Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1975)
I j Page 7. THE GAZETTE TIMES. Heppner. OR. Thursday. Aug. 21. 1975 Pubuc Motlces INTIIECIRtllTtOUKTOF THE STATE OF OR EOON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. DEPARTMENT OF DOMESTIC RELATIONS Linda lu Lucas. Petitioner. Rilling for small classified ads li expensive. Effective Nov. I. therefore, classified di will be on a caih in advance basis, unless customer haa a regular commercial account with the Gateite-Tlmet. If to, classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative Is to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Kates remain $1 for the first three lines of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising, f 1.35 per column Inch. Carda of Thanks, classified rate, mln. $1.50. Deadline, Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not Save money . . . Pay cash! 1 Phone 676-9228 reported within 7 days. Kmssmsmmmmsmx Classified t ' " 'I ' M i', f ' . - . 'V a ' ; i i Ji t f f if - , i I .5. r . - ' . ' . t Cards of Thanks My sincere thanks to mem bers of the Heppner Volunteer Department for their quick action at the recent grans fire behind my home, My special thanks to the Junior Volunteer Fire Department, Greg Swe eney Fire Chief, for their help in fighting the blue. HOICK FUL1.ETON ' "Old shoes are a great comfort-so arc old friends." The attendance at our (kiltlen Wedding reception, the cards, gifts, phone calls, flowers and many other nice things have proven the above quotation to us. We wish to thank our family for the reception and everyone else for helping lo make our 5(ilh anniversary such a mem orable occasion. MR. A MRS. ARTHUR (MABEL I ALLEN Boardman. j We wish to express our appreciation for the many cards, flowers, and food received during our recent sorrow. We want to thank all of our friends, neighbors and members of the fire depart ment for their tireless efforts. Thanks lo each and every one of you and may God bless you i .JAMES HAMS AND FAMILY To all my friends and relatives, words are inadquate Jo express my appreciation for tour Ihoughtfulness. 2. Notices MENTAL HEALTH: Hepp. ner. Tues thru Fri. 8:30 5. 676 9161. Irrigon. Mon . 922 3357. Emergency. 676 5032 I WILL BUY crippled., retired and spoiled horses. Res Eng lish. Ph 5i7 6065. Hfc YOU can steam clean carpets professionally clean with new portable RINSE N VAC. Rent at Case Furniture Co. 18c All those interested in hav ing floats, ruling groups or oi her type of entries please call Randall Peterson so e can prercgisler for the rodeo parade on Aug 23. Your parti cipation would be appreciat ed PH 676 -92(10 3. Lost & Found S7o REWARD for safe return of our small dug. Peppi. 7' r old Last seen Aug II. follow ing pack of big dogs in lone IVppi weighs about 8 lbs. poodle, chihuahua, ter rier cross. Hair is grayish black. cliped short His tail curls up when he walks He may tie injured. Anyone seeing or knowing where abouts please call 422 7434 am time. 27p 4. Help Wanted HELP W ANTED, head teach er at Heppner Child Develop ment Center lo coordinate curriculum. Must be at least 20 yrs of age and have had 2 yrs college training emphasis in child development; ele mentary education or related field or two yn. experience In direct supervision of children in a group setting Contact Monica Swanson. Box 1134. Heppner. 876 9246 or 422 7548. 28c WANTED: mature lady to clean house 2 days w k No. 9 Evergreen Terrace between noon and 2 pm. 27p NEED VOLUNTEER help for the parade Saturday. Aug. 23. Contact Randall Peterson, Ph. 676 9200 WANTED: Experienced ad vertising person for part lime work in Pendleton and Her miston area. Call 676 9228. I. Wanted WANTED: reliable babysit ter, 2 days week 876 9203 27c 7. For Rent FOR RENT: unfurnished house, al corner of Main and Quald St., $W per month, call T7H793. Portland J7c 7. For Rent FOR RENT: studio apart ment, $95 mo. 422-7587. IBtfc 9. Livestock FOR SALE: 5 yr old filly; thoroughbred, quartercross. $.150. 676 5535. 30c FOR SALE: quarter horse gelding. Trained for 4-H. Lisa Collins, 676-9947, 27c TO GIVE AWAY: 4 Border Collies: good stock dogs, 4227156. 28C 10. Farm, Garden NEW CROP ALFALFA hay for sale. Also some grass hay.. Bill Voile. Irrigon. 922 3335. tfc l-eclthin! Kelp! 116! Cider Vinegar! Now all four in one capsule, ask for VB6 or VB6 Double Strength, also try VB6 Vitamin fortified. Murray's Pharmacy. 37p 12. Furniture, Appliances FOR SALE: sofa and love seat: 2 hanging lamps. 676 5536 22tfc PIANO FOR SALE, small 40" high console piano. Will sacri fice to responsible party in this area Cash or terms. Also Organ with automatic rhy thm. Phone collect 581 2412 or DIANA BALL wnte Adjustor. 388 Commer cial NE. Salem. OR 97308. 28c 13. For Sate SPECIAL oT the Week: V4x 8 rough plywood sheeting. 83 95 ea. Evans Lumber Yard. m 8:86. 27c Rent new poitiihlc ! Rinse--V.h' Meant cleans, rinse itnl vacuum cupels profc timi'ilU clean CjihI to Coast 8v C. Kik and Son ror Fiberfoam, Starcrafl. Caldwell and Mar lin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH 567 8419. Hermiston McNary Dam Hwy. 9tfc SAVE tio. On w hue aluminum storm doors $46 95. Evans Lumber Yard. 9W 8586. 27c 15. Real Estate FOR SALE. Investment pro pert. Bucknums Tavern liuiltliiig Present lease ex pil es soon H70 92M2. IHIfc Full SALE: New homes. Valley View Kslates m per. ci'iii lin.uicing available. Call lfcn-1 H.nicx. 7 HI2I or 67(i- v.; A NICE BIG NEW HOME in downtown Heppner. ) bed rooms. 2 baths, extra sturdy built, really big utility room, double carport on 2 lots; $32,500. terms. UNIVERSAL REALTY. INC. 911 N. 1st, Hermiston. OR. Ph 567 8303 FUR SALE: 3 bdrm home in Uxington. $21,500. Ph 989 8519 or 422 7588. 26tfc 16. Mobile Homes FOR SALE: modern 10 iM'l bdrm mobile home on I city lots Available immed. 676 9456 or 676 9623. tf Specialists In Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding We handle track hoists, beds and racks, both factory ind custom built; tractor ribs and gooseneck type trailers Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 422-7499 (1.EOCIIILDERS 10NE J 14. Automotive a"",", ilf'ij'iJtJii ' ;ST1 a 0 ' u.r2 8 Heppnerites j lfVDlri X A new or used car In J- . j I rfocontact: r r" Ed Wells hiUi. I Keith Farley fTi I n A : Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. Vn ii J IJI ;"The Walking Mans Friend"; UllFlfl ''' PfWWoi "276-7341 ,-BlJiJ I Home Phone 276-9576 J Pinto 5-Door Sedan $l.lHKioffonlhrlwol97$ model listed below ONLY 1973 Hull k USabre ( Dri- Fd.i 4 dr. sdn. fully equipped with air. IU75 Pontiac, full power, six way seat, air rond. 1297 actual miles. t'SFD CARS: IfNit Coiurl. 4 dr. sdn. A clesn unit. I'SFI) PICKUPS: 1-17.1 Ford T P.U. Han ger cab. air cond. power . equip, low mileage. 171 Chev. ai T P.U. power steering, auto, trsns. tape deck. 9.IH5 actual miles. is; I Ford 'i T IM . 