Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1966)
- m w l HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES. ThursdaY. Y K. 1968 How Morrow County Voted DEMOCRATIC Board- N. E. N. W, nan Irrtju Hep. Htp loo S. E. S. W. Hard. Lex. Hep. Hop. man TOTAL .17 7.1 39 59 47 36 32 M 7 3SI 4 4 2 2 8 3 0 I 0 24 23 33 17 28 37 20 12 in 1 FOR SENATOR IH'NCAN MKYF.R MORGAN FOR CONGRESS" Ql'ICLEY U1XMAN FOR GOVERNOR F1FXPS MCSA ROGERS STRAl'B FOR LABOR COM. HOFFMAN MLSF.N S 5S" 12 "sh; 2 "57 3 86" 13 82 5;" 3 "44 6 67 3 2l" 10 " 30 21 40" "3$ " 9 59 "20" 79" 0 "17 2" 37 1 13" 5 "71 15 "34" FOR STATE REP. BUCHANAN 52 97 45 FOR COUNTY COM. VAN WINKLE 41 T50. 21 64 5 46 " 7 "34 59 0 0 20 11" 5" 2 36 30 14 44" 10 23' 81 84 67 51 61 40 44 2 17 4 47 13 66 66 1 "8" 0 3 1 " 5" 55 'M7" 9 6 FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR LAVCHLIN 16 SHARRARD 22. FOR PORT COM. TATONE 53 29 2S "20 50 "31 50 "34 2V 28 22 44 "27" 48 62 41 69 69 45 24 57 13 186 " 45" 349 " 141" " 403 '524 495 "2shT 215 "419" REPUBLICAN FOR SENATOR ALTVATER 1 4 1 2 4 3 1 5 1 22 BACALOFF 7 7 12 13 21 21 12 9 6 108 H VTFIELP 40 34 60 74 100 47 42 57 5 459 HUSS 2 2 3 3 lZjL 6 9 3 45 FOR CONGRESS ZZ THOREN 43 45 62 67 118 56 51 59 9 510 FOR GOVERNOR ' ' "" " " McCALL 46 42 69 87 122 66 61 77 14 584 REYNOLDS 4 6 8 11 16 9 0 3 2 59 FOR STATETrEP. "..r MAJfN " 45 38 68 75 137 68 55 74 13 573 FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY ' WINTER 40 44 78 94 134 75 56 SO 16 617 FOR COUNTY COM. - FERGUSON " 41 40 66 81 109 73 51 71 9 541 FOR ASSESSOR THOMSON' 44 45 59 69 110 58 43 60 10 493 FOR PORT COM.' GOLLYHORN 14 38 4 10 32 15 7 6 1 127 M ALCOM 24 17 49 76 69 44 43 57 1 1 395 SWANSOX 26 13 49 65 124 60 37 66 9 449 m -' 1S. -Jgf .. 3J -- HErtPfe ps5"- s " ss k, ...... . . - ... .. .... . i. 7 ::;.Lf 'I.-.f ' r I v j y " ; H l ib . I 1 NONPARTISAN FOR SCHOOL SUPT. BLAKE 73 87 57 80 142 66 45 82 17 649 MIXEAR 31 62 70 99 78 68 51 66 6 531 MEASURES: " CIGARETTETAX: YES 68 96 94 110 143 89 68 104 16 788 WO 49 69 43 81 100 55 36 51 9 493 SUPT. BILL: YES 36 56 64 68 71 45 42 50 10 442 j?Q 72 103 & 115 154 93 57 97 U 767" HIS EXCELLENCY. Bishop FiancU P. Ulpilg et Bak (front row. lourth Iran left) was among thos comlnq to St Patrick's Cath olic church her on May 10 to honor th Rev. Raymond H. Beard (front row. third from left) at the Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving on the occasion of Father Beard's Silver Sacerdotal Jubilee. Pic tured are (front row, from left) Phil Aries. Msgr. McMahoa, Rot. Beard. Bishop Leipiig. Rev. William Rodeo. Rev. William Stone, Bobby Worden. Second row:. Rev Ralph Schwemln. Rev. Harold Fumo. Rev. John Schlndler. Rev. Paul Weaning, Rev. Desmond Dillon. Rev. Donald Sullivan. Rev. Elden Curtlss. Third row: Rev. James O'Connor, Rev. Joseph Da Llo, Rev. Leopold O'Riordan, O. F. M. Cap Rev. Robert Slmard, Rev. Thomas Moore, Rev. Calvin Schwenk. Fourth Row: Rev. John Phelan, Rev. Harry Beegan. Rev. Patrick Cairo, Rev. John O'Brien. Rev. Alfred Fisher, Rev. Richard Conway, Rev. Robert Miller, Rev. John Baumgartner. Fifth row: Rev. Peter Dutgnan. Rev. Austen Cribbln. Rev. Bernard Keating. Rev. Patrick Lunham, Rev. Simon Coughlin. O. F. M. Cap Rev. Francis McConnack. Rev. Many Travel to Attend Silver jubilee of Fr. Beard The roevnt cvlt'bratlon honor- His first iisslnnmont nfti'r bclnn In. r.tkn. t...-m.....l II D......I I ... - . . . iiiuiiu ii. i aiu orilaint'cl on Junt 7. rll. was an assistant at i. IVtt-r's chiircli Boardman News Critical Water Through Summer Virs. Waiter Wj-ss was host ess for the Boardman Garden Club Monday nieht of last week at her home. Eva LaChance of La Grande was a guest Plans were made for the an nual Sandflower Sister Party to be held next month, June 20, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Al len, with Mrs. Russell Miller as co-hostess. At that time Sand flower sisters will be revealed with exchange of gifts, and new name drawn for another year. Miss LaChance won the door prize, and in a game played, prizes were won by Mrs. Ralph Earwood and Miss LaChance. Most farmers and ranchers of Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, and Sherman counties can expect critical water shortages this summer, except where adequate supplies of stored water are available or where water can be pumped, according to a re port released today by A. J. Webber, state conservationist for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lowe, former