Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1975)
CI assi Save money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676 9228 1 Cards of Thanks CLASSIFIEDS Our deep appreciation and thanks to each and everyone In the Rock Creek, Hardman and Heppner area who came so quickly to help us fight the fire on our ranch at Lonerock. ALMA & PETE CAMPBELL We would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to our friends for the prayers offer ed, and the flowers, cards, letters and gifts sent to Edgar while he was in St. Vincent's Hospital In Portland. The Edgar Albert Family My sincere "Thank you" to Dr. Collis and Dr. Hroun; also to the Sisters and nurses for their excellent and concerned care (hot I received at St. Anthony's Hospital. The vi vita, calls, cards, letters, gifts, flowers and prayers from my many friends made my recov ery quicker and much more pleasant. Cod bless you all. MARY ELINOR SNOW My appreciation and grati tude goes to Dr. Carpenter and the staff of Pioneer Memorial Hospital, the green end swing shift crew and friends and relatives for their kindness and thoughtfulness. MARCIAKEMP 3 Lost and Found $25 Reward for inform, lead ing lo recovery of female golden retriever Urgent, small puppies wailing Ed Sinihm.676 5024 If LOST: small brown & while dog. near Center A Main Street. Ph. 676 022H. ask for Kcilh Reward 2. Notices MENTAL HEALTH: Hepp ner. Tues thru Fri. 8:305, 676BI61 Irrigon, Mon, 922 3357. Emergency, 676 5032. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Ph 676 5528 21 4. Help Wanted ASSISTANT Cook for Senior Nutrition program. 3 days week Neighborhood Center. 676 5873 34e 1 WANTED: reliable babysitter ' 5 days wk. for small infant, r Call 676 9203 35c Work Wanted WANT: year round job on ranch, preferably Heppner ; area Married, experienced. ;, Ed Wink, contact Jim Cason. ! 676 9762 350 WANTED: part time house I work 678 9182. 34c .6. Wanted ! WANTED: used kitchen cab ; inets 676 58J8 34c i WANTED 3 bedroom home in ; Heppner area Call 676 9228 7. For Rent APARTMENT for rent. Call 676 58JOafterSp m. 3:itf FOR RENT: studio apart ment. $95 mo 422 7587. 18tfc 8. Services FOR STEAM GRAIN Rolling call 422 7473 after 5 pm. 3ltf CLOSE TO SCHOOL: baby ' silting, mv home, any age j Linda Hager. 676 9443 34c Livestock SPECIAL Calf feeder tale, : LaGrande; Livestock Com : mission Co.. LaGrande; Oct. 16, 12:30 p m, Already consi- grved 500 head; early con- slgnmenl would be apprec. In conjunction with reg sale. For more info, contact Roy Pow ders. 863 2158. 3 i 1 10. Farm, Garden '. FOR SALE: good clean Mc- Dermid and Hyslop hrl. Bob Jensen. 989 B459 after 5. 30 p.m. WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horse. Rex Eng lish. Ph. 567 6065. Hfc Lecithin! Kelp! 116! Cider ' Vinegar! Now all four In one capsule, ask for V'BIIt or VH8f Double Strength, also ' try VH6f Vilamin fortified. ! Murray'! Pharmacy. ' 37p fied FOR SALE: ladies new trophy saddle. 481 4715. 33tf NEW Rinse N Vac steam cleans, rinses and vacuums out dirt leaving carpels pro fessionally clean. Rent at .Coast to Coast. 12. Furniture, Appliances FOR SALE: 40 inch Norge ranch with vertical broiler. Good condition. $75. 676 5524 35c 13. For Sale C. Kik and Son for Flberfoam, Starcraft, Caldwell and Mar lin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH 567 . MI9, Hermiston McNary Dam Hwy. 9tfc TO GIVE AWAY: kittens, 676 5254. 34c 14. Automotive FOR SALE: 15 ft. camper; clean, good condition, $500. 