Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1976)
Party i H ih Ml Dean Gilman, Chief of Police in our good town, dropped in to tease us about us being offenders of the new parking rules for employees. All of our cars were parked right In front of our office, leaving no room for the customers to park. As we all gave our feeble excuses, he waved his hand goodbye. Mel Piper and wife were given a dinner party at the home of Dean and . Bonnie Graves. Guests were Mr, and , Mrs. Wayland Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. 'Tom Wilson and Mike Olsen. Mel was presented a gift by his friends, expressing how much they would miss him as a fellow employee of Kinzua Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heath were unable to attend. The City of Ukiah will be holding it's annual Basque Barbecue and Dance July 3. I hear the food is delicious and a good time is always had by all. Ron and Olivia Palmer are off camping in their new trailer for the week. About 130 members attend ed the Eastern-Central Ore gon Association, Order of Eastern Star spring meeting at the Heppner Masonic Hall. The business meeting was preceded by a pot luck lun cheon hosted by Ruth Locust Chapter No. 32. President Mrs. Metta Pit man, Baker, presided during the business meeting assisted by Mrs. Josephine Schroeder, Burns, secretary. Mrs. Kath erine Lindstrom, lone served as conductress. Distinguished guests escor ted and introduced included Dorothy Parrish, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Oregon from Lake Oswego; William Skinner, Past Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of Idaho and member of the Education Committee of the General Grand Chapter; Past Grand Matrons, Hazel Foster, Prine ville; Marjorie Jones, Red mond; Laurosc Hibbard, Im bler; Grace I. Ewing, Port land; and Virginia Wilkinson, Heppner; and Past Grand Pa trons, Harold Gribble, Port land and Leo Brown, Lake Oswego. Other Grand Officers X t X -X x X x -X t X -X X t Precinct Boardman Hardman lone Irrigon Lexington N.E. Heppner N W. Heppner S E. Heppner S W. Heppner Spnii 0f Polling t mmmmmM M V)lHUv011llUfJ0 .a 35 jH ti.tu Off doing some buying for their shops are Carolyn Cole and Virginia Whitaker. Visiting with their parents and friends last weekend were Faye Uhler. Kennewick, WA and Vesta Kilkenny, Portland. This Thursday (tonight) is Ladies Nite at the Elks Lodge. Bridge and pinochle tables are being set up for the card players. There will also be something for the non-players. Molher's Day Observance will be,,held at Lodge, The Swim Team is holding a picnic for the old and new members of the swim team. The picnic is being held at the Court House Park, Sunday, May 16, 1:30. Mr. and Mrs. William Bro oks, Klamath Falls, were weekend guests at the home of Glenn and Susie Cooper. Judy Rickert said that Norm is coming along very well from his major surgery last week, She plans on bring ing him home from Pendleton Wednesday. present were associate grand matron, Genevieve Powell, Moro; a ssociate grand patron, Joe Paine, Glendale; grand, conductress Betty Angstead, Portland; associate grand conductress Stella Miller, Co quille; grand marshall Evelyn Lions til CEaorter The Heppner Lions Club held the Third Annual Charter Night on May 8 with M mem bers and guests present. Neil Parks was Master of Ceremonies. Installation of officers was held. All 14 offi cers and board members were present for the installation. Don Cole was installed as IVesident for the 1976-77 term. Royal Ward, Maupin, mem ber of the State of Oregon Lions Sight Foundation