Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1975)
c Save money . . . Pay cash! Phone 676-9223 Cards of Thanks We wish to express our sincere gratefulness and appreciation for all the splen did food, cards, flowers, donations, and spiritual bou quets in memory of our wonderful wife, mother, and sister A special thanks to the special nurses and to Don Itohdcs, Joe Burns and Sandy Hishop for assisting at the funeral THE SWEENEY. SUNSEIU. LYON AND HARRIS FAMILIES 2. Notices Wia BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex Eng lish, I'h. 567-6065, ltfc FREE FIREPLACE wood: you cut -you haul, Kinzua Corporation, Heppner. Con tact Terry Vulenline. 20c MENTAL HEALTH. Hepp ner, Tues. thru Frl. 8:30 5, 6769161. Irrigon, Mon,, 922 r7. Emergency, 676 5032, RENT New portable RINSE -N4VAC lhal steam cleans,! rliines and vacuums carpets! professionally clean. Case Furniture Co. CHIMNEYS, Furnaces, oil stoves and fireplaces vacuum cleaned. Please call and leave messages at 676 9919. I9tfc I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills, other than my own, as of Monday, June 23. Ixri Wilson 20c GKHBII.S to give away: Ph. Diana Halt, 676 5306. 20p 4. Help Wanted. LI VEIN housekeeper; no per sonal care Must drive. 422 7192 lTtfc 5. Work Wanted WORK WANTED, will do odd jobs. Call 676 5528 after 6 p m. Ask for Rory. 2(p IIKill SCHOOL Junior girl wants work Office, store, housework or babysitting. 676 5344. 2p 6. Wanted FARMS WANTED: cattle or wheat. Will pay cash. Fred F. Sexton Rlty, 3059 N E. Clisan. Portland, Or. 97212. Ph. 234 m. 22c 7. For Rent FOR RENT: Office space available. Formerly Veterans Service Office. Call Herman Green, 676 9171 tfc FOR RENT: studio apart ment, $93 mo. 422 7587. IStfc 8. Services ALL TYPES OF Oackhoe Work Sand A Gravel Hauling WESLEY WISE lone. OR. 422-7418 Evening Calls Appreciated sTii-ii-"i.r i i' - 9. Livestock FOR SALE OR TRADE: Mule, 3 r. old. Rreen broke, and a pony for the kids. Both for $350, or trade for equal value. 676 5074 after 5:30 p.m. I6tfc 10. Farm Garden IN STACK: firs! cutting good alfulfa hay for sale; ItoSton loads $60. Over S tons $58. Call 922 3124 or contact Wallace Frederlikson, Patterson Fer ryRd. Irrigon, Wc NEW CROP ALFALFA hay for sale. Also some grasi hy. Dill Voile, Irrigon. 922 3355 tfc assiroe 12. Furniture, Appliances FOR SALE: Miscellaneous household furniture, 676 9498 or 676-9297. 8c FOR SALE: large desk, used for shops, stores, etc., w paper cutter & change drawer, $.15 422 7114 20c PIANO, Walnut spinet console piano to be picked up and sold in this area. Will sacrifice to responsible party. Cash or terms. Also Organ with auto malic rhythm. Ph. 206CH3 9270 or write Credit Mgr., 612 S.W. 152nd, Seattle, Wa., 98166. 20c 13 For Sale AM WAY PRODUCTS: 676 5007 after 6 p.m. Call FOR SALE: Lg. evaporative type home cooler; like new. All fittings. Will cool small house or mobilehome. $150. 676 9228 i C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam, Starcraft, Caldwell and Mar tin boais. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. Ph 567 8419, Hermiston McNary Dam Hwy. 9t fc SAVE $30 on a pre hung self storing white I" thick storm screen door. Now only $48 95 at EVANS LUMBER YARD, Lexington. I8c U PICK STRAWBERRIES, 6 until noon. 12 yr. old mini mum. Boxes provided. Hiway 11. 21 miles north Pendleton. Winn Berry Farm, 566 2105. 20c You can steam clean carpets professionally clean with new portable Rinse-N Vac. Rent at Coast to Coast. 10c ALUMINUM screen doors, with closer and lock set, only $16 95 EVANS LUMBER YARD, Lexington. 18c Lethicin! Kelp! B6! Cider Vinegar! Now all four in one capsule, ask for VB6 f ; also try VU6 4- Vitamin Fortified, Murray's Pharmacy. 2fp. i," BIRCH pre finished pan eling, shop grade 4' x 8 '. Now only $5 49 each. EVANS LUMBER YARD. Lexington 18c English woman physician writes in Family Magaiine: "Vitamin C may reduce cholesterol." Ask for "Family C" low fat diet plan, Murray's Pharmacy. lHp Boysen exterior latex redwood stain, only $4 95 a gallon. EVANS LUMBER YARD. Lexington. 18c FOR SALE: used 3M copying machine, excellent condition. 'Contact Robert B. Abrams, 6769141. 