Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1976)
....,,i tm .,r- f " mmmmmmmmmmmmmj ,.,....v - - ' ' Pg , THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR. Thursday, Dec. 30. 1976 1976 General Fund Warrants November Carolyn Davis, Juv. trav. 40.04; seminar 14.85 54.89 Edna Posey, et al, Cit. Ct. witness 134.24 Pacific NW Bell, Sheriff comm , 29.00 Columbia Upholstery Co., Sheriff sup 11.80 Territorial Enforcement, Sheriff sup 25.16 Pac. NW Bell, Sheriff comm 117.00 Rod's Auto-Motive, Sheriff car exp 11.00 City of Hermiston, Sheriff jail exp 52.00 Heppner Auto Parts, Sheriff car exp 39.99 Court Street Market, Sheriff sup 2.09 Farley Motor Co., Sheriff car exp 49.76 Ford Motor Credit Co., Sheriff pickup rent 136.36 Erma Keithley, Sheriff uniform exp 3.50 Union Oil Co., Sheriff car exp 226.35 The Bi-Mart Co., Sheriff jail exp 21.39 Mobil Oil Credit Corp., Sheriff car exp 15.62 Wasco County Sheriff, Sheriff jail exp 277.50 t.D. Fetsch, Sheriff uniform exp 16.00 Rohrman Motor Co., Sheriff car exp 49.90 Atlantic Richfield Co., Sheriff car exp 11.31 Nudleman Bros., Sheriff uniform exp 197.75 StandardOilCo., Sheriff car exp. 79.09 Shell Oil Co., Sheriff car exp 1107 NWLaw Enf Equip., Sheriff sup 21.25 First Nat. Bank, Sheriff meals & trav. 88.10 Clifford L. Morris, Sheriff uniform exp .24.00 'Lorraine Kay Barnes.etal.JP 5 witness 22.68 pacific NW Bell, current exp 455.13 OSU Extension Serv., 1st Qtr. Co. Agent 6,435.75 Ernest Jorgensen, JP 5 Sup 37.50 Standard Oil Co., Juv. trav. 4.68; Plan. trav. 10.66 15.34 'pitney Bowes, mach. mtse 59.55 SM Business Products, paper 47.05 Umatilla Electric, N end office 15.28 M and B Investment Co., N end office rent 311.00 'Herman Winter, Sp. Atty. Fund, Cir. Ct 355.52 'City of Heppner, Cthse. sup 21.75 Columbia Basin Elec., Cthse. 106.19; Museum 29.00 .... 135.19 Eastern Ore. Telephone, current exp. 31.77 Robert Abrams, Cir. Ct. Sp. Atty. Fund 126.00 'David R. Moon, Plan. trav. 14.75 Union Oil, Cthse. fuel 170.40 .Kilham Stationery, Tax. Coll. exp. 15.64; H. Dept. 47.55 .63.19 Robert Abrams, Sp. Atty. Fund 1,213.95 George Winship, Cir. Ct 5.50 E. Cent. Ore. Assoc. of Cos., ECOAC Fund 2,145.51 Paul W. Jones, Co. Ct. trav 44.40 6th Jud. Dist. Bar Assoc., Dues & Prof. Serv 15.00 US Chamber of Comm., County Ct., off. sup 3.50 Atlantic Richfield Co., Broch. promot. 43.73; Jud. tr. 4.40 48" Umatilla Co. Jiiv. Dept., Juv. Det 25.00 Zip Code Dir., Div. MOE, DA sup 4.95 Doris Young, R.N., H. Dept. Imm. clinic 38.50 Stevens-Ness, DA sup 38.40 Mrs. Faye Pierce, R.N., H. Dept. Imm. clinic 27.50 Dr. L.D. Tibbies, H.D. Imm. clinic 120.00 Business Week, Co. Ct. sup 46.50 Pat Wright, H. Dept. nurse, trav 132.83 Dennis D. Doherty, DA trav 12.22 Public Welfare.S food 10.51 Med. Ctr. Pharm., H. Dept. BMEDC Grant 300.43 Ray's Heat., Cthse. sup 30.00 Ore. St. Bar, DA dues & prof, exp 70.00 Lois M. Allyn. Plan. prof, serv 14.30 NACo-ICMA Joint Data, Co. Ct., off. sup 18.00 Sadie Parrish, election 7.80 Charles Patching, Asressor field 8.15 Turner, Van Marter, Bonds 20.00 BankAmericard, Plan