Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1966)
Mrs. Hamlin Travels To Executive Meeting Mb. Frank llamlln.Hstrlet 6 iircsldent if tho American Leg ion Auxiliary, returned luM wm'k from a twodiiy executive board tnwtliiK, nt tho lllvecsldo WckJ Mold In 1'orllnnd. Nhu department district! were represented nt tlir con rlnve of l'uloiinuln-N and Aux iliary members Ihut Included tli irc!(ciM'i of National Com mander Kldon Jiimes; Dept. I'rcNldi'itt Colleen Goner, and lept- C'iiiiiidbiiiIit Jack I'Inlo. Om of lhi IiIhIiIIkIiU of the two day nchnIiiii of board meet. liik'H and report by dlstrUt of ficers wn a dinm-rduncv fir all attending, held Saturday evenlntr at the 'Top of the Cos mo" In I'ortland. Elks to Entertain At Beef Barbecue A Ncx-lal hlKhllKht of the month fur members and KUest of Heppner Klkn lidK" No. 3r8 Is planned for Saturday even in. May II. Follow in it a wenlern tho evening, will Mart "red steer" hiirheoue nerved "Western Style" p.m. Live miiKlc for I heme, with a dinner, at 7:00 danrltiK will follow bv lonard Toll (tmt hi. lively "Weslerneers," and Included In tho entertainment will ho a Kiieelal floor show numbi. Tho hotUiI committee iirnes n Kod turnout of mem bers nnd KUehtH. DANCE To Livo Music Friday And Saturday Night FEATURING DUSTY TRIBBLE Wagon Wheel HEPPNER Phone 676-8997 MMMhlhLW " -."fit tfjfa tfjtj Jmmmii&mW MISS MARLENE KAY FETSCH Fetsch-Longgood Engagement Told Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert L. Ketsch of Lexington lire happy to in nounee tho engagement of their daughter, Marlene Kay, to Gene I.. Lonju:ocxl of Yakima, Wn. Tho couple became en;ni!ed on her 21t birthday during a re cent vtxlt to her home. MUs Ketsch, a l!Mi2 fair and Mdeo (iueen, and graduate of Ih'Ppner HIkIi M'hool In 10('3, now reside In Beaverlon. She Is a Kraduato of Northwestern School of Commerce In I'ortland, nnd holds a certificate as a per sonal secretary. For the past two years she has been employed at I'ortland Slate College us secre tary to the Director of Health and I'hvslcal Kducntlon. Mr, Ixmegood Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. ('. IuikkoikI of Walla Walla. lie and his twin brother, Ivan, graduated from Walla Walla Wuh school in I'.M'.I. He attended two years of eulloce at Fresno State in l iesno, Calif., malodni; In Ani mal Husbandry. Ho Is an active member of the Rodeo Cowboys Association, recently winning tho title of Ail-Around Cham pion Cowboy of tho Sprlntt Ko deo Horse Show In Portland. He Is presently employed at Pacif ic Northern Telephone Company In Yakima. Tho couple Is planning a late September wedding, and will make their home In Yakima. . wr -inrT n t IAI ITV MTE3 nnoi uwnwi Until Further Notice Wc Will Be UNTIL 9 P.M. EVERY FRIDA NIGH? HUNDREDS OF GRADUATION GIFTS! Juniors, Seniors Dine 'Mid South Sea Gaiety At Annual Banquet Br GAIL MALCOM llcppner Hl;h Juniors and seniors dined In an atmosphere of "Polynesian Paradise-" at their annual banquet on Wed nesday, May 4. Ushers greeted the rues! at the entrance to the Klks Club lode;e room where tho hiirmuet was held, and pre sented them with lets of vari ous colors. Table decorations consisted of small huts and palm trees, and vines running down the mid dle of the table. Nut cups, nap kins, programs and place cards were all decorated with palm trees. Oranco and yellow can dles lighted the tables. The stage was draix-d In a fish net with bottles of starfish caught In It. Master of ceremonies for the program was Mike Sweeney. The Invocation was given by pastor Kenneth Uoblnson. A hu morous ufter-dinner speech was given bv Nonda Clark, and Peg gy Snyder, Junior class presi dent, made the farewell speech to the seniors. Mark Murray, senior class president, replied sH-aklng about what high school has meant to the sen iors during the past years. The crowd of uround 150 peo ple was entertained bv Pastor ltohinson, who sang two folk numbers. A folk-slnglng group from Condon, composed of Lin da Morgan. John Johnson, Dick Holland, and Mac Stinchfleld, also provided the guests with music. Dressed In yellow and pink flowered shifts. 