9H9 8472 35p FOR SALE: 1975 Chev ' T. pickup; power steering, power brakes, extra clean, never been off the highway, silver gray color. Call 676 5341. If 14 1970 Dodge Challenger, J owner, exc. cond. PS, auto V8, rally wheels. $1400. 567-2922. 34c Blue 1969 AMX. 1 owner It clean. 390, blueprinted & balanced hooker headers, Schetffer clutch, TRW pistons. Full race Isky w solids, spare Racer Brown hyd. cam & lifters. 3.11 positrac rear-end; spare set of 4 11 gears. 780 Holley on Offy hi-rise mani fold. Pair of chrom mags with L-60 tires. All new tires. $2,700. Ph. 422 7204 . 35c FOR SALE: '59 Ford T. pickup. $3i 676 5254 34c 15. Real Estate 20 Acres, $7,500. ! miles from Heppner. County road, power. New 3 bdrm mobile home available. If desired. 676 9876. 35c IS NEW HOMES. Valley View Estates. Government assisted loans below current market rates available for a limited time. Open for Inspection by appointment. Call Darl Ha gey. 676 9138 or 676 5562. 34tf A MCE BIG NEW HOME in downtown Heppner. 3 bed rooms. 2 baths, extra sturdy built, really big utility room. double carport on 2 lots; $32,500, terms UNIVERSAL REALTY, INC. 911 N. 1st. Hermiston. OR , Ph 567 8303 MORROW CO Motel; 15 units in exc cond low overhead. 4 bdrm home incl. $99.oiK) Call Alden Crull, 509 747 2112, Wil son & Associates. 33c FOR SALE: 4 bdrm home IK-ated 710 Heppner Spray Hwy Write Robert Buschke. St Rt.. Box 2. Maupin. OR 97037, 16. Mobile Homes FOR SALE: two bdrm mobile home. 12 x50 ft. Ph. 676 5349 HAVE 2 separate houses for sale in Heppner. 315 Chase St., 676 9762. 31c FOR SALE: new 28 ft x 68 ft mobile home, on t 45 acres with private well. Fenced plus shed and landscaping 676 5074 after 6pm 32fc Heppnerites A new or aed car In your future? If so contact: Ed Wells at Keith Farley Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. The Walking Man Friend' Pendleton P17I, Home Phone 276578 G-T Want Ads Pay Billing for mall classified ad Is expensive. C1alfled ads are on a cash In advance bal, unless customer ha a regular' commercial account with the Gazette-Times. If to. clarified will be billed monthly. The alternative li to raise the ralei to cover rising costs. Rates remain f I for the first three line of ad copy; 5c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising, f 1.40 per column Inch. Card of Thank, classified rate, mln. SI. St. Deadline, Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not reported withlB 7 days. 14. Automotive Move Em' Out Large Stock of 75's Must be Moved 76's are here USED CARS: 1971 LTD. 4 dr. sdn, 16,400 actual miles, reg. gas. I'M MI'S: l7S Ford T P.U. Ran ger cub. air cond. power equip, low mileage. 1971 Chev. T P.U. power steering, auto, trans, tape deck. 9.4X3 actual mile. 1971 Ford ai T P.U. 4 x 4 1973 Ford 4 T 2 wheel drive, tamper special. Power steering, auto, trans., 21.114 actual miles. 1973 Int. ' TP.U. cyl. 4 spd. I3.5O0 actual miles. 1973 Ford 'j T P.U. 1973 ( he 'i T P.U. 1971 International I I. 'i T flat bed. FARLEY MOTOR CO. PONTIAC-BUHK FORI) CMC THI CKS May and Chase. Ilrppner Phone 676-91 16 THE GAS SAVERS Volkswagen-Rabbit Dasher-Audi Mel Winter Volkswagen Pendleton, Oregon 2ft NEW & USED MOBILE HOMES on our lot, ready tor Heppner customers. Free set up and delivery Mel Winter Mobile Home Pendleton. Oregon 276-3611 Specialists In Track layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding W e handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built; tractor cabs and gooseneck ty pe trailer Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 422-7 IW Cl.EOCHII.DEHS IONE M3 