trav. 52.90; Juv. tr. 8.90; Assess'r. Irrigon grants only approval (Continued from Page 3) approval and that it could be fifeured that many didn't. iJones said he's still hoping for some late breaking grant approvals but he won't hold his breath. Along with the Boardman cfinic rejection, the only other of the three county applica tions, one for $11,828 for Lex irtgton airport improvements was also downed. "That application called for improvements including over laying the existing runway, construction of a six plane hangar, rotary beacon, taxi way lights and striping of the runway. When the applications were filed with the East Central Oregon Association of Coun ties, Jones said the county listed the Boardman clinic as the number one priority. Jones said he was disap pointed that the clinic applica tions were tentatively rejected but he was pleased that Irrigon got their approval. ,"We were hopeful," Jones said. "The only thing we could do was apply and hope." Jones said steps are already being taken to try to secure funding from other agencies such as the Economic De velopment Administration and Federal Aviation Admin istration, for possible aid to the Lex. airport. Applications that were filed that did not rece've approval during this week's prelimi nary reports are: Irrigon street improvements for $149,094; Lexington, complete improvement on water and sewer system for $512,000; Heppner water phase 4 system for $370,000; Lexington airport for $111,828; lone well and water system for $148,812; Boardman water lines for north and south streets for $470,000; Boardman munici pal building for $230,000; Boardman storm sewer im provements for $245,000 and the Boardman clinic for $301,906. The totals for applications in the county from county and city applications totalled $2,353,234. Boardman applied for $1,246,906 in grants and so far has received nothing. . The grant that was attained amounts to .04 per cent of the total grants applied for in Morrow County. Field 9.00 7080 Dunham Printing, Assessor 22.10; elections 1.383.30 . .1,405.40 Kilham Stationery, Plan. sup. 32.94; Assessor sup. 61.02 .93.96 The Gazette Times. Off. Pub. S.75; JP 6 sup. 38.85 42.60 Far West Off. & Art Ctr., Co. Ct. sup. 3.85; Sher. sup. 1.25 . 5. 10 Pac. NW Bell, Sheriff comm 10.75 Marilyn Bergstrom. et al, Cir. Ct. juror 391.28 Blue Cross of Ore., Sal. 582.70; Ins. 720.85 1,303.55 Mary Lee Marlow, et al, election bd 2,127.34 Hubert Wilson, postage 200.00 Pac. NW Life, Sal 54.80 St.Ind.Accid.,Sal 63 36 Public Emp. Ret. Bd., Sal. 1,399.98; SS 1,399.96 2,799.96 Pac.Mut. Life, Sal 924.73 St. Dept. of Rev. i Sal 1,059.00 First Nat. Bank, Sal ...2,819.70 Mor.Co.Emp.Un.,Sal 32.00 Miss Lolita Marquardt, Imm. Clinic 14 82 GENERAL ROAD FUND WARRANTS, NOVEMBER 1976 Pac. NW Bell, misc. exp 21.50 BankAmericard, Comm. exp 2513 Warren McCoy, Comm. exp 32.25 Union Oil, gas & oil 2,320.68 Columbia Basin Elec., misc 10.00 Chevron Asphalt Co., materials 17,514.20 Arrow Transportation, Frt. on asphalt 1,403.65 Heppner Auto Parts, repairs 49-54 General Fire