Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1977)
(Cont'd, from pg. 11. FUNDS RliQUIKING AN AIJ VALOKLM TAX IO lit LtVltl) Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll Costs). Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay . . . Total All Other Requirements Total Requirements (Including Transfers! Total Resources Lxccpt Tax to be Levied Ad Valorem Taxes Received , . Ad Valorem Tax Required to balance Estimated Tax Not to be Received Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied Levy Within 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation (Serial Levy). . . Not Subject to Limitation Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payiull Costs) Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay Total All Other Requirements Total Requirements (Including Transfers) . . Total Rcsoutccs Except Tax to be Levied Ad Valorem Taxes Received Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance Lstiinated Tax Not to be Kcccixcd Total Ad Valorem Tax to be Levied Levy Within 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation (Senal Levy) . . . Not Subject to Limitation --.'I'.i'igEgLIril - PUNI) OR PROGRAM List Year I Pm Year I Net Year 2,180.00 J2.iJ8CKOp 3.02000 8,875.00 10, 365 .00" 10,885.00 " - o- '0- 11,055.00 13,115.00 13,90 5.00 5,385.00 7,135.00 9,335.00 ;' ; ' 6,010 00 4j 57O760 X;- - ' ' ' -or ' i ,8o6 . oo... ,1,,n- .j.Q'i&PQ46..37.Q,pQ., : -y, r. 6,010.00 6J37O.00 ""T...- " -o- ' -0- " , " " "I -0- -AprJaI Lev.v..Fund j DM) ok PkQORAM Lis! Yeai Ihis Yi-jr NVvt Near 4 .ooo.oo TToooToo " 320.00 4J300.00 4J300. 00 " 4320.66 4 , 300 . 00 . 2 " 320.00 300.00 4, oqo .joo Tir-'v-'' 'ir'; : ' , y?" " ,4 6,00.00 A . POO... 00 ZZTZZZZZZjZ. IXoqoIoqTI' " 4.oqq.oq;I, :yr- "i"ooo",6q 4" "ooo ","oo " .Bond ,:,N, 0R pkooravi Total Personnel Services (Includes all Payroll C Total Materials and Services Total Capital Outlay Total All Oilier Requirements Total Keqiiiicnicnls (Including liaiistcrst Total Resources Lxcept lax to be Levied . . . . Ad Valorem Taxes Received Ad Valorem Tax Required to Balance Lstimated Tax Not to be Received Total Ad Valorem Tax lo be Levied Levy Within 6 Peicent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation Levy Outside 6 Percent Limitation (Seiial l.cvyi. Not Subiect to Limitation is). I ast Yeai NONE I his Yra NONE Next Yi- 5,000.00 ' 5,001) . 00 . . 5. 000. .00 .... 5.000.00 Published June 9, 16, 1977. NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT TRANSFER APPLICATION NO. 3207 Notice is given hereby that an application has been filed in the office of the Water Resources Director by Claude and Anna Graham for ap proval of a change in place of use and point of diversion from Willow Creek. The certificate re corded at Page 127, Vol. 1, State Record of Water Right Certificates, in - the name of Hiram E. Clark, describes a right for the use of not to exceed 0.37 cubic foot per second from Willow Creek for irrigation of 4.0 acres in SE'i, SW",'4 and 18.0 acres in SW'4 SE'4 of Sec. 21, T.2S., R.26E., W.M., with dates of priority of 1889 for 0.08 c.f.s. for ir rigation of 5.0 acres and 1891 for 0.29 c.f.s. for irrigation of 17.0 acres. The certificate re corded at Page 204, Vol. 1, State Record of Water Right Certificates, in the name of Wightman Bros, describes a right for the use of not to exceed 1.06 c.f.s. from Willow Creek for irri gation of 32.0 acres in SW'4 NW'4. 4.5 acres in SE'4 NW'4. 24.0 acres in NE4 SW'4 and 3.0 acres in NW'4 SW'i of Sec. 21, T.2S., R.26E., W.M., with a date of priority of 1884. All of the above de scribed lands also enjoy a right to use of waters of Ditch Creek as a source of water to aug ment the flows of Willow Creek as described by the certificate recorded at Page 13535, Vol. 12, State Record of Water Right Certificates. Water for the said rights is diverted through the Dutton & Clark ditch, from a point located 1000 ft. S. and 1600 ft. E. from the NW corner of Sec. 27, being within the NE'j. NW'4 of Sec. 27, T.2S., R.26E., W.M., and from two other points located (2) 247 ft. S. and 1310 ft. W. and (3) 1237 ft. N. and 1650 ft. W. from the center of Sec. 21, being within the (2) NE'4 SW'4 and (3) SWV4 NW'4 of Sec. 21, T.2S., R.26E., W.M. The applicant herein, with power of attorney from the owner of the lands above described, proposes to change the place of use from a por tion of the said lands and also proposes changes in point of di version for all of the lands under both of said water rights to divert water from Willow Creek at three points located: (1) 247 ft. S. and 1310 ft. W. from the center of Sec. 21, being within the NE'4 SW'4 of Sec. 21, T.2S., R.26E., W.M. (2) 1237 ft. N. and 1650 ft. W. from the center of Sec. 21, being within the SW'4 NW'i of Sec. 21, T.2S., R.26E.. W.M.; and (3) 577 ft. N. and 660 ft. W. from the SE corner of Sec. 17, being within the SE'4 SE'4 of Sec. 17, T.2N., R.26E., W.M. for irrigation of 14.0 acres in NW'U SE'4 and 3.0 acres in SE'4 SE'4 of Sec. 17, with a date of priority of 1891; 3.0 acres in NE'4 NE'4 and 2.0 acres in SE'4 NE'4 of Sec. 20, with a date of priority of 1899; and 15.0 acres in SW'4 SE' , and 5.0 acres inSEUSE'of Sec. 17, with a date of priority of 1884, all within Township 2 South, Range 26 East, W.M. All persons interested are notified hereby that a hearing will be held at the county courthouse at Heppner, Oregon on July 19, 1977, at 9:30 a.m. All objections to the proposed change, if any there are, will be heard at said time and place. Any and all ob jections shall be pre pared in writing, one copy to be served on Claude and Anna Gra ham, c-o Robert E. O'Rourke, P.O. Box 490, Pendleton, Oregon 97801, and one copy filed with the Water Resourc es Department, Salem, Oregon 97310, together with a $10 filing fee, at least 10 days prior to the date set for hearing. IF NO OBJECTION IS FILED, THE APPLI CATION MAY BE AP PROVED BY THE WA TER RESOURCES DI RECTOR WITHOUT A HEARING. Adminis trative rules pertaining to the filing of a protest will be furnished by the Water Resources De partment upon request. Dated at Salem, Ore gon, this 12th day of May, 1977. JAMES E.SEXSON Director Published May 26, June 2. 