Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1973)
IIKIMWKH tORE.) GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. Juno J. 1973 Dance Teem Hemes Captain Lnlita Marquardt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Carl Manjuardl of Lexington, ha been named captain of Heppner I lih School's dance team for the coming year, Tryouls were held late in May with selection being made soon after. Each tin I seeking a spot on the team performed the sane dance routine. Ixilita will be a senior. First Lieutenant will be Kitty Hellamy. with Oieryle Turner acting as Second Lieutenant next year. Roth girls will In? sophomores. Others on the squad will be seniors Michele Evans and Charnia Marquardt; juniors Lisa Collins and Rhonda Sar gent ; sophomore Karen Winter; freshmen Laurie McCabe and Teresa Peck. Alternates will be Kimee llaguewood. a sophomore, and Jean Christ man. a senior. Good A young homrmaker says she puts leftover bits of soap into a ban made from two wash cloths with a draw-string. When giving the children a bath, hang the bag on the faucet, and let the warm water run through it. The children like the bubble bath, and it's an easy way to use the soap pieces. (tfLL!7 5VHTT Honor Roll Girls and Boys... Liitle League Standings ( llh wrekk & 2nd keiiieolri- Nil Utlicis .1 so 3.57. 3.57. Tom Wolff Remember - egg whites hold air when beaten. The more sugar added to beaten egg while, the longer the cooking time required to reach a thick or firm stage. SrniiM'it: Mary Abranis 3.33, 3.33: Lvnda' Raker 3.33. 3.33; Kathleen Hart let t 4 00. oo; Joan Christman 3 50; Kerry Copoek 3.33, 3. Mi; Shannon Farley 3 Mi, 3 Mi; Creg (iiwn 3.33. 3.33. Dale Mi-dinan -3.50. 3.50. Hill Jepsen :i (). 3 .Mi; Linda Johnson - 3 85. 3.85; HoblH'tte Jones 3.80. 3 Mi; Luanne Kelly 4.00 , 3.83; Sherry Kemp 3.33. 3.33; Henham Malconi 3.71. 3 85; Allen McCabe 3.83, 3.83; Tami Meador - 3 83. 4.00 ; Tracie Norene 3.80. 4 00; Dehra Peek - 4.00 . 4.00 ; Peggy Schlichling - 3.50; Jill Struck meier - 3.;13, 3.33; Avery Tay lor, Jr - :t :U. Juniors: Cyde Allstolt - 3.40. 3 Mi; Jean Christman - 3.33, 3.50; Greg Davidson - 3 Mi, 3.83; Dyrk Dunlap 3.33. 3.33; Kristi Haguewood - 3.71, 4.00 ; Cliff Harris - 3.40. 3.50: Patricia Hughes - 3.33; Gary Hunt - 3.50. 3.50; Charma Marquardt - 3.G6, 3 Mi: Robanai Kiddle - 3.40, 3.50. Sophomores: Anita Davidson - 4.00 , 4.00 ; Marv Healy - 3.50; Shannon Kelly - 4.00, 3.85; Joe Kenny - 3.33, 3.33; John Kil kenny - 3.33. 3.33; Mike Mills -3 M, 3.M5; Gordon Minter - 3.33, 3.33; Sandra Palmer - 3.85, 3.85; Jim Ployhar - 3.50, 3.50; John Roark - 3.C0. 3.66; Dena Freshmen: Hnan Honer 3.71. 3.71; K.Hln Hun ham -3.3.3. 3. 33. Iri 3 33. 3 33: Elizabeth Heliums 3 33. 3 33. Steven Jones 3.Mi. 3.Mi. Molly Pierce -3.33. Tami Toll - 3.33,' 3.33. DMCC Tells Honor Roll Hluc Mountain Community College has just announced the spring term Honor Roll and Dean's List. Honor Roll is for lull time students with CPA of 3 5n or better. Dean's List is for full lime students with GPA of 3.IMI to 3.50. Honor Roll Ciwcn Drake now of Dufur. Teresa M. Forrest and Roy R. Peterson (with a 4 00), Monu ment. Mary K. Hughes, Lexing ton. Terry Leback, Boardman. Terri D. White, Irrigon. Dean's I.Kt From Heppner Judy A. Barclay. Donna R. Bergstrom, Richaul R. Boyce. Duane C. Car.aday. Tom Cleveland, John Cm rin. Rebecca J. Fullelon and Carl F. King. Jr. From Lexington: Dehra K. Campbell and Craig W. Munkers. Jennie Barnhouse, Mitchell. With live wins and only I each, Tlie Streakers and the UucdcviiMiieliiMt for the No. 1 smiI in Gnls Little U-aguo Standings SlreaketV coacbr Dave Harrison and Dean Con nor rotate their players nund the field, allowing different girls lo fill in dillerent spots. Catchers have usually been Deanne Connor and Linda Bier. Dee Hcdmaii and Kim (inlander play second base, and Cindy Kerr has consistently covered the short slop position. Shelly Thompson and Sonja Hiddle have played the short left field posiiMit.. Frances Peck covers right field. In third place is lone's team, with a record of no wins and three losses. The Wildcats have a record of no wins and five losses. Becaus of camps and other summer activities, this will be the last week of games for the girls because many of the players will not be here