Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1966)
KtttntM OAZrXTC TTMU. TkrdT. April T. INI 43 Glub Members Judge Livestock If GAIL HcCAKTT Mmtvw County At FiwtV'lliri Mttrrow eounty 4 II llvrlk club rnemN-rs ir Urinated In th aerond livestock rVld dv fn the Morrow rountv falrrrrmni VHnr1v, Mwrrfi 1&. The morning urogram tVatur Ml riltoulon on tlnu to con alder In ludcinit l--f animal. Etvrn bv ln Robin-ton. The top irrt Juittro In th afirrnoon con tit wrr a follow: 1. Paul ll-alv iWW5 the hair to crw back hlte. To aritv IhU bra ml. the hair wu tlipil ry abort. The heavy eopi "tron" Mat chilled In a aolutiort 4 rruried dry loe an.1 alcohol and ai'ilwd to th animal (or 30 tHivniU. It mm pointed out that thia timing aermed aanvfartory in matuw animal tiin the malarial he had. If oihrr material were uurd for th "iron" or it ouncer nlmala wvw to ho branded. ttiU time could varv comloVraMy. ThoM In attendance fIt that thlf methyl would te rxtreme Miw Cuary CJtOFWCATNta SOMMAIT Tor Nt aadlnq April I (Conptlad by 0. S. Dput nasi ! Agricultural SpiliW bailey aaJL Grata dolnq rU. ConaldeiabU nttl and aom powdary mlUlw a aoily fall planted wheat Some aotf mittxire seeda ahawtaa up. Alicia and araa atattiaa oIL Tall ee4d rye, winter bailey and winter and apiuta wheat are all emerged and In etoolina toqe. Sprtna barley la SO percent emeroed. Market Testing On SGS Potatoes Underway in City ly DONNA CCOKCK Oreron ' houaewlvra nhopfini! In certain hull ami market thU "VVk U month mav hav ntitiortuiiliv loL, ..- t.i!'l on 15 2. l.arrv lYttvlohn 491 1 X Sue nrrfnun TM ' Iv UM-ful In numherinc ca 4. Steve IVttvtohn . 474 S The while number would 5 Tereaa llamhman CM 4 vuiMe at any time of the year Becky Hohertv 4511 without first rllpi'lnc the anl- 7. Sherrl O'Brien - 44.1.2 ma 1. More rraearrh need to be 8. BUI Greenup . 4.1.2 fearried on to determine lontrev- !i Judv Bennett ittJjltv and ealnea to blotch be- 10. John Currtn . - Ctt2 fore mot were willing to ue "fciSef for SianiiD On Diversion Total pimtble a we wa COO. Membera had to present oral reanona fvr one cla and writ ten reanont rn another. Judging rlassea Included a rlaM of bore ford bulla provided by Don Roh. lawn, a rlai of hen-ford bulla from Herbert Kkslrom. a claw of aouthdown crosa ewea from B'rnard lXherty. and a rlasa of uffolk ewea from Don Greenup. Freei Branding Demonstrated Several Morrow county ranch ers attended the Canyon City demonstration on freeze brand ing clven by Dr. Kelih Kartell of Washington State University. Dr. Karrrll pointed out thla method merely destroyed the1 pigment In the hair cell causing1 thla method iot the only erhlp mark. Dotatma. reseaivh of the Kx ierlment Station at IXM'. an j improved methol if n"i',lnJ potatoca may te InltubM A .crptablllty of Sirctfic clr.v Ity .Separated rvuto-." t. I he con aumer will be tested in market . that are cooiwrntino wllh the I'nlveriiltv In this Tttla new methoil f market Ing ttolatoea U bawed on ft'1' Unga of the reearvher that aiHvlflc gravity of potalo de termlnea cooklnir oualltv. A ! .tato high In atatvh and other aolUt la lkal for baking. m:i" ilnii or French frvina. If the h tato U low In aollda. It U b't for boiling, retaining It wie ana aulted to serving wn' (aliced or diced for salad, or in .casseroie aunea. The test developed hv Ihe scl American country on the Ta line contd. iMirdered by Guat emala and llitndura. rour ll lncnalnir there ernment of the coun try ha reoueted men and wo men with 4 II. home economic or agricultural backgrounds to work as counterparts with their county agenta. miuTiitrallng