Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1975)
Page 5. THE GAZETTE TIMES, Heppner. OK, Thursday. Oct 2:i. 1M75 We will carry FOOTBALL MUMS M Tor nomecoming rri. uti. FFA news Alpha J beta the Board of Directors Coumbia Basin Electric Coop INVITES ALL MEMBERS TO THE ANNUAL MEETING Fossil, Oregon, November 6, 1975 Registration, Fossil, County Fairgrounds 11:30 a.m. Lunch, 12:30 p.m. served by Methodist Ladies Meeting Commences, 1:15 p.m. Invocation Welcome by Herb Wright, Director from town of Fossil Introduction of guests, Van Rietmann Manager's report, Dave Harrison Introduction of employees, Dave Harrison Proof of mailing and notice of meeting Paul Tews Minutes of last annual meeting Paul Tews Determine if quorum is present Report of Nominating Committee and balloting Walter Jaeger Introduction of the board and wives Randall Peterson President's report, Van Rietmann Entertainment Wheeler High School Musical Group Secretary-Treasurer's report comment on audit, Paul Tews Report of Elections Committee, Van Rietmann Old Business New business Presentation of Recognition award to employees by Herb Wright and Dick Wilkinson Adjourn business meeting Prize Drawings. Final item on program Your Coop, was organized on September 18. 1940. We are pleased to celebrate the 35th year as an incorporated business. We encourage you to attend the membership meeting at Fossil. Enjoy an excellent meal, hear some brief, interesting reports. Win prizes and enjoy the meeting. Be sure to vote!!! I have watched with awe and amazement at the ability of the youngsters of this county to ride horses. Most of them learn to ride before they are able to walk, yet Sunday I witnessed some of these young riders trying their hand at riding English style. 'Nuff said.' Mark Sargent received champion in the ill senior class div. on the showmanship for his Hampshire lamb at the Pacific International Show. He also received fourth prize on his exhibit of three cross bred lambs. Mark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sargent. Amicia pinochle club met at the home of Mrs. O.W. Cutsforth Sr. Mildred David son received high, Phyllis Piper, 2nd high, Annetta Klinger, traveling and Hilda Yocom, low. The Heppner High science class pulled a funny on Judy Gochnauer teaching last week. One little red wagon and a stop watch kept the class busy figuring how fast the wagon would go downhill. It was a fun class and Judy went along, showing her great sense of humor. Also we don't want to be late for the Open House, Thursday, Oct. 23 at Coles House of Fashions. Carolyn Cole is really going all out to make you welcome. Door prizes, refreshments, and most of all beuutiful clothes marked down. You better eat out tonight (Thursday), Mom, or just have sandwiches ... so you won't have to clean up the kitchen . . . then you can follow the crowds and be in down town Heppner right at seven, when the stores re-open for th?ir "Moonlite Sale." The once a year sales of all sales. The main street of Heppner has been pretty busy . . . first our deer hunters, now the bird hunters. Overhead one of our local female hunters telling the valley hunters, "The hunting is pretty bad up here, belter try the Pendleton area." Later her party of six all bagged a deer, hmmmm Kal Healy was a little miffed when she saw her crab-apple bush bearing golden delicious apples. She bought the bush about five years ago for the flowers, now she says "That bush will have to go." That could be called a Cinderella story in reverse. It is going to happen again, Veterans Day will be cele brated Oct. 27. The Post Office will be closed, but the banks and stores will remain open. On Nov. 11, another Veterans Day, the banks and Court House will be closed. This is the silly season time. Van Rietmann Walter Jaeger Paul Jaeger Floyd Anderson Kenneth Wright Dick Wilkinson Herb Wright Dave Harrison Randall Peterson Kenneth Smouse Elmer Palmer Dick Krebs Paul Tews Your board of Directors and Manager Heard the David Hall's livestock judging team won third at the Pacific Interna tional. David is in his first year of teaching at Wallowa High School. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hall. Gladys Prock has been admitted to the Pendleton Community Hospital for tests. She is able to have visitors. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Schaffitz were Portland visit ors over the weekend. Dr. Schaffitz attended meetings covering Continuing Educa tion held at Pacific Univer sity. The recent rains have bro ught out mushrooms in the nearby mountains. Several Heppner families have found a good number of plants and a wide variety of specimens. Ilene Wyman, administra tor of the Pioneer Hospital attended the annual National Hospital Association Conven tion, Portland. Congressman Al I'llman was the keynote speaker. Ilene said she was kept very busy for the three days she was there, covering all the meetings offered to her. Homecoming, football rally, burning the "H", parade and floats, chicken dinner and the final touch, the big game. Good Luck Mustangs! All Saints Episcopal Church will hold an acolyte training session Sunday, Oct. 26 in the parish hall. Assisting the Rev. Louie Perkins will be the following lay readers: Bob Abrams, Lowell Cribble and Ned Clark. Following the training, John Gochnauer will be in charge of refreshments. BILL RAWLINS INSTRUCTS GARDEN ( LI B A potluck dessert preceded the October meeting of the Heppner Garden Club in the home of Ed LaTraee, Monday evening, Oct. 13. Vice-president Barbara James presided and 1975-76 yearbooks were distributed. After the business meeting, the evening's program was' presented by Bill Rawlins. Rawlins demonstrated the care and propagation of non fibrous rooted perennials il lustrating his lecture with actual plants. He directed most of his attention' to duhlias, peonies, glads and canna lilies, lie stated that Irish potatoes are the only true tubers. The November meeting will be held Monday evening, Nov. 10. at the Weatherford home. This will be a potluck supper at 6 30 p m. and District President Mrs. Charles Dalles will be guest speaker on "Mums for Everyone." LIBRARY BOARD MEETS TONIGHT The regular monthly meet ing of the library board will be held tonight at 8 p m at the public library. Interested citi zens are welcome to attend. The library will be open to the public during the meeting. Thursday, Oct. 23 -7 to 9 p.m. Sports Coats 13 off Suits 13 off Sr Church $5 00 13 1 Pa"" Dress Slacks $8,00 Dress Shoes $6.00 -$10.00 Dress Shirts $5.00 WORK COATS - Regular $16.50 Moonlite Sale PRICE $10.00 Ml 71 I J A -.-J A MEN'S WEAR HEPPNER, OREGON Directory MMIIuliM .SN 9 4:. iii MoNiip II i m i minus SN 9 4.' a in Mmship II am Oiildien Choir. 9 a n (IIKISTIW SS 9 43 a m worship II am t'xeii Sen T 30 p m MZKKf. SS 10 am Worship II am Even Sen ( p m Bible Mudv, Wed. H'IMOl'At. SS 1: 13 a m Ailtill Ed. :l.ta.m Worship 10:30 a.m. ASSEMBLY OF (.01) SS 9 45 a m Worship . : . Ham. Sun Eve service . 7 00 Bible Study Med , 7 pm. SFUATIinWAIUFNTlST Sabbath School ,. 9 30 am Worship Ham CATHOLIC f aiechism Mun k Wed. Worship: Hrppner.Sun. . .. Ham Saturday f 30pm lone Sun 1 45 am. Saturday worship, (.30 p m , St. Patricks ( III H( II OF ( IIKIST. Ui SS (45 Church II 00 Sun Kvf 7.30 Bible Studv. Wed . 7 30 ENGLISH HIDING 4 I..VSS STARTED An excellent oporlunity for all 4 II members and other interested persons to obtain instruction on English Equita tion is being offered each Sunday afternoon at the Mor row County Fairgrounds ac cording to Mike Howell. Mor row County Extension Agent liasic classes are being ottered on English Hunt seat and Saddle Seat equitation Jan Lulsch. Lexington, Nancy Swcek. Heppner and Merlyn Robinson, Heppner are provi ding the instruction for these classes. All 4 II members who are interested in the art of English riding or who would like to improve their control to better their western riding are en couraged to attend. Classes are held each Sun day starting at 2 p.m. in the show barn at the fairgrounds. There is no charge for these classes. 