Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1976)
PAGE FIGHT. THE G AZETTE TIMES. Heppner. OR. Thursday, August 19, 1976. CED announces county grant Approval of $30,000 grant to help continue a program of planning for long-range eco nomic growth and new jobs in a five-county area of Oregon was announced today by John W. Eden, Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development. The East Central Oregon Association of Counties, with offices in Pendleton, applied for the grant from the Econo mic Development Admini- !. Local 1 banker graduates Bill Lande, Assistant Cash ier, Bank of Eastern Oregon, was graduated today from the Northwest Intermediate Ban king School. Commencement exercises concluded at 1 p.m. today with an address by Dr. Paul S. Nadler, Professor of Business Administration, Ru tgers University. I Lande was presented his diploma by Johan A. Mehlum. President, Suislaw Valley Bank, Florence, OR, chair man of the school, and John Hogopian, Director, North Pacific Bank, Tacoma, WA. school administrator. t I This was the founders ses sion of the Northwest Inter mediate Banking School. JN.I.B.S.) This unique school was sponsored by the Oregon Bankers Association and the Washington Bankers Associ ation. The curriculum was de Signed for the banker who is currently in mid-management, and who satisfies pre vious education and experi ence admission requirements. Over two years went into the development of this initial session for N.I.B.S. which began its ten day-100 class room hour training session on August 4. The school intends to bold annual sessions at Lewis nd Clark College, Portland. Road oiling at 'stand still' Road oiling programs in the county have virtually fizzled to a halt because of rampant rains that continue to dump inches of water on the area. The oiled roads are soaked up and they have to dry before they can be oiled again. Judge Paul Jones said that county road crews will be working on maintenance for about two weeks, hoping for some dry, warm weather. They will be working on grading, ditching, hauling rock, etc. waiting for the weather to change. "We're in a quandry," Couple sets 50th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Gaude Paul lus, of Heppner, formerly of Myrtle Point, will mark their SOth anniversary with a spec ial celebration planned by their sons and daughters. Friends of the couple are invited to a reception Sunday, Sept. 5, 1-4 p.m. at the American Lesion Hall In Heppner. Claude and Ethel Paullua wert married on Sept. II, IK6 by justice of the peace In SI. Mary'i, ID, They had lived In Myrtle Fair & ugust stration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The funds will be used to help pay administrative costs of the East Central Oregon Economic Development Dis trict for a year. The district consists of Gilliam, Grant, Morrow, Umatilla and Wheeler coun ties. The aime of the EDA dis trict program is to encourage adjacent jurisdictions to work together to overcome regional problems blocking growth and to create jobs through the development of local resour ces. The district staff conducts research, planning and pro motion activities and coordi nates programs to create jobs. The East Central Oregon Association of Counties will provide $16,667 to complete the $66,667 total cost of continuing the program. County planners eye possible LCDC stop The Morrow County Plan ning Commission is trying to get some grant revisions made to enable the county to get ahold of Land Conserva tion and Development Com mission monies that earlier this year were granted to them. LCDC granted Morrow Cou nty cities, Heppner, lone, Lexington and Irrigon with $25,005. The money will go to help the cities with comprehensive plans and to meet state guidelines of the LCDC. One problem facing the commission as they interview possible planners, is the senate bill 100 referendum that faces voters in Novemb er. If that referendum is passed and LCDC terminated, the grant money will