residents here. Mrs. Frank Marlow was in . Fork Umatilla, had 20 inches of Walla Walla, Wash. Thursday snow containing 9.9 Inches of the USDASoil Conserve 1 1 o n Service, and prepared by W. T. Frost, state snow survey super visor. Precipitation continues to be extremely short and abnormal temperature and wind condit ions have melted off most of the snowpack. On May 6, snow was present at only two out of the nine snow courses measured. Tollgate snow course, at the head of the Walla Walla and the North Mrs. Rollin Bishop was host ess for the Home Extension Un it Tuesday of last week at her home, with Mrs. Emery Lyons as co-hostess. Lunch was served at noon. Subject of the meeting was ' Buying children s doming. This was the last meeting of the current year. It was decid ed to postpone election of of ficers until the first fall meeting. The unit will sell pie and i colfee election day, May 24, at ! the polling places. Mrs. Claud Coats was in Se-! attle, Wash, from Thursday till ; Monday visiting at the home j cf her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mallery. Mr. and Mrs. Zearl Gillespie took her to Pendleton where she took the plane or Seattle. Mrs. Bob Miller and her sis ter, Mrs. Carl Gaede, of Gresh am were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Russell Miller. They also attended the morn ing serv ices at Commun i t y Church. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kress were week-end visitors in Wal la Walla, Wash, at the home of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Del Robert son. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Potts were recent visitors in La Grande at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dcvbert Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Stein Ke of Olex were visitors one day last week at the home of Stcinkes sister, Mrs. Ralph Earwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rash and daughter Diane were week end visitors in Hood River at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Geiz. Also visiting were Mrs. Dean King and sons Rodney till Saturday visiting at the home of her aunts, Mrs. Ernest A. Zerba, and Mrs. A. C. Knud son. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dono van attended the recent Par ents Week-end in La Grande at E.O.C. water. Last year, this course had 12.3 inches of water on this date. Lucky Strike snow course, on the head of Birch Creek, had 8 inches of snow contain ing 3.1 inches of water com pared with 8.1 inches of water last year. was a time for reunion of many of his relatives and friends who traveled considerable dis tances for the special occasion. Among his relatives present for the Silver Jubilee celebra tion on May 10 were the follow ing brothers and sisters: Wil liam Beard, Vancouver, Wn.; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beard, Klamath fans; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kirk and son, Molalla: Sister Sylvina, Baker; Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Tschirgi, Spokane, Thomas Beard and children, Coos Bay, and Mrs. Jerry Gris mer, Minneapolis. Minn. With the Most Reverend Fran cis P. Leipzig, Bishop of Baker presiding, Father Beard cele brated the occasion at a solemn high mass of thanksgiving at 5:00 p.m. in St. Patrick's church. Assisting were Father Eldon Curtiss, La Grande, master of ceremonies; Father William Ro den of Burns, deacon; Father William Stone of Milton-Free- water, sub-deacon, and Father John Baumgartner of Ontario delivering the sermon. Organist was Miss Marguerite Glavey, who also conducted the choir which added to the enjoyment of the service. A capacity crowd of Darishioners and out-of-town guests filled tne sanctuary lor the impressive ceremony. Father Beard has served the churches of St. Patricks in Heppnur and St. Williams in lone since September 1, 1959. Martin Qulgley, Rev. Venantiu O'Shea. O. F. M. Cap Rev. Tim othy Collins. Rev. David Maien. Among clergymen present but not In the picture were Rev. George Murphy. Rev. Benamia Klernan. and Rev. Jtrry Condon. (G T Photo) in The Dalles. Other assign ments In Lakevlow, Klamath Falls, Enterprise and Milton Freewaler were experienced he fore coming to Heppnor. Words of pralso and admira tion for the service of Father Beard during the past 25 years were spoken by visiting guests during the evening banquet In jhe parish hall. About 100 ih-o- pie Wore served a roast beel dinner, with arrangements niot