Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1966)
HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. July 28. 1966 r TO VI U UlnJ u Mm OF Come To Central Market For The Most Complcto Food Service FRUIT VEGETABLES MEAT And S and H Green Stamps, Too! PH. 676-9614 GROCERIES PH. 676-9288 MEATS MARKET 1965 GALAX IE 500 4-Dr. Stdon V-8 00 $2295 LOW MILEAGE SHARP HEPPNER AUTO SALES, Inc. 124 N. Main Heppner Ph. 676-91 52 PLANNING A BANQUET? Wc Invite You To Use Our New Banquet Room Wagon Wheel Cafe You'll Enjoy Our SEA rOODS STEAKS STEAK SANDWICHES PAN FRIED CHICKEN FEATURING FINE TOODS EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK OPEN 5 A.M. SIX DAYS PER WEEK; 6 A.M. SUNDAYS FRED ond CECILE OTT 216 N. Main Heppner CEDARCRAFT Heppner Souvenirs FINE FOR VISITORS OR FOR YOU JEWELRY BOXES WALL PLAQUES SALT and PEPPERS ASH TRAYS RECIPE BOXES LEAVE A NOTE PHONE MEMOS Oregon Plates VAN'S VARIETY Heppner Wilbur and Mary Van Blokland Ph. 676-9417 Plumbing Problems? Wo now si'II, Install itiul service Amci iran Sliindard, Unlvcrsal lUiiHl e 1 1 Norrls Tlicrmailor, and BrlRK fixtures. Have In slock pipe und pipe fit tings and chrome fittings. Call us today and stop In to sec the new fibciKlass stall. Also available, the fiberglass bulltln tub units. PETTYJOHN'S Farm and Builder's Supply PH. 676-9157 Hoppnei New for Fall Graff Skirts, Capris And Blouses RHODA LEE Blouses TAMI Skirts and Sweaters NEW COATS Weather Coats And Mink-Trimmed Coats MANY GOOD BUYS ON OUR BARGAIN BACKS MILADIES ALICE and GRACE HEPPNER This Month Featuring MURRAYS REXALL DRUG f .ism. , - - 1 r ! fillf I :IWU DRUGS 5 I If TVt'TTTT I . - it , si ( r - ' ... 1 , f: ,: :- t ; ,. v 4 ft. ONE OF tho largo-it and btt drug stores in any imall town In Oregon U Murray Bexall Drug which ha expanded twice in the past two years to cover nearly three times the floor space It previously occupied. Complete prescription service, g!:t lines of all kinds, stationery items, toys, fountain, books, greeting cards, and an animal health center are included in addition to full drug linos. F7 it .1 - " 1 - 1 - t MEG MURRAY, who with her husband, owns Murravs Roxall. shows some of the milk glass ware that is a popular gift item in the store. The Murrays came here from Baker and bought Humphreys Rexall Drug in 1SS9. They have five children and are active in many community affairs. ROD MURRAY (right) and Lynn Pearson, regis tered pharmacists, give the best of profession al service on prescriptions at Murrays Rexall. They are pictured at the store's new prescrip tion center. Night and day service is offered on prescriptions and collect calls are accepted from out of town points. Vr It I iV- '71 I 1 , IT TAKES a staff of eleven persons to serve the pub lic at Murrays Rexall. fur nishing one of the area's largest retail pay r o 1 Is. Above, standing in front of a display of fine Lenox China, are (back row, from left) Rod and Meg Murray, owners; and Lynn Pearson, formerly of Boise, Idaho, registered pha rmacist Front row Mrs. Roy (Mel ba) Quackenbush; Mrs. Riley (Bebe) Munkers; Mrs. Elwyn (Maude) Hughes; and Terry Peck. Below (from left) are Mrs. AI (Roxie) Lovgren, Mrs. L. E. (Faye) Ruhl, Mrs. John (Ruth) Bergstrom, and Mrs. Charl o 1 1 e Walker. Hundreds of shoppers en joy the courteous, prompt service given by this staff, and visitors are delighted to shop in the spacious new store. Remodeling of parts c!f the store, now in progress, will be fully com pleted soon. -: r.u ..,Vvk 18. FREE PAINT OFFER BOYSEN Paint Dealer 2 for I SALE BUY ONE GALLON HOUSE PAINT GET SECOND GALLON AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Ph. 676-9212 Heppner SPEIDEL Twist-O-Flex Watch Bands Are America's Best Band Buy Priced from (JfJ mm hid-) up f jmn i.n ' '!" f 'f ' ' J V t f 1j - . - '- ' "Something from the Jew eler's is Always Something Special." 177 N. Main Heppner See Us For All Types of Insurance Protection Costs Little AUTO THEFT FIRE HEALTH AND ACCIDENT PERSONAL AND BUSINESS BONDS LIABILITY I community aft airs. from out of town points. A r u iCj V r T TURNER, VAN MARTER and BRYANT Ph. 676-9652 INSURANCE Heppner Just In! NEW FALL DRESSES New Fall Lines of Skirts JANTZEN, GARLAND. PENDLETON New Fall Transitional Lines Of Dresses New Fall Hats ELMA'S APPAREL Ph. 676-9426 Heppner See Us For Floor Coverings and Refrigeration Service Plus Complete Repair Service And Equipment Rentals M&R FLOOR COVERING AND HEATING CO. MATT PH. 676-9418 RAY Regardless of How Much or Little You Own Where You Are Going or What You Are Doing We Can Provide The Protection You Need. See Us For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES AGENCY (CHARLES AND HELEN RUGGLES) P. O. Box 247 148 W. Willow St. Heppner Ph. 676-9625