4 Hers attending should bring their horse and oilier riding equipment. Eng lish saddles will be provided if you do not have one Anyone having an English saddle that this group could use should contact one of the instructors. The Needle-Threaders 4-H club met at the home of Mrs. Evans, Oct. 8 and elected officers for the coining year. Elected were Shelly Lee, president; Ann Evans, vice president, Michelle Watts, secretary and Betty Hodson, reporter. Next meeting will be Oct. 22. Betty Hodson News Reporter Seventy 4-H members and their families enjoyed a ham dinner last Thursday night at the A C. Houghton school. Kate and Erin Evans re ceived County awards in horsemanship and style re view. Each member present received a 411 pin. Francine Evans presented plants to Birdine Tullis and extension agent Mifse Howell in appreciation of their work in 4 II. Colored slides were shown of the 411 camp and other 4-H activities. Due to various community coiillu ls the 4 II Family Niyhl lor all smith end leaders. iMrcnis and 4 II members has Lien cam elled lor this month The Pacific International Livestock show, Portland, was well represented last with with the FFA group from Heppner. Clay West was awarded third prize for the livestock judging He scored 2RB out of a possible 300. Their were 341 students participating in the judging contest. John Schiller, Jeck Yocom, Karen Winter and Tim Daly gave tours to the local grade school students who were on field trips to the PI. They explained the different exhi bits and divisions of livestock to the students. Those attending the PI were Clay West, Sandy Bennett, Rusty F'.stes, Suzanne Cuts forth. Charley Riddle, Jack Yocom. Iva Lou McDaniel, Chapel McClain, Carmen Clow, Jay Devans and Hal Whitaker. the FFA high school instructor. Mr and Mrs. Bill Marquar dt, Doug and Phillip were Portland visitors over the weekend. Charles McConnell recently visited his father in North Dakota, where he is a patient in the veterans hospital. Alpha Theta chapter of ESA held its model meeting for prospective members at Mrs. Hubert Wilson's home. The program was attended by four rushees. Mrs. Bill Pclesky, Mrs. I)on Isom. Mrs. William Kill and Mrs. Norman Paullus. The theme of this year's rush program is Autumn Splendor and was well carried out with decorations of pump kins and autumn leaves. Refreshments of hot cider and donuts were served. The decoraing and refreshment committee was Mrs. Riley Munkers. Mrs. Wayne Harris and Mrs. Hubert Wilson. Each guest was presented with a fall corsage. The meeting, conducted by the president Mrs. Larry Kennedy, consisted mainly of having each committee chair woman tell what her commit tee does. Educational chairwoman. Mrs. Bud Marshall, announc ed that the Rev. Mark Johnson was guest speaker al a special meeting at her home on Monday. Oct. 13. He gave an introduction lo transactional analysis. Mrs. Wayne Harris gave a resume' on what ESA is. Tlrs was lo acquaint the guests with ESA. The next meeting will be a Harvest Time potluck dinner on Oct. IK at the home of Mrs HuIhti Wilson. Rushees and their husbands will again be guests. Pumpkins, ghosts, witches and fall leaves wete much in evidence Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wilson when the Alpha Theta chapter of E S A. entertained 24 guests at the Harvest Time potluck and Kegger rush party. The decorating was by Mrs. Elmer Heath and Mrs. Mike Kindle. Mrs. Wayne Harris was in charge of entertain ment. A novelty card game started off the entertainment, pinochle and yahtze were the closing games. Attending the party were prospective members: Mrs. William Pelesky, Mrs. Don Isom, Mrs. Norman Paullus. Mrs. Tom Wilson, Mrs. Dan Richardson, and Mrs. William Rill. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Barney Marshall. LaGrande and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Leedham, Mollala. MOONLITE SALE tonight Oct. 23, 7-9 p.m. 1J2 PRICE Miscellaneous rack o Pantsuits o Windbreakers o Jeans o Long dresses o Sweaters also buy TWO tops at regular price & get ONE pair of pants for A price Lebush Shoppe The shoppe that keeps prices where people will shop at home. Family Pac Pork Chops 4- per package $1.49 Per lb. &&325U Hill's Chunk Bologna 69C per lb. uccr. Lettuce 4 $1.00 O Oranges 8 f $1.00 Red or Golden Delicious Apples 6 $1.00 jtf&i. Nabisco Premium Crackers 59C Campbell's Tomato Soup 10 $1.00 Cescent Walnuts 4.. 490 Gold-N-Soft Oleo 1 59C KRAFT Salad Dressings French. Italian. LINK) Island or (.rem Goddess 8 490 Heinz 57 Sauce 5. 390 Puffed Wheat or Rice 16u 690 FOOD CUVS! Wilderness Blueberry Pie Filling 760 Cool Whip 132 890 Banquet Fried Chicken 2 $1.89 (KIT Xtf Prices effective Oct. 24-25 MARKET Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, iMeat) 676 9288