Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1966)
REFPNER CAZETTC TIMES. Thursday. N" 1 Golfers Hold Flag Tournament: By VIRGINIA KELSO KINZUA On Sunday, May 29, the annual Ftae Tournament was held at the local srolf club As an added feature this year, the members of the Willow Creek Golf Club of Heppner were Invited and a fine repre sentation from that club was present More than 40 colters includ ine men. women and juniors stroked their wav about the course and planted their miniat ure flags about the course to mark where they ran out of strokes as well as to commemor ate those who have sacrificed all in defense of their country. Prue winners for Kinzua were David Lovell and LaVina Conner; lone drive was by David Lovell and LaVina Con ner and closest to the pin. David Lovell and Hazel Hulett. For Heppner the winners were Mrs. Ed. Schaffitz and Stu Grin hle; long drive went to Lowell Cribble and Bev Gunderson; closest to the pin. Maury Groves and Dee Gribble. Sunday, Mav 22, was a cold, raw day in John Day for the Kinzua golwers as thev failed in their bid to bring home the Slip Wright Memorial Trophy. To make a long storv short, the Kinzuaites were fairly over whelmed; however, with the ad verse weather conditions pre vailing, a wonderful time was had by all. As usual the hospi tality shown by the host club was second to none. Kinzua prize winners were Ned Nickel sen. Ed Wham. Wayland Hyatt. Allen Nistad, Don Slinkard and Jiees Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Zemmer and family of Bates visited dur ing the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barzee. Mr .and Mrs. Louis Rhodes moved Saturday to near Oregon Citv where thev will make their home. Mrs. Rhodes had been here the past two weeks dispos ing of their furniture. During the recent long week end Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Malla rov and family visited in Hoopa. Calif. Larrv Espinola of StanlieJd and Miss Clare Phalen of Salem were Thursday overnght guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jiggs Bowman and family. When they went on Stanfield Friday thev were ac companied by Vic Bowman. Mrs. Charles Mitchell was the guest of honor Thursday night at a bridal shower given at the grade school. Bingo was played and winners were Bonnie Camp bell, Beverly Hatter and Dinnie Jo Craig. After Melba opened her many lovely and useful gifts assisted by Mrs. Frank Hun sucker, Spray, and Miss Roberta Reid, specially decorated cake and ice cream were served to the guests by the hostesses Bettie Craig. Betty Saddler. Joyce Cody. Gold a Barzee, Bolt Benson and Cts Webb. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk be came the parents of their sec ond son on Friday, June 3. at the rrineville Memorial hospi tal. The little boy weighed 8 lbs. S3 oz.. was 20 Inches long and was named Billy Wayne. He joins sisters Joyce, Maxine, Florence, Janice and a brother John. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Medlook and familv returned Friday from a week spent at Post Falls, Idaho, where thev visited Mrs. Mcdlock's family, the William Messerschmidts. They had gone to Post Falls because of Mr. Messersehmidt's illness and while there they also visited with the Doll Anderson family, Mrs. Barbara Almas and family and brought Billy Messersch midt home with thorn for an extended visited. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hulett received word Friday of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Corkv Hulett of Portland. The little girl has been named Nancy Marie and joins four bro thers, Jerry. Tom. Mike and Dan. This is the first grand daughter for the Huletts. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Re II of Fossil were hosts at Camp 5 Tuesday for the 25th wedding anniverarv of Mrs. Bell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Murdoek. ttending were Mr. and Mr Frank Ferret. Mr. and Mrs. Frank DoMerrit. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph James. Mrs. Archie Cox. Mrs. Bill Stephens and son Mike and Miss Glenda Shelton went to Pendle ton Saturday evening to meet Wavne Cox who flew in from Fort Ord, Calif., on a 12-dav leave. The regular meeting of the Camp 5 Women's club was held Wednesday at the Community hall with Lola Ferrel as hostess. President Betty Murdoek was in charge of the meeting with eight present. Finished blocks of the crocheted bed spread were brought and displayed, and the Safety Dinner to be held in July was discussed and the menu was approved. A card party is to be given after the dinner with Barbara Mortimore as chairman. Door prize for the evening was won by Eva DeMe rrit and bingo prizes were won bv Betty Murdoek. Joanie How ell, Marie Hulett, Barbara Mort imore and Carol N orris. Straw berry pie was served by the hostess. BROWNING ROE ENGAGEMENT TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Browning wish to announce the engage ment of their daughter Vonnle Joan to Jerrv M. Roe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Roe of Pendle ton. Joan is a graduate of Wheeler High school and has received her certificate in Gen eral Business from Blue Moun tain ollege in Pendleton. Mr. Roe is a graduate of Pendleton schools and has received his certificate in Mechanics at Blue Mountain College. No date has boon set for the wedding. Sidewalk Bazaar Slated July 8-9 : Hepnner's third annual Side walk Baa;u will be July S and: i i. a.vording to Bub Henry, chair- man of tin merchants commit-I tee of Ih Chamber of Com- merce. It is expected that most stores ' acd businesses will participate! and that many local organiat ions will also join In with stands sales an I projects of some kind. Organizations who would like to participate are asked to go t Gardner's Men's Wear to chart ih-'re for location of their booths on the sidewalk. In the first two years of the Bazaar, it has proved to he an outstanding success. Wed.f June 22 I 6 AND 8 P. M. RODEO GROUNDS, HEPPNER Citizens Group To Work with City Continued from page l1 this purpose. Groshens reported that the citv is now working towards ac quiring easements for the new pipeline. It was agreed that he is to advertise for bids on steel pipe with asbestos cement pipe as an alternate. The citv superintendent also pointed out hazards at the old wading pool at the side ot the swimming pool and asked per mission to tear it out and level the ground. It has not been used for years, and attempts to make it hold water have failed, he said. Permission was granted. Audit Contract Approved Contract to Allen Langenwalt er for auditing the city's books was approved bv the council on the same basis as last year, con ditional to the approval of City Attorney Bob Abrams after checking the contract. Permits Granted Building permits were granted as follows: Clarence Wise, 255 S. Main. 14x16 ft. storage building, cost $700; Elks lodge. 142 North Main, rebuild upstairs, cost $1500. work contributed by mem bers: William Farra. 413 N. Main, new roof on shoe shop and residence, cost $-175; Bruce Both well, August and Court Streets, concrete block basement, 22x30 ft., cost $1,000. !'"" I Ship The Strategic Middle Route To and From Eastern Markets mm I UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD J. M. LANDAU, GENERAL TRAFFIC AGENT WALLA WALLA Many Awards Go To Class of '66 At Commencement (Continued from page 11 Band rarents club. He also pre sented scholarship from the club to the following for col leges of their choice: Steve War ren. $125; rvd Clark, $100; and Mike Pierce, $75. Warren also received schol arship to Ricks College in Rex burg. Idaho, Mrs. Charles Starks. president of the Soroptlmtst club, present ed a $100 community service scholarship to Sheridan Wyman. Miss Wyman also received a scholarship to Marylhurst col lege, Portland. Girls' League scholarship of $."0 was presented to Theresa Munkers bv Kav Daggett of the league. Other scholarships, all pre