Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1966)
Joint Farm Bureau And Wheat League Committee Meets Joint The recently formed committed of the Oregon Wheat Growers league nnd Hie Ore gon Knrin Itureiiu lielil Hit or ganization meeting In pcndlc tun, Tom VnuKluin, Jr. of Pen dleton, representing the league, wnN elected chairman nnd will M'rve In tM capacity until Jan uiiry 1, 1908. It w generally ngr ' that the committee Itself will not funetlun n nn action commit tee, hut will nerve an n forum for dlscuiwdng problem of mu tunl concern Mild make recom mendation to the executive rommlltee of their respective or ganizations. It wn snlso agreed Hint the scope of the committee lull-test ithould be brond nnd Much other than those relating directly to wheat should be dis cussed. It was Die opinion of the committee- that the primary object ive should be cooperation and communication on problems of common Intercut, public rela tion and legislation should re ceive a high priority In the committee work. Senate Bill 3171. pending In the Federul Congress which would create a national trail system, wus discussed. The bill m-Bk ,w" ' ' -J i V! TO5 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING of th apodal joint commltt of tho Oregon Wheat Grower Leanue and the Oregon Farm Bureau waa held recently in Pendleton. Committee member ore (left to right, Mated); Claude William, president Oregon Farm Bureau. Prineville; Lou Norrl. legislative director, O.F.B.. Salemr John Welbe. executive vice president O.W.G-L Pendle ton; Standing (left to right) i Arnold Hoeft O.F.B.. Pilot Rock; Tom Vaughan, Jr., O.W.G.L. Pendleton, who woi elected chair man of the committee; Gene Majeike, Lexington. O.F.B.; Nor man Nelson, O.W.G.L- Lexington, and Marvin Thorn a, O.W.G.L., Waico. Absent was Van Rietmann. Condon. O.F.B. propose to cstbllsh eventually a system of National Trails 200 feet wide, fenced and 21,000 miles lonK. Thin would take out 25 acres every linear mile with a coKt of about $00 million dol lars. The commltte erccommend ed to the respective organiza tion that they go on record as opposed to this bill. County Court Proceedings Acceptance of BUI: Fullcton t'hev, Co., for truck Order: Dunce Hull License for Greenfield Grange No. 579, Hoardman, Dated 620 fifl. Order: Concerning Croup Re- Benefits; Pacific Mutu- Inn. Co tlrement al Life ('. M 116. Onler: tlrement 60 Order: Ilshlng I'ark A a 2 oo. Order: warrants Dated 6 Order: cy Fund Adoption Ileneflls. hired Dated of Croup He Dated 6. 21 ' Ite election for estab Hoardman Community liecrcatlon DIM. Dated He Canci-llatlon of more than 7 years old. 20 06. Transferrin!! Emergen Appropriation to the 101 9 9.18 65.82 197.110 511.70 do 702.50 121.40 21.22 20.00 27.40 1 various funds that have been overdrawn. Dated 630 GO. Order: Transferring New Equipment Fund to the Road Labor & Overtime fund. Dated C.M) GO. Order: Transferring the Road Mat & Sup. fund appropriation to the Road Sup. appropriation and the MImc. fund appropria tion. Dated 630 'GO. Onler: Transfer from the Gen. Fund to the Hasp. Mtsc. fund. Dated 71 GO. The following warrants were