on 4 II The Oregon Cooperative- Fs lenalon Mervtie la in charge of recrullment (or thla aimlal IVacw tor pa pro)eet. locsl per sona Interested should contact Donna tlt-oree at tlve Mbtow County Katrnnlon Offliv. Ileii iter, for adilillonal liUoimatbei ivll IS U deadline for !lgn- own- ing up tv alierlrii Intention In the I'.kM Wheat and Feed Grain enlists for determining whethr imrrMon program, aeroroing to potatiMs are mealv or waw . , . . D.vld Mcl-etd. ASCS director, makes ue of a aalt solution. If rlCId I rip rianned , To be eligible to participate, the potato alnka. thlx hhow it In cither one or Uth of these to be high In solids another A meeting of Bees Buv Bud- programs a tarm mui nave a way of saving its swvlflc crav dies 4 11 club was held at the wn acreacr allotment ana uy I nign. A ptitato that li""" k xt.t. w a ntHi grain oast, oariey. on the solution la low in solias, Z . V I" k wrn- fir,n ""fChum l (low siHH-lfic gravity). Thu-t the at 4:tX) p.m. Jane Krebs 1hI j To qualify for wheat cvrt If I-1 "floater" is selected for boiling. the flag phtlges. We discussed rates an.t pruv upiort loan the "sinker" fi baking. a field trip to the Lawrence a minimum acreage equal to J A machine has been con- I -rat her Co. In Portland, one of l.V of the wheat acreages allot- struct ed that will separate po- the earliest harness companies ment must b diverted to a soil tatoes on the basis of their sol- in Oregon. Clint Kreba will give conserving use. Additional ril- Ida content. a demonstration about the prac- version above the 15T level i The obkK-t of the market test tlcal uses of leather at our next would qualtfv for diversion ac- U to determine whether the con- meeting at the Krehs home on reage payment based on a per- Burner will avail herself of the Monday at 4mM p.m. cent of value of the crop. I Part irlnat Ion in th Fe-d Clint Krebs. reporter Grain diversion program at of base diverted, qualifies opportunity to buy potatoes suited to the cooking method she has In mind. A new type of potato bag. di For Weed Spraying CALL ON MR COYER Owner Gar Aviation FIELD MAN Jin Pettyjohn Spraying-Dusting-Fertilizing-Seeding DRY OB LIQUID FEHTHJZEH APPLICATION A GOOD JOB AT A FAIR PRICE You Can Find Us All Year Around AT THE LEXINGTON AIRPORT Phone 989-8422 farm for price support loans and , signed to prevent greening Ihat price support payment on up to results when potatoes are ex 50" of the feed grain base if posed to light, will be used In seeded for harvest. Additional i connection with the "SGS" mar diversion above the 20 mini- ket tests. Consumer reaction to mum will also qualify for di version payment. Wheat acreage allotments and Food Grain bases vary with each farm, making it necessary to visit the Agricultural Stabillza tion and Conservation Service (AV;i nffiv nrlnr tn Anrll IS 19t6. and signing paricipation land pointers for forma In order to be eligible for, kinds. Oregonlans program benelits. Don't Be Taken lot A new leaflet entitled. "Don't Be Taken in" is being published by the Cooperative Extension Service of Oregon State Uni versity. It answers several ques tions relating to deceptive sales manship and the Oregon Con sumer Protection Law. Copies of the leaflet are avail able at the Morrow County Ex tension office. the new-style bags also will be sought. OSU Circular of Information 600 entitled "Science In Cook ing Potatoes." It describes the differences between mealy and waxv potatoes, how thev are Identified by the salt water test. using both may write the Bulletin Clerk. Industrial Building, Oregon State Univer