Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1974)
Pcge 2 Heppner, Ore., Gazette-Times. Thurs.. Jan. 17, 1974 f Horse sense I i r f TV . 1 . 't! 1 is F.KFTV.Jolm v: N F tr '." e Erv.-.r-Prvtectioa Ancj feu sr-r ..? .-- ... i. ".. caLiri oc Gi to bss vac a sreatr d.rts Tr CVtw Air Ac: ' :rs ha Alreaiy ,-ed ap :r o c-sc of as ut .riwOue fry Si Acc-.i.; r.g tc EPA s .-'.- iid car e"aers . It --- -, . s -r- -ec tc- instal. cat .".;.." c-t-.-t ' Sl? t.T v'- wr.ous: fcs JOx frjrr. t.e pe" A.T.r-:r. c-.-r.srr er rr.-.-: of rwrr. at rr. :r i -we :r.crr.e r--acetj S-t r...:.- s a s-rt grtater trar a-- r 2'- v-. ;es r :: .r. Car j 2a for a fjl sear arsd i' orr"e irs cars. .-.--:."-r. 5 :r trie.; -rt, ar . " v lO11? " at" . ' - - ' -v-u' re 'r " T a" r- - ' .r "t.s . r- r? & ef a - : :i;:c.- : y.txico The EFA 45 .vr. as ' r .-:' cata.y".ic oc all asd . i rr. : r reseaTCE pri-g-arr. jr find out ::' '.- $ -. -.. t.-e LP A iirc:'- :r-e r.ll t ' c'it-c- 'jz a:r. i'. a.;"- !?ri -C ir... -" "hfrrrds srr:-g cortroi s- . ; .r.:r.n dewe itt crt. rJ ra" ;:' ii" ccc5jrr.p:K? t ? r.a sr. or I .Ar.-e -r- . : xsv.r-e rc aj-srr-.i 2rai:".c . ; - 1: :r Arr.-?ricar r--:p s:: s -i- '3 ' "rri-'X :r ra":'r mct: r ; :r"v a ;.-r. Tr. rr-ar..acs - :r- c.r .r EFA l K :- :r. :.r: pLaw (ri s 'r-d ; . create Er " .icrrr:a; :V- . ::' :r C;ear Ar Ac: of :s - i, c "1 : : . .ritr..!e .r.t - f A u- " - --, ,-rtM. -. -r. ;: .-. . S3 -v a.'.,- : -vi-i EPA does it again 'Hey, where is every body?' 7" mail pouch - pur.'.:-: ;. "r.-t'.'3.jr. c.Tjr.erc.a. :r.a" alarrr.5 i ir-'C jrvr.s are susc -jt 1V. v:rr -e-,pit i-c- are t.Ilec or aa-.j cr. ec. ar: wse ar jj.''-r sr. rs u Va are r.c':ce vf ?"a"-:r.a alrve arrjS srjr.i 01 1ST EDITOR HI. Since re:nr.;ri ;3 si:ed crxsaae a ae tarrve iiir.-v." Lrvir-r-rser'a! PtW.kc Axeso $ rr!'iius twrar. rai seer, rawre jr. :r,e rtir of a jjfenia.'. Ar;. -jr sanr? cra'.r '.r-e r,e:r2s :ir r.y.nes of E?A cieari' & iaf- a car. eri :r-r.rrIer,: ar; far :r l rr.3's ut r,i"ure s Tr.-e petdiurr, iw ef-jr "o ?ir... Str-er E?As de-a".a-.rr4 ar.i 6c:a' xai ix-sucs are ara-r car a::ac. in-3 grwir rai-'isc d54ffcicR C-rier? tut Uii fcr;r. rea -ruir.' ecorr.x r-wtr. ar i dee? r-kua. :r.e ra: u a sta&is:;!. tes expfec n cac-rsci-.tcf. ani i' . -ur. i-c -:re ir. fir's?' tsar tact Ba- EPA's i'tscfc r-a? seer. a?a:rs a;ir Naxe :r EPA 5 r.cta Ir. '.n Pac.:'-c Vjr.rjes'.. sr. ':.rra:-i T".' ..' rre a: infests'.' .-r i: tr tiwst rsctr - onKrs: or. r EPA's tar c-r. Tr Iep.c""er' Axr.-rx" es:;rr.' tr-at srti S4-: rr !'-.!' :r Sarr.aie ari exer-5 ha t-rer. cause-: tr.e i'c rr rz rvas.-.-r.. arc ieft the set -Jated areas '"ct .-r r- .. r " sre r . t .rr racartj- Fr--r a rA'a;:"- s we: - ar; jc viccr. EPA t-e ; j sr are - rrse tryr. 's a'tacs r.a kf' s-jrr.-e x' tr.e r .r'.res"'s rr..-st spectacular i ear --id 4yuua. tr '" Ts EP A s c" r-r".i.r ci;;:C"jjr r- trr rr i r Kc'ac-'er v..i-?r.ce t. nature. EPA has rat L-ie eviierre s'ard so- p-a" nr. tre i&e -a ZUZ ar recoae rjcr as rr.ase a bfyrrar ;r F-acr-i Cars-.-r"s z-.siz.Ori "5jr." Srr:r. " Ear:". ia year after :? TfH a carciTr 'nsc r.atrarc t.- Bu" EPA :arr-c LOT arc jdr't buii. tiesp-fe pieas fr.'rc ar asr.rr.5 irf atrsci'-ur arc fyrers'rj ntteres's wnc 'arrief -f irsec' :E-asi'rs Tr a-fa'ec EPA -kecist-jr. has crre rrr to r'.s" ir -rrt .eests of Cres t. ard rv'tr-err iia.-j Tbe Pacific Leai Fur; has ;;--; i :tr. srrai; fares' ? ard jrr. rrrir.t firrr.s ar ; f.."; a r.c(l r a'suj" atair.s EPA, ;".a-'- ard a : "" r ':-r t'"'t s. DDT t c u.r- s"'Ci 'rr 'u.-..-".-;. rr.'.f'r. s rapaci-us apC"1"." t'.c EICTi'K Tbe Jar !'? issae of ir Gaiette-Tsme contained ar. ir.fcie rard.T4 tr Jar. T scho retard mee::-. !icfc stated that. ":r-e tn.ard a ed a pr.'Cram f.r pnnid;r,' r,erit irj-urarsct "' Tr:s sta' ts accurate. lut Aes mjutre s.rr.e aii.t.rju e?larat,n to erabie :t;e pubiiC to understand exacts r r-e acti.r. as tasert T-e :? ie:suaure evert ded rr.ardat..r c.-rrpe'rtsa'kff.. effect:, e Jar. 1. I?T. - to a.. lioa:' 5u"xJ'i:;-rs tr-e State of Ore.w. r-uch inc'u-ie scrr.tfi d:s"nr"s. cw&i'.rt ard citte 5cr'! c.s'ncs were :er. th tp-:xr. of seiect:r. or of jr:a.c f-e f:r.ancirf the ci'-sts of the prc-arr. pr;ctpe ar.Ser :r state tax plar. or ; paricpate ar. a drt rf.rr.r-urM'rr.f r ' tas:s A care: ui s'ud experience ra"u-.S ut scfwui d;tncts ;r ,i.nef state viher cvrrpersati-.)!! has beer :r. effec ard a reve w our terrrura'ed err.pkee$ f.f the pas' ees ears estab;:sh-ed tr.a' e cou.'d save frjrr. s:o t.' :o $:;. r -aktrti p'i.'r. No I The state tax ra'e -ud r,a.e c.-s" api-ri'x.rr.a'e:y S:?.' and nr prv.iectnir. ur.cier tr,e' re;rr.ti'urtsrr er.t pr-'Srarn sfi . a c-'st of o T'e "d rre r -ec'ed t. e d.rect reirrrjreTT.ertt rr--'rd ' fjr.a: unerr pi.i; rrer t insurance 1 x ij v s T.k T.-f r the scn.5 &'rd agreed to ji:r..:th rr.'j): t'rr.t.:ia Car;:y schv. d-stnets r forntjng ar tunerr.pi-.n -r'.rr" r.'r ;e p Tr.a" ;s t-. sa trese r l d..s"ricts v, iindrtakea percen'fe payr.en' a jarge unwr.pkyrr.e: fur.d f- 'tr tt:ca clatrts w.njJd t paid The frrrarg tif :.-.js :-.! vuid reduce the S.sehhjd 'ha" ar or d;strsci uuid suffer unoij'y rf 'h had special c.rcarr.stances wrucr. real;eii w a larg-e f tieir.a f.led ic sner I rr-pe ft:s UeSp clarify the actitir. taner. by tne sch'i ': arc RUN DANIELS. District Supersnten-lent. .S.trri ("iiunt Schutiis i gra;s rn;; rr:ee':!t was held tr, Jar. 3 ;r. KlaUi-'f:- Faiis. : t: resut's ure tr.e f-iII-'Uir.f f the Enrs;. Acti-m T,r.:'.te. Tr cnJitr.rtee Dehef ;s a nu:rir ui red.a"e s"eps are eertial "'The ir:es'a"ii-fft yf :. russ-jclc rr-jtr -wves a tseaitn r.acard rttar h.rrse.;: . gerera'e ard spread ftre arc jrrra'i.rz hatrs ur,cr. are carried great distances Alierz.c rtac'ior v 're rfi tr.'s spur glass' causes pairaui e.'s. rcrtrg rasres C'.ur:r. v-rr.irg. iurg car.getir ar; eye s'eij.r. . . The suit charges tr.a' 2ef'jia"ed trees casrwt prper:y 're forces of t:rd. rax ard s Ground cfter is .rr :f by sro-amer an; heav ram Deper.