Com- MS PlGCGS POLLING PLACES FOR THE May 25, 1976 ELECTION. At Greenfield Grange Hall At Hardman Community Hall At lone City Hall At Irrigon School At Lexington City Hall At Old City Library Building at Museum At Courthouse At Courthouse READY -TO -PLANT Dwarf Fruit Trees Apricot Apple Peach Pear Green Feed Store Loxlngton-lleppner Hwy. G7G-9422 4 j "I MR. AND MRS. EUGENE TIMMERMAN Former resident wed in Utah Judy Rogers, a former resi dent of Heppner, was married to Eugene Timmerman Salt Lake City, Utah. The wedding ceremony was held April 16 at the resident of Judge Childs, Salt Lake City, The maid of honor was Mrs. Pat Johnson, Toole, Utah. The best man was Richard War dell, Salt Lake City. Many i Zanotti, Lake Oswego; grand electa, Dorothy Marshall Du fur; and grand seninel John Pitman, Baker. Many worthy matrons and patrons, Grand Committee members and Grand Representatives were also in attendance. NigEifi mil tee, w as guest speaker and talked on the Lions Sight Foundation program. Retiring President Dick Sargent made a presentation to Don Cole for "Lion of the Year" in recognition of his work for the club and on various projects. The Heppner Lions Club has 40 members. The banquet was catered by Jim Rogers and a dance followed the banquet. v v v v y J, rtJ old Also Juniper Tarns Pyramid ( friends and relatives were in attendance. A dinner was held in their honor following the ceremony.. The newlyweds held an open house in their new home for their friends and relatives Saturday, April 24. They plan to honeymoon at a later date in Hawaii and Alaska. Election of officers resulted in the following being chosen for the 1976-77 year: president, Mrs. Florence Van Gaasbeck, Arlington; vice-president, Mrs. Josephine Schroeder, Burns; secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Avid Kircher. Redmond. It was decided to have the fall meeting at Hope Chapter No. 13, LaGrande. Sewing Judy's Fabrics 278 Main If FOR F.I.KS ONLY Thurs, May 13 I .adios Nile Ham Dinner 6: 30 Mother's Day Ohservame Lodge 8 pm. Fri . May 14 Happy Hour 5-7 p.m. Saturday. May IS Ritualistic Contest Dinner by Jim8:3O:30 Music Sunday, May 16 Elkdo4pm. Thurs , May 10 Heg Lodge Bp m. FlshrrmensNil Seafood Dinner D.P.O.E. i Classes Limited I Callfo Register When fo fly This weekend persons tra veling along South Court Street or Gilmore Street ob served the U.S. Flag flying at the residences of the Winn Crists and Jack Lloyd. Several asked why? Knowledge about . when flags should be flown is more important than ever during this Bicentennial bir thday year. A check with established authority shows: "The U.S. Flag should be displayed every day in good weather. It ' should be flown at polling places on election days. Legal public holidays and other special days for flying it include the following;" New Years Day; Presiden tial Inauguration Day (Jan. 20 every 4th year); Lincoln's Birthday (Feb. 12); Washing ton's Birthday (the third Monday in February); Easter Sunday, Mother's Day (the second Sunday in May); Armed Forces Day (the third Saturday in May); Memorial Day (the last Monday in May half-mast until noon, then full): Flag Day June 14; Independence Day July 4; ' Labor Day (the first Monday in September ); Constitution and Citizenship Day (Septem ber 17); Columbus Day (the second Monday in October), Veterans Day (the fourth Monday in October); Thanks giving Day (the fourth Thurs day in November) and Christ mas Day. BR IFF The Rhea Creek Grange will hold a visitation night at the Grange Hall, Friday, May 14, with a pot luck supper. The program will be fur nished