capably handled by women of the ileppner, Lexington and lone Altar Societies. Father George Murphy of Klamath Falls presided as mas ter of ceremonies, Introducing Father Francis McCormack who gave the Invocation, and other distinguished priests and guests. Representing the com munity of Ileppner were Mayor and Mrs. Clarence Rosewall and Rev. Al Boschee Chr i s 1 1 a n church pastor, ulso representing the South Motrow County Min isterial Association. Words of tribute were paid the honor guest by Kt. Rev. Monslgnor Michael McMahon of The Dalles. He referred to Fath er Beard as "the work horse of priesthood," yet compiimenieti him upon his finding an "out ing in life, in the form of bowl ing, commenting that "every one needs some kind of recrea tion, with some form of a bull." He congratulated him on his spirit of self sacrifice and dedi cation t Ills iH-ople. and rlosi-d with the comment that tils hoix's are that "the silver years will ripen Into mild, with lu hire vrars being even more fruitful than Hiom- In the past." Main address of the evening was given by Bishop Ulllg, who. after coiicjutulnllnK the honor guest, sMike of the chnng Ini: concepts of religious liber ties, i-sMH-lal1v s hev ertttln to the church doctrines. An entertaining review of the history of the parish was Riv en bv I.arrv Lindsay, express Ing appreciation to Father Heard for his years uf devoted serv ice that he has given to build ing up the church and uplirt Ing souls of his fellow men. Areas of cotistiictlon and Im provements in the church were given six-elal mention. In a sx-ech of gratitude. Father Beard shared his many reasons for being grateful his thankfulness to his Cod. to the bishop and fellow priests, to his teachers, to his family, and to his parishioners, to all thoe attending and to all who had presented him gifts. Special entertainment for the evening was presented bv St. Joseph's Academv of Pendleton, with selections of vocal and In strumental numbers. Among the out-of-town guests attending were the Fathers Har ry lieegnn. The Dalles; Kldon Curtlss and Patrick Galre, La Grande; Alfred Fisher. Benja min Klernan, Robert Miller and James O'Connor, all of Pendle ton; David llazon and Calvin Schwenk. Baker; Bernard Keat ing and George Murphy, Klam ath Falls; Jerry Condon, Wasco; Timothy Collins. Enterprise; Itichard Conway. Madras; Peter Dugnan, Dufur, Harold Fumo, ChiliKiuIn: lipoid Rlor d a n. O.F.M.. Cap., Murllngame. Calif ; Patrick Lunham, Condon; Thomas Moorr, IIimhI Klvrr; John O'Brien. Pilot Hock; Fran cis McConnack. Redmond; Vrn nnlus O'Shea and Simon Cough tun. OFM . Caps, both of Ilenn Iston; John Phelan, Lakevlrw; William Rntlen, Burns; Hubert Slmard, John Day; William Stone. Milton Ftcewatcr; Don aid Sullivan, Jordan Valley; Martin Qulgley, Merrill; Joseph Dat.lo, Dayton. Wn.; Desmond Dillon. Yakima. Wn ; John Schleniller. O amlvl t w. Wn.; Ralph Schwemln and Paul Won nlng, both of S(okane, Wn. Nerd extra cash? SII unused Items around your place with a Gaette Times classified ad. JIM'S MEAT CO. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stanfleld. Oreaon Curing, Wrapplna Slaughtering Day Mondays. Wednesdays. Fridays LOCKER BEEF AND PORK Phone 449-362) Jim Tolas Day or Night IDEAL FOR CED DRINKS & WEIGHT WATCHERS SWEETA' Sqjjibb no-calorie concentrated sweetener FATTENING 1 I tSOUJNf - f SWEETA !. MURRAYS REXALL DRUG HEPPNER IC0A Life Insurance Company 250 Liberty St., S.E. Salem, Oregon ADMITTED ASSETS: 3-31-66 3-31-65 Bonds $2,059,747.22 $1,572,495.39 Stocks 231,100.99 221,030.99 Mortgage Loans 1,567,526.02 1,555,887.25 Cash 121,625.04 173,629.00 Other 261,487.60 208,204.53 Total Admitted Assets WMAA $3,731,313.22 LIABILITIES: Policyholder Reserves $2,087,623.80 $1,675,502.42 Additional Policyowner Funds 1,150,120.97 824,084.42 General Liabilities T 173,268.49 J81.577.87 Total Liabilities $3,411,013:26 $2,68i;i64.33 CAPITAL STOCK: (1,824,078 shares at $.25 456,019.50 456,019.50 UN ASSIGNED SURPLUS: 374,460.71 594,129.39 Total Capital Stock & Unassigned Surplus $ 830,480,21 $1,050,148.89 Total Liabiities, Capital Stock & Surplus $4,241,493.47 $3,731,313.22 OLYMPIC'S BIGGEST EVER 1 for 4 PROMOTION 1 GALLON FREE WITH PURCHASE OF 4 GALLONS OF ANY COLOR.Cf0, LIMITED TIME ONLY! fH Olympic IK Mill" i.'iiiiiii; '.iiiiin May 14 Through June 4 TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY Heppner Ph. 676-9212 Sunday the Rashes came by V.'i.sco to visit at the home of and Mark. On the way home