JIM'S WELDING SERVICE Let Jim do it, either In the shop L or on the e Hydraulics, Hose & Fittings ikn Barrett Riverside Ava ii .iHiii?i tiit. at? in i at Hfppnrr. OK. l"llir jr.' . r i iv iusii er Public Notice! NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received at the Morrow County School District office. Box 368, Lex ington. Oregon NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bid will be received at the Morrow County School District office. Box 368. Lex ington. Oregon 97838 for fur nishing and delivering the following: 1 I- 1973 or 1976 new or used 66 passenger school bus. 1-1975 or 1976 new or used 54 passenger school bus. 1-1975 or 1976 new or used 30 passenger school bus. I -HITS pickup. Delivery date of either the Hi passenger or the 54 passen ger school bus should be as early as possible. Bids will be opened at 16:30 a.m.. on Friday. October 17. PIT.', at the District office In Lexington, and will be pre sented to the School Board at their regular meeting at 7:30 p.m., Monday. October 20, 1975 at AC. Houghton Ele mentary School. Irrigon. The School Board reserves the right lo reject any and all bids and to waive any or all technicalities or claim. Specifications and bid forms may be acquired at the office of the District Superintendent at Lexington. Only bid form furnished by the School Dis trict will be used. Rids must be receied in sealed envelope and clearly marked "BID". Signed: John Matthews. Chairman Matthew Doherty. District Clerk Morrow County School Disl. 1'iibltshrd Oct. 2. 9. 1973 smmmnuinriiiimiminiimmimm 4 Wheel Drive Headquarters is Campbells in Hermiston Renegade Cherokee Toyota from $1197 Big Selection Campbell r7" Motors Anssrtcasi Motor TOYOTA 2122 N 1st Hermiston Ph. 567 6461 imum Job. i w i ii 1 r Public Notice RURAL TRACT FOR SALE TUs Oregon Fish and Wild life Commission hereby offers for sale CIO acres located on ' Potamus Ridge in Morrow County, Oregon, described as follows: The east half of the north east quarter, the southeast quarter of the northwest quar ter, the west half of the northwest quarter and the south half of section thirtyfour (31); the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the west half of the southwest quarter of Section Thirty-five ' (35) in Township Six (S) South Range Twenty-nine (29) east of the W illamette Meridian, In the County of Morrow, State of Oregon. Minimum acceptable price Is sixteen thousand and no hundredths dollars $16,000). Bidding is required. Terms: 10 percent of bid to be submitted with each bid. Deadline for receiving written sealed bids is 1:00 p.m. Pacific lime. October 28. 1975, addressed as shown below. The sealed bids will be opened publicly at Heppner, Oregon on October 29. 1975 at 1:00 p.m. on the Morrow County Courthouse step. Oral bidding will then be permitted. The successful bidder will be required to complete purchase within six ty day of acceptance of bid. For full particular, contact Lands Dept., Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. P.O. Bex 3503. Portland. OR 97208. telephone 229-S6MI. Published Del. 2. 9. I. 23. 1973 ( ALL FOR BIDS .NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Common Council of the City of Heppner. at its regular meeting on Xovember 3. I973 at p.m. will open bids for one 1976 model Police "Car. ' Specifications may be ob tained at City Hall. The Council reserve the right to reject any or all bids. MAKSIIAI.I.LOVOREN. Recorder Published Oct. 9. Ifi. 23. 