issued on the Genoral Fund: Herman Winter, DA Help, 112 .50, Rent 65.00 Tel. 30.22 207.72 K. I . Ferguson, Comm. Exp 21.50 Walter II. Hayes, do 38.52 Paul W. Jones, Judges Tr. Kxp Ret a M. Tliorpe, Jan. Help St. Did. Accld. Comm., Sal St. Tax Comm.. do Tub. Kmp. Ret. Bd.. do Fin Nat l Bank. Blue C ross, do Safeco Life Ins., do .. Klpllngcr, Co. Ct. Sup. Craig Off. Sup., do .... Standard Off. Kiiip., Co. Ct. Sup. 97.90, Trens. Sup. 4105, Sup. 6.00, J titii. Sup. 715 Standard Oil Co., Sher. Car Kxp Shell Oil Co., do Kuhn's Union '76, do Richfield Oil. do Pacific N. W. Bell, Sher. Comm. Fund 1-1.00 C. J. D. Rauman, Sher, Sup. 71.35, Jail 3.00 Standard Off. Equip., Tax Coll. Kxp Kllham Sty & Print. Co., Assess. Sun, 8.9!). JP 6lh, Sup. 2.70 3M Bus. I'rod. Sales, Assess. Sup Blue Mn. Lab., Med. Kxam. Kxp DK-tor's Sup. Co., H. Nurse Sup Krnest Jornensen, JP, 5th, Kent Pacific N. W. Bell, Cur. Kxp Packer-Scott, Jan. Sup Col. Has. Klec., Cthse 100.64, Comm. Fd. 15.75, Sum. Fds. Kxp. 5.85. Kloctlons 3.50 125.74 Lloyd M. Bercer, Co. Ct. Kxp 66.00 Harrv O'Donnell. Kqunl. Bd 40.00 James J. Farley, do 30.00 Turner. Van Marter & Bryant, Bonds 50.00 Pioneer Mem. Hosp., Ment. Ill Sec. St., Data Proa, Kloctlons Murruy Kexall DruR.s, do Sndle Parrlsh, do Blanch McDanlel. et al, do 723.00 Kdnn Chally, RN, II. Norse Sim. 18.45. rnr Kxn. 11.61 33.06 Tnm Tollls Off. SUD.. Tax roll. Kxn 3.55 VnWq r.nrncre. DeD. Sher. far F.xn 1-75 ii,in,rwr Anto Parts. Sher. Cut Kxn 1-89 Heppner Gnzetto-Tlmes, wtee 100.20. Off. Pub. 36.45 145.65 llnrmnn Green. Cthse 3.00 City Water, do 8-50 Villa St. Roso. Juv 5.00 Cornet t Green Feed. Cthse Maint. & Ren 12.73 Murrays Kexall DrilKS, 152.10 7.63 21.65 3(H) 1211 74.35 2.85 11.69 27.06 107.00 61.50 25.00 124.85 7.06 37,-50 3.89 2.40 32.09 7.85 17.05 57.80 22 GO 31.65 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 30.00 500.00 27.71 6.59 14.00 1137 3413 17.95 50.40 4.40 3.00 12.10 4.20 10.40 16.00 8.00 1.00 Sher. Sup. 5.30, AsseHS, Sup. 2 55 Heppner Gazette-Times, II. Nurse Supl .. Krnest Jorcensen. Just Ct . 5th. Sup. 22.60, Tel. 35.20 Turn A-Lum Lbr.. Cthse Ma Int. & Rep I'etylohn's, do St. Mary's Home for Boys, Juv Albert ina Kerr Nursery, do , Uiulse Home, do . Greenfield Grange No. 579, Flections G. K. Nlkander, Surp. Fds Kxp I'ac. Mul. Life Ins. Co. Kmeru Standard Oil Co., Sher. Car Kxp t'nlon Oil, do Standard Oil, do 29.65 Standard Oil, Dep. Sher. Car Kxp 41.16 Pacific N. W. Bell, Sher. Comm. Fd Kllham Sty & Print. Co. Clk's lnc 3M Business Prod. Sales, Assess. Sup Heppner Gazette-Times, Nurse Sup Standard Olf. Kqulp., do 30.22 Harold Buker, et al, Just Ct. 5U, Jurors & Witnesses N. W. Ind. Laundry, Cthse Jan. Sup. C. J. D. Bauman, Sr. Tr., Kmeru-, I Ambulance) .. Petty)ohn's, Co. Park Fund Donald Adams, et al, Clr. Ct Jurors 335.91 Railway Kxprcss Agency, Clr. CI. Kxp Robert B. Abrams, Sp. Atty James Driscoll, P.M., Co. Ct. Sup Business Week, do Anderson's Bldrs. Sup., Slier. Sup L. K. Brannon, Cthse Maint 125.00 Paul W. Jones, Judges Tr. Kxp 251.10 K. O. Fercuson, Comm. Kxp 105.73 Walter 11. Hayes, do 64.13 Col. Basin Klec., Cthse. 