by the Lexington Gra nge and dessert will be pro vided by the Willows Grange. Greenfield will close the Grange. The Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Culling will be honored at this meeting. Classe 3 Woven Pants May 18 7:30 p.m. $5.00 Knit Pants May 25 7:30 p.m. $5.00 Men's Leisure Suits 2-2 hr. sessions June 1-8 June 310 $7.00 & Macrame Phone 676-5106 n 1 1 n 1 1 mi n iiti i n i Del Monte 4 Italian Cut Green Beans Pacific Cocktail Shrimp 4', i. lie Nabisco Hitz Crackers J lb. b. r. 7S0 Lettuce Strawberries Cucumbers Large Oranges E Dry Onions jiniiiMiiiiHM"""'"" m timimiimtn Page There are many rules about displaying our flag, both inside buildings and outdoors. Rules govern the proper raising and lowering of the flag and tell how to carry the flag. There are permitted and prohibited uses of the flag. Your public library can fur nish you with complete infor mation on flag etiquette. Perkins to be Honored There will be a special potluck dinner honoring the Rev. and Mrs. Louis Perkins May 16, following the 10:30 a.m. Eucharist at All Saint's Episcopal Church, Heppner. A money tree will be presented to the Perkins prior to their departure to the East. Anyone wishing to contri bute to the tree may contact Marion Abrams or Claudia Hughes, or bring their money gift with them to the church. ENGAGED Mrs. Lea la Paddock, Pen dleton, announces the engage ment of her daughter Patti, to Robert Dobbs, Yakima, son of Mrs. Jeanne Dobbs, Pendle ton. The wedding will be June 6. rUI LJ m y mil mm .. ... ii. if m ; ft-' -wi,.ii..ww!-'ii. .-. -f- vmJ Li' r iL iU For the Cowboy Rodeo Boot Tote Bags Sterling Silver Snoose Can Lids Gardner's Men's Store The Store of Personal Service E im urn i rn n mnrnri i SPECIAL MAY 14 & 15 S1.00 3 890 390 2 ,or 490 8,hWnr$1.00 130 , 9, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner. OR, Thursday, May 13, 1978 Golden Age Club, Elks Lodge, Potluck dinner 1st Tues of mo., 6:30 Chamber of Commerce, Elks Lodge Mon. noon . Heppner Lions Club, 1st & 3rd Tues., Wagon Wheel 6:45 a.m. Boardman Lions Club, 1st & 3rd Thurs., Grange Hall 8 p.m. Senior Citizens Dinner, Elks Lodge, Tues & Wed 4:30 p.m. San Souci Rebekah Lodge, Heppner 1st & 3rd Fridays Social Sec. Rep., Neighborhood Center 2nd Fri. of mo, 10-noon Newcomers Club, Wagon Wheel 1st Mon., noon Legal Aid, Bank of EO Board Rm 2nd & 4th Tues., 1:30-5 p.m. City Council, City Hall 1st Mon., 8 p.m. Boy Scouts, Elk- Wed., 7:30 p.m. lone Lions Club, Beechers May 25, 7 p.m. Library Board, Columbia Basin Conf. Rm. . . 4th Thurs., 8 p.m. County Fair Board, Fair Dorm. Bldg 2nd Mon, 7:30 p.m. '. Wranglers Awards, lone Legion Hall Sat., May 15, 6:30 p.m. Methodist Lawn Sale, Methodist Church Sat., May 15, 9:30 a.m. j Eighth Grade Banquet, , Elks Lodge Hall Fri., May 14 Mothers Club Bake Sale, Central Market ; Sat., May 15, 10 a.m. ; Swim Team Picnic, Court House Park Sun., May 16, 1:30 1 Spring Concert, HH School Gym Tues., May 18, 7:30 i soaooooooococo&aoscooeogsecooooecccooooocj Ye Olds Candle We now have available Graduation, Wedding & Special Birth Candles Made to Order 9 1902 S.W. Fraier Pendleton Opea 10-5 Gift Certificates O Shirts OTies O Sweaters O Jackets urn 1 1 mnm mi mti Turkeys III lb. at ft. rn -mm w 590 lb. Oregon Chief , Ueg. bone-in hole or b..fc l2 $1.19 Butt i $19 I'rtrrt rfferllve Mt II I J Court Stroot Market Wf prcr- lirm kllM n!mtt 111 N. Court St. Heppner Or. & Gift Shoppe Leather goods Belts, Wallets Samsonite Luggage Magic Clothes Brushes mi m m mui m ii !! f!hnrU f7nnt! mm w r 9m m mt m m . Ham G7G - 0C43 a.ii-iuun.1 mimm -t-ud