1975 nri I WHO I DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory 1 J ' Automotive Floor Covering Insurance Optometrist SIIERRF.I.I. CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales & Service 3rd & Main Hermiston Building Supplies SEE US FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING SUPPLIES. We feature Boy sen Paints TI M-M UM I UMBER CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. 132 SEDnriiM 276-6221 PENDLETON Cafes Lounges C XL'S LOUNGE I CAFF. Specialist In mixed drinks and fine foods. 6TK-50I5 Heppner Construction Rl FRBEND CONSTRUCTION CO. Concrete Aggregate Crushed Rock Drain Rock asphalt Paving Exrav aling and Grading Hermiston. Oregon Phone 567-2121 Drugs, prescriptions HERMISTON DRUG Free Prescription Mail Service Open 9 a.m. lo 2 pm. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar II I Main St. Ph. 567-3072 Floor Covering Ketmig Iloorcovering ' Carpel, draperies, linoleum counter lop, ceramic tile, flooring, sundries Sale 4 Installation 500 North 11 St. Hermiston, Oregon PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Morrow County Plan ning Commission will meet Monday. Oct. 20. 1975 at S p.m. at the Courthouse. Heppner. to consider the following mat ters: 1. Application for zone change from Qualified Farm to Light Industrial from A.L. (Worth, et al, legal owners, bv Keero. Inc., Kenn Evans, contract buyer, P.O. Box 270, Boardman. Oregon. The xone change requested is for M acres, a portion of the NE ' i of the NE ' i of Sec. 4. T 4 N. R 21 E; a portion of the N'W 1 1 of the NW i of Sec. 3. T 4 N. R 20 E. and a portion of the SE 1 1 of the SE i of Sec. 33 in T 5 N. R 2fi E. all in the vicinity of the junction of Hwy. 730 and Paterson Ferry Road, betwe en Boardman and Irrigon. Oregon. 2. An application by Kinzua Corp. for a Variance to setback requirements in an Industrial Zone located in T 2 S. R 26 E, Sec. 20. Tax Lot 100. near Heppner. 3. An application by Oregon Potato. Inc. for a zone chance from Farm to Farm Residen tial on Ii acres out of Tax Lot ion in T 4 N. R 26 E. Sec. 9 on Patterson Ferry Road, about mile south of Hwy. 730. also an application for a Conditional Use Permit for a mobile home park. 4. Application for accept ance of final plat of the "Boardman Acre" subdivi sion located in the South of Sec. 23. T 4 N. R 24 E. approximately 3 mile south west of Boardman. The prop erty owner is Lumberman Western Real Estate Corp.. Richard J. Topper. President. P.O. Box 1X05. Gilroy. CA. 5. Application for accept ance of Preliminary Plat of proposed "Desert Delight" subdivision located in T 5 X. R 2 E. the southwest corner of Sec. X. consisting of Tax Lot 2l. 20.67 acre, located on 8th St. (County Road No. 806) and County Road No. 761. approxi mately 2-'i miles southwest of Irrigon. 6. Application by A.L. Con forth, el al. legal owners, by Keero. Inc.. Kenn Evans, contract buyer. P.O. Box 276. Boardman. lor a zone change MAR FLOOR COVERING Carpel. Linoleum. Ceramic Tile. Kitchen Cabinets Uree Estimates All Work Guaranteed Mali Hughes 122 Linden Way k;6-9IIX Heppner Furniture JlOtW-peCOIIrr'ri New & Used Furniture & Appliances Vnlhoi ird Norge Dealers 22" N. First. Hermiston 567-x'xai See us hefore y ou buy your color TV or stereo system. WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 251 W. Hermiston Ave. 5fi7-22n Hermiston CIRCLE "D" TRENCHING Guaranteed Performance Irrigation Drain Tile Powf r Cable Trenching of All Kinds Robert Duncan Heppner Ph. 67 5550 Insurance DONALD L T0NNING MM No. lit HotkMm, Orf 1474741 -rW,M7-:jt7 FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Evening ippolntmenU available from Farm Residential lo Light Industrial on 10 acre out of Ihe SW ' , of the NW ' i of Sec. 3. T 4 N. R 26 E. on Patersoa Ferry Road betweea Ihe Bonneville Power Line easement and County Road 901. Interested person are wel come lo attend Ihe hearing and evpre their views con cerning the matters under consideration. MRS. DOR BIS L. CRAVES. Chairman Morrow County Planning Commission Published Oct. 9. 