-ieri' plant and life d- r catr .necessary suppjr The resul' is a As "re prev.ig: jus r.c'i-jr.a. t..' re;paper tiarrx. s sa.-.d ir. ar editorial. "V.'ra is perr.aps rws: a.arrrirg is EPA s irfrance r.:cr in urr-. all.ance :"K rs arr,ance. has v.r,ug- ur.'.d harm " -THE ARIZONA Liquor tax to aid alcoholism Tr.e of tne Eas' err. Orez ir. Cmrr-urry Mer. tal riearr. Cert'er. Ire . Dernis ! "' and Tie staff :. 'ne i A crrrptete K'.es'.ga'wn of all existing and anticipate cr ude reser1. es 2 A' '- exp-,-r.'a:!'jrs of crude w ard prjeacts 2 Exact f.ures jc s!-Kar t he receded 4 Tecr.vri'; researcr altema'ne ererg; vmrt-es. i irdtKie a pa' en searcr. ard release of a'l (tevices designed I--; sae iuei :Ae &eue'.e !.:e e.vstra" sr;r'ae :.s cfitrived. and tne s.ilu'i-rs are a-.auabie. "ur r,;y if a demand Ut actt'rti is S' .untied fc cruer.i i ur y r. ta'e Serat'ir Ir Heard hi as a merr.fier or a s'fe'e omm'ee 'u ir.'.es'.gate tre &.I companies ard tne o.I ir.'eres's je essence s.d. "G'V peddle yiur paprs "" He need 'ur supp-.vr. Pleas rite Energy Actwr. C ir.rj "ee. 3r' H'jrj-! i'ree Klamath Fa.'is. "reg!r. S7'l "e must ha'.e tnis sr.furr.a'ior by Fer. I JOE ViCTOK P.--r.:.t Energy Act km-. Committee. K.amotr. r ali .ien . nci prated G'r.ernjr McCail s rue' f-r ar. increase ir. ii'iuir prices ; he used as ai'erna'.". es fr s'a'e hs'i'jr wrr: r. 3' .xifica'wn cen'ers and railway hicuses f-r aicnuiic The rr.r:up r 'ne !"ie pti'.e -iiilcl h erju:'. cien' ti t ' NEW FEDERAL AL1U.MUU1LL Price: S 1.3,000 L (a) I- rankit; j e jijlft a n--liu'.i sut ath ill and ciuidn't t are W- " r:-r.. genera 'ir. t.M.M'I.M.I.I'X GAZETTE-TIMES o ir &' in t !-:; . e' T' :rv.. S i- . X' VW- 6'. tC XT . -C IW"i t cr"i C i 2" '-" C WOfc.' ' C" r . . ioar -nr- ." tr-w gr trce- appT"x:-T.a'ei) S3 .5 mjiimr. a &iTir.:jrr. ! m-n'al hearr. ait'-rr.a'ive sr.'ices Tlie arr.'iun' budgeted fur 0e'tx!fica"i-n centers and haffsiav houses jn a 5v-.V gran -in -aid match urn i'tal rri'mies was TA: fur Tie bimurr. I' as tne it. -ii it T.-e legislature 't.d Ti- creV and cuun sr.are it 'ne iiqu-ir price increase te uf-d f'rr i'Hii sr.are to uiiti-r'rre alcHi'.sm pro grams Trie fin! Ways and Means Budg in s'a'es ha -.if "t,e prm-:a! t3 5 miJium r.crea. apprMir;a'e: $; .n. iMi uld gu tu ci'ies and cuuries. thus it ' r.a'ch 'r i- per c-jit t-e! 'A su; pn' f'fT de'i;v?i ca't'in cen'-r and half ay trH.-e pr --ams " I t I ' S 1 -9. lias ha? to catch all umej. 2,' Extra-duty remf'jrctd hydraulic bumcc-r. 3. Cuwcatcher tu ri'r r rifr-nive fipffitei-s. 4 !j2ai tic y91 convrter for emiiion control. Kowout-proof wooden Urej. 6 Scathe! t warnint; drvice that rrpeaJ,Let me make this perfet tiv clear." until patfngen faitrn tneir irathelti. Heavy -dut door lo k. Lrtierg'nc hatch fjr eet tor para'hute seat. .9, Penvope to permit driver to see tnrouzt-, the maze of ar cewjnei. Self tejtitvj safety devKe; Leavei on tree turn brown whenever tmoc-controi equiprr.ent ttops working. Also, trunk of tree senej as spare tire. 1J, Trie Rw kefelier Imerzency Gas Supply: One of three nrceary on the etoriomy line, which (rets five galioris to the mile. Mayor of Hardman VIAK VISTf R EPmR . a ., ik fellm has Ien iin thu K'.l the had rrHj'hir.g the ini'T r . .i iha niun r tire ei we to r hit try durmfi -M..ns a! e roun.ry !'