Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1977)
" H SIX The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, August 25, 1 jiiLOiiiineffiS! Va Hamlett Roy Lindstrom, President of the lone-Lexington Cemetery Association would like for the people to know that the reason the grass is drying up at the lone Hillview Cemetary is not due to lack of work of the caretaker. The supply of water is depleted until the new water system is finished. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Halvor sen are the parents of a 7 pound 11 ounce boy born August 11 the Good Sheperd Hospital in Hermiston. He has been named Jason Lee and joins a 2i-year-old brother, Ryan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Halvor sen, of lone. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Drake and family were recent vis itors at the home of his mother, Mrs. Gladys Drake. They also visited other rel atives in the lone and Heppner area. Mr. and Mrs. Quiller Burns, Eagle River, Alaska spent Public NOTICE OF VACATION Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a petit ion filed with the Com mon Council of the City of Heppner by IRENE ANHORN and MARY GOHEEN, owners and tenants of real property as follows: the Lots 6,7, and 8, listed as tax lots no. 1600, 1700, and 1701, located on 35CB 2S 26 in the Ayers 3rd Addition to the City of Heppner, as according to the Morrow County Tax Assessor's office, all in Morrow County, State of Oregon, praying for and ordinance of the Com mon Council of the City of Heppner vacating an alley lying between Lots 6 and 7, and an alley lying between Lots 8 and 9 of the Ayers 3rd Addition to the City of Heppner. The hearing on the vacation of said alleys will be held in front of the Common Council on the 6th day of Septem ber 1977 at the City Hall fo the City of Heppner, at the nc'ir of 8:00 p.m., for the purpose of hear ing all objections or remonstrations, if there are any, why the said alleys should not be vacated. Irene Anhorn Heppner, Oregon Published August 4, 11, 18, 25, 1977 Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned Property: The following named persons are apparent owners of abandoned (personal) property re ported to the State Land Board, Salem, Oregon: John R. Petree AKA J. Petrie-Heppner. Information concern ing the amount or de scription of the property and the name and ad dress of the holder may be obtained by a person possessing a legal or equitable interest in the property by writing to the Division of State Lands, 1445 State Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. If proof of claim is not presented by the owner to the holder, and if the owner's right to receive the property is not established to the hold er's satisfaction by Nov. 4, 1977, the abandoned property will be placed in the custody of the State Land Board to which all further claims must be directed. Published August 11, 18, 1977 August 15 and 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Griffith, of Cecil, and visited other relatives in the area. They were on their way to a Gem and Rock show in Utah. Mrs. Quiller is a sister of Mrst Katherine Lindstrom and George Griffith. Mr. Don Bristow spent last week at the coast, visiting his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Biistow and family, at Til lamook. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlet, were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rooker,. Brookings. Mrs. Rooker is an aunt of Mr. Hamlett. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reitmann spent last weekend at the coast, sightseeing and visiting friends. Mrs. Vera Reitmann re turned home the middle of last week from a week's visit at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, in Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Notice PUBLIC NOT'CE The Heppner City Coun cil is considering an age reduction to ac commodate more Sen ior Citizens who might be eligible for reduced sewer and water rates. All Senior Citizens who are 60 years of age or over and whose incomes are within the CSA income guidelines, may sign up at Heppner City Hall. Please, bring proof of your income. The Community Ser vices Administration guidelines are: One person $3,713 annual income, two persons $4,913 and three persons $6,113. Those who are already taking advantage of the special rates need not sign up again. Mary Jean McCabe City Treasurer Published August 18, 25, September 1, 8, 1977 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Morrow County Planning Commission will hold a public hear ing on Monday, August 29, 1977, at 8:00 p.m. at the North Morrow County Office in Irrigon. Purpose of the hearing is for consideration of the following matters: 1. Zone Changed Request-Dallas Wilson Farm to Farm Res idential. Location of the proposed change is T.4N., R.24E., Sec. 13, Ysx Lot No. 401, consisting of 3.58 acres. 