sity. Corvallls. Oregon 97331 to obtain a free copy. Volunteers Needed lor Project Former 4-H members or lead ers who desire to share their knowledge with others are need- j ed for a new Peace Corps pro ject in El Salvador. I El Salvador is a small Central , FARMERS: YOU ARE INVITED TO Padberg Machinery Co.'s Gleaner Hillside C!lo)DDi) di SALES AND SERVICE Tuesday, April 12 AT PADBERG MACHINERY BLDG. FREE Starting With DINNER At 7 P.M. In The Rcbckah Hall, Lexington Motion Pictures Will Be Shown Representatives Will Discuss The New Farm Equipment Lexington Ph. 989-8145 Tell the advertiser you saw It In the Gazette-Times. FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE DUE TO ILL HEALTH MR. VAN HUBBARD HAS QUIT FARMING AND IS SELL ING HIS MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT TO THE HIGH BIDDER. LEE PETTY. JOHN IS ALSO SELLING SOME EQUIPMENT AT THIS SALE. SUNDAY, APRIL 9-11 A.M. RAIN OR SHINE DIRECTIONS TO SALE: Van Hubbard Ranch between lone and Condon Oregon Highway at 8 Mile and Gooseberry Junction, approximately 8 Miles West of lone, ure, watcn lor Auction Signs. TRACTORS J.D.-B-Tractor. 11x38 Tires, Electric Start, Single Front End. Farmhand Loader, F-10-A with Hay Basket and Ma nure Fork. J.D. Model B Wheel Tractor with Wide Front End. Oliver Model 50 Wheel Trac tor. SHOP & MISC. EQUIP. G.E. 200-amp Portable Weld er, V-4 Wisconsin Engine on Rubber. Nuts and Bolts of all Kinds. 150 Gallon Fuel Tank Acetaline Outfit, Complete with Cart Lincoln Welder. Butane Shop Heater, New. Air Compressor. Misc. Alamite Grease Equipment. Jacobson Garden Rototiller. Shop Drill Press, Rakes, Forks and Shovels. - 2 20-foot Spray Booms. 3 Bench Vises and Wheelbar rows. " Bench Grinder and Skill Saws. All Kinds of Grease Guns. 3 Spring Cattle Guards and Chicken Feeders; ' ' - 50 Gallon Barrel Tar. 2 Big Work Benches. Post-Driver and Heavy Hing es. Clamps, Saws, Wire Stretch ers. Hog Wire and, 32- Wood A- Frames 4x4. Wrenches of all Kinds. Lots of New Link Chains. Nut and Bolt Cabinet 9 feet long. ... 2 Blow Torches and . Weed Burner. Butane Shop Heater. All Kinds of Filters. Tool Chest and Lots of Hoses, Well Pump Rods. 2 Tarps 8x16; 1-20 foot Wood en Gate and Cedar Posts. Lots of Wood Panels; Lots of Scrap Iron. Lots of 2x6-1x6-2x12 and Poles. HARVESTING EQUIPMENT & CATS T.D.-14 Internati o n a 1 Cat, Real Good Shape. R.D.-7 Sat, Serial No. 2H- 5150W. PTO and Belt Pulley Attach for D-6 Cat 3 J.D. 36-B Combines on Rub ber, 20 Foot Headers, Han son Levelers, Header Carts on Rubber, Can Be Controll ed From Cat, or Combine, Motors and Rubber Good. Extra Parts. 4 J.D. 10 Foot Drills. 7" Spac ers, New Self-Sealed Discs. J.D. B-36 Combine, Stiff Tongue for Parts. Snowco 20 Foot Hay Elevator with 3 H.P. B and S Engine. All Kinds of Parts for J.D. Combines. 3 Case Drills, 12 Foot, 18 & 7. Parts for R-D 6 Cat. 30 Neoprene Grain Fertilizer Tubes, New. 13x28 Combine Tires. Spare Wheel and Tire for Header Cart, 690-600x9. Front Wheel Combine Tiffe 900x18. Wyatt Bazooka 8" Auger on Transport, 42 Foot Length with Grain Hopper and 5 H.P. Wisconsin Engine. 12 New Discs for J.D. Drill, Sealed Bearings. Harris 98 S.P. Combine, 18 ft. Header. Used 3 Years. Ser ial 98690. Foster Chaff Blower and Wagon for 95H J.D. Com bine. HOUSEHOLD AND MISC. Stauffer Couch. ' 2 Beds. Maytag Washer. Rubber Tired Hand Trucks. Lawn Mower. Plastic Hose. SADDLE HORSES 3 Well Broke Saddle Horses. 3 to 5 Years Old. FARM MACHINERY 15 Sections J.D. Rotary Hoe, Excellent Condition. 710" Trash Master Weed er, Heavy Gooseneck Calkins. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Terms of Sale Will Be Cash or Check; Make Credit Arrangements Before Sale; Not Responsible for Accidents; Lunch Will Be Served. 2 Gobel 13V4 Foot Discs with Full Set Scrapers, Depth Gauges. 22" Discs. Graham-Hoeme Chisel Plow Low Profile, 24' Foot Graham, Hoeme, Chisel Plow, High Clearance, 28 Feet Include Wings. 10 Section J.D. Flex-Harrow. International 5 Bottom Plow. 2 J.D. 4 Furrow Plows. J.D. 11 Foot CC Field Culti vators. Calkins Wheat Treater. Letz Grain Roller. Sweeps for Vanholm Plow, New. 4 Weeder Hitch and 1-2 Weeder Hitch. 3 Weeder Hitch. 4 10 Foot Dempster Deep Fur row Drills. Calkins Slurry Grain Treater. 3 12 Foot Case Disc Drills, Hieh Wheel 7" Spacer. TRUCKS and PICKUPS 1948 International Truck, Big Engine, 2 Ton, 6-16 foot Grain and Stock Racks with Hoist. 5 and 2 Speed, 900 Rubber. 1950 4 Wheel Drive Jeep Pick-up. 1952 2V4 Ton Chevrolet Truck, Big Engine, 14-foot Stock and Grain Racks, 4 and 2 Speed, 900 Rubber with Hoist. 1958 Ford Ran chero with Snap-On Canopy. Sharp. 1952 GMC Pickup. Big Motor, 1938 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck, Trap Wagon, with Air Compressor. 2175 Gallon Fuel Tanks and Lubrication Equip ment. 1955 Chevrolet Vi Ton Pickup. 1952 Cylinder Chevrol e t Truck Engine, New Over hauL Lots of Truck and Pickup Wheels. All Kinds of Used Tires for Truck and Pickup. 20 Foot Cattle Bed and Rack. 1951 Chevrolet Pickup Ton with Dump Flatbed FREEZE 'EM WHILE THEY'RE FRESH 1 An electric freezer brings "super market" conveniences and economy to your home An e'ectric freezer is another good way you live better for lets because of low-cost rural electric power! Now you can buy seasonal spe cials when prices are low; keep them in your freezer to be served months later when prices have climbed two or more times what you paid! An - r irtT I " fit I 4 .. M t r " r IAS U ' t j -Y- f". r till '- H.u 1 i'r-. v . . electric freezer eaves shopping trips so the busy homemaker can spend more time wllh her family instead of making unnecessary trips back and forth to the grocery. Keep (hat garden-fresh goodness In these modern days, every family' should have garden-fresh fruits and vegetables all year. An electric freezer makes It easy to preserve so many different foods from your gar den and orchard. It's much faster and not nearly so messy as old fashioned canning methods. And frozen foods have a delightful way of keeping all that "just picked" fresh taste. An electric freezer can quickly pay for itself, fn addition to vegetables, you'll save money on meats. Even poultry and fish will keep safely for months In an electric freezer. r-" Smile when guests stay for dinner There's always extra food for unex pected guests when you have an electric freezer. No need to drive to the grocery. You have your own con venient "supermarket" right In your own home. There's always extra meals at your fingertips. Most families find that an electric freezer adds to the variety of foods. It's so much easier to plan meals, too. f r An electric freezer Is another big step toward modern living. Like so many other electrical appliances, It costs only pennies to operate, thanks to low-cost rural electric power. FOR YOUR AUCTION NEEDS, CALL DICK WILLIAMS ANYTIME I DICK WILLIAMS, Auctioneer Mr. and Mrs. Van Hubbard Kennewick, Wn. 582-2614 Owners lone. Ore. Ph. 422-7220 Sales Management: WILLIAMS AUCTIONEERING SERV Ph. Kennewick 582-2614 Having Succssful Sales For You Is Our Business Member of National Auctioneering Association Columbia Basin Electric Co-op Serving Wheeler, Gilliam, and Morrow Counties