Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1975)
Page 3. THE GAZETTE TIMES. Heppner, OR. Thursday. Dec. 18. 175 irrigon NEIVS Frances Rose Wilson MONUMENT NEWS r 7 The Heppner Freshman Class is promoting a Mrs. Bud Engle 1 In a relatively short council meeting Tuesday, the Irrigon City Council voted to call for bids on the City Service Building. Sale of the property would be the first move to acquire a new City Hall either by participation with the county or construction by the city. The decision to call for bids came after having an appraisal when several offers were received to rent or buy the property. In other business an updat ing of the city's insurance was reviewed by an insurance representative. Mayor Chester Wilson re ported the work on the Improvement District was 50 per cent complete. This will open up 50 homesites in southwest Irrigon. Santa Claus is coming to the Irrigon Lions Clubhouse next Saturday afternoon, Dec. 20 to give candy to the children. There will be a social evening for adults also on Saturday. Glasses were provided for one girl, and 3 people were sent to the eye clinic in Fort land recently. Six Lions club members from Irrigon and six members from Boardman visited lone on Dec. 9, when a representa tive from Portland General Electric gave a talk and showed slides on nuclear power. Sherry Parllow has return ed to the home of her parents for the holidays, from Seattle Pacific College, UPDATE! VOUn cans FIRE THEFT AUTO LIFE FARM When buying or building a new home, talk to us. For all your Insurance needs Turner, Van Marter, and Bryant 676-9113 ( 'ffU) 1 C.B. 2 way Radio by Pace 4 ModelCB 143 $139.96 1 Model CB 145 $199.95 fa h Home Base DX2300B $245.95 ,.-' -o . r mi.. nifei) A UB3B fiiinc raai s $59.95 also C.B. Antennas 676-9264 The school Christmas pro gram will be held Thursday evening at the gym. After the program refreshments will be served in the school cafeteria. Marilyn Hargsten, Palisade, CO, Allen Wright, Steamboat Springs, CO, and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ulvia and twin daught ers, Willits, CA, were recent visitors at the Ernest Bargst en home. Grace Rice underwent sur gery at St. Anthonys Hospital Tuesday after being hospitali zed for a week. She is now recovering at the home of her brother Frank Rice in Pilot Rock. Mrs. Anna Chamberlain, the 5th and 6th grade teacher resigned Dec. 1. Mrs. Rciba Smith of Long Creek substitu ted for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Campbell attended State REA conven tion in Portland Friday. While there they also visited their son Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Campbell. Mrs. Mildred Goe spent the Thanksgiving weekend in Hood River with her family. George Hill of Coquille and Jeanie Hill, Portland spent the holidays with their parents the Son Hills. Mr. and Mrs. George Bost ian. Toas, NM recently visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Col men, Coquille visited at the Mike Corley home enroute to Arizona. Mrs. Lottie Foss, Boise, ID, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holmes. WATER MAGIC Jacuzzi's AquaGenle ends water drlpples forever! A new kind of water system that delivers constant pressure and volume all through your house-all the time! JAMISON & MARSHALL PLUMBING & HEATING Condon, Ortgon 384 2773 Making warm friends is our business. You call we come Distillates Furnace oil, Stove oil, Diesel Gasolines Reg. - Ethyl - Unleaded Motor Oils Automotive & Diesel also Mobil's newest oil, Mobil I Accessories .Truck & passenger tires, batteries, fan belts:, antifreeze, spark plugs, oil & air filters ran Serving you is our future Let the country boys from Mobiland serve you in Morrow, Umatilla and most of Gilliam Counties. Paul Pettyjohn Co. cajl 422-7254 lone, Oregon