Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1966)
Fourth of July Observed; Crowd Views Fireworks i abrupt halt on Friday ufter liirw wim rln tlvelv heavy ralnii began on Thursday . 1.-1.-1. - . l....l By katherine undstbom tiiiliil nn (hit Kiillrth rif Jillv.. night mid continued throug with many resident going on 'flv Sunday morning At least family outing to the moun- Inch of rain fell In nearly tain or Die river all arena of thn community and A largo group drove to Con- more than that wan measured don and enjoyed the mnule, at aom ranchc. Some grain rodeo, and many other planned planted In late spring will prof. feKiivitie a inren numiMir of It by the rain, hut the majority rimtin.x in iini n.uir sima of barley and wheat was too. ururA Mr anrt Mr. T. C. Kirk inri. it ! Mi-Nnru Vui'tit finh f ii r advanced to gain from the Lii anri dnnihtrrs of Seattle, for the Fourth of July and cv. 'shower. Moat of the rant-hem 0n leaving here they continued eral famlllea xnt the week- north of lone were harvesting on , vacation to Yellowstone THE ,.-cr .17"" 1 - L,- . . gaz: HEPPNER TTE-TIMES Heppner, Oregon 97836 Thursday, July 7, 1966 Sec. 2 cnts, Mr. and Mr. Clell Rca. Spending the Fourth of July week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mr. Clarence noitz, end there, with other taking advantago of the lull In harveat season to no away on short trip. The usual good crowd turn Pd out at the Memorial Field on Saturday evening to enjoy the firework sponsored hy the American Legion lot No. 15. Despite a Rendu rain at the Mart, everyone wa pleated with the beautiful dlpluy. Harvest aetlvitlea came to an MOVING? FOR LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE CONTACT GENE ORWICK LEXINGTON Phone 9B9-8420 Accurate Estimate Without Obligation FLATT'S TRUCK SERVICE Authorised Agents for United Vara Lines full barley, when the rain came. Mr. and Mr. Don Peterson and family are vacationing a few duy at the coast. Janet Palmateer, Teresa Stcf Park and to North Dakota to visit hi parental home. Mr. and Mr. Leo Crabtrce spent the long week-end at Ta coma, Wn visiting their son, Ronald, and were guest of Mr. anl, Bonnie Morgan and Bonnie jnd Mr. David Wilson and fanv Aker went to roruanti wiin mr. ny. and Mr. Robert Aker on Mon day to attend the Checrlcadlng Clinic at Lewi and Clark col lege campus. Mr. and Mr. Ak er had spent the week-end here with hi parent, Mr. nad Mr. Ilerl Aker. Mr. and Mr. Frank Lundell of Mllwaukle were guest of her mother, Mr. Arvllla Swanson from Tuesday to Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rea of Portland spent the weekend here with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clell Kea and other rela tives. Mr. K. C. Ilellker will enter tain Home F.eonomlc Club ut her home on Friday, July 15. Club to Sponsor Booth The Garden Club will spon sor a IxK.tli at the Sidewalk Ba zaar In lleppner this week-end. They will have bulbs, plants, and tackvtape on sale. Anyone having sale Items may leave them at the home of Mr. E. C. Ilellker this week. Garden Club will meet this month at the home of Mr. Oscar Lundell on Tuesday, July 12, at 2:00 p.m. Refreshment will be served at the close of the meeting. Mrs. II. K. Yarnell wa taken by ambulance to St. Anthony hospital in Pendleton on Mon day. She has been 111 at home for some time and wa being cored for by her son and dau- ghtcrlnlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Al ton Yarnell. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis llakorscn are 8cm!ing several days near Uwnco, Wash., vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Hcrshal Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. George Chand ler of Lebanon and Mr. Chand ler's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. IVan Kckleberry of Madras were visiting old friends In lone one day last week. John Rea, who has been sta tioned with the Job Corps near Tillamook. Is home for a two week vacation with hi par Mr. and Mr. Beeeher Frnert and Alfreda of Seymour, Tenn. left on Tuesday after visiting here a week with hi mother, Mrs. Mary Ernert and other relatives. Alfred has Just grad uated from Belmont College and they were on a vacation trip, which had taken them through Canada on their way to Oregon. Mr. and Mr. Raymond Lun dell and Cheryle drove to Mil soula, Mont., this week-end to take home their other daugh ter. Mrs. Francis Stack, and granddaughter, Michelle, who have been visiting here for about a week. Guest of Mr. and Mr. Fred T. Martin this week-end were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin and baby of Othello, Wash., and Mrs. Martin's brother and sis ter ln low, Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Morton and son of Rose burg. The Morton's other son, Arthur, who has been visiting here, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bergstrom and fumlly were Sunday callers also. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Patton and family of Cecil spent the Fourth of July holiday with relatives at Lake Chelan, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Helmblgncr and Tom and their daughter, Linda of Portland, spent the holiday at Soap Lake, Wash. Tom made a spectacular Jump of 121 ft. in the Pacific Worth west Championship Ski Show, In spite of rough conditions. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Marvin this week were Mrs. Marvin's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holfert. Mr. and Mrs. Holfert were recently mar rled and are on a trip to Spring field, Maryland, to visit his family. Mrs. Margaret Wright of North Bend Is spending a vacation here visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay Klncald and family. Mr. and Mr. Franklin Llnds trom are on a fishing trip to Ochoco Reservoir near Prlnevllle this week-end. Mr. and Mr. George Snider and Mr. and Mr. Harold Sni der and family enjoyed the hol iday fishing at Unity. Captain and' Mr. John Brls tow and family of Greenville, Texas, are guest of hi par ent for about a months leave. Capt. Brlstow 1 Chief of the Flight Test Section at the Air Force Logistic Command Lla son office. He ha Just returned from two months in Hawaii on a flying projed. Mrs. Brlstow Joined him there for a while and the children stayed here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mr. E. W. Brlstow. Mr. and Mrs. Marv Thomas and family vacationed over the week-end at ue Lake with Mr. and Mr. Richard Sherrell and family. Summer Classes Underway Summer school, which is sponsored bv Federal Project Title I Project I, Is In the third week of a six -weeks course at the lone school. Mrs. Lindsay Kincald and Jack Loyd are the Instructors f' the 12 children enrolled. They are youngsters who have completed the first t'rade through the sixth grade The program gives them an op. portunlty to develop basic skills In three areas, reading, spell ing, and math. They attend three hours every morning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright of Baker are guests of her mother, Mrs. Ida Grablll. Gary Morgan and his friend, Art Nelson of Portland return ed to their Jobs after spending the week-end here. They were accompanied bv Geraldlne Mor gan, who was also here for the holiday. Visitors at the Norman Nel son home this week-end were NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS: Do Let Us Cleaning Your Now IN ORDER THAT YOUR NEEDS ARE TAKEN CARE OF WHILE WE ARE ON VACATION July 16 Through July 31 To allow our entire crew the opportunity for a vacation we will be shut down for a two-weeks period. There will be no cleaning done during that time but the office will be open to pick up cleaning daily from 1 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. All cleaning received by Wednesday, July 13, will b processed and ready for you by Friday, July IS. R b. ememDer: OPEN DAILY FROM II TO 1 SO YOU MAY PICK UP YOUR CLEANING WE WILL Reopen Monday, August I HEPPNER CLEANERS PHONE 676-9441 288 N. MAIN Mrs. Nelson' cousins, Mr. and Mr. Joe Searl and family of Cottage Grove. Mr. Searl la one of the Instructors In the geogra phy classes taught at Lastern Oregon College thi summer under sponsorship of the Fed eral Government. Other guests at the Nelson home were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Plerson and Carolyn of McMlnnvllle. Mr. and Mr. Fremont Mere- wether of Portland have been visiting her brother-in-law and lste, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nel son Jr. and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brlstow were hosts for a patio picnic on Sunday at their home. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schultz of Hermlston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Llnder and Debbie and Brian of San Francisco, Mr. David McQuinn of Herm lston, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc Cabe and family of Heppner, and Captain and Mrs. John BrLstow and family of Green ville, Texas. Gaylord Salter and family of Athena left on Friday after spending several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Salter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barnett of Gresham spent the holiday here with relatives. On the Fourth they accompanied his brother, James Barnett and family to their cabin in the mountains. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. David Barnett and family of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Brlstow and Capt. and Mrs. John Bristow and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barnett of Portland returned home Mon day after visiting relatives here over the week-end. Charlotte Crum of Vancouver and J. E. Crum of Seattle vis ited at the home of their bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crum and family this week. Also other guests at the Crum home were Beth and Church Holds Week Of Vacation School With Good Turnout An average attendance of 33 children were present during the Vacation Bible School of the Church of the Nazarene, June 11 to June 19. held at the church In Heppner. The theme or the school was "'our un changing Christ for Our Chang ing World." The summer session began with a parade on Saturday, June 11, then continued with dally classes from Monday to Friday. Sandra Flock of Portland. Jim my Flock and Randy Crum are spending the summer at the Crum home. Randy's brother, Vance Crum, is also a guest of the Crums this week. On Friday students and teach ers shared a lunch In the park and on Sunday following they presented a program of new songs and Bible verses which they had learned during the school. Handcrafts and work books were also displayed at the program. Those who taught and their helpers were Reverend Don Mc carty, Junior boy; Mr. Don Mccarty, junior gtris; Mrs. noy Davis, primary; Mrs. Ralph Crum, kindergarten; Mrs. Logan Adams, memory teacher; Mrs. Ray Wlnslow, refreshm e n t s; Charity Beggs, Marilyn Turner and Gary Adams, helpers. The Bob Abrcrms family were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Ned But ton and children of Aberdeen, Wash., over the week-end. Mr. Button was a childhood friend of Mr. Abrams. NOTICE OF CLOSED FIRE SEASON THIS NOTICE IS TO REMIND EVERYONE THAT, EFFECTIVE JULY 10, NO BURNING OF TRASH IS NOW PERMITTED AT ANY TIME WITHIN THE CITY OF HEPPNER. By Order Of Fire Chief C. A. RUGGLES ? ? ? T ? ? ? ? ? ? Y ? t ? t ? ? ? ? t ? ? T ? ? t ? t t ? ? ? ? t t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t t t t t t t t Y t t 1966 Fair and Rodeo (ICR IFF M uj "" jj . 'W , j i . 4 I" ' 1 ' lt' -i I " t 4rj : I -j Hyp f'jv v' r ; L l 'Hi SATURDAY NIGHT JULY 9 9:30 P.M. UNTIL 1 :00 A.M. MUSIC BY THE TAYHS PENDLETON MEET QUEEN irna Winchester AND HER COURT mi mi IFF cm Mi 4 $1.50 PER PERSON ? ? t ? ? t ? f t ? t t T ? f t ? T f t Y t f t t Y t ? t t Y Y t T t ? ? t Y ? t Y ? ? t f t t REFRESHMENTS SERVED