Equip. Co., supplies ' 10 00 Pac. NW Bell, misc. exp 35.98 Standard Oil Co., gas 4 oil 26.12 Lexington Lumber, misc. exp 24.00 City of Heppner, misc. exp 9 40 Columbia Basin, Parks 80.70; misc. 30.54 111.24 Lexington Chevron, gas 4 oil 13.60 Western School Supply, Parks 39.00 Northside Ford Truck new equip 14,444.00 Blue Cross of Ore., Sal. 115.70; Ins. 625.75 741.45 Green Feed, supplies 20.80 Murray's Drugs, Parks 2.70; misc. exp. 9.57 12.27 James Scarborough, repairs 75.15 Rentex Services, supplies 65.69 Reed's Mobil, repairs 20.00 Van Winkle's Motel, O.T. and extra help 22.00 Pac.NWUfe.Sal 30.40 First Nat. Bank, Sal 1,044.00 State Dept. of Revenue. Sal 394.00 Pub. Emp. Ret. Br., Sal. 669.30; SS 669.30 1,338.60 Pac. Mutual Life, Sal 425.67 Morrow Co. Emp. Un., Sal 48.00 St. Industrial Accid., Sal., 21.12; Ins. 628.92 650.04 REVENUE SHARING FUND WARRANTS, NOVEMBER 1976 Neighborhood Center 1,298.17 Courthouse exp 50-00 Professional Service 02.82 Soil Conservation Expense 365.08 Clinic 976 MENTAL HEALTH FUND WARRANTS. NOVEMBER 1976 Secretary's salary 502.00 Program Director salary 1,406.25 Payroll expense 212.56 Office rent 414.00 Utilities 23.38 Travel exp 299.73 Communication 255.09 Equip, repairs 7l-2 Postage 26.00 Supplies 97.74 Printing ' 630 Equipment 40.00 Alcohol and drugs 20.00 Hosp. and school 258 82 AIRPORT FUND, NOVEMBER 1976 6 17 October Elvira Irby, Motor Vehicles, Sheriffs' car exp 4.00 Ford Motor Credit, Sheriffs' pickup rental 136.00 L.D. Fetsch, Sheriffs' conv 28.10 Pacific NW Bell, Sheriffs' comm 131. 50 Standard Oil Co., Sheriffs car exp 57.07 Wasco County Sheriff, Sheriffs jail exp 15.00 Atlantic Richfield, Sheriffs car exp 34.90 Wheeler's Comm., Sheriffs' comm 49.00 City of Hermiston, Sheriffs jail exp 48.00 Union Oil Co., Sheriffs' car exp 150.90 Multnomah Co., Sheriffs' sup 5.67 Mrs. Cathy Peterson, H. Dept. lab clinic 80.00 Dr. L.D. Tibbies, H. Dept. lab clinic 30.00 School Health Supply, H. Dept. Imm. clinic 33.99 Dennis D. Doherty, DA investigation 20.00 Stevens-Ness Law Lib., DA supplies 13.83 Lois M. Allyn, Co. Ct. travel 14.30 Gazette Times, DA 6.50; Off. Pub. 13.50; H. Dept. 12.80 . .32.80 Murray's Drug, Inc. JP 6 3.69; Sheriff 8.14; Tax. Coll. 4.50; DA .98; Clerk 5.51 22.82 Bank Americard, Juv. travel 2.15; Assessor sch. 300.76.302.82 Tri-City Herald, Off. Pub 31.28 Hubert Wilson, postage 400.00 Interpath Lab., emergency 226.25 Hermiston Herald, Off. Pub 30.92 Don Burns, Planning sup 17 62 Di-nham Printing, Elections 51.75 Hubert Wilson, Planner sup 5.98 Pacific NW Bell, current exp 492.40 V.W. Emieks, paper and postage ' -22.32 Far West Office, Treas. sup. $28.70; Clerk sup. 13.50 42.20 Sheriff of Umatilla Co., Mental III. emergency 10.80 Standard Oil Co., Juv. travel 13 92 Calendar Sales, Clerk sup : 2.25 Public Welfare Div., S. food 5.34 Jayne Business Mach., Treas. sup 9.00 Umatilla Electric Coop., N. end office 15.15 Pitney Bowes, Mach. mtse 37.50 Elvira Irby, Tax. Coll. exp 5,04 3M Business Machines, Mach. mtse , 220.00 Jessie Bell, Co. Clk., Mental 111. emergency 34.80 