111.11, Sher. Comm. Fund 15.75 126.86 Nudelman Bros., Sher. Uniforms 185.15 Perry Pummell, Extra Dep 27.00 AddressoKraph-Multle,raph, Clk's Sup 276.13 Peterson's Jewelers, do .... 13.98 Sadie Parrlsh, Co. Clk, do 18.35 Burroughs Corp., Assess. Postinir Mach 2500.00 Addrossonraph-MultiKraph, Assess. Sup , 178.28 Standard Off. Equip., Assess. Sup 12.90 F.dna Chally, Nurse Sup. 1.10, Car Kxp. 19.73 Ernes Jorcensen, Just Ct 5th, Rent Pacific N. W. Bell, Cur. Kxp Western Auto, Cthse Jan. Sup Louise Home, Juv Albertina Kerr Nursery, do St. Mary's Home for Boys, do St. Welfare Comm., Well are 1941.00 Rachel Harnett, Museum Fund 100.00 I II Clubs, 150.00 Blue Cross, Sal 121.40 Pub. Kmp. Ret. Bd., do 573.10 First National Bank, do 768.15 St. Tax Comm., do 218.25 St. Ind. Accld. Comm., do 66.07 Safeco Life Ins., do 21.22 Heppner Auto Parts, Dep. Sher. Car Kxp 1.89 Mary Bryant, Dep. 269.70, Co. Ct. 33.34 303.04 Elvira lrby, Dep 269.24 Phillip A. Goodall, Sp. Dep 119.15 Sylvia McDanlel, Trens 277.32 Joyce PhoRley, Dep 232.30 Erna Chally, Nurse 229.71 Darl E, Hudson, Jan 341.61 Margaret JorKensen, Off. Clk 5th 86.80 L. D. Tibbies, Pliy 23.95 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES. Thursday, July 21. I960 Morrow County Annual TREASURER'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1965 TO JUNE 30, 1966 Mrs. Sadie Tarrlah Clerk of Morrow County. Orecon In accordance with O.R.S. 294.230, I herewith submit this, my annual report of receipts and disbursements from July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966, both dates Inclusive. Balance on hand June 30, 1965 9 321,797.70 Received from: Sheriff's Office (Taxes) $1,203,040.65 Sheriff Office (Columbia Basin Klec. Co op) 124.80 Sheriff's Office (Temp. Auto Licenses) 345.75 Sheriff Office (Mileage) 356.20 Sheriff Office (Fees) . 275.93 Sheriff Office (Pistol Permits) 34.50 Clerk Office (Restitution) ... 14.00 (Fees) 5,506.82 (Law Library fees) 466 80 (Dor License) 223.00 (Misc. refunds) 30.00 (Taken from Road Report 1. 1964 to ..1,548,709.90 . 321,797.70 County Treasurer Disbursements July June 30, 1965 County Treasurer Balance on Hand July 1, 1965 ...... Taxes turned oved to County Treasurer July 1. 1964 to June 30, 1965 1,255,407.01 Warrants outstanding General Fund June 30, 1965 11324.78 Warrants outstanding General Roads, June 30, 1965 16,824.33 Warrants outstanding Hospital Maintenance fund, June 30, 1965 - 5,217.17 Warrants outstanding, Weed Control fund June 30, 1905 SK)(.D Warrant outstanding, Law Library fund, June 30, 1905 biy Claims allowed and warrants drawn July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965 Donald W. MeCarty, Juv. 1-13.10 W. C. Driscoll. Shr. Comm. Fund 47.30 Dan Morrison, Ct. Rep 122.02 Nancy B. Dixon. Surp. Fds 41.20 Rcta Thorpe, Jan. Help .. 54 09 Alma Green. Off. Clk 99.93 Josephine Huston. Park Fd 89.06 Clvde W. Cox, I'ark Fund 137.28 Lillian Sweek, Off. I Clk 263 67 Mary Malcom, Clk's Off. Help 3168 Pettyjohn's Farm Bldrs. Sup., Park Fd 259.56 The followinq warrants were Issued on the Gen. Roads Fund: Becket Euuip. Co 204.77 First Nafl Bank 733.90 St. Ind. Acrid. Comm 431.38 Pub. Kmp. Ret. Bd 648 Kg St. Tax Comm. 204.50 Safeco Life Ins 41.98 Blue Cross 186.15 Heppner Auto Parts 30-1.10 Louvers A Cont. Mhy. Co 88.44 L. K. Dick 5.75 Heppner Auto Sales 72.33 Sehetky Equipment Co. .. 