Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1973)
puduc rora MK I.KXIMiTON KMKTKKY M A I X TK N A WE DISTItKT ' NOTKK OF III IKiKTSI'FC I AI. FI.MTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a KH'ciul nicclinn and fltfl inn ha bi'cn culled pursu ant lo ORS 2(15.120 by the district tmard of dint-tors of the lout- Lexington Cctnctery Main tciiiiiice District of Morrow County, Oregon, Ihe election to he held in the said district and Htale on the 23rd day of July, l!7:t. between the hours of 2:00 o'clock p.m. and 8:00 o'clock p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, at the following voting place: CITY HAM.. IOXE. MOH HOW COl'NTY. OREGON At this time there will be Kuimiitted to the legal voters of the Cemetery Maintenance Dis trict the quest inn of establishing a tux levy for the fiscal year l!)7:i-1174 for the sum of $6,639.90 as submitted by Section 11, Article XI of the Constitution of the State of Oregon, which said period commences on July 1.1973, and ends June 30, 1974. Said levy shall be placed upon the 1973-74 assessment roll and said taxes will be due and payable on November 15, 1973, February 15, 1974, May 15, 1974, and August 15, 1974. The reasons for establishing this tax levy are for the payment of employee salaries, supplies and equipment for the operation and maintenance of the cemeteries within the cemetery district, all as required by the laws of the State of Oregon. The votes will be by ballot upon which will be marked "Tax Levy" ( ) "yes" and "Tax Levy" ) "No" and the voters shall cross the parenthesis with an "X" in it between the "Tax Levy" and the word "Yes" or between the word "Tax Levy" and the word "No", whichever indicates his choice. All voters will vote at the lone City Hall. By order of the district Ixiard of the lone-Lexington Cemetery Maintenance District. DATED this 27th day of June, 1973. MOHItOUl (t)l'MV SCHOOL DISTRICT K-l Box MM, Lexington. Ore. H7K.I6 June IS, 1973 call for bid on fuel oil, CALL FOR BIDS OX Fl'EL OIL. BI LK GASO LINE. DIESEL Fl EL. ANTI FREEZE. Bl'S SERVICE AND SU'IM.V AND CONTRACT Bl'S HI N. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT sealed bids will be received at the Office of the District Superintendent of Mor row County School District R-l, Box 368, Lexington, Oregon, for furnishing and delivering the following: 1. PS 300 Fuel Oil 2. Bulk Gasoline for School vehicles and bulk diesel fuel for activity bus. 3. Bus service and supply in lone, Boardman and Irrigon 4. Anti-Freeze 5. Contract Bus Run 1. Gooseberry-Valby (Don Peterson to Gooseberry Road) Bids are to be received for opening at 2:00 p.m., on July 23, 1973, and will be presented to the district board at a regular meeting called for July 23, 1973, at 8:00 p.m. Information, specifications, and bid forms are available at the office of the Superintendent of Morrow County School Dis trict R-l, Box 368, Lexington, Oregon. 97839. The School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any or all claims or technicalities. Bids are to be sent or delivered only in sealed envel opes, plainly marked, "Fuel Oil Bid", "Bulk Gasoline Bid", "Diesel Fuel Bid", "Bus Ser vice Bid", "Anti-Freeze Bid", or "Contract Bus Run Bid". Gerald Peck, Chairman Ron Daniels. Superintendent ..Clerk Morrow County School District ..R-l 27-28-c IX THE Clltri ITCOl ItT OF THE STATE OF OREGON Ferine County of MOH HOW I'ROHATE DEPARTMENT No. 1717 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PEKSOXS Estate of Winnie L. Zinler, Deceased. Probate proceedings in the estate iif Winnie L. Zinter, dm-ased, are now pending in Ihe above entitled court, where in William A. Zinler, the undersigned, has been appoint ed and has qualified as the personal representative of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required lo present them, in due form and properly verified, within four months after the date of. the first publication of this notice, as staled below, to the undersigned at Ihe following address now di-signated as the place for the presentation of claims, to-wit: William A. Zinler, lone, Oregon 97843. Gl IM M olt lllil XCH Mr. in (I Mi s. ;,ni el Kan aii d their i.cuJiInu at Mesa. An.. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kletei , were fctHst Hi hun ch of Mr, in d Mi s. Ei ai k Hainlu, al their n "in Ian. ealm.. The It, malls air at OmaHi at the Jnu Hart all home ulule Ihe latter are ii. Eumpe. Mr. and Mrs. Gan.H Italian mil visit in laier this summer. JO.IEAX STEVENS was Ihe hoi.oi guesl al a birthday dinner June 2H al Haidiiian. Other guests Ml Ihe Bob Stevens home for dinner were JoJean's gnii dpiirei Is. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brinda of Heppnei . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens of Hard nun. and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sti-ers and Miss Alia Stevens, all of Soroptimists end busy year HF.PPNF.H tORE.) GAZETTE-TIMES, Thur.d.y. July 1, 7J DEAN HUNT, Chairman ROY W. LINDSTROM. Director V. ROBERT RIETMANN, Director ; f 27-C MR. AND MRS. ALDOPH MA.IESKE have purchased the house built by Bruce Bothwell on August St. They are in the process of moving from Lexing ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright of Gresham have pur chased the Majeske home in Lexington. They have three children Chris, Mark and Sandra. Mr. Wright has been transferred to the Pioneer Memorial Hospital from a Portland hospital. Mr. Majeske is also in Pioneer Memorial Hospital. One ..Drag WET ACQl'AINTED COFFEE FOR MRS. BELCHEIt A pet -acquainted coffee was giver, for Mrs. Ken Belcher upon her arrival at Heppner from Riddle. Mrs. John Messk'k and Mrs.' Dick Calvert hosted the affair al the Messick home. A few friends were invited in to meet Mrs. Belcher, whose husband is manager of the First National Bank. He arrived several weeks ao. and Mrs. Belcher joined him alter school was out. They are living in the home they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Sager. Friends in for the morning were Mrs. Harold Kerr, Mrs. Harry Noble, Mrs. Bill Lande, Mrs. Dennis Doner! y. Mrs. Del Piper. Mrs. Ernie Teal, Mrs. Dun James, Mrs. Wayne Harris and Mrs. Dave Harrison and Mrs. Dean Oilman. -s- William A. Zinter Personal representative of the estate of the above named decedent. Winter & Doherty, Attorneys at Law P.O. Box 582 Heppner, Oregon 97836 Dated and first published July 5. 1973 27-29-c Former resident stricken Fred Wehmeyer, former resi dent of Heppner, suffered a severe stroke about three weeks ago and is recuperating in the Veteran's Hospital in San Diego, Ca. He moved away from Hepp ner about 20 years ago, but while here, he worked for the Forest Service, and was affili ated with various service clubs and community organizations. He is slowly recovering and is able to watch television and read his get-well cards By MARIE McQl'AHRIE There were certainly some very important "tee leaves" left out of the TEE CL'P last week, and I take the whole blame and promise to do better from now on. All this is about Ihe omission of reporting a scheduled barbecue at the clubhouse for Sunday, July 1. The 'arbecue was a fun affair, with Hazel Mahoney and Clista Venard as hostesses. The sun did shine and the wind did not blow, so it was really golfing weather. Four foursomes and one twosome and guests, who were there for visiting, enjoyed the day. Everyone shooting their own ball was the play. Cindy Kerr with a 40 won for the women (won't say by how many strokes she beat her dad) and Clinton McQuarrie, with a 33, received the ball for tno men. A change in schedule (please note and try to understand) is on the agenda. Condon WILL NOT be here on July 8 as formerly planned. Instead, there will be a barbecue here this coming Sunday, with those listed for hosts for the 29th being the committee for heading this barbecue on the 8th. All clear? To make it more clear - in case you have misplaced your Bar-B-Cue paper - the Ed Heimstras, John Edmundsons, Maurie Groves and Hugh Salter are on the list to head this event The Heppner Sopoplimist Club held initiation, installation ui d heard a retHMl on Saturday evening on liilie of ail ouiviai ding year. The events followed a buffet supper a! Si. Pnlrick's Parish hall. Mrs. Cm. ley Lanhum as master of ceremonies made ii lOHluclions. Guests included members from La Grande, Pendleton. Kcncwick-Pasco, Coos Bay. Portland and The Dalles. The Heppner Club was honored lo have Dorothy Berry, Not i h western Regional govern- Tee Ct:? Mens' Wednesday evening play had about 16 on the rosier. I)oug Gunderson won LG, Dale Hedman, LN, and Harold Kerr had U-ast Putts. For Sunday morning play for men there were about the same number attending. Clint McQuarrie had LG and Francis Doherty, LN. Concerning womens' play, lake your choice whether to go down in the morning or at 5 p.m. on Tuesday. It has been said that some like one or the other, for reasons pertaining to work ing, eat ing dinner, etc. Just post your score on the board, leave your card on the table, dated and lake Ihe money for play and putts to Beverly Gunderson. Take your choice, but do go down and play. Truly hope no one missed the barbecue Sunday because of its not being in the TEE CUP. See you this coming Sunday for another fun play and steak feed. MltS. THOMAS VOlNG of Milton-Freewaler returned lo mil nay witn tier son at d daughlei -in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heard. Ihe or iinne firnn Portland for KMTial evening. Churter Member Charter members recognized were Elaine George, Eleanor Got.l v. Ida Fan a and Ella Pm ker. For Ihe besl attendance, Justine Weaiherford was pre sented Ihe silver attendance bowl. Birdine Tullis gave the service report. John Maalta sung two numbers, "Shadruck" and "Row Great Thou Art", accompanied by Ola Mae Gmshci.s. Bel la Biiiokscanie especially from Coos Bay to Install! Marlenc Peterson as president; Undue Tllllix, Vice president; Evelyn Sweek. secretary, Vi Milium. Ireusiiier: and Ola Mae Grosheiis, Ixiaid member Eleanor Gonly and Madge Thomson .arranged Ihe initia tion for Rita Wolff, Ihe new Mrinhcr. List year's oil nets were Dorothy Heard, president; Mary Eleanor Oilman, vice president; Evelyn Sweck. sec retary. Alice Soward, treasur er; Elaine George and Eleanor (ionly, hoard members. Among iis contributions to Ihe community, Ihe Heppner Sorop limisl club has adopted a new long-term identifying project. The first step was accomplished this year with Ihe const ruction of the planter at the north gale lo Heppner. The planter is made of nativ e Columbia River basalt and has heen planted lo red and while petunias. The beautify ing i in program will continue on low in ds town Club colors, blue ami yellow, were used About the room m Ihe (lowers, coinages, name tags, place cards and programs. Elaine George and Daisy Col hi. m urianged Ihe dinner and installation. The dinner w wi ved by Ihe women of SI Pal I u ks Church, DISTRIBUTOR Shop without f olng shopping . . . with your neighborhood Amway Oittributor. Hal A Virginia HTiitakcr 676-58G9 Direct Distributor llrppner -S . - . i 1 a- m I. W I- ,') J Any -ld times in the urea A ,0 iwiii bring desserranO to wishing to briehten Fred's da vs Z. salad. may do so writing him at Veterans Administration Hos pital, 3350 Los Golla Village Drive, San Diego, Ca. 92161, Ward 4, P 0 D-c. PSU HONOR ROLL Spring semester honor roll has been announced by the University of Portland with 387 students achieving this academ ic honor. There were 105 students who earned a perfect 4.0 CPA. Mary M. McElligott of lone has achieved this academic honor. Miss McElligott is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.C.J. McElligott of lone. FIKST i frl'iA TRUE v tit $ i V v- rf 'ft I FEDERAL I I As to future dates. Willow Run of Boardman will be here July 22. Condon will come over on the 29th. V v f f V V MOVING?? 'Local or Long Distance Free Estimates Call Gene Orwick 989-8586 or Condon 384-2292 . Agents for United Van Line. H i i Ai we join together to celebrate this Fourth of Jul, let ui remember that, above oil, thit ii a day to ihow our gratitude to our forefathers for their great fortitude and vision in establishing this great nation upon the foundations of freedom, and their steadfastness in up holding that freedom. i Let us affirm our faith in the principles for which they stood and pledge anew, dedicating ourselves un swervingly to the ideal that liberty may ever endure. ryiorroLv County wain Growers INC UUi I i I 1 1 KV0A 7X2 FALSE HI n rfcr Vu. n i Wtdk Lands of many uses GET THE MOST rrn it rVIX II... Does it feel like your dollar is getting you less for more? Stabilize money by opening a Sav ings Account or investing in Certificates of deposit, here. It will earn highest interest rates permissible by law. Make the most of your money. See us today. INTEREST PAID DAILY On December 29, 1972, the Administration announced that, as of January 1, 1973, the direct loan program of the Rural Electrifi cation Administration (REA) was termi nated. To date, no effective loan program for rural electric systems has been put in its place. The Congress of the United States passed the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, and amended it in 1944. The Act set up the direct loan program to finance any quali fied entity that would provide electric service to consumers in rural America. Congress is the law-making body of this nation. It must reinstate an effective loan program for rural electric systems. The U.S. Congress is elected by the peo ple. It is the duty of the people to make their wishes known to their elected repre sentatives. I'll write my representative and my Sena tors today, urging support for a secure, sound rural electrification loan program. (Addresses: U.S. House of Representa tives, Washington, D.C. 20515; U.S. Sen ate, Washington, D.C. 20510) Columbia Basin Electric Co-op SetvEns Morrow. G'.'-cm, end Wheeler Counties ft ks&mimn rrr- m V tmnm'i In SAVINGS i LOAN ASSOCIATION CVKKUTON Ph. 676-9146 Heppner 180 NE Second Dob Gray, manager tiermlston, Ore. Tel. 57-616 W r