U.S. Civil Defense, CD 15 00 Regents of the Univ., Plan. Sup 8 50 Robert Abrams, Cir. Ct. Sp. Atty Fn 162.24 Laurel Cannon, et al, Cir. Ct. Juror .056.24 Edward Schwanin, et al, JP 6 Juror H 96 Erna Lynn Winchester, et al, JP 6 witness 15 24 Wagon Wheel Cafe, Sheriff Jail expense 38.30 Dept. of Revenue, Assessor St. mdse 635.75 Pacific NW Bell, Sheriff comm 5.37 Turner, Van Marter, Ins 63100 Paul W. Jones, Plan. trav. 5.65; Co. Ct. trav. 14.70; Supplier 37.80 5815 Carolyn Davis, Jiiv. travel 32.63; seminar 6.75 39.38 Dept. of Human Resources, Ins 574.54 Bankers Life. Ins. , 14941 Blue Cross of Ore., Sal. 570.65; Ins. 759.75 1.330.40 Standard Ins., Ins 90 54 Assoc. of Ore. Counties, Ins 15010 Pac.N.W.Ufe.Sal 49.30 Nomad Restaurant, brochures 156 60 Gene Trumbull, Plan, trav 26.00 City of Heppner, Cthse. sup 21-75 NW Law Enforcement, Sheriff sup 4.01 League of Ore. Cities, Sheriff sup 36.01 Union Oil Co., Sheriff car exp 75 45 Columbia Basin Elec., Sheriff comm 15-Ot Moore's Texaco, Sheriff supp i K Hermiston Herald, Sheriff sup 9 ot BankAirmcard. Theriff meals 5.60; Plan. trav. 53.51 .. .59.11 Payless Drug Store. Sheriff jail exp 57.58 Heppner Auto Parts, Sheriff auto exp 1 23 Jaynes Business Mach., Sheriff sup 30.60 Murray's Drugs. Inc.. Sheriff 37.08; Juv. 4.11; Clk. 3.47. .52.86 6th Judicial Dist., DA dues ,0 00 Multigraphics Division, elect. 5.59; Assessor sup. 73.70. .79.29 Pat Wright, H. Dept. trav l20M Eastern Ore. Telephone, current exp.' 6619 Heppner Garbage, Cthse. maint 14.00 Dept. of Revenue, Assessor Ind. Appr 426.25 Pettyjohn's Farm, CD sup I3 83 Ernest Jorgensen, JP 6 conv. 119.00; sup. 37.22 156.22 Wayne's Diesel Repair, Assessor field. . . . 25 90 Ore. Emergency Services, CD dues 5.00 Herman Winter, Cir. Ct., Sp. Atty. fund ST9-39 East Oregonian, Off. Pub. 39.69.. broch. 93.75 133.44 Everett Harshman. Assessor conv 169 25 Columbia Basin, Museum 44.50; Cthse. 110.81 155.31 Union Oil Co., Juv. 40.66; Assessor 10.78; Plan. 158.93 . .210.37 Rentex, Cthse. sup u 19 BankAmericard, Plan. trav. 21.13; Co. Ct. trav. 59.04 . . .80.17 Coast to Coast. Cthse. sup .15.19 Turner, Van Marter. Ins 456.00 Wheeler's, Sheriff comm 75 00 Packer Scott, Cthse . sup 41.69 Hubert Wilson, Postage 200 00 Sadie Parrish. Petty Cash, Cir. a. 14.10; post. 3.56; Cthse. 4.69; Clerk .75 23 10 Morrow County Emp., Sal 32.00 Pub. Empl. Ret. Br., Sal. 1.287.35; SS 1.287.35 2,574.70 First Nat. Bank, Sal 2,655.50 St. Dept. of Rev.. Sal 985 00 Pac. Mut. Life, Sal 84691 St. Accid. Ins., Sal. 62.96; Ins. 289.37 352.33 Bankers Life Ins., Ins 96 54 Assoc. of Ore. Counties, Ins -145.00 Standard Ins. Co., Ins 85 46 Wagon Wheel Cafe, Comm. exp 22.80 Dept. of Revenue, Misc 93 75 Pacific NW Bell, Misc ,0 76 Turner, Van Marter, Ins 228.00 Dunham Print. Co., Misc. V -m 40 Arrow Trans., Frt. on asphalt 3,015,89 Esco Corp., repairs 193 54 Cal'sArco,Gas4oil 580 Standard Oil. Gas 4 oil 23.81 Riverbend Const., Materials 844 44 BankAmericard, Comm. exp 36 1 Dept. of Human Res., Ins 305 20 Blue Cross of Ore., Sal. 115.70, Ins. 546.50 662.20 Assoc. of