14.55 Jones-Scott Co 67.50 Cornett Green Feed 16.66 Portland Wire & Steel Whse 60.38 Traffic Safety Sup 223.05 Heppner Nor-Gas 17.68 Heppner Auto Sales 1417.54 LoKK'rs & Cont. Mchy Co 5891.00 Pacific N. W. Bell 24.35 Col. Bas. Klec 13.54 Gene Orwick 3.50 City Water Dept 6.35 Western Auto 1050 Cralu Off. Sup 1.95 Mlham Sty & Print. Co 10.21 Stone Mchy 511.94 Lexington Imp 314.51 Padberg Mchy 11.90 Lexington OH Co-op 17.15 Heppner Nor-Gas 24.18 Tum-A-Lum Lbr 100.66 12.85 Clerk' Office Clerk' Office Clerk' Office Clerk' Office Clerk' Office Flood Damage fund) JP.' Office Heppner Refunds from State Treas. for above Judee J.P.'s Office Irrlgon .. 10,572.05 Keiunds Irom Mate Treas. for above Judge ., Assessor' Office (sale of maps & photo copies) Pioneer Memorial Hospital (Water rent) Pioneer Memorial Hospital (Repayment of loan) Lenna Smith, (Fair Fund Receipts) Elaine George (Heppner Cemetery Receipts) Florence Root (Boardman Cemetery Receipts) , 25,000.00 2,419.90 55.00 97.50 137.22 330.00 5,600.00 14,054.66 6,357.48 382.00 20.83 25.00 131.10 4.25 . 5.00 5.00 5.00 Pettyjohn's Supplies Central Ore. Welders Sup 42.91 Murray Rexall Drugs 2.18 St. Highway Dept 40.00 Northwest Ind. Laundry 4.20 Howard Cooper Corn 12.26 John D. Celia. Sr 5.00 Consolidated Sup 13.78 Standard Oil Co 580.98 Heppner Lbr. Co 18.00 Blue Mt. Fir. prod 576.00 Arrow Trans 6-12.86 II. W. English Co 219.00 St. Highway Dept 380.70 City of Irrigon 21.50 Paul W. Jones, 108.79 Blue Cross 186.15 Safeco Life Ins 44.98 St. Ind. Accld. Comm 435.81 Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd 708.50 First Nat'l Bank 806.30 St. Tax Comm 232.30 Heppner Auto Parts 470.89 Loggers & Cont. Mchy 145.36 Western Auto 1.39 Central Mkt & Groc 13.50 Shell Oil Co 33.60 Col. Basin Elec 56.23 Chevron Asphalt Co 1924.50 Union Oil Co 1297.12 St. Highway Dept 24.50 City of Heppner 152.15 City of Boardman 9.97 City of lone 32.50 City of Lexington 23.37 City of Irrigon 12.31 Arrow Trans. Co 880.57 Columbia Basin Elec 12.80 Pacific N. W. Bell , 34.05 H. C. Sherer 28.53 Labor 4915.44 Set Sal 1267.96 Roadmaster 435.60 Bookkeeper 256.15 The following warrants, were issued on the Misc. Funds: First National Bank, Weed Cont 62.70 St. Ind. Accid Comm., do 72.45 Pub. Emp. Ret. Bd., do .... 40.66 St. Tax Comm., do 20.60 Safeco Life Ins., do 3.46 Blue Cross, do 12.95 C & J Motor Parts, do .... 8.23 Eastern Oregon Motors, do 31.96 Heppner Auto Parts, do.... 8.01 Cornett Green Feed, do.... 36.00 Pettyjohn's, do 14.21 Inland Chem., do 1175.54 Paul Pettyjohn Co., do 163.04 Violet Hill (Irrigon Cemetery Ri-ceipts) Zcpha Warner (Irrigon Cemetery Receipts) Mable Boylen (Umatilla Co. Treas. W.E.I.D. Taxes) Amanda Duvall (Gift for new ambulance 1 Amanda Duvall (Gift for Court House repairs) Gar Aviation (Rent at Airport) .... Morrow County Grain Growers (Wheat at Airport) The First National Bank Interest on T.C.D.'s) . The Bank of Eastern Oregon (Interest on T.C.D.'s) Dividends on