4 4 inn Ford i T 2 wheel drive, camper special. Power steering, auto, trans.. 24.111 actual miles. I;.1 Msda P.U. like new. 4 spd. radio is;a Int. "jTP.U. 6cl. 4 nod. I t. .'.mi actual miles. Ford T P.U. lin 1ir T P.U. It; I International t t. i T flat bed. FARLEY A4 MOTOR CO. PONTIAt'-BlKK FORD C.MCTRUCKS May and Chase. Heppner Phone t;s-9lll FOR SALE: 1973 Fireball mini -motor home, fully eq uipped, exc. cond. $8o00. 676 9182, 27c FOR SALE: 57 Chev . 4r.. V8. auto , chrome wheels. Call Keith at 676 9492 days or see at 2o0 W. Center St. Public Notice MOTIC! OP Sll OF IMPOUNOCO LIVIITOCK SMK IwrMv IMI MIHlW McriM ntlow wr toon iwwl n - On" Um Int Hiwnm now Onlrtcl 1 Un"" NIKml fmmt Tnt Hvtoc pouMM ill U e . Hciwn n IS. mi DmtrtiA LiwcS l"- IMMM Itm. t W - mil. LO H. kind. I ic SV !. Sfandt 10 "Hi in- I Srinalt IIW lrMrlml. tVM 10 M tw nMKk axil M . kitf aurtym ttk UM hMftMl WW" M. mi, VIM " M In no HntMMrMHW kMrll mmii m .mif'X i ttimmm ciinl kr nim M m p rtl SarvK tn (iKWtw ar4 M m S' ' lmnj. pmmt n ehnwmma omv cotN t tmtJ cfctcS. IKK MI M KWJW t In IIvmki ml to 1 14 rtH M MM an) XHK wm m kr in aswiatini Snraianr AorKviw wm nrmii rm a nnnitifmi r ) f In iwriM llvx mti k rm n nMl ftantf " tkwf Pttt-KI, fO t, "inww. OO 1'U II KMT I. OH Atitnt r SoTIMT Atawi li, mi JIiT5 WELDirJG SERVICE Let Jim do It, either In tho shop as nn thn tVtlV V' W Hydraulics, Hose & Fittings Jkn D&rrett Home 9898176 Has I74WMU III I,ow Prec. Wednesday 87 51 Thursday 90 52 Friday 88 55 Saturday 82 56 Sundav 74 52 .01 Mondav 75 54 .24 Tuesday 74 46 .01 Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital this past week were: Judy Hamp ton. Kinzua; Jim Campbell. Condon; and Ernest Parker. Heppner. Dismissed were Bethel Hei nrichs. Heppner: Clifford Pool. Boardman: and Terry Baislev. Stanfield. For Elks Only Friday.. ug. 22 ( nine asou are Dinner. 5-7 p.m. Chicken, roast beef or seafmid biir(rt.S.I.jM HanceS-:' a ni. Music b Don Itrdficld Sat.. Aug.::: lull Im-ii Mia in. Ounces-: a.m. Music h Dim Itrtllii lil Sunil.ix. tiK- 21 lnh llpriis II a.m. NOTICE The Heppner Municipal I'imiI illar it's weekend huiof njirraliim thK weekend only. In coincide wilh the Morrow Count Kodeo. il llatl hao drcNliil In oprralr the pool friiiii 1-3 p.m. and from 5-7 p in.. Saturday. Aug. 1 and Sunday. Aug. 21. Itmlen fans and participaiilH are initi d to emit off In Hie water. . Peaches U-Pick 180 lb. Bui bank Flberta Bring roiitainers Thomas Orchards KIMHUtl.Y.OIt. Remember our SHAKERT0WN Free (iallon" Paint Sale Is still on Wewlcloi.e atlM.m. Saturday. Aug. 23 Enjoy the Fair Hodeo PETTYJOHHS Riverside Ave. Heppner, OR. 11- mm Marvin F. Lucas. Respondent. TO: Marvin F. Lucas, the above named Respondent. In the Name of the -State of Oregon, you are hereby re quired lo appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court on or before the expiration of four weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons: if you fail so to appear and answer. Petitioner for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in her Petition. t-wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between Petitioner and Respondent, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem just and equitable. This summons is published by order of the Honorable Henry Kaye. Judge of the above entitled court made and entered on the fith dav of August. I73. directing publi cation of this Summons once each eek for four consecu tive Hecks in