9, 1977. ,"Wir mT ...1111, ' mu" m mmS r i ?m,JtJf Wed., June 8 thru Mon., June 13 A GHEYDON CLARK PRODtJCTION Starring JOHN IRELAND YVONNE iCARLO JACK KRUSCHEN JOHN CARRAOtNE SYDNEY CHAPLIN CoSlanlng "THE HUSKIES" ltS5?M"t",CM"""tliM COLOR BY MOVIELAB Rj Plus FRITZ THE CAT No One Admitted 17 Or Under W0 Adult Supervision SECOND NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The Board of Direct ors of Heppner Ceme tery Maintenance Dis trict will hold a public hearing for the purpose of discussing the budget for the District for the fiscal year 1977-78, be ginning July 1, 1977, on June 21, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. at 6:30 N. Main Street, Heppner, Ore gon. Any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. A copy of the budget may be inspected or ob tained between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. at 6:30 N. Main Street. The first Notice and Summary was pub lished in the Heppner Gazette-Times on June 2, 1977. John A. Pfeiffer, Chairman Published June 9, 1977. SECOND NOTICE Notice of Budget Hearing At 8:00 p.m. June 20, 1977 at City Hall, the Council of the City of Heppner will hold a public hearing for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal year 1977-1978 beginning July 1, 1977. Any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. A Copy of the budget document may be in spected or obtained be tween the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at City Hall. The first notice and summary was published in the Heppner Gazette-Times date of June 2, 1977. J.F. Sweeney Chairman of the Governing Body, Morrow County Published June 9, 1977. The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, June 9, 1977 NINE Paint workshop June 22 Area artists are invited to a special painting workshop scheduled for June 22 at the Heppner Junior High. The workshop is co-sponsored by the local Creative Arts Group and the Eastern Oregon Re gional Arts Council. The all-day workshop, be ginning at 9 a.m., offers artists an excellent oppor tunity to brush up on skills and also learn some new tech niques. Portland artist Ear bara Zusman will be on hand for the session. Cost for the day of instruc tion will be pro-rated among those attending, and it is hoped that the expense will be small for each artist. Those attending should bring a sack lunch, and their painting materials and equipment, either oils or acrylics. More detailed information will be available at the June meeting of the Morrow Crea tive Arts, Thursday, June 16, at West of Willow. County employment down A decrease in employment in Morrow County pushed the March seasonally adjusted unemployment rate of 6 per cent up to 8. 1 per cent in April, according to statistics re leased by the Oregon Employ ment Division. However, the rate was still considerably less than the 10.2 per cent rate registered in April, 1976. The major increase in the unemployment rate was tied to employment losses which occurred at three of the county's major employers: Lumber and wood products showed a drop of 60 workers; food processing employment was down by 40 and contract construction employment de creased by 30 workers. Sea sonal cutbacks at Kinzua Corp., the Gourmet potato plant, and some contract completions at the PGE coal fired plant accounted for most of the April employment losses. A proposed development activity which could affect the employment outlook in the county involves PGE, which is still in the running for se lection as a prime contractor to build one of the world's largest wind turbines. To be located near Boardman, the 1.5 megawatt turbines will have blade diameters of about 200 ft. The PGE proposal is under consideration by the Energy Research and De velopment Administration. ft FU1 mj 5) oiii INSTANT ? UPTON 1 r TEA 1 YES- WE ARE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED THIS MEANS Yy WE D0NT HAVE A MIDDLEMAN "fJ tsERs s PAPER FUNNY T H 4 J v j rnor W TOWELS V riK. HIDRI i . i niMQn nm i o n o 3 0Z. Mi MAN PLEASERS b RAWnilFT I DINNERS 17 to 20 0Z. 1 "V4 ? COLA PRODUCTS 6 PACK 12 0Z.CAN $1112 i I PIUS u DEPOSIT Ol -" yCHYSTAL WHITE DETERGENT DRINKMIX 8QT. i A IU 1 III ! vV V 4vVO 48 0Z. BONELESS VA t CHUCK ' STEAK USDA olfol LB RED DELICIOUS APPI 15 LBS CS hills ry g OLD FASHION 1 r FRANKS n 4 saladTOIVIATOES LB i 11 k U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMPS WELCOME HERE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BUY A CAN . . . A CASE OR A CARLOAD CHECK OUR RED TAG SPECIALS HERMIST0N WAREHOUSE FOODS 1845 NORTH 1st HERMIST0N STORE HOURS EVERYDAY 3 AM TO 7 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK