Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1973)
IIKPP.NF.RHHtE.) GAZKTTE-TIMKS, Thursday. Angus! t. 1173 Public Notice (K) rl EXECUTIVE PROPOSAL Cluck ttws block if this plan w btd on I I an enacutiva proposal (U DEOT How wiH the availability of revenu sharing funds affect tha borrowing requiiements of your jurisdiction? AVOID DEBT INCREASE NO EFFECT LESSEN DEBT INCREASE I OON TO I I I PREDICT EFFECT RETAIN THIS WORK SHCET DEPARTMENT OFTHE TREASURY OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING 1900 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON. D.C. 20220 (M) TAXES In which of tna following manners fa It expected that tha availability of Ravanua Sharing Fund will affact tha tax levels of your jurisdiction? Chack as many as apply. WILL REDUCE AMOUNT OF RATE INCREASE OF A MAJOR TAX I NO EFFECT ON TAX LEVELS WILL ENABLE REDUCING RATE OF A MAJOR TAX THE GOVMNMf NT OF BOARDMAN CITV PLANS TO EXPEND ITS REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATION FOR THE ENTITLEMENT PERIOD BEGINNING JUL I, 1173 AND ENDING Jt'N M. It74 IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER BASED UPON AN ESTIMATED TOTAL OF 15.178 ACCOUNT NO. 38 2 t-S Ml BOA ROMAN CITY MAYOR CITY HALL PO BOX 224 BOARDMAN OREGON 97818 1 II 1 WILL PREVENT INCREASE IN I I I RATI OF A MAJOR TAX RSKt"8 jjj TOO SOON TO PREDICT EFFECT OPERATINGMAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES CAPITAL EXPENDITURES " PRIORITY I PLANNED RSB, ,ooncc I PLANNED I PERCENT PLANnTD FOR: EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURES wSmH SmS PURPOSE EXPENDITURES W P5 CATEGORIES (A) IB) OrEXtnuM expmoco (E) m EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTlWi ACQUISITION ftCTIREMENT 1 -. , 10 MULTU I PUBLIC SAFETY $ EDUCATION S 3 TRANS PORTATION HEALTH $ Jj . 4 ' 13 HEALTH $ TRANSPORTATION $ RECREATION DjCPMENT $ m 115 HOUSING 4 LIBRARIES $ ffij, $ 5,178 75 25 7 SOCIAL SERVICES $ ECONOMIC $ FOR AGED h POOR DEVELOPMENT 8 17 ' ' FINANCIAL $ ENVIRONMENTAL $ ADMINISTRATION I CONSERVATION 5 TOTAL PLANNEO 'Witt ''VA i 1 operatingmain- wwyffiywys 'ovyfflyy, I '8 o o a a r7uRAEsc"Ptwo" I WmMwwW. I PUBUC SAFETY ! (N) ASSURANCES (Refer to Instruction G) I HECREATION $ CULTUHC 1 20 01Hfi!SpcifyJ $ ; 21 OlHMSpecify) - 1 $ . 22 OTHER f Specify) 1 ' I $ TOTAL PLANNEO CAPITAL EXPEND)- $ 5,178 WmM- WmW WWw, The news media have been advised that a complete copy of this report has been published in a local newspaper of general circulation. I have records documenting the contents of this report and they are open for public and news media scrutiny. assure ine secretary oi ine ireasury inai ine statutory provisions listed in Part G of the Instructions accompanying this report will be complied with by this recipient government with respect io ine entitlement tunas reponea nereon. JGwATUnEOF CriEF e-tuflV-OFFICER Dewey W.-West, Jr., Mayor July 31, 1973 DATE The Heppner Gazette Times NAME OP NtWSPAPtH August 9, 1973 NAME TITLE PLEASE PRINT DATE PUBLISH 10 ORS FORM NO 3229 Ji,'iv "'3 (RETAIN THIS WORKSHEET) DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING 1900 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON. D C. 20226 (L) DEBT How has the availability of revenue sharing funds affected the , borrowing requirements of your jurisdiction? AVOIDED DEBT INCREASE LESSENED DEBT INCREASE NO EFFECT TOO SOON TO PREDICT EFFECT (M) TAXES In which of the following manners did the availability of Revenue Sharing Funds affect the tax levels of your juris diction? Check as many as apply. I lPRE A N ENABLED REDUCING THE RATE OF A MAJOR TAX THE GOVERNMENT OF BOARDMAN CITY HAS USED ITS REVENUE SHARING PAYMENT FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JAN. I, 1973 ENDING JUN 30, 1973 IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER BASED UPON A TOTAL PAYMENT OF $4,942 ACCOUNT NO. 38 2 025 001 BOARDMAN CITY MAYOR CITY HALL PO BOX 224 BOARDMAN OREGON 97818 PREVENTED INCREASE IN RATE OF A MAJOR TAX REDUCED AMOUNT OF RATE INCREASE OF A MAJOR TAX. NO EFFECT ON TAX LEVELS EW MAJOR TAX !) TOO SOON TO PREDICT EFFECT I I OPERATINGMAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 111 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES PRI0RITY I ACTUAL IR "j puRpQSE I ACTUAL I PERCENT USED FOR: EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURES maintenance newob runruat EXPENDITURES TuNO TotBT CATEGORIES IA) (B) ,c, ,D, (E) (F) EQUIPMENT CWSTWCTm ACQUISITION RETIREMENT 10 MULTI- " I PUBLIC SAFETY $ RPOSE AN $ 2 ! -. EDUCATION $ ' TRANSPORTATION $ HEALTH $ HEALTH $ TRANSPORTATION $ RECREATION $ SpMENT $ , R 15 HOUSING & LIBRARIES $ 7 tl6 'SOCIAL SERVICES $ ECONOMIC C OL OL OL 0 FOR AGED & POOR DEVELOPMENT ' ' ' 8 tT7 FINANCIAL $ ENVIRONMENTAL ADMINISTRATION J '"I ! CONSERVATION 0 0 0 0 9 TOTAL ACTUAL iJ I " OPERATINGMAIN- C i3i '8 t 0 nf D, 0 TENAMCE EXPEN- 55 " PUBUC SAFETY 3 O 0 70 A) P'TyRES I r$$g I 19 (Nl CERTIFICATION (Please Read Instruction 'F'). RECREATION C 0 0 o 0 The news media have been advised that a complete copy CULTURE ' of this report has been published in a local newspaper of general 20 0THERfSpecrf circulat on I have records documenting the contents of this report R 9 0 0 0 and they are open for public and news media scrutiny. ' ' ' Additionally. I certify that I am the chief executive officer 21 OlHtRfSpecify . and. with respect to the entitlement funds reported hereon. I J certify that they have not been used in violation of either the priority expenditure requirement (Section 103) or the matching 22 OlHERlSpecifyl ' funds prohibition (Section 104) of the Act. i TOTAL ACTUAL MM CAPITAL EXPEND!- 2) Z ZzZZz 37.85 JiJ'h'M . j tJ si&NAtbW-of chief MEcemfc ofhcIr S , 4'979-8S ' Dewey W.West, Jr. , Mjor none name a tith - plea., print " 4 g7g oc Heppner Gazette Times August 9, 1973 ji (01 TPUST FUND REPORT Revenue Sharing Funds Received Thru June 30. 1973 $, Interest Earned $. Total Funds Available S. Amount Expended $. Balance $. Fair, rodeo on Chcrnber agenda It will be a fair and rodeo program at the Heppner Chamber of Commerce meet ing Monday noon. Jim Norene, chairman of the Morrow County Fair Board; and Don Evans, chairman, and Jim Rogers, publicity director, Heppner Rodeo Committee, will ex plain the activities of the fair and rodeo to be held here Aug. 20-26. Sen. Mark Hatfield is scheduled to be here the opening day of the fair, and Sen. Robert Packwood follows on Aug. 22. NEW CONTEST AT THE FAIR Open to those persons 19 years of age and older, will be the first Morrow County Weed and Crop Identification Con test. The contest was initiated by Mike Howell, Morrow County Extension Agent, with the top three individual in the contest receiving prizes do nated by Dobyns Pest Control of lone. The number of weeds in the county and problem they present, as well as the need for local ranchers and farmers to be able to identify, was the main reason for starting the contest. The contest is open to both men and women and will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 21, at 1 : 30 p.m. on the grass near the 4-H dormitory. Approximately 23 weed and crop samples will be used. Jacttpof. ropinc Sunday Palmer of lone and Kevin Gutierrez were 4th. I)cal ropers and their wives enjoyed a potluck aupper following the roping. FAIR, RODEO It will be a fair and rodeo program at the Heppner Chamber of Commerce meet ing Monday noon. Jim Norene, chairman ot the Morrow County Fair Hoard: and Don Evans, chair man, and Jim Rogers, public ity director, Heppner Rodeo Committee, will explain the activities of the fair and rodeo to be held here Aug. 20-26. Sen. Mark Hatfield is sched uled to be here the opening day of the fair, and Sen. Robert Packwood follows on Aug. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Steagall and Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans hosted a team roping jackpot at Hob Steocall's arena In I-oxinuton. Sunday. There was a good turnout of ropers with 31 teams In open and 33 in the novice. Winners in the open were Ed Molt and Lonnie Mott of Dayville, Dave Mott and Ed Mott placed 2nd, Cornett Green placed 3rd with Ed Mott. Ray Walker and Larry Sagers from Condon placed 4th. Winners In the novice were Nolan and Dale Edwards of Condon. Ken Belcher of Heppner and Dale Edwards were 2nd. Ray Walker and Nolan Edwards. 3rd. Lee MICE WARRANTS ISSUED ON GENERAL FUND FOR JULY, 1973 Dunham Printing Co -paper & postage $ 173.30 Court Street Market-cthse sup 52.96 Pettyjohns Supplies-cthse sup 345 Herman Green-S. Food rent 45.00 Rentex Service-cthse sup 10 00 Cornett Green Feed-cthse sup 7 M Dallas Harsin et al-JP6 Juror U 88 Murrays Drug-Clerk sup 4.48, Tax Coll. sup 2.15, Planner sup 5.14 The Bankers Life-In 60 96 Del Smith-Planners travel 45 f57 Leonards Mobile-Planners travel 33.95 Herman Winter-DA phone 36.92 City of Heppner-cthse sup 8-5 Blake. Moffitt & Towne-sheriffs com 212.60 Pacific NW Bell-sheriffs comm 332.79 Farley Motor Co.-sheriffs car exp 16-92 Dept. of Gen. Services-sheriffs of se sup 3.00 Shell Oil Co.-sheriffs car exp 8.69 Coast to Coast-cthse maint 3.46 Ernest Jorgensen-JP phone 27.88, ofse sup 87.65 115.53 Wheelers-sheriffs comm 75.00 HenDner Gazette Times-Off. Pub. 464.20, Planner sup 24.15 The Snack Shack is the only 488.35 money-making project of the standard Oil Co-sheriffs car exp. 5.39, Juv. travel 21.29 26.68 Murrays-Assessors ofse sup 5.69 Victor Comptometer Corp. -Assessors Calculators 726.56 Dept. of Revenue-Assessors St. mdse 413.73 SNACK SHACK Parents of 4-H members are reminded that there is still time to return forms indica ting time they1 wish to work in the 4-H Snack Shack during fair. Morrow 4-H Council, and proceeds from sale of goodies in the Shack are used for camp improvement and all other expenses involved in the 4-H program. In addition, the Snack Shack provided nutritious, quick, meals for 4-H members and others involved in the events of County Fair. "Sign up now to assist with the operation of the Snack Shack, and be where the action is." says Birdine Tullis, Extension Aide. "4-H needs the support of parents in this big undertaking!" Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cantin will serve as chairman of the Snack Shack again this year, and will be on hand at all times to see that things are running smoothly. YOUNGSTERS ON SWINE TOUR Sunday, July 29, the Hoof and Horn Club had a swine tout at the Bellamy ranch. Donna Bellamy gave the youngsters instructions on showmanship and judging, and showed them how to fit their hogs. The group then proceeded to the Mollahans to judge hogs. After the judging, refresh ments were served, followed by a potluck dinner at the Morrow County Fairgrounds. Guests of the group were four Japanese students, pres ently visiting in the area. PIG SCRAMBLE AT THE FAIR Some lucky Morrow County youths will have an opportun ity to win a pig at the Morrow County Fair this year. Seven pigs have been donated for the pig scramble this year by the following