the Heppner (,arltc Times, a newspaper published and of general circulation 'n Morrow County . Oregon. UNO LOU LUCAS. Petitioner Star Route, lone. Or. 97X13 Published Aug. II. 21. . & Sept. I. ::, NOTICE NOTICE is hereby gien thill Hie Irrigon Cemetery Maintenance District lri ifnn Park 4 Fire I'lolrt lion District tu ition Park A Kecreation Maiiili-naiicr District railed tor September 23. I'i;j llii-ie Mill he submitted to 1 1 - U.ilil it-H otcrs candi dates lot Ihe position of Din-dor lone (or each dis till I for a trim of 1 years. The polls will he omii Ix-luei-n llic hours ol 2:Mi p.m. ami S:mi p.m. on Si-ptcmher ;;. ri;.i mid the tilling place will be the Irrignu School Cuildiog. Siuueit: SVDIKPXItltlSII Mm l ow t 'minty 4 In k Published uu. 21. 2S. ts;.1 Ntfl'ICE The lolloiuK precincts Mill he ciinsiilid.ileri into one pie ciuct lor the ncIiihiI bond eliH'liiin lo he held September in. ft;:.: N.E. Heppner V. Heppner S.E. He p r S . Heppner II.ikIiii.iii SIHi:PltltlSH. , ( itiinly Clerk I'uhtished Xug. 21. !!;" WHEAT While 1.29 Sept. Red I SI Se' Barley l2.:.KSepl. tig American Motors Jeep Over 100 Cars CAMPBELL 510T0RS Open 8 to Saturday N. 1st St. 567 6161 Hermiston Toyota -' I v A i i ! Qr'&ll'. , - s. : j '" " " I - -. rs , ' . f' Or' ' ' ' . Wi'rt In Morrow County every Stamtt's Decor Center !rt" when Coil If wr. Martin FIESTA BOWL NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK From I2-I::wip m. OINISAL ftfVINUC SHARING iMSvl WnSH'lUTON DC tV?T 1 VH tAHTy S130.QQL SVv'iMI14(, it) i eve "o M tvH' s )W.oo Can Xrultk... ljft s. - - A. Mondty floor covtring wt art 7-3324 imv, ) , S's,', 0m-ii txiwliog except during I eagiie Play. Sign up for league NOW For further information call STKS.'ns ACTUAL USE REPORT t-i ovtt (.cMfroN ram t r s:if;rr)N rMius J iQi li.ii vsy flvi t I , ! kmm isoMt i i'fl. y S- issirsn' n niKi Him ii Willi'' ISMMmKM ) WSMIMM rttrr lM. flfl It MW H.l VI.MA ,r,- ma HS r i Sf 1 ltOtsi pwv, tO" t '' ' ,JSf - T- " , . . S i " t . I i I Li km Another interesting -l-H exhibit. Must appear for traffic citation Failure to appear or res pniul to a liiitlic cil.iiion is pro itiit it Ik- a citly mistake Ictf an HHTcasiiii! nuniher of (iicgim drivers this year. The h etiiiii Mir 'elnclc Pivisnm n'lxtrtifl Tlnird.iy 8.7IL' lic'iie to drive were siispciuli'd during the tils' 7 months ol this year Winn (Ii im-is failed t apHMr nr get in touch with courts in ihi' way outlined on their ti attic tickets The liguiv rrpifsciits a 11 per cent iiicicasi' in comparison with 1'Ct When i driver tails to nxHid tn a ticket, the court may then noiily DMY and the licensing agency suspends the driver's license (or an indeli ni'e H'fil or until the court untitles the division that Ihe driver ha iippeantl. Kiitl also is itu-reasi'd in !ln-M' casc-s mi that courts can iii iiver the cost mv olv ed in iioiitying the division and n iit-siing stis)ension In the long run. a driver w ho i -t..rcs a citation will pay nunc than usual, be inconven ienced by a driver's license suspension, and will then have to pay DMY an S8 tee to reinstate the license once the coin ! clears the case The moral to the story is simple, a division spokesman said. "It is wiser and cheaper to handle a traffic ticket promptly . as spelled out on Ihe citation, than to try to ignore il." tNiU AWI W ' r4f 0'Ct Of tWrlii 1.003 3d 2 0;5 004 r&n 4?l 3si . 0t? to if s bbmu S ii M iw ' " "' H--' HlfV" NKUV OWCWW"'