung into a bumper in Heppner. -M C SO received report from a Boardman subject that he was hav ing his house sprayed for spiders and it may appear to be smoke. -M C SO received report o f a one ton flatbed truck driving 35 mph in the school zone in lone. -M CSO report o f a cell phone found in the street in Irrigon. A deputy was trying to determ ine whose it was. -M C SO received report from an lone man that he bought a car from a man, the car ended up be ing a lemon and the seller refused to give the buyer his money back. -M CSO received report of w ire stolen from a Heppner residence that w as being rew ired. -M CSO received report from a Boardm an w o m a n th a t a s u b je c t stopped by her residence and threatened a female and her boyfriend. The reporter said she received this infor mation second hand. -MCSO deputy re ported he contacted a sub ject who had a warrant, but the w arrant w as not serv ed due to medical reasons. The subject was later arrested by Hermiston Police Depart ment. -M CSO received report from a L exington man that another subject put up no trespassing signs in the reporter’s driveway again. The reporter said his lawyer told him to notify the sheriff’s office if it hap pened again. -M CSO received report of a female subject being unruly at a Lexington town all meeting. -M CSO received report o f two males shoot ing rifles near her home in Boardm an. She said she was afraid her residence will be hit. A deputy was en route and a call given to Oregon State Police. -M CSO received report that Hermiston Po lice D epartm ent arrested Jody Lynn Lemon, 31, on a Morrow County Circuit Court warrant for Failure to A p p e a r/H a ra ssm e n t- physical. The subject was lodged at Umatilla County Jail with no bail. -M CSO received report from a Lexington woman that a 15-year-old m ale subject pushed her down in the bedroom. An other subject reportedly restrained the m ale sub ject by “putting him in the ground” . The juvenile was to spend the night at his grandfather’s house. -M CSO received report from an Irrigon sub ject that a dog was chasing his horse. He chased the dog off and the owner got the dog. -Boardman Police D epartm ent received in form ation about a fight that occurred 30 minutes p reviously. T hree ju v e nile females were cited for disorderly conduct. While on the original call, BPD received additional infor mation about criminal mis chiefinvolving a vehicle. -BPD pulled a ve hicle over on a traffic stop and the female driver com plained o f medical prob lems. She was transported by a m b u la n ce to G ood Shepherd Hospital and the v e h ic le w as im pounded b e c au se the d riv e r w as suspended. -BPD received re port o f a bunch o f kids hanging out by the storage shed at the park. -BPD advised a fe male subject that she could not camp on city streets. -Boardman Ambu lance transported a woman with cramps and bleeding, possibly in labor to Good Shepherd Hospital. Septem ber 9: Mor row County Sheriff’s Of fice, lone Fire Department received report o f a small grass fire north o f Liberty School Road, lone. -M CSO received report from a Heppner wom an that she had received another call from subjects who wanted money. -M C SO received report of a dog screaming in “considerable pain” in Heppner. -M CSO received report of a male Blue Heeler shot or in a fight and bleed ing badly in Boardman. A deputy responded and de termined the dog had been in a fight. -M C SO received report from an lone subject that he and his wife were splitting up and she would not leave the residence. She w as at the residence to pick up the kids, but he said that they w ere not supposed to exchange the kids until that Thursday. However, no paperw ork had been completed and the arrange ment w as only v erbal at the time. -M C SO received report from a Heppner man that his son was in an ac cident and he requested a copy o f the accident re port. -M C SO received report o f a truancy issue from the H eppner High School principal, concern ing a student who is trying to transition to alternative school. -M CSO received report from an Irrigon sub ject who said she caught two golden labs that tried to attack and kill her chickens. No chickens were harmed and the owner was to pick up the dogs. -M C SO received report o f a man in Irrigon w ho was sittin g outside w ith his head thrown back and his to n g u e hanging out. He reportedly came to while the caller was on the phone and then got up and started walking around. An ambulance responded and evaluated the subject, but he refused transport. -M C SO received report that som eone was dumping their grass clip pings in the area that he keeps his mules and horses. He said it would kill the ani mals if they ate too much. He said it had occurred twice, both times on Mon days. -M CSO received report that the caller had found a dead Magpie in his yard. He said he put it in a plastic bag and a message was left for vector control to call him. -M CSO received report o f a male in his 40s- 50s failing to maintain lane and speeding on 1-84. The reporter said he could see the subject drinking out of a bottle with a brow n paper bag around it. -M C SO received report from a Boardm an subject that he was taking care of his neighbor’s dogs, but the n eig h b o r called and said he was delayed and wouldn’t be home for a while. The subject said the neighbor