Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1966)
HEPPNER GAZETTE THE W iV HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES Hcppooz. Oregon I7WS MORROW COUNTY'S NEWSPAPER The Heppner C.aiette established March 30. 1SS3. The Heppner Times established November 18, 1897. Consolidated February 13, 1912. WM&l rUlllSHIII a1 SOCIATION WESLET A. SHERMAN Editor and Publisher Office Hours: 8 Lm. to 6 pjn, Monday through Friday; 9 am until noon Saturday. Subscription Rates: $4.50 Yea. Single Copy 10 Cents. Published Every Thursday and Entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as Second Class Matter. How to Change Our Image Recently Jane Rawlins wrote of the work being done by the PTA study group to "change the Image" of Morrow coun ty schools arid to create a condition that would Invite and hold good teachers In our system. This study group has a fine and sincere purpose. Is well motivated and deserves the support and interest of parents and school patrons throughout the county. The people, as well as students, school staff and adminis tration, create the image of our school system. It Indeed, we can generalize and say there Is a particular Image. By the same token, the image is well within the public's power to change. Certainlv everv Dcrson with tv...,..n rr H-,,-.rtf- 1 CT1T.-1T - TIMES. Thursday Mot 5. 966 NATIONAL NEWSPAMI T IIJHIHIBIIIHIIl mmmi-inm HELEN E. SHERMAN Assodata Publish children in school realizes the CP" V!-P T"' r.-j, Chaff and Wes EVERY MAN has only one mother. And most men can look back and say with genu ine feeling and sincerity that his mother was the "best of all." Others know this cannot be true, because each knows his mother was best. Even so, each man can understand the oth er's sentiments. With this li. Mother's Day approaching, we're going to de vote this column to the "Best of All Mothers." as we see her, and trust that those who read this will understand that our mother. Mrs. Harrv A. iWllla) Sherman. Sr., holds this place In our esteem. We ask that our readers consider her as symbol ic of their own dear mothers and consider this a tribute for them, too. MRS. SHERMAN, who resides In her cozy little one-bedroom home in Forest Grove, is now in her golden years, but all the kindness and goodness which have been the keystones of her exemplary life are now com bining with her strong faith in God and her fellow man to bring her a rich mellowness and serenity to her elder days. Approaching four score years, every day Is an exciting adven ture and she has a rigorous schedule that involves meetings with her "Knit Wits club." church study groups, working tn a yard that is filled w ith a var iety of unique and fascinating plants, and tending to the needs and problems of children and Chatter Sherman family of nine children and knew the rigors of being a P. K. (preacher's kid) In a large fam ily, but the faith of her father and the loving care of a devout mother have been formed Into inalienable parts of her lite. Her Bible has been a constant com panion ami she lives by its precepts. She has an unshak able belief on the fundament al side. This was quite evident when. In the 30's. her over zealous collegiate son would come home from a day at Pa ; clftc U. and expound some of I the new theories to which he , had been exposed. She listened ;to these bv putting hands tight ly over both ears! I YOUNG WILLA grew up with the City of Portland after brief tastes of nativ Texas and young girlhood In the coastal wilds of Hebo where her daddy conducted his ministry at the time. Their home on the east side of Portland was surrounded bv jcow pastures. This same land is now criss-crossed by city I streets. Industries, and homes, 'as if it had alwavs been this. She was a beautiful girl in , her vouth with dark hair and j big dark brown eves Just as !she is beautiful today. She was ! pretty enough, in fact, to be I chosen as candidate for Rose ' Festival queen In the days when the princesses came from business houses In Portland. She worked in a large department store. headache to practical dad. but a necessity for mother. No matter where mother lived, she made the living nice, and the piano was part of this win ter at Olemta while the old single wall batten nouses mm bunkhouses were lelng built as ndiuncts of the sawmill opera tion. The mother-of-pearl keys suf fered from the moist winter, and wore dropping off. despite lay ers of glue, for years after. It was in this setting that I first became acquainted with ,tiur mIiiii this was the scene of mv earliest recognit ions. This was me lanu oi ins steam donkeys. horse-drawn lumber wagons over plank roads, stumps on denuded hill sides, and shrieking night hawks. Here, with brothers Harry, two years older, and Carl, sev en years older, I roamed the hills, searched crawdads In Die qua crock, hid out In the hob low below the rinits of uit old windfall to try smoking dried leaves in a crude elderberry pipe, and flipped water dogs out of a rancid millpond. While this threesome was seeking new mischief, mother always held us unknown to us under her watchful eye from the big boss's house on top of the hill. The big white collie, which was always with us. was a constant signal-, her bushy tail serving as a waving flag wherever we may be. There were times when we almost es ciiped this watchful eye when we swiped the dynamite from the storage shed or when we nearly drowned In the pond, but she managed to salvage us. Mother served on the school board of the district that sup ported the one-room school we attended, and she has been ac tive throughout her life In TO THE EDITOR IVar We. On behalf of the Morrow County Wheat League and on tnv own behalf. I would like to extend mv sincere thanks to the Gazette-Time and to Its staff for the excellent aupiort and coverage of the 3rd annual 8th Grade Tour held Inst week. Anv measure of success on a proh-ct such as this depends a great deal on the boost It gets from the press. This we have had from the Gazette-limes, lhe only wav we can show our ap vr... I hi ion t you and the pa ler Is to publicly sav a great big THANKS Another often forgotten ami taken for granted gentleman In our county Is the tour director and county agent. Gene Winters Without the hard worn oi v.em-. 1 feel that the tour would have never gotten off the ground. He was the fellow who made the arrangements with the Portland students. It was he who final ly placed these students with the local host families. He was Instrumental In lining up the tour Itself and It was he who remembered to pick up the oos ends that everyone else seemed to forget. To vou Gene, ami to our office staff, we av THANKS Of course there are many other teople who had much to do with this protect. There were the teachi who represented the Morrow county schools, the i members of the public relations j committee of the Morrow Coun ty Wheat League, mere was me work done bv the domestic utilization committee of that organization, and the tre mendous financial rupikiM glv- oiganlratlon that were given to the aiuucws uivuiveti win re mind tin-in of the visit to our county for vents to come. To all wiio participated, your time and efforts were well received a . ... -.1. . .. anu npprrviHit-u. i minus u an I,oui a. nrison Chairman Morrow County Wheat league Church to Host 'Family Crusade A siterlal "Family Crusade" rrlrs of evening meeting will be held at the Assembly of God church, starting Tuesday. May 10. according to announcement by Itev. lilllte AUup. pastor. The talented family of Rev. and Mrs K. Uasmussen. with sons Craig and Khan, of Van couver. Canada, will conduct (he Family Crusade program Tues day through Sunday, May 15, with the exception of Saturday, beginning each night at 7:00 p.m. The public l Invited to attend. A variety of musical Instru merits will be used with their spirited singing. Bible preach'ng will be accompanied by mech anical illustrations. Bible stor ies are dramatized by use of marionette, with stereophonic sound and seciul lighting ef fects. SiM-clai talent In the playing of German hand bell and the musical saw will be displaced by the couple. Rugglcs' Daughter In 'Sound of Music' Mr. and Mrs Charle Kuggle hail the delightful exixirleme of seeing and hearing "The Sound if Music" twrformrd bv thj