15 sophomore gU-ls served for tho banquet. They were Mary Pierce, Rita Pottvlohn, Kathv Matthews, Su san Starks, Paula Slowert, Mar sha Lovgren, Nancv Doherty, Chris Munkers, Merrl I-ee Jac obs, Lou Klla Roark. Sheila Lu cianl. Debbie Young, Ruby Ful leton, Barbara Crisp, and Vlckl Robinson. Seven sophomore boys, who wore Hawaiian print sweat shirts and cut-offs, assisted the girls In seating and serving the guests. They were Terry Cor bin, Randy Stlllman, John Raw lins, Steve Pettyjohn, Dave Hall, Karl Ayers, and Russ Kilkenny. Marty Boynllnn, banquet chairman, planned the menu and chose the decorntlon theme. Mothers of the Juniors work ed hard to prepare the dinner for the guests. Mrs. Raymond French was chairman for this committee of mothers. Delegates Report On Region Meeting Highlights of the 48th annu at northwestern regional con ference of the Soroptlmlst as sociation were reported by dele gates of the local Soroptlmlst club at Us luncheon meeting Thursday, April 28. Attending the three-day meet ing at the Davenport Hotel In Spokane the week-end of April 22-21 were Mrs. Charles Starks, club president; Mrs. Emllo Gro shens. official delegate, and Mrs. Wavel Wilkinson, vice-president. Theme of tho conference was "Soroptimlsts Serve," with re ports of regional and district officers and talks bv guest speakers emphasizing the sig nificance of service throughout the organization. ElKhtyseven of the 1)6 clubs In the north western region were represented In the registration of 326 dele gates, officers and guests. Invi tation was accepted from Bel llngham, Wn., club for the 17 convention. Special guest was National Federation ITesident Betty B(vk Prosser of Hollywood, Calif., who gave the keynote address. Presiding over the sessions was Mrs. Margaret T. Larkln, Klam ath Falls, regional governor. In elections, Miss Bernadlne Batters of Vancouver, Wn., past District 2 director, was elected to succeed Mrs. Larkln as reg ional governor. Mrs. Mildred Byrne of Brookings was elected to the office of District 2 dir ector. Mrs. Starks was appoint- Queen Sheridan Rules In Pretty Colonial Setting for Prom By JIM BARCLAY Reigning over the 1966 Junior-Senior Prom were Queen Sheridan Wyman and King Dav id Clark. Completing the court were Irlneo Mark Murray, Prince Mike Bunch. Princess Judy Jones and Princess Theresa Munkers. This year's theme, 'Tender is tho Night", was carried out with colonial style decor Includ ing a mansion, water fountain, hrlck flower beds, and an Ivy covered entrance. The Pastels from tho Trlclt les provided music for the even ing from nine o'clock until one. Serving refreshments of cook ies and punch were Camille Maloom, Sheila Hoaly, Susan Melby, John McCabe, Pat Swee ney, John Harris, and Matt Mur ray. Throckmorton Studio was set up in the gymnasium to take color pictures of couples who wished them. Go pur Oufclc dealer. Bo get a '00 Buick Special. Going 1st class was never easier. (Or smarter.) Delivery? flight now! Deals? Couldn't be better! wswi!" s, Choose from a wide range of body styles, colors and options. 4 out of 5 new-car buyers pay Special prices make sure you get the Special! WINNER Its class, Pure Oil Performance Trials. WINNER Popular Science Gold Cup for outstanding braking performance in Pure Oil Trials. AT A WINNER OF A DEAL! Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick Special right now? (When the getting's so great?) See your Buick dealer during his Par-Busting Sale. FARLEY MOTOR CO. May and Chase, Heppner, Ore. ed to serve on the tally board tor electing regional ana dis trict officers. The following new officers were presented bv the nominat ing committee to serve the Heppner club for the coming year: Mrs. Wavel Wilkinson, president; Mrs. Bill Johnson, vice president; Mrs. Marjorie Worden, recording secretary; Mrs. Carl McDaniel, correspond ing secretary; Mrs. Sadie Par rlsh, treasurer; Mrs. Emllo Cro shens, regional representative, and Mrs. John Pfelffer, Mrs. Matt Hughes, Mrs. Conley Lan ham and Mrs. Starks, board members. The club will entertain all senior girls and their mothers, women faculty, wives of men faculty and administrators at Its annual Senior Girls Tea on Sunday afternoon, May 22, at the home of Mrs. Wavel Wil kinson. The reception hours will be from three to live oclock. Mrs. Fred Mankin U making ijood.. improvement., at. Good Samaritan hospital, Portland, after undergoing a malor oper ation there Thursday, May 5, her hushand states. She enter ed on May 3 and hopes to be dismissed about Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Her address Is Room 103, Wilcox Memorial, Good Samaritan hos pital, Portland. Mrs. Al (Betty) Bunch, her daughter, has been in Portland with her. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. Mar IX 1966 Adkins Family Plans Reunion Here May 29 A reunion of the Adkins fam ily Is planned for Sunday, May 29, In the county fairgrounds pavilion, according to word from Mrs. Jean Adkins Labbcr ton of Yakima, Wn. Ralph -Adkins and Mrs. Mir iam (Albert) Adkins will be among those attending. The family members are arranging to attend church together at the Heppner Methodist church at 11:00 .m7 prior to the reun ion gathering. The occasion will also give an opportunity tor the family to attend the Memorial Pioneer Picnic at the fair pa vilion on Monday, May 30. Metsker maps of Morrow, Gil liam, Umatilla. Wheeler counties on tale at the Gazette-Times, $1.25 each. Others available on order. T t j thoroughly qu.lift.d witn IB txp.ri. nc. a. .n fuctor. Many Oregonian are not satisfied. They are concerned about the educa tion their children are not getting. Lack of respect for authority, poor reading, poor vocabulary . . . these are just a few of the weaknesses resulting from teaching methods prescribed by the incumbent State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Walter Blake will help correct these inadequacies. ft. tact W.ltw BUM tar Your CkiWrM't Sl CnrnilUK Mrs. Pallid J. Lockard. Clilirmt., 2460 S W. Gloilwm Rm4. Uk Omgo. On. r 12f entral's J ij Li Wii r"$ v " ft'"t,' f"""'" fW. j i iiuM.iv P"l ft m. ft urn h 1 v 7 j u u Lu ij u C- j rouinn, nlJrr E3 DURKEE'S m aUff nrAklC Fi MAYONNAISE pi 3 u 49 H 2-149 3f"$I 89 Pie Crust Mix 31 GIANT SIZE HUNTS 8 OZ, NABISCO IVORY LIQUID Family Favorites 630 9 For Cookies 3 '1 CHEF BOT-AR-DEE FROZEN REACT TO BAKE CHEESE SAUSAGE 490 590 FROZEN 12 OZ. TIP TOP Orange Juice 29 m'7'fwwi mil jiiu, 1 i.if iiiiiw-iwmbmw 1 OREGON CHIEF Smoked Picnics u- CABBAGE lb 90 POT RQASTS , . ( . , , , i Blade Cut Arm Cut BANANAS 3 49v 55$ jj 590 NEW WHITE PI - CO tOiA R0UND"UP BRAND otatoes 5 39C njNCH MEAT RADISHES and IQf vS. 1 cnD i GREEN ONIONS JBracHS V uTTJZ e Pkg. F0R41 PRICES GOOD MAY 13 and 14 Phones: (Groc.) 676-9614, (Meat) 676-9288 It's nice to save twice low prices and S&H Green Stamps MARKET STAMPS j