.;?,nS the J., tan7f f-'umrv N.-here can b.C m.- rr.ade and W re'stav,nK uP n.Sht thmkmg up ivr. Terher h.tch Th. . pmW thr W"' Z-xL -r at the armed 4 mill.. And .;5 ne,tht..r, thai br.rd -t. -.,l,r. .he "fih- g'v no tm-uch. to the.r alue ... narnmal -jrurrty iid ccider a!! that land rx'ing used to r-rdv .here pl.le d- Ure a N cause there , no market Tbeg-rd farmers no- can cm.r, and I soybeans and make s. me real m,nr With the price f hears . ..sier Ed,Mr. ,r ...uld pay farmers and ranchers to dra aJ thei Und -u: of the farm hank and t-t-k i f !h' .me ,n 13 year, a feller can -jit mure f.-r h.s crop than .. cm. h:J tNrJA l-'kmR up. ail them gOf curse that as rade out of farms can go hack to pas-ure and mayt een c-'tlemeti can era'e on at least , break -net. base w-urdas mght. I mentioned some of these ays M mak...g m'me and the fellers gl in a U-tter frame of m.nd CJem Ueer said he recalled here this emmu'er tram in Cain -rma past a nudist camp and it runs f ui. er tta nat s J ! !er the railroad. iM Oetn. and g.l fer the 'ei.ers that sell their sea's by the winder ' Farhermore declared Hue H..kum. he has f iggered out av of h:s own to git in on the money boom He had sa by -.e pa;" where -rimes now cost more to make than !ir re ':,rh He plans u, r-und up all the cpf-r pennies he can a .-e -he new aluminum ones come out. hold em a few mr- -hen se!i em to the Guvernnien! fer two cert apiece ' ACua! wen- on Hue they might as we!! fergit the new -lt aid melt ri-wn the old. cause they w.mi buy ir, -nre ar more He had saw where the dollar is so cheap ne Guvernmen- is thinkmg i.f bnr.gmg hac k the $: bill Ac-ual said Ed IkM.l.ftle. with pa;-r l-emc ir. sh'.r supp.y. ! i .ne atore hills under $.'. won't be..r:n the p-per he re prm'ed on Ed said he was trying to i-k or, -re br.ght si.-k- b'j' running ou of everttung reminded of the old p, -er r,a: '.id t-.lks ir. his se't lenient he ht-id some had news and ime -i news TV "bad news, the old feller said, is that we air t git n .-nir.2 bu' buffalo chips to eat this wm'er The g ! news is. ne air '? enuff of that to go around Yours truly. MAY"!: K"Y Coson and St. Paul nv LESTER kls( (":.. is. in s ex;ierience is like the conversion of Saul or. the K.'dd to Damascus - Sen Harold Hughes Dem -1-wa crESTb )N "Do you. or do you no! beliee, Mr Celsan. that repentance s one of the fruits of the spin! hy wtiich J -u sa.d his discipies would he known'" l-Ves." replied Charles W Colsnn. former S'im-i C'.iu::el :., the President of the I'nited Stales, during an evdusr.e m ecMew with 'his column. His gen'! pious voice suggested no possible conneeff ui'ri tne r-..ivir. known as the White House's resident ;ugh guv. and master of the "dirty tricks" dtviM'n ,iore-'.er. tie proceeded to manliest one fruit of repentance K-r when asked if either of his grandmothers were vsti ahie. he quick! explained A Both of his grandmothers are deceased B He i,as "long regretted" his having said that fer the ke ..:' Kichard Nixon's campaign he "would walk out my grandmother if necessary " Rei.ei ed indeed to learn that this former officer of the I' S. Marine Corps regretted his previously expressed w ilhngness ; trample elderly ladies. I sough' for further frutfs of the spin: -tthat specific things that you have done in the past do you now feel repentant atioU!''" I had in msnd the numerous aspects ot the Watergate 5,-wiCh wi'h winch Colson had been intimately iden'tfied But iie rephed rattier blithely : "I wouldn't get into tha' That's rt-'weer. 'he Lord and my sell " B'. s'nking contrast to all of this coiifiden'ial rep-ntance "Convert" chose the White House hsei! a' a prayer breakfas'.at which he was. predictably, spitted en'ersng by the press to announce the details of how he had found Christ yL ESTluV "Do you. like Sen Hughes and St Paul, plan a radical break w ith y our past in order to devote y ourself So the rrunisTy""' CULSn.V "I have no plans other than to continue prac-' icing lav, perhaps also to spend some time helping pp!e We'll have to see how ." "Convert" Culsoii's new life in the Lord is apt to he far be' ter financed thai St. Paul's or Sen Hughes.' however For ir, answer to my question as to whether the law firm of M.apiro and Colsoii is no! handling legal ma'ters for the Teamsters I'mon. Colsoii replied: "(ih. sure A great deal of business " "Wasn't there a writer for the Catholic-edited Common weai maga.'.ine who estimated this 'husmess' to Im1 'iio ijon wirh of Teamster legal business, because it as Chart .e Colson who sprang Jimmy Hoiia from Leuishurg Penitentiary'?'" "That s untrue' " he retorted, his voice now sound. ng much more like good old preconcerted Chuck. "Mr Hoffa's sentence was commuted by the President of tin- United Sa'es ." I hadn't re.iliy thought it was by tlie President of anywhere else But one of the ways the While Housers fry to awe tne working press is to say "The President ol the United S-aies" - whenever they desire particular verbal clout "Is Convert Colson contemplating any evangelistic campaigning - or even classes in Christian ethics -- for the Teamo leaders who pay so much for this legal assistance" "I ha en t discussed it with any of them." replied Colson, "Mr Fiizimmons is a very devout man who attends lo own church." "What aU'Ut Mr Fittiinmons' Teamster 'St.'u.rity Specialist' Mike Faleo. a ti' i". Joo -pounder, who was arrested for breaking the nose of Father John Bank, who was assis'mg the United Farm Workers 'May 30. lyTi. in Coachella Calif - two months after the beginning of Colson s comersiiKi - along with his being re'amed by the Teams'ers "I haven I heard about that." answered "Convert" Colson 1