stop. That is why they are trying to get it now. As soon as the grant offers Jones said, hoping for a change in September. "I haven't seen many cold Sep tembers in this country," he said. Jones called the oiling program a "stand still." The truckers went off strike last week that provide the oil but temperatures just aren't warm enough. According to Jones, the temperature needs to be 60 degrees and rising when oiling programs are instituted. And, oiling and sealing can't be completed over silt that lays on (he roads Point from 1945 lo March of 1978. He owned the Richfield Station from ISW.V47 He work ed in mills in the Myrtle I'mn' area. He was a technician for Curti.M Breeders from I9r5 lo 1975. Ethel has enjoyed bowl ing for over 10 yrart. They hive two sons and two daughters, Norman Paullus, Mn. Oscar (Fran) Cronk. Heppner; Donald Paullus, Kinzua; and Doris Thomas of Arlwna. They have 18 grand children and II great grand children. Rodeo 24-29 1 1 Notices I wish to thank those who came to my assistance when I became ill last Friday. Also, thank you to Drs. Wolff and Carpenter and the staff of Pioneer Memorial Hospital. Faye Kuhl 27-1 p Many thanks go to Jeannie Howell, Dean Gilman, Eunice McElligott, Dr. Carpenter and his assistant surgeon and the staff of Pioneer Memorial Hospital for their quick care during my recent accident. Thank you, Linda Lucas 27-lc New Rinse-N-Vac steam cleans carpets cleaner and keeps them cleaner longer. Rent at Coast-to-Coast 17c A gift for all occasions; let flowers do it. The Posy Patch. H7(i-I2K. 151 fo are signed, Dave Moon, plan ning director said, then the county will hire another plan ner. The cities are receiving the money but want to work jointly with the county on these comprehensive plans. The new planner will be a county employee but his time will be allocated to the city needs. Moon said. He will work on all four comprehen sive plans. "If senate bill 100 is defeat ed," Moon said, "then the chances for the money will be stopped and the program will cease. It's difficult to hire a man and guarantee him only two months work." 1 1X i u Li VLLil lLijL-3 D17EEM LATEX FLAT BOYSEN'S BEST INTERIOR LATEX FIAT GAL $!3.9S GAL. I torn colon higher) "ttMixrtxn- VI-ICO LATEX HOUSE PAtfJT DOTS EN'S BEST EXTERIOR LATEX FIAT BUY 1st GAL. AT REG. PRICE 2H2iC3AfL. nnirwcircpr ttdt fa kiism est Lexington Yard Loxlngton, Oregon 909-05QG Notices 1 would like to express my s interest thanks to all who remembered me with wav ers, cards, flowers, calls and visitations while I was hospi talized. A special thanks to friends and neighbors who so graciously helped my family. Don Evans 27c We would like to express our gratitude for the thoughtful ness of many at the time of our loss. Thank you for the kind ness, understanding and frie ndship shown to the members of our family. Kathey, Tom, Shelley, Kelley, Billy and Wallace Wolff 27-lc Mental Health Clinic: Hepp ner office open daily. Board-man-Irrigon area Tues. and Thurs. For appointment either area telephone 676-9161. After hours emergency call 676-5009. The revisions that are being asked for would give the cities 90 per cent of the money now. It would provide a little more time to phase out the pro gram, should the LCDC bill terminate the group. "Regardless of whether or not the voters vote for or against the Land Conservation and Development Commis sion, the cities still need com prehensive plans," Moon said. Judge Paul Jones wasn't so mild about the possible LCDC shut down. "Amendments are needed," Jones said, "but for the state of Oregon to take that big step backward would be a trage dy." VHOUfftX H0USC MMT the Wcsl la Vs a I Lumber 2. ClBSMfi3 2. Notices huise N Vac sleain ( lea n.- .iiH'i& i leaner unci keeps llu'iii le.inei I.Migei'. Kent at Case Fill lUlllieCil. 18c Sewing Machine repair and scissor sharpening, Aug. 23. Also used sewing machine. Case Furniture. 876-9432. 27-lc :) Lost and Found REWARD : $35 for lost male dog, dingo & Aus. Shepherd. White with fu grey patches. Answers to "Josh". Ph. Joan Tanory, 676-5386. 