22c SAVE $37 on a pre nun., white, self storing H" thick storm screen door; now only $5695 EVANS LUMBER YARD. Lexington. 18c. FOR SALE Boxer. 14 6769766 I purebred male mos old Call 2tfc FOR SALE: 13 ft Hydro Swift boat, tilt trailer, IB hp & 6 hp motors 989 8118 21c FOR SALE: form boards for cement steps, 38 In wide Herman Green, 676 9171 20c 14. Automotive Heppnerltes A new or used car In ' your future? If so contact: Ed Wells SI Keith Farley Chrytlrr Plymouth inc. The Walklni Mans Friend" rndMon Ph. 178-734 it Home Phone 271 l;s Billing for tmall rUtsifird ad therefore, classified ads will be unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Gatette-Tlmes. If so, classifieds will be billed monthly. The alternative is to raise the rates to cover rising costs. Rates remain $1 for the first three lines of ad copy; 50c per line for each line thereafter. Display classified advertising. $1.35 per column Inch. Cards of Thanks, classified rate, mln. $1.50. Deadline, Tuesday noon. Not responsible for errors not reported within 7 days. sssssssssxsssssst 14. Automotive IN THf FPA HIGHWAY OYNAMOMfTtR TEST. 23 mpg IN THE CITY TEST Competitive fuel economy results bistd on U.S. Government EPA Buyer's Guide. Mileage will vary depending on your driving habits. MPG equipment includes 2.3 liter 2V 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed manual transmission, 3.18 nit ratio and catalytic converter. Pinto 2-Door Sedan $1,000 Off On 75 Models 1975 HuUk l.sSabres. (Driver Ed.) 4-dr. sdn. equipped with air. fully is;.? i'ontlac. full power, six way seat, air corid., 1297 actual mile. I AM Pontiac. 4 dr. sdn. fully equipped, air rond. 26,301 actual miles. t SKI) Pit KI PS: 1971 Chev 'i ton pickup. power steering, auto trans. tape deck. 9. IS5 actual miles 1973 Maida pickup, like new, I spd and radio 1973 Ford i Ion. 2 wheel drive tamper special. Power steering, aulo trans. 21.114 actual miles. 1971 International 4 s V, ton flat bed I95J International steel grain bed and hoist. An ideal truck fur wheat harvest 250-:'S5 bushel capacity 16 Ft. bed and slock ri;k only, good rond. lARlF MOTOR CO. PONTIAC-Bl'ICK FORD GMC TRICKS May and Chase. Heppner Phone (76-fl 16 FOR SALE: '46 Willys Uni versal Jeep Metal cab Call eves only 422 7203 21c 1972 PINTO Station wagon; radio, heater, air con. (fac tory), steel belted radial tires, trailer hitch. $1495. Call or see Uwell Cribble. 676 9765. 21c 15. Real Estate A NICE BIG NEW HOME in down town Heppner. 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, extra sturdy built, really big utility room, double carport on 2 lots; $32,500, terms. Universal Realty Inc., 911 N. 1st, Hermiston. Or. Ph. 567 8303. 21c FOR SALE: 2 houses, 315 Chase St. Jim Cason, 676 9956. 19c mnn WiTt In Morrow Counl tvtry Monday Stoma's Decor Center whin warn Call Colltctfor Appolntmtnt r mm - - Is expensive. Effective Nov. 1, on a cash In advance basis. 15. Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE on Quaid St. 676 9457 or 566-3718 Athena. tfc. FOR SALE: New homes, Valley View Estates. 100 per cent financing available, fe'all Darl Hagey, 676 9121 or 676 5562. 431 fc FOR SALE: Investment pro perty. Bucknum's Tavern building. Present lease ex pires soon. 676 9292. 18tfc 16. Mobile Homes FOR SALE: Mobile home, set upon lot, 14 fix 70 ft, 3 bdrm., air cond., I' yrs old. $8500. Call eves, after 6, 676-5562, or bus. ph, 676-9183. Patients admitted to Pio neer Memorial Hospital this past week were Frank Robin son, Lexington; Alice Bartlett, Bbardman; and Linda Con nor, Heppner Dismissed were Brian Ertz, Heppner; Steven Vosbcrg. Lexington; and Robert Law rence, Fossil Mr and Mrs James R Bloodsworth, Heppner are the parents of a daughter, Danika, born June 27 and weighing 6 lbs. 8' 3 oz Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Barnett, Pendle ton, Mrs I-iVonne Bloods worth, Corvallis; and James E Bloodsworth. Heppner Great grandparents are Mrs Eula Bloodsworth, Lexington; Mrs Esther Havekost, lone; and Mrs Elbe Akers. lone Mr and Mrs Lee ( Stone, lone are the parents of a daughter, Adina, born June 26 weighing 6 lbs, 1 oz Grand parents are Mr and Mrs Elmer llartle, Sr , l'mpua, Or . and Mr and Mrs Gene Stone, Heppner Great grand parents are Mrs Myrtle Smith, Heppner and Mrs Minnie