sented bv Principal Clayton Nor ton, are as follows: Mark Murray, one year state tuition and partial fee remis sion, to Oregon State I'nlverstty. Jean Marie Mealy, one year state tuition and partial foe re mission scholarship, Kastern Oregon College. Joan Stockard, American Leg ion auxiliary scholarship of $300 to college of her choice. Rogenla Fave Wilson and Diane Gall Schaffitz, 15 months tuition scholarship to Pacific School of Beauty, Portland. David Mathenv and Shirley Jean Norton, lone Lions club scholarships to second semester of freshmen years, colleges of their choice. Michael Kindle, tuition and foe scholarship to the School of Mechanics. Blue Mountain Col lege. Attendance awards went to Leslie Meader for perfect attend ance during her senior year and to Shirley Norton for perfect at tendance during her four years of high school. Mark Murray, president of the senior class, presented gifts to Mrs. Everett t Bern Ice Struck meier and to Rex F.nglish, class advisors, on behalf of the class. Irvin Rauch, school board chairman, presented diplomas to members of the class after Mrs. Struckmeier had presented the class to him. Musical selection on the pro gram was the class singing Climb Every Mountain." direct ed bv Mrs. Rachel Dick. The Rev. Father Raymond Beard delivered the invocation and pronounced t h c benediction. Processional and recessional was by the Hep pner High school band, directed bv Arnold Melby. Youth Make Good Showing at State Junior Olympics Wagenblast Steer Grand Champion (Continued from page 1) ards of Irrigon was eighth, and Mark Clark of Irrigon was tied for ninth. Patti Healv was 13th with her .Southdown Shropshire cross class choice lamb, and In the blackface class (lightweight) Mark Clark of Irrigon was fifth with his prime lamb. David Richards ninth with his choice lamb. In blackface lambs (light weight) Dave Richards was six th Karen Richards was seventh, and Patti Healv was eighth, all with choice lambs. In beef classes. Philip Carlson had the champion shorthorn steer, graded choice. David War ren was second with his white angus. graded choice. Mike War ren was seventh In the heavy angus class with a low choice steer. Theresa Harshman was second in the medium Hereford weight class with her high . v,,.:,... tt.x.r anri Herbert Kk- strom III was fourth In that class with a choice steer. In hcaw Herefords, Herbert Ekstrom III was second with his prime steer. In the county herd of five steers. Morrow county's exhibit placed third with steeds owned hv Mike and David Warren. Theresa Harshman and Herbert Ekstrom III. . . Patti Mealy won second and Sue Grcenuo won fourth In in dividual judging of market ani mals and meat. , , Two Morrow 4-H judging teams were in the top ten. one composed of Larry and Steve Pettyjohn and Sherrl O'Brien of Heppner placing eighth, and another composed of Herbert Ekstrom III. Pattl Mealy and Theresa Harshman placed tenth. Auction of market animals was scheduled tor Wednesday with the auction for lambs and hogs to be in the afternoon and that for steers in the evening. About 150 Junior exhibitors participated in the show, Mc carty said. 63 Morrow county stu dents from Irrigon. Hoar'dman, lone and Heppner school par icipated In the Oregon Junior Olympic competition lit Portland Saturday, June 4. The meet was held In good weather at the Franklin High school athletic field; It began at 9 a.m. and was over by I p.m. The Morrow county delega tion made a very strong showing with the girls winning six sold metals and the boys five gold metals and one second besides other high places. None entered from the county placed below lMh In the state. Eighth grader Lee Muson of Heppner. won a gold medal In the heel and toe walk (or SN0 yards, with a state record time of -t minutes, 20 seconds. Dave Hall, also of Heppner. won a ser.lor division gold medal In the 120 yard low hurdles with a time of 13.7 seconds. IXmna Pumniell of Irrigon won the girls 7. yard dash In K 7 