28c 6. Wanted WANTED: Tutor to work 12-year-old. Call 676-5517, John Brcidi'iiluKh. 27 lp awMMMIIIIIIHIllWII Travel in Europe, plus... good money- $361.20 a month to start. Good bene fits free meals, housing, medical care and 30 days off per year, with pay.j Good times use your ima gination. Call collect 276- 0079, U.S. Army Recruiting Office. 125 S.E. Court Avenue, Pendleton. OK. WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Automotive SHERRELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales A Service 3rd A Main He rmiston Building Supplies SEE US FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING SUPPLIES We feature Boysen PainU ITM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. 432 SE Dorian 27-22l PENDLETON Cafes. Lounges TO I'.'OXK FOKYPU Construction Hit I E "ir TRENCHING Guaranteed Performance IrrigationDrain Tile Pner Cable Bonded A I Ice nurd for aewer and drain firlda Trenching of all kinds Robert Duncan Heppner Pb.:i issa mm I'M ITII.1.4 READY-MIX (lwn every weekday, and Saturdays and ftundayt If necessary. Ph. ; or ttlH7 PRINTING WEDDING INVITATION BUSINESS FlIHMH GUr.TTE -TIMES dAds After lb Ccoo Sat, full Di;:;jEn all you can Festurcs DzZzlzsa EAT--PiT -COOKED SERVED m BEEF WESTERN STYLE EPISCOPAL CHURCH PARISH HOUSE Center Church cad Gda Ste. Adults $3.50 plate Children under 12-52.50 THIS MESSAGE 8PONSORED BY YOUR HOME-OWNED BANK AS A COMMUNITY 8ERVICE BAyK OF jEostern Oregon HEPPNER I0NE ARLINGTON MEMBER, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Drugs, Prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free prescription Mail Service Open I a.m. to 7 p.m. Gifts for all occasions Snack Bar MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free malting service on prescriptions Hoipllal Supplier Open Mon-Fri., M p.m. Sat.-I p.m. Located In the Medical Center, I IMSouthgate. Pendleton 27S-IUI Floor Covering KEIMIG Floor Covering Carpets, draperies, linoleum Counter lops, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sales Installation SOI N, 11 SI. Hermlston MAR FLOOR COVERING Carpet, linoleum, ceramic tile, kitchen cabinets Free estimates All work guaranteed Matt Hughes 422 Unden Way I'lMII Heppner Furniture HWM-WKQUMTJ.! Curtis Matbes TV QuaiarTV, Norge A Admiral ippManret Largest selection el furniture In the area N. F. Ilrrmlnton Ml -awM r WILCOX FURNITURE ANI APPLIANCES See mi before ) tm buy y nur rotor TV or treoslem Jit W. llrrmUton At. m 22M llfrmUlon Hcdco Slow Scl:rc!:y Allcrncen To llm Episcopal Church Aug. 28th 5 Come end Crfnz Your Friends Furniture TWO-VETS DISCOUNT FURNITU RE 230 S.E. Court Pendleton. OR. 27I-U74 Hydraulics & Welding JIM'S W ELDING SERVICE Either in the shop or on the ob. Hydraulics, hose A fittings JIM BARRETT Riverside Ave. Heppner Bus. '-Mls Homes7-f)l7f Insurance- RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Health, Fire, Auto, marine Group Plans Ray Boy 0174-534 74WM2S Heppner Monuments SWEENEY MORTUARY Cemetery, grave marker Granite. Marble, Bronte 14-Hr. phone 17s oort7 s;: Also serving lone A Islington Heppner, P.O. Bos 17 Laundromat HEPPNER LAUNDROMAT Sertlng all this area for over 1 years JONES R DI TR SERVICE 111 North 11 M. llrrmUton. OH t73it Pk.M7-9!l r LJ - 8 P.M. Nursery DANIELS EASTERN OREGON NURSERY Nursery stock, shrubs, trees Instant lawn (del. avail.) Landscape A Irrigation (IOS.Hv3S S47-I247 Hermlston. OR. Optometrist DR. E. K. SCIIAFFITZ Optometrist Nest to Hotel Heppner entrance. 7t-4tS HEPPNER Saw Sharpening ED S PRECISION SAW A TOOL SH ARPENING SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph.l7stIJor7M2.l Alfalfa St. HEPPNER MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT A TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office In Peters Bldg. 7MI2 HEPPNER Sewing Machines SINGER SALES A SERVICE We repair all makes and models GROGANS Approved Singer Dealer 241 S. Mala Pendleton 171 11S2 .). ' r, J