people: A.W. Acock Si Son, North Morrow 4-H Council. South Morrow 4-H Council, Coast-to-Coast Store, Jack Van Winkle, Sears Store, Murrays Drug and Elma's Apparel. The pig scramble is open to all youth ages 9-13 who would like to have a swine 4-H project. Those who catch the hogs must join a 4-H Gub, raise their pig to market weight and return to the fair next year as an exhibitor. A sign-up table will be at the fair for those who are interested. I NAME Of ftEWSPAttH OATE FuSliSmEO COLE ELECTRIC Motor Bewlnding Industrial - Commercial Farm and Home Pendleton 276-7761 Gales Appliance-cthse maint 33.40 City of Heppner-S food water 5.00 Dobyns Pest Control-cthse maint 63.50 Robert Abrams-Sp. Attorney Fund 100.00 Muligraphics-clerks sup 13.00 Dunham Printing Co.-Election 12.75 Lotts Electric Chse maint 15.40 City of Hermiston-sheriffs jail exp ...5.00 E. & H. Machine Works-sheriffs ofse sup....... 207.90 Singer Business Mach. mtse 94.00 Juanita Proctor et al-JP5 juror 90.40' Revenue Sharing Adv.-cthse sup 29.00 Union Oil Co.-sheriffs car exp 185.16 Western Auto-cthse sup 6.92 MCGG-rural fire 28.50 Pacific N.W. Bell-sheriffs comm 5.37 Pacific N.W. Bell-sheriffs comm 14.50 Paul W. Jones-travel exp ....83.22 Atlantic Richfield-sheriffscar exp 6.00 Texaco Inc. -sheriffs car exp 4.31 Pacific N.W. Bell-sheriffs comm 117.00 Union Oil-Co. Ct. travel 26.66 Oregonian-Off. Pub 101.64 Blue Cross-Sal 218.35, DA 55.50, Ins. 421.20 695.05 Sheriff of Umatilla-jail exp 90.00 Kilham Stationery -Sup. Planner 31.65, Assessor 3.95, Tax Coll. 41.42. Clerk 4.27 81.29 Bank Americard-Assessors field work 37.53, sheriffs car exp. 18.80 56.33 Dunham Printing Co.-Clerks sup 1100 Shell Oil Co.-sheriffs car exp 73 National Sheriffs Assoc.-sheriffs conv. exp... 10.00 League of Oregon Cities-sheriffs ofse sup - 25.22 Standard Office Supply-JP6 sup 18.25 Local Gov. Per. Inst.-AOC 100.00 Pacific N.W. Bell-current exp 254.04- Assoc. of Ore. Co.-Ins 41.26 Pacific Mutal Life-Sal 516.73 Public Emp. Ret. Br.-Sal 751.72, ss 751.72 1,503.44 St. Dept. of Revenue-Sal 505.30 St. Accident Ins. Fund-Sal 30.00, Ins. 140.19 170.19 First National Bank-Sal 1.533.7Q City of Heppner-Misc 4.55 Columbia Basin Coop-misc 86.99, parks 54.16 141.15 General Fire Equip.-sup ,. 9.00 Rentex Service-sup ..43.37 The Bankers Life-Ins 53.26 Pettyjohns-parks 5.92 Walter Hayes-Comm. exp 53.36 Hmer Hughes-Comm. exp 16.07 Wheelers-misc 75.00 Union Oil Co.-gas & oil 1,221.94 Western Auto-parks 75 Chevron Asphalt Co. -materials 3,699.08 Fords Tire Service-Tires 26.48 Central Ore. Welders-sup 6.80 Gazette Times-sup 134.55 Murrays Drug-parks 1.40, sup. 11.37 12.77 Arrow Transporation-Fr. on Asphalt 1,654.22 Standard Oil Co.-gas & oil.. 5.09 Heppner Auto Parts-sup 153.44, parks 10.47, repairs 320.52 484.43 L.E. Dick-new equip 510.26 Columbia Basin Coop-parks 30.00 Pacific N.W. Bell-misc 16.13 Blue Cross-Ins. 263.25, Sal 301.60 564.85 Pacific N.W. Bell-misc ...31.73 Farley Motor Co.-repairs 28.00 Heppner Nor Gas-parks 110.25, repair 18.21 128.46 Leonards Mobile-gas & oil 20.40 Padberg Machinery-parks ....26.23 Pendleton Heppner Freight-sup .'...20.97 Assoc. Equip. Dist-office sup 10.00 First National-gas & oil 8.70, misc. 35.13 43.83 Kilham Stationery-office sup 51.43 Standard Oil Co.-gas & oil 135.44 Assoc. of Ore. Co.-Ins 20.44 Labor 8,198.30 Overtime 160.57 St. Accident Ins-Sal 18.51, Ins. 504.47 522.98 St. Dept. of Revenue-Sal 325.20 Public Emp. Ret-Sal 651.99, ss 651.99 1,303.98 Pacific Mutal Life-Sal 472.41 First National Bank-Sal 1,015.80 MORROW COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR July. 1973. Resolution made concerning the improvement f Highway 2T7,