later, causing a shortage of players for the teams. Games will be plated almost every night. Final game tor the Sneakers is tonight. June 21. against the Wildcats. The game will prob able hy played in the Little League field. First -half champions in the Boys Little League were the Braves, coached by Tom Wil son. Because of that, Mr. Wilson will coach the All-Star team. tone's Indians are in first place for this half w ith nine w ins and four losses, followed by the Braves with eight wins and six losses: Giants with seven wins ai il six losses and the iVidgers uili llnce wins and twelve losses. s Il was ieMirled this week that there are f iv e coats in the booth at the Little league field that need lo be picked up. Anyone who might In- missing u coat is asked lo check in at the booth during one of the games before the season is over. Food Lcbsl Proposals Morrow Co. Youth at 73 Summer School x ' vV5 ' ! 'tTZTV rjr v -u Li 1 MORROW How many calories are there in a cup of ice cream? Is canned spaghetti high or low in fat? I low many grams of protein are in a serving of canned beef slew'.' Are canned carrots rich in iron? Consumers will not find answers to these kinds of questions on today's food labels. Labels identify the food, and in most cases the ingredients. However, notes Judith Foi est . )i egon Stale University extension food and nutrition specialist, packaged food labels ol the future may be modified to ' include nutrition information. The Food and Drug Adminis tration has propsed that the labels on packaged foods state the vitamin, mineral, protein, fai. cai Ixihydrale and caloric coi tent in a serving or portion of the food. For example, the label on a can of meat stew might provide this informal ion : "One cup stew contains 257 calories. 8 grams protein, 5 grams fat and 45 grams carbohydrate." The list ing would also include the IMTccnl of recommended daily allowances for vitamins, includ ing C. A thiamin, ribollavin, niacin, and the minerals cal cium and iron. With this information you could count calories, figure your daily fat and protein intake and estimate whether or not you ate eating foods that provide rcenninicndcd amounts of key v itamins and minerals. Mrs. Forest says the Food aid Drug Administration wants comments from consumers al'mut litis proMisal. What do you think? Would you use nutrition information if it were available on the label? Would tin- information help you in food buying or menu planning? Send your comments-before June 25-to Hearing Clerk, Department of Health, Educa- STItKAKIItS: (bark row, left lo right ) Frances Prrk, Rita Mrltoherts. Sonja liid.llr. Di- a ii ne Connor, Sundv Hudson, Valerie llolumlrr, (front row) July Malrom, Kim liolunder, Diunne Holland, Laurie Mal rom, Guy (Kalhy) Kenny, Debbie Holland. Cindy Kerr. Coach Dave Harrison ulandit on (he left. M 'kfJk L l'r( DAREDEVILS: (back row, ley, Teena Schmidt. Jackie Steers, Linda Keitliley, Jul'' left to right) Geri Grieb. Judy Gentry, Connie Burkenbine, Grieb, Kathy Wolff and Ruth Farley, Debbie Marquardt, Lorl Harrison, (front row) Lori Ann Keitliley. Harold Kerr Sherry Marquardt, Sandra Far- Rhea, Dee Dee Rood, Nola roaches (he team. lion and Welfare. Room 6-88, 5MH) Fishers Lane, Rockville, MI). 20852. After the comments are reviewed, the FDA will publish a final order which will deter mine whether or not nutrition information will be included on the label of packaged foods. Kinzua Golfers Visit Mctlary Weekend visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rickert were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Castle of Portland, Mrs, June Alexander and daughter Judy, Careh Schellenger and Ruth Robinson of Oroville, Calif., Kay Ayers of Portola, Calif., Lynda Baranyai and Sandra Simoni of Wenatchie, Wash. Mrs. Raymond Reid and daughters, Mr. Dale Slinclair went to Caldwell, Idaho over the weekend. On Monday Mrs. Reid took her dad Dale Slinclair to The Dalles where he was met by Robert Slinclair of Portland. Clara Whitney and Mrs. Clarence Reid of Hermiston were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Conlee and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mitchell and Herb Luper went to Portland Sunday on business and while there they visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks and family. 