sec onds. All the girls who ran In this race bettered the state rec ord. The senior girls relay team, Heppner. coiiiiHsed of Morllee Jacobs, Uutella Roark, Unda Heath ami Vlckl Robinson won a bronze medal In the 410-yard re lay. Pamela Hughes won a fifth I lace in the 50 yard low hurdles and Uremia Steagall won a fifth place in the 30 pound shot put. Jamie Smith of Heppner Just missed a gold medal In the jun ior division of the heel and toe walk. She was ahead of the field when she broke t h e required step and was disqualified in the last 20 yr.'ds of the race. Eddie Sherman of lone was fifth in the senior 100 yard dash Those eligible to attend the meet on the basis of the district meet in Ht-ppner were: Wayne Buchanan. Bob Ryan. Darrel Pummel. Rebecca Coodatl. IVo l ie M.HAiy, Hon Zleblnskl. Hon McCorkle. Teresa Goodall, Don na Pummel. Eugene Teubola. l.uann Rcrg. lunula Blllenger. Grace MeGliinls, Lynda Early, all of Irrigon. Eligible from Heppner were Jeff Marshall. Dave Hughes, Al an Met ahc, Bryl Stlllman. Lin da Clough. Iovle Alderman, kathy McClure, Susan Mealy. tVan" Wrht. lee Huson. John Hull, Terry Crisp. Rory Stillinan. Sandy Mathctiy, Jamie Smith. Royagl.tii, Gwen Drake, Mary Olkwnell, Beverly Mclntyre, Pamela Johnston. Pattl laiclanl, Dave IUII, Bill McLcod, Runs Kilkenny, Mark Tulll. Hal llcrg-U-om, Linda Starks, Kav Huxoit, Pamela Hughes, Linda Ecktuan, Vlckl Steagall. Camllle Malcom. Dean Kindle. Mike Alsup Dave Gray, Jim Dohorty, Jim Jacobs, Steve Wagenblast, Ken Morgan, l-ennle Manna. Mark Brown, Allyn Wltherrlte. lamella Roark. Leslie Miador, Mcrllce Jacobs, and Vlckl Robinson. From lone were Krank Haiv orsen and Eddie Sherman. Jerry Beard. Carl Oland. Anna Obermelcr, Carol Harper, Chris McGlnncs, qualified to enter from Riverside High school. When you patronrxa Gazette Times advertisers, you h 1 p make a better paper Tell them you saw It In the Gaxette-Tlmea. Scouts are Topped For Order of Arrow Scoutmaster Moose Stevens went with three scouts, Jim Mealy, Rob Abrams and Mike Stevens, to campflre al a Scout Camtore at Cold Springs Krldav evening. June 3. Jim and Rob were lapped for the Order of the Arrow, Another scout elected bv Heppner Troop (HI I to the Order of (he Arrow, Gary Munkers. was unable to attend the csmpflrc. The hoys will be Initiated into the Order of the Arrow on June 23. Tickets are on sale In Heppner for the scouts' Pancake Dinner to be Saturday. June 11, at St. Patrick'! parish hall. Scouts and their families will serve the pub lic ham, pancakes, milk and coffee from 4 tu.8 p.m. i ALWAYS riR8T OUAUTY m Until Further Notice Wc Will Bo UNTIL 9 P.M. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT All Clothing Needs For Vacation! Wheredopvannago? owntown to shop J I down the street to the drive-in cr Take off and travel in a new Chevrolet! JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stanfield, Oregon Curing. Cutting. Wrapping Slaughtering Wednesdays, Friday! LOCKER BEEP AND POBK Phons 449-3621 Jim Tolas Day or Night 1966 Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan with eight features now standard for your added safety including back up lights and seat belts front and rear (always buckle up!). What you get is The meticulous coachwork of Body by Fiaher that sur rounds you with rich appointments, deep twist carpeting Full Coil suspension that uncrinkles roads Magic-Mirror finish Gobs of room for hips, legs and feet. What you can add includes Com fortron automatic heating and air condi tioningspring weather the year round AM-FM multiplex stereo radio Tilt telescopic steering Power everything brakes, windows, seats, steering. See your Chevrolet dealer now. You'U never find a better time to buy, so Whatayawaittnfor? Big-saving summer buys on Chevrolet, Chevelle, Chevy II and Corvoi. See your Chevrolet dealer for fast, fast delivery on all kinds of Chevrolets ...V8's and6's! GM Cktmiil OttliKs Fulleton Chevrolet Company 36-3764 Heppner, Oregon 97836