Ore. Co.. Ins 56 ,0 Bankers Life. Ins 49 54 Standard Ins. Co.. Ins 34 32 City of Pendleton, New Equip, (ambulance) 500.00 BankAmericard, Misc. 21.13; Comm. exp. 21.13 42.26 Coast to Coast, Repairs 17 82 Turner, Van Marter, Ins. 130.00; Par 37.00 167 00 Wheeler's, Misc 75 00 Packer-Scott, Parks 125 08 Pacific NW Life, Sal 30 40 Columbia Basin Elec. Misc. 45.96; Park 16.00 61.96 Murray's Drugs, Misc 12-58 Heppner Nor Gas, Gas 4 oil 29.75 heppner Auto Parts. Repairs 13131 , exington Lumber, Materials 3.95 Stone Machinery, Repairs 1 424 16 City of Heppner, Misc 8 75 MCGG, Repairs 699 78 COWS, Gas 4 oil 40.45 General Tire Service, Tires 4,158.97 Farley Motor Co., Repairs 25.58 Rentex Services, Supplies 62 00 Boyd Industrial Rubber, Repairs 53.92 Morrow Co. Emp. Un., Sal 40.00 Pub. Emp. Ret. Br., Sal. 702.70; SS 702.70 1-405.40 First National Bank. Sal 1,088.40 State Dept. of Rev., Sal 423.00 Pacific Mutual Life Ins., Sal 425.67 St. Accident Ins.. Sal. 23.04; Ins. 870.06 893.10 Standard Life Ins., Ins ' 35.86 Assoc. of Ore. Co., Ins 56,0 Bankers Life Co., Ins 54 97 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. OCTOBER 1976 ORDER Regarding refund of property taxes ORDER Regarding refund of property taxes ORDER Regarding transfer from General Fund to Mental Health Fund .,, . ORDER Granting collection franchise under Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Ordinance MENTAL HEALTH WARRANTS. OCTOBER 1976 Office Clerk salary ; 50200 Psychologist salary 1,240.00 Payroll expense 389,70 pjenj , . , 125.00 Utilities 23895 Travel expense l 0i Drugs 4l Printing , : : 8 W REV ENUE SHARING FUND WARRANTS, OCTOBER 1976 Neighborhood Center 1.H4-87 Soil Conservation 343.21 Airport Fund .'-20,000.00 291.12 AIRPORT FUND warrant 7 22 LAW LIBRARY FUND warrant 252 " September Pacific NW Bell, Sheriffs' comm 5.37 Hubert Wilson, Postage 200 00 The Bankers Life, Ins 4720 Assoc. of Ore. Count., Ins I45-00 Standard Ins. Co., Ins 58.00 First Nat. Bank of Ore., Sal 2,61160 St. Dept. of Rev . Sa! 968 00 Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd., Sal. 1255.48; SS 1255.48 2,510.98 Pac. Mut. Life Ins., Sal 779 92 St. Acc. Ins. Fnd.. Sal. 59.92; Ins. 200.66. 320.88 Paul VV. Jones, Co. Ct. travel 39.81 Morrow Co. Emp. Un., Sal - 32 00 Carolyn Davis. Juv. travel 1915 Kah-Nee-Ta, Co. a. travel 10- Sadie Parrish, Petty Cash, Cthse. sup. 5.39; Clk. sup. 3.95; post. 1.12; Cir. Ct. 14.25 24 71 Finzer Bus. Mach., Paper 10.00; Plan. 9.74; H. Dept. 9,30 29 04 Jaynes Bus. Mach. Co.. Co. Ct. sup 44.39; Museum copier 299.00; Clk. 29.25 37264 Shell Oil Co., Sheriffs' car exp 10 83 Heppner Auto Parts, Sheriffs car exp 35 92 Farley Motor Co.. Sheriffs' car exp 18 60 L.D. Fetsch, Sheriffs' meals -3-50 Imperial Hardware, Sheriffs' car exp 70 Gazette Times, Juv. sup. 23.25; paper 166.50; Off Pub 184.80 37485 Miles Tire Serv., Assessor field 31-19 Columbia Basin Elec., Museum pwr. 51.70; Cthu. pwr. 121.92 17362 Lott's Electric, CD supplies 10 20 Bank Americard. Plan, travel 7.45; Co. a. travel 51.80 . 