Insurance Refunds Fine for contempt of Court Sale of Materials from Road Dept Patrol Rental from Road Dept Dividends from Road Dept. ... Refund to Road Dept Oregon State Land Board (Irreducible School fund) Oregon State Board of Control (Transporting Prisoner) Oregon State Pub. Welfare Comm. (refund) Oregon State Pub. Welfare Comm. (Surplus Food) Oregon State Tax Comm. (Car Co. Tax) Oregon State Tax Comm. (Col. Basin Elec. Umatilla in lieu of Taxes Oregon State Tax Comm. (Timber Severance Tax) Oregon Racing Comm. (Fair Fund) 25,793.30 Oregon State Marine Board (Boat License, Reg. fees) Dept. of Motor Vehicles (Trailer House License fees) Sec. of State (Car and Truck License fees, etc.) Sec. of State (Forestry Rentals) Sec. of State (Sale of Public Lands) Sec. of State (Flood Control Leases) Sec. of State (Property Tax Relief) Sec. of State (Gas Tax Refund) Sec. of State (Taylor Grazing fees) Sec, of State (Amusement Device Tax) Sec. of State (5 of excess Liquor control monies) Sec. of State (Alcoholic Bev. Tax) 250.00 50.00 3,547.98 16,000.00 500.00 600.00 77.31 9,358.08 5,659.84 115.63 24.03 50.00 5,429.75 183.54 57.15 24.00 5,407.66 40.88 58.79 1,001.56 228.11 8,014.10 13,310.99 505.40 11,053.90 31,964.78 21,13650 1,125.04 14,707.64 98,675.00 2,602.74 346.57 264119 2,731.39 3,040.22 413,182.15 Dated July 14, 1966. Sadie Parrlsh, County Clerk of Oregon Morrow County, SHERIFF'S AND TAX COLLECTOR'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1965 TO JUNE 30, 1966 In accordance with Section 294-23-O.R.S., I hereby submit this, my annual report of receipts and disbursements from July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966, both dates inclusive. TAX COLLECTIONS 1965-66 Taxes Cash on hand 1964-65 taxes 1963-64 1962-63 1961-62 1960-61 1959-60 1958-59 Lieu of and deposit July 1, taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes 2 penalty on foreclosures . Total on hand and received .. 41.098.6165C 1965 - $ 455.67 78,896.10 12,655.99 6,600.27 4,058.58 1,587.72 514.13 111.36 124.80 44.96 $1503,210.41 .$1503,366.08 DISBURSEMENTS County Treasurer Turned to Morrow Cash on hand On deposit Total disbursements and balance on hand June 30, 1966 1503,165.45 205.75 294.88 ..$1503,366.08 Receipts TRUSTEE ACCOUNT TEMPORARY AUTO PERMITS ....$ 345.75 Disbursed $ 345.75 CIVIL FEES AND MILEAGE Receipts 5 632.13 PISTOL Receipts Total Receipts ...$ 34.50 $1,012.38 Disbursed PERMITS Disbursed Total Disbursements ..$ 632.13 . $ 34.50 $1,012.38 Respectfully submitted, C. J. D. Bauman Sheriff and Tax Collector By: Elvira lrby Deputy CLERK'S ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1 1965 TO JUNE 30 1966 ANNUAL REPORT FOR MORROW COUNTY, OREGON FROM JULY 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966 complying with ORS. 294.230 and 294535 as Amended by Chapter 153 of the 1957 Session Laws. CLAIMS ALLOWED AND WARRANTS DRAWN FROM JULY 1. 1965. TO JUNE 30. 