Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1977)
- i 3 TEN The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore., Thursday. August II, 4-H Members Probide Judging Team For Umatilla County Umatilla County 4-H Club members had the opportunity to test their skills at judging showmanship and horseman ship when four top riders from Morrow County traveled to the fair in Hermiston and pro vided the judging classes, to repay the courtesy provided them the prior week. Making up a team were Lori Witt, Denise Key, Irrigon, Krynn Robinson, and Nancy Miller, Heppner. Accompanying the team and adding their support to the effort were leaders Des Witt and Merlyn Robinson. Merlyn reports everything was great, the girls enjoyed the experience and didn't even notice he temperatures soar ing to about 104 degrees that day. Who Has The Clippers? We've looked and looked around the office for the 4-H animal clippers. Some leader or 4-H family borrowed them in the past, and it would be a great if they could come back home to the extension office so they could be available to all 4-H'ers or leaders who need them. Health exams August 19 Pre-school health examina tions are planned for Friday, August 19 at the Heppner Grade School for youngsters starting school this year, the Morrow County Health De partment announced this veek Soroptimists honor PMH residents Residents at the Pioneer Memorial Hospital nursing home will be guests of honor at a picnic Saturday, August 13, hosted by the Soroptimist Club of Heppner. Commitmeet to yon ISLE Extention Events... with Birdine Tullis Remember, Snack Needs Workers Shack 4-H needs your help in the Snack Shack to cook up those delicious hamburgers, hot dogs, cold drinks and things for all those hungry, thirsty, people at county fair, Please give us a call and select the time of your choice, so we don't have to push too hard on the panic button as time gets short before fair. We'll be so happy to hear from you. Phone 676-9642. County Fair County Fair is for everyone, and there is a place for everything. Open class de partments welcome every thing in the premium book, and even things that are not listed, These are open classes for everything that young people do, too, as well as the 4-H and FFA classes. Be sure to read your premuim book, for it provides many sugges tions to get you started, and right now is the time to start. We get really excited about county fair, for it is the time to show everyone what a talen ted population resides in Morrow County. Help make it a really big show, by sharing Parents with pre-schoolers are asked to call 989-8250. for an appointment. Other children, regardless of age, are welcome to come and have their eyes and ears checked by state personnel. No appointment is necessary for this service. Special guest of honor will be "Shorty" Franks, celebra tine his 93rd birthday that day. The American Legion Aux iliary will bake a special cake for Shorty. with a You'll find them at First Federal Savings & Loan. Where "commit ment to you" is more than a catchy slogan. It's the philosophy behind our entire business. Ask John Van Winkle. He's the V 1 - 1977 what you have done this past year. Bring it to the fair. Lots Of Help For Foofl Preservation There are bulletins on all phases of food preservation available at no cost at the extension office. Food drying has hit an all time high, with many requests for informa tion. For those who are just beginners at drying fruits and vegetables, there is a com plete information on drying both fruits and vegetables, as well as making the popular fruit leathers. Instructions are also available free for making your own food dryer. Foods also dry well outside in our hot, dry weather condition, but should be protected from insects and dust as they dry. Extension information gives all details about all ways to dry. Birdine has samples of fruits, fruit leathers, and dried herbs, at the office if you'd like to come by and visit about food drying. Bulletins are on hand to give the latest information on canning, making jams and jellies, pickles, sausages, and even lots of handy recipes and information on using zucchini, as well as freezing, and preserving without salt or sugar. Extension has the answer for almost anything, so give us a try. Legion news Legionaires from Heppner American Legion Post no. 87 who marched in the Umatilla County Fair parade with Legionaires from other posts were Clayton and Mike Sweek, Arnie Hedman, Ed Baker and Bob Johnson. Rita Hedman, Bebe Munk ers, Evelyn Sweek and Mabel Heath attended the Eight & Forty convention at Pendleton Friday and Saturday, August 5 and 6, as delegates from Heppner Legion Auxiliary. New District 6 President of the American Legion Aux iliary is Mrs. Clayton (Ev- pi JFp First Federal Savings jjj AND IOAN ASSOCIATION OF PENDLETON ' f . W V' W T "A, ar Other Offices: Wheat purchase guidelines set for 1976 crop The United States Depart ment of Agriculture (USDA) is offering guidelines to wheat producers concerning the use of purchase agreements as a marketing option, according to David McLeod, Executive Director of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva tion Service (ASCS) office. Under provisions of the loan and purchase program, producers who hold 1976-crop wheat not under government loan are eligible to sign a purchase agreement with the Commodity Credit Corpora tion (CCC). A purchase agreement signed now com mits CCC to buy 1976-crop wheat next March at the loan rate established in the pro ducers county. Under the agreement, however, the pro ducer may still sell the wheat on the open