Ballsworth, Roseburg UP! EVANS LUMBER YARD Will Be Closed Saturday, July 5 litiiuininuimmiiiiiiiiiiiniiiirrmnmil Specialists In Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding W e handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built ; tractor cabs anc gooseneck type trailers Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 422-7109 CI.EOCIIII.DKRS 10NK 422-7423 !Mj;w)iinmimgmpinBimmimiimiv floor covtrlnf mS.Tlrit HERMISTON STATEMENT OF NONDISCRIMINATION "Umatilla Electric Cooper ative Association has filed with the Federal Government a Compliance Assurance in which it assures the Rural Electrification Administra tion that it will comply fully with all requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of I1 and the Rules and Regulations of the Depart ment of Agriculture issued thereunder, to the end that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participating in, he denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the conduct of its program and the operation of its facilities. Under Ibis Assurance, this organization is committed not to discriminate against any person on the ground of race, color or national origin in its policies and practices relating to applications for service or any other policies and prac tices relating to treatment of beneficiaries and participants including ptes, conditions and extension of service, use of any of ts facilities, attend ance at and participation in any meetings of beneficiaries and participants in the con duct of the operations of this organization. "Any person who believes himself, or any specific class of individuals, lo be subjected by this organization to discri mination prohibited by Title VI of the Act and the Rules and Regulations issued there under may, by himself, or a representative, file with the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington. D C. 20250. or the Rural Electrification Admini stration, Washington. D.C. 21(250, or this organization, or all, a written complaint. Such complaint must be filed not later than 90 days after the alleged discrimination, or by such later date to which the Secretary of Agriculture or the Rural Electriciation Ad ministration extends the time or filing. Identity of com plainants will be kept confi dential except to the extent necessary to carry out the purpose of the Rules and , Regulations." NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS on Furl oil. bulk gasoline, diesel fuel, anti-freeze and contract bus runs Notice is hereby given that sealrd bids will be received at the Office of the District Superintendent of Morrow County School District. Box 36H, Lexington. Oregon, for furnishing and delivering the following: 1. PS 300 Fuel oil 2. Bulk Gasoline for school vehicles. 3. Bulk diesel for activity bus. 4. Anti freeze supply for school vehicles. 5. Contract bus runs: lone Lexington route; Peterson Carlson route. Bids are to be received for opening at 2:00 p.m., on July 18. 1973 at the district office in welding mm Let Jim do it, either In the shop or on the Job. JIM'S WELDING SERVICE Jim Barrett Riverside Ave. Do you remember the price of ANTI-FREEZE last year? NOW, while the supply lasts anti-freeze and summer coolant ONLY $339 a gallon. MILES Tire Service iCii more mites with Miles) Page Public Notice Lexington and will be present ed to the district board at regular meeting called for July 21. 1975. at 9:00 p.m., at lone High School. Information, specifications and bid forms are available at the office of the Superinten dent of Morrow County School District. Box 368. Lexington. Oregon 97839. The school board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any or all claims -or technicalities. Bids are to be sent or Jelivered only in sealed enve lopes, plainly marked, "Fuel Oil Bid", "Bulk Gasoline Bid", "Diesel Fuel Bid". "Anti-Freeie Bid", or "Con tract Bus Run Bid". DR. WALLACE W OLFF Chairman Matt Doherty. Superintendent-Clerk Morrow County School Dist. Published July 3. 10. 