Salem. The Jim Coles had all their children home for Thanks giving; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyer and children. Prairie City; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Maley and children, Fox; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weissenfluh and children and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Weissenfluh of Long Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Barrow moved recently from the former Mead Gilman ranch to the ranch near town where the Fred Shanks recently lived. QUALITY CLEANERS jf t 421S.Maln Pendleton 276-2142 J Vera Gardner, John Day, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mattie Stubblefield. Mr. and Mrs. Art Gienger and children returned home Saturday evening after spend ing the weekend in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gassner spent Thanksgiving at the Cordon Clayton home. Roger Nancy and son Mar tin left Saturday for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Munday spent Thursday and Friday in I DRAPES Cleaned & Dec-folded Customers and Friend We wish to take this opportunity to thank you all for the years of patronage and friendship which we have been privileged to enjoy. Effective December 15, the busi ness will become Green Feed Store. Joe Halvorsen and Larry Prock will be on hand to serve you. They will continue to carry the same lines, and hope to enjoy your continued support. May we again say Thank you and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Florence and Cornett Green The Ideal ... HUNTER'S CHRISTMAS GIFT Knspp fiuf Kit TRW WwwWWKw WWPWI IK "Mrturaf grip, poxfcotd for mm lof kftrfa. Mt loop m hmtk . foe cottvonlowf wr . ryfaty. W.tM, M. SAUPRICI Stort Hcun: Mcx-Sal. 9 a. a. to 6 p.n. Sva&rtt 10 in. tt 5 f.m. USe YOUR lANKAMERICAffl) OR MASTER CHARGE a - vf"trs4 VrZr - BAKE SALE t f A I IN I j J i Saturday, Dec. 20 10-1 p.m. Their funds are nearly depleted and they would like to raise money to carry on their planned activities, . The BAKE SALE will be held in front of Murray's Drug Store. j Colombia Basin Electric Co-op i Serving Morrow, Gilliam and CountU. KEPPNEB 678-8146 (A public hervke advertisement by your friends at Columbia Basin). fit .7 O n n Gardner's Men's Wear Marj & LeRoy Gwen, Jean Ann, Becky Attention Holiday Traveler Check your traction '2 for 1 TIRE SALE' Studs are legal in Oregon, from Nov. 1 to April 30 Cross Country RETREADS cr isau j lwHMIIililMll!j3HJ V CROUP J4 4Yr. BATHRT 31 46 mm WHITE tichong MOMAftCH 78 4nr SIZE WHITE TAX Each 650-13 38. W .38 700-13 3(.N .52 34.M .55 ETH-U 37.00 .58 F7H-M 37.00 .(5 C78-14 39.00 .71 H78-I4 42.00 .71 J7M-I4 44.00 .71 560-15 37.00 .St F78-I3 38.00 .65. G78-13 3S 00 .70 IITSIJ 42.00 .73 J78-15 44.00 .73 L7H-I5 46.00 .82 Exchange with cappable Anti-Froozo hi Summer Coolant $g49 FOl'R SEASONS SEIBERL1NG casing. 2 if no trade. SIZE A78-I3 08-13 08-14 E78-I4 F78-I4 G78-I4 1178-14 J7H-I4 560-15 F78-1S G78-I5 117813 J78-I5 L78I3 46.00 49.00 50.00 31.00 55.00 39.00 (5.00 (3.00 44.00 5(00 (1.00 66.00 69.00 72.00 TAX Each 1.71 1.98 2.04 2.27 2.40 2.56 2.77 2.95 1.79 2.43 2.60 2.83 2.99 3.11 CABLE CHAINS Designed For RADIAL TIRES IX STCCX Alt prices exchange w ith old tire off car. Addtl If no trade. It. SIZE A78-I3 (50-13 700-13 C78-I4 SE78-I4 F78-I4 G78-I4 1178-14 J78-I4 560-15 F78-IS G78-I5 1178-15 J78IS L78-IS N78-I3 WHITE 55.00 (0.00 (3.00 (3.00 (7.00 70 00 74.00 M.N 83.00 (0.00 70.00 74 00 80.00 (3.00 88.N 99.00 TAX Each 1.76 1.77 2.00 2.04 2.27 2.40 2.56 2.77 2.95 1.79 2.45 2 60 2.80 2 99 311 3.(5 All prices exchange with old tire. Add II if trade. DUES TIDE SEflVIC (Get more miles from Miles) You don't have to go to llermlstoa or Pendleton to get It. 441 N. Main Heppner MilMfc"lt 676-9481 01 tans sonvHi f .miiH t itt-rii)0l rnrim n J '