59.25 David R. Moon. Planner travel 17 94 Seart, Clerks sup 10-24 Umatilla Juv. Dept., Juv. Detention 125.00 Turner, Van Marter, Bonds 20.00 East. Ore. Tele., current exp . 22.18 Rentex. Cthse. Sup 14 00 Standard Oil. Plan. Travel 15.28; Juv. travel 23.33 ..... .38.61 Kilham. Paper 1231 Court St. Mkt., Cir. a. 3 95; Cthse. Sup. 12.47 16.42 Multigraphics. Assessor sup 14 5S Everett Harshman, Assessor field ' 66,61 William Bridges, Cir. Ct I-40 Ernest Jorgensen, JP 5th sup 57.50 Shaw Surgical, H. Dept. Dr. 4 Lab 41.62 Pat Wright, H. Dept. travel 72M Van Winkle's Motel, Broch. 4 Promot 9.00 Col.-Blue Mt. RC4D, Soil Erosion Fund 10 00 M 4 B Invest. Co., N end ofse. rent 155.50 Dennis D. Doherty, DA travel 12 22 V.W. Eimicks Assoc., Paper 60.37 Herman Winter. Sp. Atty. Fund Cr. Ct 96.91 Leg. Counsel Comm., DA publications 2 75 Tillman Stone, Br. of Equal 1,950.00 Herman Winter, Current exp 51.89 Wheelers, Sheriffs' comm 75 00 City of Heppner, Cthse. water 21.75 Central Mkt , Cthse. sup 7.43 Blue Cross of Ore.. Sal. 470.90; Ins. 658.40 1,129.40 Sadie Parrish, Clerks' Conv 3 00 Pac. NW Life, Sal 53.10 City of Hermiston, Jail exp 1 00 Heppner Auto Parts, Cthse. sup 1 80 Gray's Repair Shop, Sheriffs' car exp 98.39 Sadie Parrish, Clerks' conv. exp 98.25 Sylvia McDaniei, Treas. conv. exp 84.06 State Dept. of Rev., Sal 1,146 00 First Nat. Bank, Sal 3,217.30 Morrow Co. Emp. Un.,Sal 32-00 Pub. Emp. Ret. Br., Sal. 1,421.15; SS 1,421.15 2.842.30 Pac. Mut. Life, Sal 842.11 St. Acc. Ins. Fund, Sal. 59.92; Ins. 321.21 381.13 COWS, Gas 4 oil 15 80 Rentex Corp., Shop sup ' 62.90 Murray Drugs; Misc 3 fll Farley Motor Co., Repairs 15 30 Riverbend Const. Co.. Road Mater 2,754.82 Wright's Country Store, Parks 7 00 Bill's Body Shop, Repairs 56.00 Bank Americard, Comiss. exp. 21.14; Misc. 30.45 51.59 Wheeler's, Misc 7500 City of Heppner, Misc 9.85 Central Mkt., Parks 5.37 Blue Cross of Ore., Sal. 100.40; Ins. 544.50 644.90 Pac. NW Life, Sal 30.40 Gazette Times. Misc. 58.50; Park 2.00 60.50 Fulleton Chev.. Rep. 140.00; Park 37.50 177.60 Standard Oil Co.. Gas 4 oil 130.00 Columbia Basin Elec., Misc. 27.00; Park 16.00 43.00 Chevron Asphalt Co., Materials 3,469.20 Woodpecker Truck, Repairs 60.23 Stone Machinery, Repairs 734 20 Arrow Trans., Frt. on Asphalt 1,211.04 MCGG. Repairs ,42-75 Sears, Repairs 94 90 Union Oil, Gas 4 oil 3,851.65 Heppner Auto Parts, Repairs 183 93 Gary's Repair Shop, Gas 4 oil 73-22 Thomas Howell, Jr., Materials 325.00 St. Dept. of Rev., Sal First Nat. Bank, Sal , 1,109.00 Morrow Co. Emp. Un., Sal 40.00 Pub. Emp. Ret. Br., Sal. 632.24 SS 632.24 .1,264.48 Pacific Mut., Sal (..425.67 State Accident, Sal. 19.36; Ins. 666.68 686.04 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. SEPTEMBER 1978 RESOLUTION aerifying the Status of Third Street West, Irrigon MENTAL HEALTH WARRANTS, SEPTEMBER 1976 Office Clerk salary 502.00 Psychologist salary 1,276.00 Payroll expense 161.56 REVENUE SHARING FUND WARRANTS, SEPTEMBER 1976 Weed control 35.75 Irrigation office 600 00 Courthouse 132.19 Neighborhood Center 924.56 Professional serv 110.00 Soil Conservation 354.84 1 .