2. Conditional Use Permit-Dallas Wilson Multi-Family Dwelling in a Farm Residential Zone. Lo cation of the proposed use is T.4N., R.24E., Sec. 13, Tax Lot No. 401, consisting of 3.58 acres. Interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and express their views. Written, signed statements will be considered. Reason for approval or disap proval should be includ ed in oral or written statements. MRS. DORRISL. GRAVES, Chairman 1977 422-7557 O'Connor spent the weekend at Wallowa T alro Mi and Mrs. Keith Rea and family attended the Houghton-Greer-Estes family reunion at Public Notice of Finding of Lost and-or Unclamied Steel Pipe To Whom It May Con cern: Be advised that I, Everett E. Harshman, Morrow County Asses sor, am the finder for Morrow County of cer tain lost and-or un claimed goods, to-wit, 22 lengths of heavy gauge steel pipe, approxiately 2.5 feet in diameter and 50 feet in length. This pipe has an estimated value of $14,400. It was found along the road Morrow County Planning Commission Published August 18, 25, 1977 NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT TRANSFER APPLICATION NO. 3586 Notice is given hereby that an application has been filed in the office of the Water Resources Director by Richard T. Wilkinson for approval of an additional point of diversion from Willow Creek. The certificate recor ded at Page 150. Vol. 1, State Record of Water Right Cerfificates, in the name of J.M. Hager, describes a right which includes the use of water from Willow Creek in the amount of not to excede 0.49 cubic foot per second with a priority date of 1870 for irrigation of 15.88 acres in NE'4, SW'4 and 13.48 acres in NW'4 SE4 of Sec. 32; and in the amount of 0.32 cubic foot per second with a pri ority date of 1894 for irrigation of 0.33 acre in NE4 SE4, 6.74 acres in SE'4 SE4 of Sec. 31; 9.43 acres in NW1 4 SW4 and 3.05 acres in SW'4 SW" of Sec. 32, all within T. 2S., R. 27 E., W.M. ..Water for the said' right is diverted from two points located ( 1 ) 36 ft. N. and 328 Ft. W. from the E. '4 corner of Sec. 32, being within the SE'4 NE4 of Sec. 32; (2) 1092 ft. S. and 1251ft. W. from the center of Sec. 32, being within the NE'4SW4 of Sec. 32, all within T. 2 S., R. 27 E., W.M. The applicant herein, owner of the lands above described, pro poses to establish, with- ' out loss of priority, an additional point of div ersion located 670 ft. S. and 614 ft. E. from the center of Sec. 32, being within the NW'4 SE'4 of said Sec. 32. All persons interested are notified hereby that a hearing will be held at the country courthouse at Heppner, Oregon, on October 5. 1977, at 9:30 a.m. All objections to the proposed change, if any there are, will be heard at said time and place. Any and all objections shall be pre pared in writing, one Columbia Park, Kennewick, Wash. Saturday. Over 100 people attended this annual picnic. The Rea's took thier son, Craig, to Molalla Sunday. Craig will be attending church camp for a week at Camp Adams. Mr. and Mrs. John Hough ton and family, LaGrande, were overnight guests Sunday at the Rea home. Notice Public Notice near the Boeing test site. As an officer and agent for Morrow County, I hereby give notice pursuant to ORS 98.005 that this property can be claimed by any interest of affected per son who appears in my office at the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon, and establishes ownership and pays all delinquent personal property taxes on the pipe and all costs and charges incurred in the finding, giving of notice and care and Public Notice copy to be served on Richard T. Wilkinson, PO Box 68, Heppner, ' Oregon 97836, and one copy filed with the Water Resources De partment, Salem, Ore- , gon 97310, together with a $10 filing fee, at least 10 days prior to the date set for hearing, IF NO OBJECTION IS FILED, THE APPLICATION MAY BE APPROVED BY THE WATER RESOURCES DIRECTOR WITHOUT A HEARING. Admin istrative rules pertain ing to the filing of a protest will be furnished by the Water Resources Department upon re quest. Dated at Salem, Ore gon, this 6th day of June, 1977 JAMES E.SEXON' Director Published Aug. 11, .18, 25, 1977 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Morrow County Court will hold a public hearing in the Morrow County Courthouse on September 7, 1977 at 10:30 a.m. Purpose of the hearing is for con sideration to the follow ing matters: 1. Proposed adoption of Procedures and Standards for County Review of City Comp rehensive Plans. 2. Petition for the vacation of an un developed subdivision known as Birch Lake Acres and located in Township 5 North, Range 27 E.W.M., Section 21, near the Umatilla County line east of Irrigon. All interested persons are invited to attend and present their views. Written and signed statements shall also be accepted and read into the record of the hear ing. DELWIN O.NELSON Judge Morrow County Court Published August 25, September 1, 1977 SECOND NOTICE OF SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET HEARING A public hearing on a proposed supplemental Irrigon news Francis Hose A birthday dinner was given Sunday afternoon to honor Harvey Warner for his long years of service to the Assembly of God. He has been a church board member for custody of such prop erty. ..If no person appears, establishes ownership and pays the costs and charges, on or before February 3, 1978, then the property shall be come and remain the personal property of Morrow County, for all purposes and without any right of redemption. Everett E. Harshman Morrow County Assessor Published August 4, II, 18, 25, 1977 budget for the City of Heppner for the fiscal year 1977-1978 will be held in the Council Chambers in City Hall at 7:45 p.m. on Septem ber 6, 1977. Copies of the Business MEDICAL SUPPLIES HERMISTON DRUG Free prescription Mail Service. Open9a.m. to7p.m. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar FURNITURE WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system . 254 W. Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston THIS SPACE FOR RENT $8 PER MONTH CALL 676-9228 AUTOMOTIVE Serving all this area for over 20 years. JONES RADIATOR SERVICE 1315 North 1st St. Hermiston, OR 97838 Ph. 567-6916 OPTOMETRIST DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner entrance. 676-9465 Heppner CONSTRUCTION Circle "D" Trenching Licensed & Bonded Vermeer Trencher 14" wide x 8' deep 680 Case Hoe Septic Tanks, Etc. Dump Truck for Hire Robert Duncan 989-8493 Wilson 9223352 more than 40 years and for many years taught a Jr. boys Sunday School class. Also he and his wife, Zepha, have kept the church books for much of this time. Donald Tusten and Richard Franke, both former Sunday School class members, now AUG. 27 to SEPT. 5 " SALEM HOURS 1Oam-10pm weekdays 10am-11pm weekends ADMISSION . Adults $3.00 Ages 6-12 $.50 Under 6 Free 1 Public Notice supplemental budget are available without charge at the office of the City Recorder. The budget may be inspected by interested persons at the office of C.B. SERVICE Terry's CB Consulting Service 155 Rock Street P.O. Box 356 Heppner "Fox Hunter" Ch. 19 Terry Carter 676-5192 THIS SPACE FOR RENT $8 PER MONTH CALL 676-9228 MONUMENTS SWEENEY MORTUARY Cemetery, grave markers. Granite, Marble, Bronze 24-Hr. phone 676-9600 or 676-9226 Also serving lone & Lexington Heppner P.O. Box 97 MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions. Hospital Supplies Open Mon . -Fri . , 9-6 p .m . Sat. 9-1 p.m. Located in the Medical Center, 1100 Southgate, Pendleton 276-1531 AUTOMOTIVE SHERRELL CHEVROLET INC. Complete Sales & Service 3rd & Main Hermiston TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Appointment not needed... ...hut appreciated 67(-.':i!:i Hill E. Aiken or i7ti-!Mi!i grown men, expressed their appreciation for his patience and kindness to them when they were growing boys. Warner suffered a stroke several years ago and is no longer able to teach. Mrs. John (Suzan) Wilson of Boise, Idaho was an overnight visitor, Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson. She returned to Boise Satur day with her sons, Tom and Jere,' who had spent the week with their grandparents here. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith were hosts to a family reunion of the Oscar Breeding family, AH for$Three Entertainment Daily 2:00 Jose Feliciano Skilesand Henderson JeannieC. Riley Clay Hart & Sally Flynn Ray Charles Freddie Fender Flash Cadillac Bluegrass Show Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 & Aug. 31 Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 3&4 Sept. 5 the City Recorder dur ing regular hours. Any person may appear at the public hearing on the supplemental bud get . and discuss the budget or any part of it. Directory TITLE INSURANCE MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner HOME REPAIR UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays & Sundays if necessary. Ph. 676-9406 or 989-8467 FURNITURE FT M0US- DISCOUNTS Curtis-Ma thes TV Quasar TV, Norgei Admiral appliances. Largest selection of furniture in the area. 2200 N.F. Hermiston 567 8OS0 THIS SPACE FOR RENT $8 PER MONTH CALL 676-9228 FLOOR COVERING M&R FLOOR COVERING Carpet, linoleum, ceramic tile, kitchen cabinets. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. Matt Hughes 422 Linden Way 676-9418 Heppner I'M MBI.V, MILLER'S PLUMBING New and remodel work Commerical or residential 20 Years Experience Free Estimates Call: 922-3110 . If no answer: 922-3525 Mrs.' Smith's family on her late father's side. More than 50 relatives gathered from Montana, Washington, Idaho and Ore gon. Two of Mr. Breeding's sisters, Lavina Maynard of Darby, Mont, and Ethel Liv ingstone of Redmond attended the reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Ursel Baker, White Salmon, Wash., and Mr, and Mrs. Omer Foster, Husum, Wash., were visitors at the E.A. Stephens home Sunday. The two ladies are nieces of Mrs. Stephens. C & 8:00 pm Marshall Lovgren Recorder Budget office City of Heppner, Oregon Published August 25, 1977 33S&S3 .MACHINERY REPAIR Miller & Sons Welding, Inc. Fabrication & Repair of Steel & Aluminum Steel & Bolts In Stock 123 Lynden Way Heppner OPEN 8-6 shop 676-9106 MON-SAT Home 676-5519 INSURANCE RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Health, Fire, Auto, marine Group Plans Ray Boyce 676-9625 676-5384 Heppner LAUNDROMAT Main St. Heppner HEPPNER LAUNDROMAT BUILDING SUPPLIES See us for all your building supplies. We feature Boysen Paints. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Tim Moore, Mgr. 432 SE Dorian 276-6221 PENDLETON PRINTING WEDDING INVITATIONS BUSINESS FORMS PRINTED ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS GAZETTE-TIMES 676-9228676-9496 THIS SPACE FOR RENT $8 PER MONTH CALL 676-9228