market before the March delivery date. Should this occur, the producer need only inform the ASCS office of the sale and the purchase agreement would be void. Planning staff expands The Morrow County Plan ning Department this week added staff member Deane See' : to assist with general planning tasks and the prep aration of the county Comp rehensive Plan. Seeger joins Planning Dir ector Dave Moon in the department and both will split duties between the Irrigon and Heppner offices. A two-year resident of Boardman, Seeger has been involved in planning at the local, county and state levels for more than 20 years, In 1968 he began doing physical and design planning in the con struction field was involved in elyn) Sweek, Heppner. She will attend the training session held at Albany this weekend. Heppner Legion Post No. 87 and Auxiliary will hold their annual picnic at Anson Wright Park Sunday, August 14. Legion and Auxiliary mem bers from the lone and Hermiston posts are invited. Beverages will be furnished by the Heppner Post. John Van Winkle 5 ' ' t t Hi-ppner Boardman branch manager manager of our HeppnerBoardman office, and he knows that structuring First Federal's services to meet your special needs is the way to keep you happy. And when you're happy, so is he. FNTFR SL MAIN HFPPNFR b I tall V v Milton-Fre water, Hermiston, Boardman & Pendleton -Home Office Purchase agreements may play a role in the formation for the food grain reserve pro gram announced April 4 by Secretary of Agriculture, Bob Bergland. The deadline for signing a wheat purchase agreement is February 28, 1978. If a producer signs an agreement on or before February 28, that producer may convert the purchase agreement to an Open horse show entries available The Open Horse Show, held in conjunction with the County Fair, is scheduled for Sunday, August 21 beginning at 9 a.m. Entry blanks are available at the Extension office, Green Feed Store and Gardner's Mens Wear in Heppner or from Des Witt in Irrigon and Alston's Texaco in Boardman. Entries may be turned in the planning of the Sun River development project. Moon said Seeger will work closely with the Comprehen sive Plan compliance sched ule in preparing inventories and collecting and assimila Police Reports from the Sheriff's Office include: Jim Swanson, lone, re ported the theft of a tool box from a combine near the Sand Hollow grade on Ken Turner ranch. R.L. Stevens, Heppner, reported the theft of 40 gallons of gasoline and minor damage to wiring and lights on his vehicle. William E. Crist, Board man, reported the theft of a CB radio from his vehicle parked in an apartment lot. Tools were reported mis sing from a Union Pacific railroad caboose at the Mor gan Siding, Morgan. Robert C. Duncan, Hep extended loan. If the agree ment is converted, the wheat could move directly into the food grain reserve program and the producer would be advanced 20 cents per bushel on the first years storage. Anyone wanting more in formation on wheat purchase agreements or the food grain reserve program should con tact the ASCS office or" agricultural service center. Monday, August 15, from 1 to 8 p.m. at the Fairgrounds Dorm Building or they can be mailed to Annie Schwarz at Rt. 2, Heppner. All entries must be in by Monday, August 15. The horse show is open to Morrow County residents and horses must have been owned and kept in the county at least 60 days prior to the time of entry. ting information from num erous state and federal agen cies. He will also work with citizens advisory groups seek ing public opinion on the various planning elements. report pner, reported the theft of four tires and a battery from his vehicle parked along Hwy. 207 approximately four miles from Lexington. -A ten-speed bicycle stolen from the home of Eleanor Connor, Boardman, was re covered by the Sheriff's Office later in the week. Western l Sawf... in mum O 3-piece denim suits STYLISH WITH OR WITHOUT COAT...BY LEE O Western Shirts WEAR ANYWHERE... BY PANHANDLE SLIM O Corduroy Suits NEW ARRIVALS IN 3-PIECE STYLES O Hats wii " I'M) i Hini u I r 3mm ' liii Justice Court Justice Court dispositions for the week include: Anna M. Wilson, Heppner, found guilty of DUN and fined $505. Bob Huchaby, Astoria, found guilty of DWS and fined $155. The following are disposit ions resulting from a July 24 disturbance at Cutsforth Park. Clinton T. High, Heppner, found guilty of Disorderly Conduct and Furnishing Liquor to Minors. High was ordered to cut, stack and deliver five cords of wood to the park for the Conduct charge and given the option of delivering eight more cords or paying a $505 for the Furnish ing charge. Wesley C. High, Heppner, CLASSIFIEDS WORK FOR YOU 676-9228 Heppner s HR78xl5 Price '"eludes Mounting, Balance & F.E.T. NO TRADE-INS NEEDED HERE ! IC0MING SOON!! AUTOMATIC CAE! WASH STETSON BAILEY Greet Fit Ms Complete array of shirts & slacks for leisure or dress a men's mm Heppner found guilty of Disorderly Conduct and ordered to del iver one cord of wood. Bill Beatty, Jr., Heppner, found guilty of Disorderly Conduct and ordered to del iver one cord of wood. Dennis C. Severson, Hep pner, found guilty of being a Minor in Possession and ordered to deliver one cord ol wood. James Wishart, Heppner, found guilty of being a Minor in Possession and ordered tc deliver one cord of wood. Keith Papineau, Lexing ton, found guilty of being a Minor in Possession and fined $32. Bobby Clark, lone, found guilty of Criminal Activity in Drugs (less than one ounce of marijuana) and fined $75. ilr & fni E-QUALITYCS EL DORADO 40,000 MILE mno $5082 RADIAL A 676-9218 ..J y" :- f-.T'