Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1966)
r ::1 BILL McCUNTOCK. shown working with hit ehlxl plow whlU hU wlf. CUla. itaiula b. itarted con.orvation practice! In arne on hli ranch after Ujo floodi of December, 1964. and januarr 196S. la two yait they hare developed a complete consenrarJon program that has resulted In hli being chosen as 1 908 Conservation Man of the y" In Morrow county. Note the trashy fallow which U a part ol their conservation program. Year-end Activities Occupy Business Of Beta Omega Group Thlrtp"n members of BtH OmcRS chapter of Kpsllon Sig ma Alpha attended the final buftlnexs meetlnjt for this spring, held at the home of Mrs. Roset ta Palmateer on Wednesday, May 4. In the treasurer's report by Mrs. Marilyn Rlctmann, It was stated that pror-eeds from the April food sale amounted to $K3 45. Final plans were discuss ed for the May banquet, which will be held Saturday, May 21, at the Wagon Wheel banquet room. Interesting reports on the state convention held In Salem In April were given by Mrs. June Llndxtrom, Mrs. Betty llnusler and Mrs. Maxlne Rlet mnnn. The Jewel pin ceremony was conducted by Mrs. Haunter, chapter president, for Mrs. Don na Webb and Mrs. Diana Kin cald. She was assisted by Mrs. Rletmann. Members chose the study of foreign countries and their cus toms for the educational pro gram for the coming year. Incoming president, Mrs. Max lne Rletmann, read committees Funeral Services Held for Miller Funeral services for John Janon Miller. 38, of Bellevue, Wn., were Friday, May 13, at 9:30 a.m. at Bellevue. Congrega tional church. Interment was In Willamette National Cemetery In Portland. Green Funeral Home, Inc., of Bellevue was In charge of arrangements. Mr. Miller died Tuesday, May 10. He was born In Heppnec and lived In Bellevue for nine years. He was a price analyst for the Boeing Company and had been with Boeing In Seattle for 10 years. He was a graduate of Oregon State College, was a member of Bellevue Congregational church, was president of the Art Club of the church, and was a mem ber of Samena club. He had served In World War II as a seaman first class. Surviving are the widow, Ana jean Miller of Bellevue; a dau ehter. Laurl Ann. and son, John Stuart Miller, both at home; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Portland; two sisters, Mrs. Jerry R. Matches of Col umbia, Mo., and Mrs. Hugh P. Stanley of Minneapolis, Minn.; and three brothers, G. L. Mill HEPPlfEH GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. May 19. 1966 rrV- 4 1 1 -1 4 -V; . i . 1 . 4 1 It t T for the chapter for the coming er of Honolulu, Hawaii, and year. Harry and Kenneth Miller, both A donation from St. Patrick's of Portland. E. H. (Tad) Mlll Altar society at Heppner has er of Lexington is a cousin, boosted the fund for the water Contributions may be made softener for Pioneer Memorial in his memory to the Fred nospitai to Mb7.l. The chapter; Hutchinson Cancer Institute, MORE THAN seven miles of diversion ditches are located on the BUI McCltntock place near the Gilliam county line In Morrow county. Here the 1966 Morrow County Conservation Man of tho Tear and his wife, Elsie, stand at one of the diversion ditches. OLYMPIC'S BIGGEST EVER 1 for 4 PROMOTION mm 1 GALLON FREE WITH PURCHASE OF 4 GALLONS OFANYCOLOR.flfcf0W, LIMITED TIME ONLY! iii'iiiirl ilipfi jj j 'm-MiM f I May 14 Through June 4 TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY Hoppner Ph. 676-9212 Future Promising, John Bauer Tells Morrow Wheat Men (Continued from page II 1700 ucres of trnshv fallow and other practices. Thev will be presented three trophies lit a later date. Among committee reports heard at the meeting were these: Public relations bv Dick Mc Kllii:'tt. rcmierning the Port land Klghth Grade tour and its success. Taxation by Don McElligott, stating his personal preference for a cigarette tax as a step towards alleviation of property taxes, that this Is not an of ficial stand of the wheat league, and stating of the proposed m property tax limitation protMisal, "Unfortunately It Is poorly written. It would disrupt counties and school districts. If It passes, we may all be sorry. I hoie it gets a close vote to get the legislature thinking. Freight Rates Hold Transportation by Don Pe terson, telling of the attempt to get a decrease In rail trelght rates to Portland. This appear ed to be forthcoming but was rescinded. Federal programs by Norman Nelson, reporting on the 15 Increase of allotments for 1967 and stating that surpluses are down. Youth activities by Bernard Doherty, announcing plans for the Wheat League's Junior Live stock show in The Dalles three weeks hence. Production and land use by Jack Sumner, telling of the work towards organization of a Columbia