1975 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Public Sale. 10 a.m.. Oct. 20. 1975. 333 . 511 S.E. Court, Pendleton. OR 1973 Mazda 4 DR No. 8I22.V2039K9. You may inspect at the above address. C.MAC reserves the right to bid. Published Oct. 9. 1975 " BEAT INFLATION INVEST IN LONG STORAGE DRIED FOODS Grinder. Woodstoves. Grains Cook Book, Food Driers Seed Sprouters 230 NW 11th Hermiston, OR. PH 503-567-5200 For Elks Only Fri. Oct. 10 Buffet Dinner Mon. Oct. 13 Chamber Meets 12 noon Tues. Oct. 14 Senior Citizen Dinner 4:30 Wed.. Oct. 15 Senior Citizen Dinner 4:30 Pinochle 7:30 Scouts Meet 7:30 TURNER. VAN MARTER 4 BRYANT General Insurance RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY 676-9625 Heppner Rav Bovce 676-5384 Turp's Electric Residential-Commercial Robert F. Turpin. Owner P.O. Box 39 Arlington. Or. 97812 454 2850 Bus. 454 2741 Monuments ( emelerv grar markers t.i.iiiile. Marble. Brone SWEENEY MORTUARY 2 1 hour phone 676-n or 676-9226 ls Sri v ing lone & Lexington Heppner. P.O. Rax 97. Ore. Heppner Laundronistt Physcians-Surgeons DR.L.D.TIBBI.ES Osteopath physician aad urgeoa 1st National Baak Bldg. Re.l7M2IO Orr.lTt-Ntt GERALD A. JONES, M.D. Physician aad Surge IIOEHurlburtllours: Mon. thro Tfcurv, t a.aa. 12:30) p.m.: I:M i.m.4 in.l Frl.,ls m.-lf m. HermMoa. OR. 17838 if Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital this past week were Mildred Eubanks. lone: and Bessie Harrison. Heppner. Dismissed were Kirby Rog ers. Andy Harshman. Sandra Hanna and Charles Rathburn. all of Heppner. and Carolyn Howard. Ixinglon. 1 BIRTHS & Mr. and Mrs. Randy Still man. Heppner are the parents of a daughter. Shannon Lee. 7 lbs. 3 oz.. born Oct. 1. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Ray Boyce and Mr. and Mrs George St illman. all of Heppner. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Van Hubbard, lone. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boyce. Condon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Quebbeman. Imbler. and Mrs. Lola Stillman. Milton Free water. Great Great grandmother is Mrs. Brill. Dayton. WA. Hi Us Prec. Wednesday 83 32 Thursday 84 " Friday 9 55 Saturday 67 48 .10 Sunday 85 43 Mondav 56 34 .41 Tuesday 56 41 .20 WHEAT While Red Barley 1 19.50 Oct. U-Pick Apples 14c. lb. Golden Del . Red Del. Jonathans Peaches for late canning 18c lb. Bring containers Thomas Orchards KIMBERLY.OR. 934-2230 DR.E.K.SCIIAFFITZ Optometrist Nel lo Hotel Heppner entrance. K76-9IK5 Heppner Paving LW.Vail Co. Inc. ASPHALT PAVING. LANDLEVELING CRUSHING Hermiston. Oregon Ph. 567-2896 Radiator Service farmers: JONES rxdiuor SFR ICE Now h the lime to gel your est equipment ready before Ihe rush season. Sewing Machines SINGER Sales & Service We repair all makes and models GHOGANS Approved Singer Dealer 213 S. Main Pendlelon 276-2352 Title Insurance MORROW COUNT ABSTR (T AND TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peter Bldg. 676 9912 Ilrppner UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturday and Sundav II necessary. Phone 176-IMI or 9M9-8I6I ) I