4-H Camp The 1973 4-H Summer Camp will start June 24th. All camp ers w ho are signed up are usked to be at the Fairgrounds Sunday at 1:30 p.m. where they will then be trucked up to the camp at Cutsforth Park. Any 4-H member between the ages of 9 -13 may attend. Cost of the camp is $7.50 per member. Those still wanting to attend are asked to contact the County Extension Office as soon as possible. Many new and interesting craft-type classes are being offered this year along with some educa tional programs being present ed by Oregon State Police, Forest Service, and the Wild Life Conservation Service. TWENTY-THREE Morrow County 4-II'ers returned Satur day from a week-long stay in Corvallis at the 73 session of 4-11 Summer School. Attending were (front row, left to right) Marge Shade chaperone: Bob Richards. Vicki Sullivan, Donna Ziemer, Debbie Yoconi, Peggy Brandt. Tami Brannon. Peggy Schlichting, Mike Howell. County Agent. (Second row) Karen Rich ards. Millie Yoconi. Denise llcnkle. Cheryle Turner, Sandy Bennett, Ixiri Dunlap, Rhonda Sargent, Chris Evans. (Third row) Debbie Warren, counselor; Greta LaBlanc, Su zanne Cutsforth, Barb Palmer, Charlie Summer, Tom Wolff. Lori Bergstrom, Mary Healy, Lisa Collins. Leonard 's Mobil Service I r 7m JP1 Bridgestone Tires Delco Batteries CALL 676-5800 FOR SERVICE Financing Available m CM Aldrich BeoefiJ OLD miE DAME AT Hardman Community Hall Saturday, June 30 9 Till 1 Queen Jeanne and Her Court at Chamber f-A , , -"- - . s QuMn Jeanne qet some pre-uppeaiano ad rise from chaperones Nn, Bob Peter eon and Mr. lohn Venard. Princeeaes are Sberrie KtfftP. Kathy Gilbert Kethr Bart lett and Patricia Hughes. Midnite Supper Country Musicians Couples S2M Singles M50 TBB KZS5ASE SPOXSOKTD BY TOUB BOME-OWITCO KAKK AS A COMKOIOTT UXTJC1 DANK OF VjEastern Oregon HErwrra toinr -a it m ctoh tmnrx tzdzmaj. oetosit xhsvbahcx cosroiATroa 2 The Heppner Morrow County Fair and Rodeo Court were guests at the Heppner-Morrow County Chamber of Commerce meeting Monday. With their antique gold suits the prin cesses are wearing cnocoiate brown blouses, hats and patent boots with white stitching. Instead of the jeweled pin at the neck, this years court is wearing a dogger tie of natural leather with a silver shield. Queen Jeanne was in white but was wearing a chocolate brown blouse. Princess Kathy Bart lett told about their swim trip to Lehman Springs. Princess Patricia Hughes told of Arling ton which was their first appearance complete with par ade, luncheon and grand entry. Princess Kathy Gilbert told about the Juniiir Rod-o they iiiiit iIkI hi RMCC A feature was the presentation of all the past flags of the United States and four Van Schoiacks entered in calf riding. Princess Sherrie Kemp told about beautiful Millon-Freewater with its beautiful green lawns and trees. Queen Jeanne Daly told of the coming events: 4th of July at Condon, Elgin, Chief Joseph Days. Hermiston Jr. Rodeo, then the big one the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo then for a finale the Pendleton Dress Up parade and Westward Ho. The Queen told of an experi ence at Milton-Freewater. She was riding a young colt who wasn't too keen about the motor bikes buzzing back and forth while they were waiting for the parade to start. The motorbike tint a w heeley and her cold did a wheeley. Jeanne hung on side wavs. Someone sav-d her hat. Now don't tell my dad", she said. Then when she met him during the parade route he said, "Hey I understand something happened." Sw eeney Won the Pot All of the pictures and copy for the Morrow County bro chure is in the hands of the printer. The three pictures will be in color. The outside will carry a picture map of the countv as in former brochures. Mr. and Mrs. Dannie) Stub blefield and family of Corbett were here over the weekend and visited Mr. and Mrs. Omar Stubblefield. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMinn and family went to Warm Spring over the weekend. LET'S GO! Morrow County 0,Cu(alfcOu Honoring Queem Jeme My and the Morrow County Fair & Rodeo Court Saturday Night June 23-8 p-m. Fairgrounds FREE ADMISSION Good Entertainment This Space Courtesy of Columbia Basin , Electric Co-op Serving Morrow. GlZsm, and Wheebr Counties Ph. G7G-9143 Heppner