Plateau Resource Council which would "fight California" for Columbia River water and develop a massive organization, similar to that in the Great Plains, for political bargaining. John Welbes, executive vice president of the Oregon Wheat League, Introduced Bauer, pointing out his record of serv ice in the Tendleton area be fore going to Portland. Entertainment was by a group of young men of lone, who sang two numbers. Includ- wishes to thank these ladies. AH further donations may be made to Beta Omega savings account. Bank of Eastern Ore gon, lone. John Pfeiffer III John Pfeiffer has been con fined to his home this week by Illness. He has been suffering from rheumatic fever and com plications for several weeks and expects to undergo further treat ment before returning to work at his Western Auto Store. co Swedish Hospital, for the John J. Miller Memorial Fund. Tell the advertiser you saw It In the Gazette-Times. Open House Set At Air Station The 6.36th Radar Squadron, a component of the North Amer ican Air Defense Command, will hold open house Saturday, May 21. This annual Armed Forces Day event will include guided tours of the search radar and height finder equipment used by the squadron In the perfor mance of its assigned mission. Hours of the opt.i house will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. In addition to the radar equipment, tours of the other areas of the squadron will be conducted. The 636th Radar Station has been in continuous operation since 1952 as a part of the Air Defense Command. Its mission has been to aid in the defense of the Northwest against attack bv hostile forces. As new and more sophisticated electronic systems have been developed they have been Installed at Condon Air Force Station. In .spite of cold windy wea ther during last year's Armed Force Day observance, more than 250 persons were guests of the squadron. Major Richard G. Slaughter, commander of the 636th Radar Squadron said, "I hope many of our good neighbors in the Heppner, Lexington and lone areas will come over to visit us Saturday." Ginny Moore Elected EOC Dorm President In dormitory elections at East ern Oregon College on May 2. Miss Ginny Moore was elected president for the coming year of her dorm, Dorlon West. Oth ers serving with her are Linda Johnson, vice president; Linda Mclntire, secretary, and Joanne Chorazy, treasurer. Nancy Baker of Pendleton, a friend of Glnnys during early childhood when the families were neighbors In Pendleton, was elected president of Dor ion East. Glnny's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Moore, were among many from this area who attended Parents Week-end activities on campus the past week-end. She plans to stay on campus through the summer months and con tinue her employment as secre tarv in one of the dean's offices. DANCE To Live Music Friday And Saturday Night FEATTJRINO DUSTY TRIBBLE Wogon Wheel HEPPNER Phone 676-8997 ed were Charles Nelson, Neal Chrlstopherson, Bob Baker, Leon Maglll, Jim Swanson and Keith Nelson. Refreshments of coffee and doughnuts were served by wom en of the Lexington -Grange. The refreshments were given through the courtesy of High land Machinery Co., Condon. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS and Mimeograph Sten ells now Available at the Gazette Times office. 49-tfx ELECT MARTIN BUCHANAN For Representative 28th District Umatilla. Morrow, Gilliam Sherman. Wheeler Counties MARTIN BUCHANAN has the ENERGY, EXPERIENCE. DEDICATION to represent the peoplo ol tho 28th dlst Pd. Pol Adv. by Martin Buchanan Campaign Com mittee, John Grove, Sec., 313 S.W. Second St M-F. . ? . How to get your money's worth in MOVING SERVICE Don't be mislead b low price tags when "shopping" for I mover. Remember, at stake ere the thousands ol dollars you're Invested in valued possessions. True economy lies in choosing the mover whose experience, skill end personalized care as sure their genuine, full-time protection . . . PLUS tbese important moving extrasi Personalized "Pre-PIannIng" jnifiguCVans I Equipment Latest Unl-Packing Methods Bette Matone Consultant Service CaW foeay for an cccurafo ifimafe without obligation. Flatt's Truck Service GENE ORWICK Lexington Ph. 989-8420 W. An Authorized Agmh 1 for United Van Unoa v ... 37 f,i l -fit v I xx AVi Gardner's Really Has The Gifts For The GRADUATE! He'd Be Tickled With The New PACIFIC TRAIL Surfer Shirts Loncer $00 $f95 And Arrow To Weldon Jantxen Somsonite Robes BATHING Luagage And Pajamas Q I ITf J W $45 to $g95 OUl I 3 A GOOD SELECTION Jockey lath Kilts 3 FREE Gift Wrapping GIFT CERTIFICATES IN ANY AMOUNT WIND BREAKERS $g95 to $ J95 GARDNER'S MEN'S WEAR MARJ and LeROY GARDNER "THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE" HEPPNER PH. 676-9218