didn’t leave enough food for the dogs. A deputy m ade co n tact w ith the caller, who agreed to feed the dogs for a few more days. -M C SO received report of a small red pickup and a small blue car were drag racing westbound on Kunze Rd. which had been resurfaced. -M C SO received request for an agency assist for a possible landslide on 1-84 Arlington. A deputy re sponded and advised there was a bale o f hay, but no other debris in the road way. -Boardman Police Department cited Tara La- nae Harlow, 27, for Viola tion o f the Speed Limit. -BPD responded to check on a female with no driver’s license in a vehicle with no fuel. An officer at tempted to assist with the moving of the vehicle and the female. -BPD received re port o f a suspicious white vehicle in the area o f Or egon Trail. - I r r ig o n A m b u lance responded to a male with a possible medication overdose. There was no transport. - I r rig o n A m b u lance responded to a report of a 64-year-old female sick after receiving dialysis that day. She was transported to Good Shepherd Hospital. -B o a rd m a n F ire Department received report o f a possible fire. It turned out to be alarm problems. -BFD received re port o f a field fire across from the D esert Springs Estates sheds. The fire did not threaten only the stor age sheds and no homes. -BFD received a fire alarm Septem ber 10: Morrow County S heriff’s O ffice transported a pa tient from Columbia River Ranch to Good Shepherd Hospital and to St. Charles Medical Center, Bend-Red- mond area. -M C SO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n woman that she could not get her 13-year-old son to go to school and requested deputy contact to advise her what her options were. -M C SO received re p o rt from a H e p p n e r woman that her rooster was on a “walk-about” and she could not locate it. -M C SO received report of traps left for feral cats in Irrigon. One was tftnsported to Pet Rescue. ^ -M CSO received report of an abundance of cats in Irrigon. -M C SO received report o f two kid s’ bikes in the middle o f the creek under the bridge behind the bowling alley in Heppner. The reporter said it looks like the bikes were thrown off the middle o f the bridge and advised they might be hard to retrieve. -M C SO received information from a Board- man woman that she was concerned about the wel fare of her renter, w hom she had not seen in around five days. MCSO responded and determined the house was secure, but they were un able to locate the subject. -M C SO a rre ste d and transported a prisoner in Heppner. -M CSO received report o f a subject in Irri gon who is driving without an Oregon license and had been w arned previously about driving the vehicle to school. -M CSO received report from an Irrigon wom an that she keeps receiving messages to call and set up child visitation. -M CSO received re p o rt from an Irrig o n woman that the babysitter has her daughter and will not let her go home with her, saying the babysitter says that the daughter is supposed to be w ith her father. It was a parenting time dispute. -M C SO received report that the Department of Corrections arrested San tos W ill G u ard ad o , 45, for F ailure to Pay Fine/ Driving While Suspended- misdemeanor. Bail was set at $880.99. -M C S O d e p u ty reported he spoke to a ju venile’s parents in Irrigon about the juvenile crossing the street where there is no crosswalk. -MCSO warned a Heppner juvenile for skate boarding with no helmet. The juvenile will pick up a helmet. -M C SO received a report o f keys found at the Willow Creek Diner in Heppner. -M CSO received report that someone went through the unlocked door at his residence in Irrigon and tried to steal his safe. -M C SO received complaint from a Heppner subject that someone keeps parking on Linden Way, making it hard for the five families who live there to drive to their homes. The subject had been asked not to park there, but responded with “I can park where I want. A deputy responded and the subject moved his car and said he would not park there again. NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING • Use for supplemental budget proposing a change in a fund's expenditures of 10 percent or more. A public hearing on a proposed supplemental budget for C ity .MoxEfiw. H pnnnpr (County) (District name) State of Oregon, for the fiscal year July 1,2009 to June 30. 2010, will be held a t ___ C i t y . H a l l « — L U — bL— M a i n S t. (Location) □ A.M. The hearing will take place on the December 14/ .at___ 7 ; 00 2009 (Data) The purpose of the heanng is to discuss the supplemental budget with interested persons. A copy of the supplemental budget document may be inspected or obtained on or a fte r__ M n v a m h a r __ 3D -2.Q Q 9 (D aw am 111 N. Main St.# Heppner. OR . between the hours of 9 : QQ (Location) S . D and 5 ¿.ÛÛ A . M a P I M H,R SUMMARY OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET PUBLISH ONLY THOSE FUNDS BEING MODIFIED Supplemental Budget General Fund: Tsfr. to Debt Svc. 01-01-8265 Existing 14,815 Change +28,186 Adjusted 43,001 Contingency 01-07-9900 Existing 76,390 Change -28,186 Adjusted 48,204 Debt Service Fund Tsfr. From GF (WIP) Existing 14,815 19-00-8020 Change + 28,186 Adjusted 43,001 Bond Pr. 2007 Loan 19-01-6030 Change + 28,186 Adjusted 213,636 Existing 185,450 Published: December 2 and 9, 2009 Affidavit