1966 County Court - $ Co. Sheriff's Office - Co. Clerk's office Co. Treasurer's office Co. Assessor's office Co. Health Nurse's office Courthouse expense (includes Janitors ,0 salary and Helper) 12,466.96 Circuit Court expense 5,478.49 Justice of Peace Office, 5th dist. 4,853.67 Justice of Peace Office, 6th dist 3,686.60 District Attorney's Office 2,934.15 Juvenile Court expense (includes Counselor's salary) - J,5oj.9a 13,837.31 24,07157 12,080.96 4,764.33 27,526.65 7,165.27 iTAtal Rnnlnl II WHSA(1( Plus Cash on hand July 1, 1965 $1,881,157.73 DISBURSEMENTS General Fund $ 174.508.24 Road fund 249,78553 County Schools 760,150.50 Fair Fund 30,000.00 Cities 39,240.81 County Hospital 14,217.17 School Bonds & Interest 92,698.75 Irrigation 23,032.52 Blue Mountain Education District 69,361.88 Law Library 439.46 Port of Morrow 33.261.84 School Building Fund 32,676.96 Forest Fire Patrol fund 13.939.20 I. R. F. P. D 5.247.61 : H. R. F. P. D 4,923.09 Alcohol Enforcement fund 437.44 Rodent Control 6,557.00 Dog fund 279.15 Boardman Cemetery 1,344.93 Heppner Cemetery 12,356.63 lone-Lexington Cemetery 14.233.45" Irrigon Cemetery 2,604.68 Boardan Vector Control fund 1,622.17 Weed Control 6,467.57 Ambulance fund 16,000.00 Total Disbursements $1,605,386.28 Balance on hand June 30, 1966 $ 275,771.45 Respectfully submitted, Sylvia E. McDaniel Morrow County Treasurer OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOR THE GENERAL FUND Warrants outstanding June 30, 1965 H,t4.f8 Warrants issued July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966 I7l,iys).48 Warrants paid July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966 168,908.24' Warrants cancelled by County Court over 7 years old.. 93.26 Warrants outstanding June 30, 1966 14,022.76 OUTSTANDING WARRANTS FOR THE GENERAL ROAD FUND Warrants outstanding June 30, 1965 $ 16,824.33 Warrants Issued July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966 248,813.99 Warrants paid July 1, 1965 to June 30, 1966 249,785.23 Warrants cancelled by Couny Court over 7 years old.... 355 Warrants outstanding June 30, 1966 15,849.84 Surplus Food expense (includes office Clerk's salary) Audit - Bonds County Agent & Home Extension Civil Defense Current Expense (Telephone) County Planning Committee General Operating Contingence .. Equalization Board expense Election 1,259.33 1,650.00 422.50 Agent 12587.00 45.32 1,641.80 1,445.14 800.72 162.00 expense - - 4-H Club Contribuion - . i2r i!" Insurance - - fr-? Jail Expense - 2s?!? Museum Fund - 94i.i Mentally 111 Expense - 139.00 Official Publications - 1'502?? Registrar 45.50 Social Security - - J,bbJ.04 Soldier's Indigent fund - - 32.55 Relief to the Indigent 48.99 Water Master's expense -- 7.00 Garbage Landfill expense - -- -JS County Park fund 1,050.00 Welfare Fund 15,849.00 Mid-Columbia Planning Committee - 1500.00 Keep Oregon Green contribution 50.00 General Road Expense 248,813.99 Dog fund 279.15 Law Library fund - - 377.96 Alcohol Enforcement fund 437.44 Predatory Animal & Rodent Control fund 6,557.00 Weed Control fund --. 5,500.00 Hospital Operating and Maintenance fund 9,000.00 TOTAL $442,165.02 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, O.R.S. 294535 1965 County Treasurer Cash on Hand July 1, 1964 $ 392,811.12 County Treasurer Receipts July 1, 1964' to June 30, 1965 1,477,696.48 LITTLf AP3 ...