1975 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the Irrigon Rural Fire Protection District of Morrow County, State of Oregon, from 12:00 noon to 8 p.m. on August 5, 1975 at the A.C. Houghton School basement, in said Fire District, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voter of said Fire District the question of leveying a tax for the fiscal year 1975-76 outside the limitation of Sec. tl. Article II. Oregon Constitu tion. The reason for such levy are: I. leasing of new radios for fire trucks to bring the department up to state stan dards: 2. increased cost of operation and maintenance; 3. equipment replacement. The amount of tax. outside the constitutional limitation proposed to be levied for said fiscal year is $3,200.00 which, expressed as rate of levy, is estimated at 65 cents per $1,000 of true cash value of taxable property within the district. Dated this 26th day of June, 1975. ORVII.LE J. BUCHANAN Chairman, Board of Directors Irrigon Rural Fire Protection District Attest: William II. Cooley Secretary. Board of Directors Approved: Sadie Parrish County Clerk Published Jul v 3. 10. 1975 INTIIECIRCUITCOURT OF THE STATE OF OR EGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW Probate Dept. No. 1756 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS Probate proceedings in the estate of Garland L. Swanson. deceased, are now pending in the above entitled court, wherein Irene M. Swanson, the undersigned has been 'appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of Ph. 676-9481 7, THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner, OR , Thursday, July 3. 1975 ,a id estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, in due form, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice as stated below, to the undersigned at the following address now designated as the place for the presentation of claims, to-wit: care of Howard N. Dietrich,. 1100 American Bank Building. Portland, Ore gon, 97205. All persons whose rights may be affected by the said probate proceedings may ob tain additional information from the records of the court, the undersigned personal rep resentative or the latter's attorneys who are Howard N. Dietrich & Howard N. Diet rich, Jr., 1100 American Bank Building. Portland. Oregon. 97205, phone 221-2350. IRENE M. SWANSON Personal representative of the estate of the above named decedent. P.O. Box 321. lone, Or. 97813 Phone 422-7161 Published July 3. 10, 17. 1975 SECOND NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING CITY OF LEXINGTON The City Council of the City of Lexington. Oregon, will hold a public hearing for the purpose of disenssing the budget of the City for the fiscal year 1975-76, beginning July I. 1975. on July llth. 1975. at 7 p.m. at the City Hall in Lexington. Any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. J'V rppv of the budget document may OV iw j; '"led pr obtained Detween ine nours oi 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. and I p.m. and 5 p.m. at City Hall. The first Notice and Sum mary was published in the Heppner Gazette Times on June 26, 1975. GENE ORWICK. Mayor Published July 3, 1975 Excellent Gas Mileage Brisk Acceleration Quick, Sure Steps Nimble Handling Comfortable Ride IN FACT . . . A leediAf commmt erjoniietioe rates the Rabbit BOTH tfc ANT sutxoffipect tfcey'tt Tested! SEE IT . . . AND DRIVE IT . . . TODAYI Mel Winter Volkswagen Pilot Rock Higawey PendUtoe Audi Volkswagen Ijjfl MNE. OREGON VLU jiljney Duttered Chicken Yrj If Chicken Fried Steak f ii i2s I WW very Wednesday Jjjj M Steak Night M Therapist will serve this area John Burak will come to Heppner on Thursday after noons starting July 10 to provide and establish physical therapy services for Heppner. He is a well-known physical therapist and author of the book entitled, "There Goes My Aching Back " jaj3-' "wrjw 'gHtHmmfJ' "-WW ' 1 He is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association and the Oregon Physical Therapy Associa tion GYM TO OPEN The Heppner High School gymnasium will be open to the public each Tuesday and Thursday evening 7-9 pm, beginning July 8 Anyone in the community wishing to participate in weight lifting, volleyball, basketball or other physical activities is invited to attend There is no charge for J the use of the gymnasium, ct'svoarticipants are re quired towels to furnish their own We will be Closed Saturday, July 5 Pettyjohn's 274-Ml! m